Mancala, Game of Thought
Mancala, Game of Thought
Mancala, Game of Thought
57 57
77 66 66 SADRAJ FROM THE SADRAJ ................................................................................................3 AAWORD ................................................................................................3 The Two Belgrade Mancalas WORD FROM THE The Two Belgrade Mancalas COLLECTOR COLLECTOR
UN MOt DU COLLeCtIONNeUR. ..................................................5
UVOD......................................................................................................11 TA SVE MOGU BITI PIONI? UVOD TA SVE MOGU BITI PIONI? UVOD UVOD ......................................................................................................11 11 11 69 69 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION WHAT CAN BE USED WHAT CAN BE USED IGRAJUI OVeK ...............................................................................15 AS AACOUNTERS? IGRAJUI OVeK...............................................................................15 AS COUNTERS? IGRAJUI OVEK IGRAJUI OVEK
KAD tABLA KAe tA DA RADI ............................................... 21
73 73 BILA PLAYING MAN BILA JeDNOM JeDNA IGRA THE PLAYING MAN .......................................................... 27 RULES OF THE GAME .......................................................... 27 THEJeDNOM JeDNA IGRA RULES OF THE GAME 81 81 KO tO THE IGRA MANKALU? YOU KO tO SMe DA WHEN SMe DA BOARDTELLS.................................................41 CONCLUSION IGRA MANKALU? .................................................41 WHENTHE BOARD TELLSYOU CONCLUSION WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO
IGRA KRALJeVA ................................................................................ 49 IGRA KRALJeVA ................................................................................ 49
15 15
21 21
ItANJe tABLe.................................................................................. 57 ItANJe tABLe.................................................................................. 57 27 27 85 85 ONCE UPON AATIME THERE ONCE UPON TIME THERE EXHIBITION CATALOGUE EXHIBITION CATALOGUE tA tA SVe MOGU BItI PIONI?........................................................... 75 WASSVeGAMEBItI PIONI?........................................................... 75 WASAA MOGU GAME PRAVILA BI PRAVILA IGRe .................................................................................... 79 NEKO BI UU.................................................................................... 79 NEKO IGRe MRAKU MOGAO UKRASTI MRAKU MOGAO UKRASTI VAE PIONE? VAE PIONE? LITERATURA LITERATURA ZAKLJUAK ........................................................................................ 87 ZAKLJUAK ........................................................................................ 87 35 35 89 89 MIGHT SOMEONE STEAL YOUR MIGHT SOMEONE STEAL YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY KAtALOGIZACIJA THE DARK? KAtALOGIZACIJA .............................................................................. 91 COUNTERS IN .............................................................................. 91 COUNTERS INTHE DARK?
LIteRAtURA ....................................................................................... 95
misaona igra | game of thought
41 41
LIteRAtURA ....................................................................................... 95
91 91
49 49
5. Tabla za mankalu, narod Lulua, DR Kongo, iz zbirke G. ersona 5. Mancala board, Lulua peoples, DR Congo, from the G. Hairson collection
Izloba i katalog Mankala, misaona igra predstavljaju rezultat istraivanja koje je obuhvatalo analizu dosadanjih saznanja o ovoj drutvenoj igri, kao i klasifikaciju i muzejsku obradu tabli za mankalu. Multimedijalna izloba Mankala, misaona igra predstavlja nastavak saradnje Muzeja afrike umetnosti i belgijskog kolekcionara Giber ersona, koji trei put beogradskoj javnosti izlae predmete iz svoje zbirke.2 Pored zbirke afrikih tabli za mankalu, piona3 i skulptura iz zbirke erson, ova izloba je obogaena i predmetima iz kolekcije porodice Popovi, kao i tablama za mankalu iz fonda Muzeja afrike umetnosti u Beogradu. Istovremeno, kako bi se dalo to obuhvatnije tumaenje ove drutvene igre, na izlobi su prvi put predstavljene dve kamene table za mankalu iz dokumentacije Arheolokog Instituta u Beogradu. takoe, znaajan deo u koncepciji izlobe predstavljaju video-radovi sainjeni od razgovora sa kolekcionarom, lokalnim stanovnitvom Afrike, zapadnoevropskim i domaim kustosima, arheolozima i drugim poznavaocima ove drevne igre. Mankala je drutvena igra misaonog karaktera i logiko-matematike kombinatorike, koja se u razliitim varijantama igra na etiri kontinenta: Africi, Aziji, Junoj i Severnoj Americi. S obzirom na to da je zbirka predmeta koja ini izlobu Mankala, misaona igra iskljuivo iz Afrike, katalog prati istorijat, drutveni znaaj, tipologizaciju i pravila mankale na podruju ovog kontinenta. Sa jedne strane, cilj pristupa ovoj temi u katalogu je da se itaocu razjasni problematika sveta igre koja se oko ovog predmeta stvara. Sa druge strane, multimedijalna izloba Mankala, misaona igra koncipirana je tako da posmatrau ponudi vie moguih pogleda na ovu specifinu igru, kao i da mu omogui da kroz sam in igranja mankale postane deo jedinstvene atmosfere koju ona kreira.
Research for the Mancala, Game of thought exhibition and catalogue include the analysis of current knowledge on this board game, as well as the classification and museum study of mancala boards. the Mancala, Game of thought multimedia exhibition is the continuation of the Museum of African Arts collaboration with Belgian collector Guibert Hairson. through this exhibition, the Belgrade public will have the opportunity to see the display of objects from his collection for the third time.1 Besides the collection of African mancala boards, counters and sculptures from the Hairson collection, this exhibition is complemented with objects from the Popovi family collection, as well as mancala boards from the Museum of African Art in Belgrade collection. Concurrently, in order to offer more comprehensive insight into this board game the exhibition will also feature two stone mancalas from the Archaeological Institute in Belgrade. An important part of the exhibition consists of video works containing interviews with Guibert Hairson, Africans, curators from western europe and Serbia, archaeologists, as well as other connoisseurs of this ancient game. Mancala is a cognitive board game based on logic and mathematical combinatorics and is played in different variations across four continents: Africa, Asia, South and North America. As the collection of objects that form the Mancala, Game of thought exhibition are exclusively from Africa, the catalogue follows the history, social significance, typology and mancala rules on the African continent. the approach in this catalogue, on the one hand, aims to explain the concept of the game world that is formed around this object. On the other, the multimedia exhibition Mancala, Game of thought is based on the idea of offering the observers several possible outlooks on this particular game and at the same time opening the possibility, through the act of playing itself, of becoming part of the unique atmosphere the game creates.
2 Pogled na umetnost Kuba/ Regard sur les Kuba, Muzej afrike umetnosti 2006/2007; Mwana Hiti, vie od lutke, Muzej afrike umetnosti 2008/2009. 3 Sama re pion u srpskom jeziku sugerie figuru koju je ovek oblikovao u nameri da je koristi u drutvenoj igri, pre svega, ahu. Meutim, prilikom igranja mankale koriste se obluci, koljke, semenke onako kako ih je oblikovala priroda. Poto se osnovna radnja u igri naziva sejanje, esto se koristi termin semenka bilo koji da je materijal u pitanju. Ukoliko se prihvati takva oznaka i pone da se primenjuje u strunom tekstu, veoma brzo postaje jasno da takva terminologija unosi mnogo zabuna. Ono to re semenka u srpskom jeziku asocira ne moe nikako da bude kameni, koljka, staklo ili plastika. Stoga, u nedostatku boljeg termina, a radi lakeg razumevanja, u tekstu je iskljuivo korien termin pion, kao ekvivalent francuskoj rei koja pod isti pojam stavlja forme napravljene od razliitih materijala kojima se mankala igra.
1 Pogled na umetnost Kuba / Regard sur les Kuba, Muzej afrike umetnosti 2006/2007; Mwana Hiti: vie od lutke/ Mwana Hiti: More than Just a Doll, Muzej afrike umetnosti, 2008/2009.