This product support brochure applies to the following Malvern Instruments products: Mastersizer 2000 Mastersizer S Mastersizer Micro Mastersizer Microplus Author: Dr Alan Rawle Malvern Instruments,UK
A similar photograph of a heap of powder is present in the first figure of the first chapter of the standard particle size reference text1 but as no one bothers to read this chapter we will need to reinforce the science and conclusions therein. The questions we need to consider are: How many analyses are needed for statistical validity? How much sample is required from the bulk (in both number and weight of particles) in order to ensure that we are taking something that is representative of the whole?
This is not the usual situation that we are trying to deal with in particle size analysis. Indeed in the above situation we are so subject to the vagaries of the sampling method (are these independent samples?) and the dispersion method, that this answer is almost meaningless. Besides the British Standard Customer (BSC) will only take one measurement anyway The more important question that is usually requiring a statistical answer is the minimum amount of sample that would be needed to ensure that it could be representative of the whole or at least a rough guide to what we would expect to need. Clearly there will be a number of assumptions needed to answer this particular issue. It is an issue that has occupied chemical engineers since 1880 or so (e.g. Reed).Taggarts Handbook of Mineral Dressing (1948) gives a nonogram for minimum weight (based on type of orerich or leanand particle size) based on the assumptions of Richard (1903) which has been the reference in the mining industry from thereon. Gys work2, 3 (1953, 1982) is extensively quoted where the weight of sample required is proportional to da where the exponent is a variable between 2 and 3 but theoretically 3 (the number volume/mass relationship).The constant of proportionality is dependent on the accuracy desired, the homogeneity and value of the ore. Even later pragmatic work by Kraft (1978 and summarised in 4) is of little value as multiple determinations (he recommends 20 and talks of 1 kg shovels full!) are needed and this is not helpful to engineers seeking ballpark figures before beginning an analysis. So we need to seek more practical solutions. Let us start from the basis that we require a standard error of 1% and that the mid-point of the highest size band is known (d99.5 is close enough unless the pedants insist on a more accurate geometrical midpoint assuming a logarithmic spacing of size classes).We will further assume that this highest size band contains 1% of the material by mass or volume (constant density assumed of a single component system).This is probably reasonable if the customer believes that 100 size classes equate to resolution! So we can calculate the number of particles required in this highest size band:
1/100 = 1/n0.5
leading to a need for 10000 particles in the highest size band.The number 10000 is interesting (although it does not provoke a large entry in the Book of Interesting Numbers5. In fact it provokes no entry at all in the aforementioned volume) as it is the same number of images (not particles) that NBS (National Bureau of Standards) stated that was needed for statistical validity in image analysis6: S(tandard error) is proportional to N-1/2 where N is the total number of particles measuredThis consideration implies that image analysis may require the analysis of on the order of 10000 images to obtain a satisfactory limit of uncertainty (p718, paragraph 1).
Total weight (g) (= Last column X100) 1.31358E-06 0.001313579 1.313579167 1313.579167 1313579.167 13.24 0.85
Assuming spheres
*This represents a typical cement
More rigorous theoretical solutions are provided by Masuda and Gotoh7 and enhanced by Wedd8, but the figures crudely calculated above in the spreadsheet are in the same ballpark.We note that the old maxim that 75 or 100 m provided the point at which sampling became the predominant error in particle size analysis is easily understood if a sample size of around 1g is assumed for many analytical techniques. See below:
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Reliability of selected sampling methods using a 60:40 sand mixture Sampling technique Cone and quartering Scoop sampling Table sampling Chute slitting Spinning riffling Random variation Standard deviation 6.81 5.14 2.09 1.01 0.146 0.075
Taken from Table 1.5 page 38,T.Allen Particle Size Measurement, 5th Edition Volume 1 Chapman and Hall 1997 ISBN 0 412 72950 4
The most common way that sample are taken within industry (scoop or spatula) is subject to an expected standard deviation of just over 5%.Thus if we are using this technique we could not expect to specify our material to better than 20% or so (3 covering 99.7% of a Gaussian distribution is around 16% with this method). The choice is either to employ a spinning riffler for sample division or widen the permitted specification.Thus the recommendations in ISO133209 Section 6.4 which deal with repeatability allow for 3 consecutive aliquots a deviation of 3% for the D50 and 5% for the D10 and D90 in the tails of the distribution. This could only be achieved for samples that have either been correctly divided or were small enough that sufficient particles were in the highest size band.Thus this is a reasonable check on the homogeneity or otherwise of our sample rather than on the performance of the instrument. By the way, the doubling of the permitted deviations under 10 m is more related to control of the dispersion of the material than to sampling.
Sample Trays
From companies such as Retsch or Microscal units can be obtained that will deal with 10 g 100 kg of sample. These are conveniently and usually used in the laboratory in order to split a primary sample into a size suitable for measurement for, say, XRF or laser diffraction. One must realise at this stage that this method is the only one capable of producing less than 1% sample to sample variation. If one does not employ a rotary dividing technique and one wants less than 1% coefficient of variation sample-to-sample then this will certainly end in tears.The other alternative is to use scoop sampling and work with a larger acceptable specification.
3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8
So what if we have a large mine dump or a glacial moraine (so what? you may say):
What are the rules for sampling here? Allen provides two words of advicedont and never. However, this is more flippant than practical (thus appeals to me!) and we need to outline the golden rules of sampling as expounded by Allen and others on many occasions: Take the sample when the product is moving.This could be when a large drum or container is packed. Once in the drum were then subject to any settling that takes place during transport. If this is not practical then were back to the choice of either spinning riffler or a wider specification or experimental evidence/statistics on the basis or real-world experiments Take the entire stream for a short period rather than part of the stream for a long period.This is to avoid taking samples say at the edge where air currents could influence what is sampled or in the middle of a pipe where particle size distribution is not the same as close to the edges.This indicates that crossstream and Vezin type samplers must be statistically better than putting a fixed probe into a stream. The above photographs show the boulder-like particles (larger than a man together with the sub-micron rock flour in suspension at the Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand). In all cases repeated samples (to reiterate, Krafts recommendation is 20) should be taken to assess the homogeneity or otherwise and to get a feeling for the expected variations. Even this may have problems with friable or fragile material (e.g. needle-like pharmaceutical) where the simple act of sampling a barrel or container of powder with a spear is likely to cause damage to the particles:
Open-sided sampling spear and divided spear for dry, free-running powders (Reproduced by permission from The Sampling of Bulk Materials, by R. Smith and G.V James, . The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1981)
For mines and piles of materials then trenches can be dug and the literature (e.g. 1 and 11) contains details of these methodologies. However, actual measurements will indicate the huge spread of particle sizes in such situations and would be more practical than the flippant Dont/never! advice. Slurry sampling is potentially much worse than sampling of dry powders in that segregation or settling is almost certain to be occurring. Extreme care and evaluation needs to be taken when sampling from a pipe or in a wet grinding situation as it is a virtual impossibility that the system is homogenous from a particle size point-of-view A Burt sampler is normally recommended for slurry or suspension sampling:
6. Experimental results
It is reasonable now to examine some practical results of sampling that we have carefully undertaken at Malvern Instruments on purified teraphthalic acid (PTA) both as a dry powder and as a prepared slurry in water.The material is quite large and exhibits the potential for significant sampling errors.The recommendations of ISO13320 were followed in that, for riffled samples, the complete sampled sub-lot was used for the measurement. Repeatability was assessed for wet measurements (the marks on the plots indicating the full set of results) by taking 10 consecutive repeat measurements.
For successive scoop sampled aliquots we see standard deviations in line with those noted by Allen:
Consecutive dry sampling of large material (PTA)
Trend graph
270 220
Mean SD % Variation
We note too that the effect is only just seen at the D90 end of the distribution there is virtually no effect on the smaller D10 and median, D50, points.There is a gradual fall in D90 as we remove the larger material (the nuts and raisins in the museli), which sits on top of the pile, but one can see why this type of (subtle) trend is rarely noted. In the case of a slurry sample we get an interesting step-effect:
Size (Microns)
300 200 100 0 0 10 30 20 Sample number D10 52.11 8.83 16.34 40 40 D50 141.12 22.22 15.75 50 D90 316.02 49.80 15.76
The initial samples were taken by pipette withdrawal from a well and continuously stirred (magnetic stirrer) slurry of the material contained in a beaker.This material in suspension shows little change.The step is at the point when no liquid remained and one started to sample, by spatula, the paste sitting at the bottom of the beaker. This shows segregation effects by the gradual rise in key parameters shown above.
In terms of samples extracted by spinning riffler and measured in their entirety we see no discernible trends in D90 over the 25 trays of the riffler:
USE OF SPINNING RIFFLER Riffled sampling variation
Size (Microns)
300 200 100 0 0 10 20 Record number Mean Standard deviation % RSD Number of samplings D10 52.78 1.97 3.74 25 D50 138.18 4.36 3.15 30 D90 325.16 6.13 1.88
We note that in practical terms I cannot approach the wonderful (ideal?!) s.d. figures quoted by Allen but I can considerably improve on the values generated by simple scoop or slurry sampling and remove any systematic variation.
9. References
1. T Allen Particle Size Measurement 5th Edition Volume 1 Chapter 1 page 3 (Figure 1.1) Chapman and Hall 1997 ISBN 0 412 72950 4 2. P Gy R. Ind. Min. 36, 311- 345, (1953) (in French) 3. P Gy Sampling of Particulate Material,Theory and Practice 2nd Edition Elsevier, Amsterdam (1982) 4. G Kraft (Editor) Sampling in the non-ferrous metals industry: concentrated and recycled commodities Series on Bulk Materials Handling Volume 6 Trans Tech Publications 9 11 (1993) ISBN 0 87849 085 X 5. David Wells The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers Penguin Books: London, 1986 6. A L Dragoo, C R Robbins, S M Hsu et al A critical assessment of requirements for ceramic powder characterisation Advances in Ceramics Vol 21 Ceramic Powder Science (1987).The American Ceramic Society Inc. (p711 - 720) 7. H Masuda, K Gotoh Study on the sample size required for the estimation of mean particle diameter Advanced Powder Technol. Vol 10(2) 159 173 (1999) 8. M W Wedd Procedure for predicting a minimum volume or mass of sample to provide a given size parameter precision Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 18 (2001) 109 113. 9. ISO13320 Particle Size AnalysisLaser Diffraction Methods. Part 1: General Principles ISO Standards Authority, Geneva (1999). Note: Can be downloaded as a .pdf (Acrobat) file from with credit card. 10. Walter Lee Brown Manual of Assaying Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper. 12th Edition E H Sargent and Son Chicago 1907 11. Perrys Chemical Engineering Handbook. Images were taken from the 1950 edition. 12. N T Crosby, I Patel General Principles of Good Sampling Practice Royal Society of Chemistry 1995 ISBN 0 85404 412 4 13. J A Hersey Int. Conf. on Powder Technology and Pharmacy 6 8 June 1978, Basel, Switzerland. Powder Advisory Centre, London (1978) 14. D Train Pharm J. 185, 129 (1960) 15. M Wedd The minimum mass of particles required to achieve a given repeatability of a size parameterTo be presented at 4th World Congress of Particle Technology (WCPT4) Sydney Tuesday 23 July 2002 Stream 1 11:00 hours
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