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Fiscal Year 2002 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies - DELAWARE

Maximum Required
Expenditures For
Choice-Related Maximum Per-Child
Transportation Expenditure For
FY 2002 Title I And Supplemental Supplemental
LEA ID District Allocation * Educational Services** Educational Services ***

1000080 APPOQUINIMINK SCHOOL DISTRICT 257,938 51,588 1,210.97

1001240 BRANDYWINE SCHOOL DISTRICT 2,320,079 464,016 1,441.04
1000180 CAESAR RODNEY SCHOOL DISTRICT 1,365,501 273,100 1,312.98
1000170 CAPE HENLOPEN SCHOOL DISTRICT 721,035 144,207 1,280.70
1000190 CAPITAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2,874,238 574,848 1,777.51
1000200 CHRISTINA SCHOOL DISTRICT 5,093,315 1,018,663 1,487.53
1000230 COLONIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2,437,087 487,417 1,461.08
1000270 DELMAR SCHOOL DISTRICT 167,139 33,428 1,326.50
1000680 INDIAN RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 2,508,983 501,797 1,727.95
1000790 LAKE FOREST SCHOOL DISTRICT 1,305,912 261,182 1,750.55
1000810 LAUREL SCHOOL DISTRICT 986,704 197,341 1,725.01
1001080 MILFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 890,165 178,033 1,401.83
1001300 RED CLAY CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRIC 4,045,555 809,111 1,471.65
1001530 SEAFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 730,656 146,131 1,479.06
1001620 SMYRNA SCHOOL DISTRICT 541,787 108,357 1,214.77
1001850 WOODBRIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 1,427,708 285,542 1,881.04
1099999 PART D SUBPART 2 0 0 0.00

* Actual amounts received by LEAs will be smaller than shown here due to State-level adjustments to Federal Title I allocations. States adjust
allocations, for example, to reflect LEA boundary changes or the creation of new LEAs, including charter school LEAs, that are not accounted
for in the Department's calculations. States also are permitted to reserve up to 1 percent of allocations for administration and must reserve
2 percent of allocations (rising to 4 percent in fiscal year 2004) for school improvement activities. These adjustments will reduce the actual
amounts available under all three columns of the table.

** An LEA must use up to an amount equal to 20 percent of its Title I, Part A allocation (the “20-percent reservation”) received from the State
to cover choice-related transportation costs for students who exercise a choice option and to pay for supplemental educational services for
students whose parents request such services. The 20-percent reservation may include Title I, Part A funds or funding from other Federal,
State, local, and private sources. The amount shown in this column is the Department’s estimate of the amount that affected LEAs - those
with schools identifed for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring - may have to spend to meet this requirement. Actual
expenditures will depend on such factors as the number of students exercising either a choice option or supplemental educuational services and
the costs of satisfying these requests. An LEA has discretion to determine the allocation of these funds between choice-related transportation
and supplemental educational services, except that it must spend at least one-quarter of the 20-percent reservation - or an amount equal to
5 percent of its Title I, Part A allocation - on each activity if there is demand for both from students and their parents.

*** An LEA that must arrange for supplemental educational services is required to pay, for each child receiving services, the lesser of the actual cost
of the services or an amount equal to the LEA’s Title I, Part A allocation received from the State divided by the number of poor students in the
LEA, as determined by estimates produced by the US Bureau of the Census. Thus the amount shown in this column reflects the statutory “cap”
on per-child expenditures for supplemental educational services.

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