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Heinz Zimmermann, Linde AG, Hoellriegelskreuth, Federal Republic of Germany Roland Walzl, Linde AG, Hoellriegelskreuth, Federal Republic of Germany

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.1.4. 5.1.5. 5.1.6. 5.1.7.

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . Raw Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethylene from Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cracking Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . Heat Requirements for Hydrocarbon Pyrolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Cracking Yields . . . . . Commercial Cracking Furnaces . . . Tube Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermal Efficiency of Ethylene Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coking and Decoking of Furnaces and Quench Coolers . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1 2 2 4 4 4 8 10 15 21 22 23

5.2. 5.3. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4. 5.4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Quenching of Hot Cracked Gas . . . 25 Recovery Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cracked Gas Processing. . . . . . . . . Front-End Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrocarbon Fractionation Section . Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Process Advances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 31 32 32 35 42 44

Other Processes and Feedstocks . . . 44 Environmental Protection . . . . . . . 45 Quality Specifications . . . . . . . . . . 46 Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Storage and Transportation . . . . . . 47 Uses and Economic Aspects . . . . . . 48 Toxicology and Occupational Health 49 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

1. Introduction
Ethylene [74-85-1], ethene, H2C=CH2, Mr 28.52, is the largest-volume petrochemical produced worldwide. Ethylene, however, has no direct end uses, being used almost exclusively as a chemical building block. It has been recovered from coke-oven gas and other sources in Europe since 1930 [1]. Ethylene emerged as a large-volume intermediate in the 1940s when U.S. oil and chemical companies began separating it from refinery waste gas and producing it from ethane obtained from refinery byproduct streams and from natural gas. Since then, ethylene has almost completely replaced acetylene for many syntheses. Ethylene is produced mainly by thermal cracking

of hydrocarbons in the presence of steam, and by recovery from refinery cracked gas. In 1996 total worldwide ethylene production capacity was 79.3 106 t, with an actual demand of ca. 71 106 t/a [2], which has growth projections of 4.5 % per year worldwide for the period of 1996 to 2005 [3] [5].

2. Physical Properties
Ethylene is a colorless flammable gas with a sweet odor. The physical properties of ethylene are as follows :

169.15 C 103.71 C 9.90 C 5.117 MPa 0.21 g/cm3 0.57 g/cm3 0.34 g/cm3 1.2603 g/L 0.9686 22.258 L 16.5 mN/m 1.1 mN/m 119.5 kJ/kg 47.183 MJ/kg 488 kJ/kg 191 kJ/kg 2.63 kJ kg1 K1 1.55 kJ kg1 K1 52.32 kJ/mol 0.220 kJ mol1 K1 177104 W m1 K1 294104 W m1 K1 805104 W m1 K1 0.73 mPa s 0.17 mPa s 0.07 mPa s 36104 mPa s 93104 mPa s 143104 mPa s 0.002 MPa 0.102 MPa 1.10 MPa 4.27 MPa

mp bp Critical temperature, Tc Critical pressure, Pc Critical density Density at bp at 0 C Gas density at STP Density relative to air Molar volume at STP Surface tension at bp at 0 C Heat of fusion Heat of combustion Heat of vaporization at bp at 0 C Specific heat of liquid at bp of gas at Tc Enthalpy of formation Entropy Thermal conductivity at 0 C at 100 C at 400 C Viscosity of liquid at mp at bp at 0 C of gas at mp at 0 C at 150 C Vapor pressure at 150 C at bp at 50 C at 0 Explosive limits in air at 0.1 MPa and 20 C lower (LEL) upper (UEL) Ignition temperature

mercial importance are: addition, alkylation, halogenation, hydroformylation, hydration, oligomerization, oxidation, and polymerization. The following industrial processes are listed in order of their 1993 worldwide ethylene consumption [6]: 1) Polymerization to low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) 2) Polymerization to high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 3) Addition of chlorine to form 1,2-dichloroethane 4) Oxidation to oxirane [75-21-8] (ethylene oxide) over a silver catalyst 5) Reaction with benzene to form ethylbenzene [100-41-4], which is dehydrogenated to styrene [100-42-5] 6) Oxidation to acetaldehyde 7) Hydration to ethanol 8) Reaction with acetic acid and oxygen to form vinyl acetate 9) Other uses, including production of linear alcohols, linear olefins, and ethyIchloride [7500-3], and copolymerization with propene to make ethylene propylene (EP) and ethylene propylene diene (EPDM) rubber

4. Raw Materials
Table 1 lists the percentage of ethylene produced worldwide from various feedstocks for 1981 and 1992 [7]. In Western Europe and Japan, over 80 % of ethylene is produced from naphthas the principal ethylene raw materials. A shift in feedstocks occurred for the period from 1980 to 1991. In the United States and Europe larger amounts of light feedstocks (LPG: propane + butane) and NGL (ethane, propane, butane) are used for ethylene production, whereas in Japan more naphtha was used in 1991 compared to 1981. The use of gas oils for ethylene production decreased slightly during the 1980s. Ethane [74-84-0] is obtained from wet natural gases and refinery waste gases. It may be cracked alone or as a mixture with propane. Propane [7498-6] is obtained from wet natural gases, natural gasolines, and refinery waste gases. Butanes are obtained from natural gasolines and refinery waste gases. A mixture of light hydrocarbons such as propane, isobutane [75-28-5], and n-butane [106-

2.75 vol % or 34.6 g/cm 28.6 vol % or 360.1 g/cm3 425 527 C

3. Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of ethylene result from the carbon carbon double bond, with a bond length of 0.134 nm and a planar structure. Ethylene is a very reactive intermediate, which can undergo all typical reactions of a short-chain olefin. Due to its reactivity ethylene gained importance as a chemical building block. The complex product mixtures that have to be separated during the production of ethylene are also due to the reactivity of ethylene. Ethylene can be converted to saturated hydrocarbons, oligomers, polymers, and derivatives thereof. Chemical reactions of ethylene with com-

Table 1. Raw materials for ethylene production (as a percentage of total ethylene produced) Raw materials 1979 Refinery gas LPG, NGL Naphtha Gas oil 1 65 14 20 USA 1991 3 73 18 6 1981 4* 80 16 W. Europe 1991 2 14 72 12 1981 10* 90 0 Japan 1991 2* 98 0 1981 31* 58 11 World 1991 17 27 48 8

*Including refinery gas

97-81], commonly called liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and obtained from natural gasolines and refinery gases, is also used as a feedstock. Naphthas, which are the most important feedstocks for ethylene production, are mixtures of hydrocarbons in the boiling range of 30 200 C. Processing of light naphthas (boiling range 30 90 C, full range naphthas (30 200 C) and special cuts (C6 C8 raffinates) as feedstocks is typical for naphtha crackers. A natural-cut full-range naphtha contains more than 100 individual components, which can be detected individually by gas chromatography (GC). Depending on the origin naphtha quality can vary over a wide range, which necessitates quality control of the complex feed mixtures. Characterization is typically based on boiling range; density; and content of paraffins (n-alkanes), isoalkanes, olefins, naphthenes, and aromatics (PIONA analysis) by carbon number. This characterization can be carried out by GC analysis or by a newly developed infrared method [8]. Full characterization of feedstocks is even more important when production is based on varying feedstocks, e.g. feedstocks of different origins purchased on spot markets. The quality of a feedstock is depending on the potential to produce the target products (ethylene and propylene). Simple yield correlations for these products can be used to express the quality of a feedstock in a simple figure, the quality factor, which indicates wether yields of the target products are high or low, with aromatic feedstocks being poor and saturated feedstocks being good feedstocks. Quality characterization factors for naphthas have been developed, which indicate the aromatics content by empirical correlation. Since aromatics contribute little to ethylene yields in naphtha cracking, a rough quality estimate can be made for naphthas with a typical weight ratio of n- to isoparaffins of 1 1.1. The K factor is defined as [9]:

1:8Tk 1=3 d

where Tk is the molal average boiling point in K. Naphthas with a K factor of 12 or higher are considered saturated; those below 12 are considered naphthenic or aromatic. The K factor does not differentiate between iso- and n-alkanes. The U.S. Bureau of Mines Correlation Index (BMCI) [10] can also be used as a rough quality measure of naphthas:
BMCI 48 640=T 473:7d 456:8

where T is the molal average boiling point in K and d is the relative density d15.6. A high value of 15.6 BMCI indicates a highly aromatic naphtha; a low value, a highly saturated naphtha. Gas oils are feedstocks that are gaining importance in several areas of the world. Gas oils used for ethylene production are crude oil fractions in the boiling range of 180 350 C (atmospheric gas oils, AGO) and 350 600 C (vacuum gas oils, VGO). In contrast to naphtha and lighter gas feeds, these feedstocks can not be characterized by individual components. Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC MS) or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) allow the analysis of structural groups, i.e., the percentage of paraffins, naphthenes, olefins, monoaromatics, and polyaromatics in the gas oil, and can be used to determine the quality of the hydrocarbon fraction. If this information is used together with data such as hydrogen content, boiling range, refractive index, etc., the quality can be determined quite accurately. A rough estimate of feed quality can be made by using the BMCI or the calculated cetane number of a gas oil. The cetane number, normally used to calculate the performance of diesel fuels, is an excellent quality measure, since it is very sensitive to the n-paraffin content, which is one

Figure 1. Principal arrangement of a cracking furnace

of the key parameters for the ethylene yield. The cetane number CN is calculated as follows [0]:
CN = 12.822 + 0.1164 CI + 0.012976 CI2

where CI = 0.9187 (T50 /10)1.26687 (n20/100)1.44227, D where T50 is the volume average boiling point in C and n20 the refractive index at 20 C. D

5. Production
5.1. Ethylene from Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons
The bulk of the worldwide annual commercial production of ethylene is based on thermal cracking of petroleum hydrocarbons with steam; the process is commonly called pyrolysis or steam cracking. The principal arrangement of such a cracking reactor is shown in Figure 1. A hydrocarbon stream is heated by heat exchange against flue gas in the convection section, mixed with steam, and further heated to incipient cracking temperature (500 680 C, depending on the feedstock). The stream then enters a fired tubular reactor (radiant tube or radiant coil) where, under controlled residence time, temperature profile, and partial pressure, it is heated from

500 650 to 750 875 C for 0.1 0.5 s. During this short reaction time hydrocarbons in the feedstock are cracked into smaller molecules; ethylene, other olefins, and diolefins are the major products. Since the conversion of saturated hydrocarbons to olefins in the radiant tube is highly endothermic, high energy input rates are needed. The reaction products leaving the radiant tube at 800 850 C are cooled to 550 650 C within 0.02 0.1 s to prevent degradation of the highly reactive products by secondary reactions. The resulting product mixtures, which can vary widely, depending on feedstock and severity of the cracking operation, are then separated into the desired products by using a complex sequence of separation and chemical-treatment steps. The cooling of the cracked gas in the transferline exchanger is carried out by vaporization of high-pressure boiler feed water (BFW, p = 6 12 MPa), which is separated in the steam drum and subsequently superheated in the convection section to high-pressure superheated steam (HPSS, 6 12 MPa).

5.1.1. Cracking Conditions

Commercial pyrolysis of hydrocarbons to ethylene is performed almost exclusively in fired tubular reactors, as shown schematically in Figure 1. These furnaces can be used for all feed-

stocks from ethane to gas oil, with a limitation in the end point of the feedstock of 600 C. Higher boiling materials can not be vaporized under the operating condition of a cracking furnace. Increasing availability of heavy gas oil fractions, due to a shift in demand to lighter fractions, offers cost advantages for processing heavy feedstocks in some areas of the world. Furthermore, the availability of large quantities of residual oil have led some companies to investigate crude oil and residual oils as ethylene sources. Such feedstocks cannot be cracked in conventional tubular reactors. Various techniques employing fluidized beds, molten salts, recuperators, and high-temperature steam have been investigated, but none of these have attained commercial significance [12]. Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons has been studied for years. Much effort has been devoted to mathematical models of pyrolysis reactions for use in designing furnaces and predicting the products obtained from various feedstocks under different furnace conditions. Three major types of model are used: empirical or regression, molecular, and mechanistic models [13]. Today, mechanistic computer models, which are available from various companies, are used for design, optimization and operation of modern olefin plants. Sophisticated regression models are also used, mainly by operators, and offer the advantage of a much lower computer performance requirements than mechanistic models. The regression models are based on a data set, which can consist of historical data or calculated data. Depending on the quality of the data base the empirical regression models can be of sufficient accuracy for most operating problems, within the range of the data field. These models can be run on small computers and are well suited for process computer control and optimization. Molecular kinetic models that use only apparent global molecular reactions and thus describe the main products as a function of feedstock consumption have been applied with some success to the pyrolysis of simple compounds such as ethane, propane, and butanes. For example, cracking of propane can be described as
C3H8 a H2 + b CH4 + c C2H4 + d C3H6 + e C4H8 + ! f C5+

Gross oversimplification is required if these models are applied to complex mixtures such as naphthas or gas oils, but some success has been attained even with these materials. In recent years, advances have been made in mechanistic modeling of pyrolysis, facilitated by the availability of more accurate thermochemical kinetic and pyrolysis data and of high-speed computers. The major breakthrough in this area, however, has been the development of methods to integrate large systems of differential equations [14] [16]. Mechanistic models need less experimental data and can be extrapolated. The accuracy of these models is very good for most components, but they require permanent tuning of the kinetic parameters, especially for computing the crackedgas composition for ultrashort residence times. The main application for mechanistic models is the design of cracking furnaces and complete ethylene plants. The accuracy of the models has been improved, driven by the competition between the contractors for ethylene plants. A number of mechanistic models are used today in the ethylene industry, describing the very complex kinetics with hundreds of kinetic equations [17] [19]. To demonstrate the complexity of the chemical reactions, the cracking of ethane to ethylene is discussed here in detail. A simple reaction equation for ethane cracking is:
C2H6 C2H4 + H2 ! (1)

where a, b, c, d, e, f are empirical factors depending on the conversion of propane.

If this were the only reaction, the product at 100 % conversion would consist solely of ethylene and hydrogen; at lower conversion, ethylene, hydrogen and ethane would be present. In fact, the cracked gas also contains methane, acetylene, propene, propane, butanes, butenes, benzene, toluene, and heavier components. This reaction (Eq. 1) is clearly not the only reaction occurring. In the 1930s, the free-radical mechanism for the decomposition of hydrocarbons was established [20]. Although the free-radical treatment does not explain the complete product distribution, even for a compound as simple as ethane, it has been extremely useful. Ethane cracking represents the simplest application of the free-radical mechanism. Ethane is split into two methyl radicals in the chain initiation step (Eq. 2). The methyl radical reacts with an ethane molecule to produce an ethyl radical (Eq. 3), which decomposes to ethylene and a hydrogen atom (Eq. 4). The hydrogen atom reacts with another ethane molecule to give a

exhaust most of the crackable material in the feedstock. The reaction scheme with heavier feeds is much more complex than with gaseous feedstocks, due to the fact the hundreds of reactants (feed components) react in parallel and some of those components are formed as reaction products during the reaction. Since the radicals involved are relatively short lived, their concentration in the reaction products is rather low. Radical decomposition is one of the most important types of reaction and it directly produces ethylene according to the following scheme: Radical decomposition
! RCH2CH2CH2 RCH2 + C2H4 (11)

molecule of hydrogen and a new ethyl radical (Eq. 5). Initiation

C2H6 CH3 + CH3 ! (2)

CH3 + C2H6 CH4 + C2H5 ! C2H5 C2H4 + H ! H + C2H6 H2 + C2H5 ! (3) (4) (5)

If reactions (4) and (5) proceed uninterrupted, the molecular reaction in Equation (1) results. If only reactions (3) (5) occurred, the cracked gas would contain traces of methane (Eq. 3) and equimolar quantities of ethylene and hydrogen with unreacted ethane. This is not observed. Reactions (3) and (4) terminate if either an ethyl radical or a hydrogen atom reacts with another radical or atom by reactions such as: Termination
H + H H2 ! CH3 + H CH4 ! H + C2H5 C2H6 ! C2H5 + CH3 C3H8 ! C2H5 + C2H5 C4H10 ! (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

This b-scission reaction produces a shorter radical (RCH2 ) and ethylene. Radicals normally decompose in the b-position, where the C C bond is weaker due to electronic effects. Large radicals are more stable than smaller ones and can therefore undergo isomerization. Radical isomerization

The free-radical decomposition of n-butane (Eqs. 12 14) results in the molecular equation (Eq. 15):
n-C4H10 + H n-C4H9 + H2 ! n-C4H9 C2H4 + C2H5 ! C2H5 C2H4 + H ! n-C4H10 2 C2H4 + H2 ! (14) (15) (16) (17)

On termination of chain propagation, new methyl or ethyl radicals or a new hydrogen atom must be generated (Eqs. 2 4) to start a new chain. Thus, every time a new chain is initiated, a molecule of methane is formed (Eq. 3) and a molecule of ethylene is produced (Eq. 4). Other normal and branched-chain alkanes decompose by a similar, but more complex, free-radical mechanism [21]. The number of possible free radicals and reactions increases rapidly as chain length increases. The free-radical mechanism is generally accepted to explain hydrocarbon pyrolysis at low conversion [20]. As conversion and concentrations of olefins and other products increase, secondary reactions become more significant. Partial pressures of olefins and diolefins increase, favoring condensation reactions to produce cyclodiolefins and aromatics. The cracking of heavy feed, such as naphthas or gas oils, often proceeds far enough to

Reactions like (1) and (15) are highly endothermic. Reported values of DH at 827 C are + 144.53 kJ/mol for Equation (1) and + 232.244 kJ/mol for Equation (15). The mathematical description of these complex systems requires special integration algorithms [22]. Based on the pseudo steady state approximation, the chemical reactions can be integrated and the concentration of all components at each location of the reactor (cracking coil) can be computed [23], [24]. In a generalized and very simplified form the complex kinetics of cracking of hydrocarbons (ethane to gas oil) in steam crackers can be summarized as follows:

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