1 Spool Inspection Report (Text Output from AutoFix Software Explained)
Copyright Mike Lloyd Technical Services Ltd. 1998~2008 Updated 07/04/08
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Survey Software Spool Report
Mike Lloyd Technical Services Ltd. - SPOOL INSPECTION REPORT
Job No 01001 Surveyor MIKE LLOYD Date : 7-Dec-01 Time : 12:14 PM
Client BLUEWATER Ref Drg QYS-342-001 REV C2 Spool No SPOOL B
FLANGE | AZIMUTH Error ZENITH Error BOLT/HOLE Error | Az Zn Len | ANGLE From Design ANGLE From Design ROTATION From Design | Error Error Error | Deg mm Deg mm Deg mm | mm mm mm | AF AF RD |
Note : The errors reported are the deviations from the design requirement shown on the above Ref Drg Az (+) = clockwise when viewed from above, (always perpendicular to line of pipe ). Zn (+) = upwards, (always perpendicular to line of pipe ). * E/W N/S = flange within 10 degrees of vertical, (bolt hole rotation related to north ). Len (+) = long, (always along line of pipe). Bolt Hole Error (+) = clockwise when looking on to face of flange. ( ) = Values for adjacent flange Azimuth, Zenith, Bolt Hole Rotation. AF = flange face error in mm, (across face). RD = bolt hole error in mm, (radial deviation). F = error at front face. B = error at weld face, (when pipe end, error at one diameter). @ = design values. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Copyr|grl (c) V||e L|oyd Tecrr|ca| 3erv|ces Lld. 1999~2001
Typical spool report created directly from the survey data. This report cannot be edited, copied or changed.
Training Ver7.1 Spool Inspection Report (Text Output from AutoFix Software Explained) Copyright Mike Lloyd Technical Services Ltd. 1998~2008 Updated 07/04/08
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FLANGE | AZIMUTH Error ZENITH Error BOLT/HOLE Error | ANGLE From Design ANGLE From Design ROTATION From Design | Deg mm Deg mm Deg mm | AF AF RD | @ 0.0 180.0 0.0 | 01 | 104.6001 0.0 0.0 178.9933 1.01 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 | RF | 02.00 | | _300 | |
FLANGE | AZIMUTH Error ZENITH Error BOLT/HOLE Error | ANGLE From Design ANGLE From Design ROTATION From Design | Deg mm Deg mm Deg mm | AF AF RD | @ 180.0 90.0 0.0 | 02 | 181.5324 1.53 2.5 90.1391 0.14 0.2 0.05 0.05 0.1 | RF | 02.00 | | _300 | |
Training Ver7.1 Spool Inspection Report (Text Output from AutoFix Software Explained) Copyright Mike Lloyd Technical Services Ltd. 1998~2008 Updated 07/04/08
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FLANGE | AZIMUTH Error ZENITH Error BOLT/HOLE Error | ANGLE From Design ANGLE From Design ROTATION From Design | Deg mm Deg mm Deg mm | AF AF RD | @ 271.5 90.0 0.0 | 03 | 272.8685 1.37 2.2 90.5347 0.53 0.9 4.9 4.9 5.4 | RF | 02.00 | | _300 | |
Training Ver7.1 Spool Inspection Report (Text Output from AutoFix Software Explained) Copyright Mike Lloyd Technical Services Ltd. 1998~2008 Updated 07/04/08