Facilitator Report
Facilitator Report
Facilitator Report
Facilitator: PBL topic: Course: PBL group: Yes Knowledge Behave as a source of information during discussion Share with students relevant stories from real experiences Guide students to discuss un-certain information given by the students Skills Address the students with their names Listen carefully to students discussion Say well done good question whenever student gives an important comment Give equal opportunity for all students to express their viewpoint Keep on asking questions to direct students attention towards important facts No Comments
Yes Encourage the silent/shy student to participate Give the group some suggestions helping them to formulate the knowledge Control dominant student or those who interrupt discussion Keep the discussion to the limits of the predetermined objectives Help the students to finish on time Give mini lecture related to the topic Attitude Punctual Smile and show cheerfulness at the beginning of PBL session Keep eye contact and use non verbal communication during the discussion Give the group a feedback at the end of each session