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AE (P)


1 . 0 I N D E X

1. INDEX 1
4. Percentage Rate TENDER FORM (CPWD-7) I/C SCHEDULE A TO F 7-13

NIT No. 89/EE/CBM Divn. M-131/10-11 for Rs. 39,54,447/- having page
No. 1 to 36 is hereby approved.

Assistant Engineer (P)
CBM Division M-131
New Delhi
Executive Engineer
CBM Division M-131
New Delhi


AE (P)



The Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131, J.L.N. Marg, Gate No.1, L.N. Hospital, New
Delhi on behalf of the President of India, invites Percentage Rate tenders through e-procurement
portal from approved and eligible contractors of CPWD enlisted in appropriate category for the
following work:-

1. Last date & time for download of the tender : 11-02-2011 Upto 15:00 PM
2. Last date and time for online submission of tender : 14-02-2011 Upto 15:00 PM
3. Date & time of online opening of Qualification Bid : 14-02-2011 At 15:30 PM
4. Date & time of online opening of Financial Bid : 15-02-2011 At 15:00 PM

Name of work Estimated
1 Rehabilitation of New Boys Hostel building
of Maulana Azad Medical College, New
Delhi. (SH: Back Side).
39,54,447/- 79,089/- Four

Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan/ deposit at call receipt of a scheduled bank/fixed
deposit receipt of a scheduled bank/Demand Draft of a scheduled bank issued in favour of
Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131, has to be submitted physically/manually in the office of
Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131, L.N. Hospital, New Delhi before the last date & time of
submission of tender as mentioned above.
Eligible contractors of CPWD enlisted in appropriate category can participate in the tender
provided they produce definite proof from appropriate authority which shall be to the satisfaction of
the competent authority of having satisfactorily completed similar
(*) nature works of magnitude specified below:-
Three similar work each costing not less than Rs. 15.82 Lacs OR two similar work each
costing not less tang Rs. 23.72 Lacs OR one similar work costing not less than Rs. 31.63 Lacs in
last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which the tenders one invited.
(*) Similar works means Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC structure consisting of micro concrete
The tender document alongwith all the terms and condition is available on Govt. of Delhi website The Contractors participating in the tender should have
Class II digital certificate and registration with the ASP (DGS&D).
Not to be published

CBM Divn. M-131 {GNCTD).


AE (P)




1. Percentage Rate tenders are invited through e-procurement portal on behalf of the President of
!ndia from approved and eligible contractors of C.P.W.D for the work of Rehabilitation of
New Boys Hostel building of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. {SH: Back

2. The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of downloading of tenders. !n
case only the last date of downloading of tender is extended, the enlistment of contractor
should be valid on the original date of downloading of tender.
!n case both the last date of receipt of application and downloading of tender
downloading are extended, the enlistment of contractor should be valid on either of the two
dates i.e. original date of downloading of tender or on the extended date of downloading of
Eligible contractors of CPWD enlisted in appropriate category can participate in the
tender provided they produce definite proof from appropriate authority which shall be to the
satisfaction of the competent authority of having satisfactorily completed similar (*) nature
works of magnitude specified below:-
Three similar work each costing not less than Rs. 15.82 Lacs OR two similar work each
costing not less tang Rs. 23.72 Lacs OR one similar work costing not less than Rs. 31.63 Lacs in
last seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which the tenders one
(*) Similar works means Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC structure consisting of micro
concrete works.

2.1 The work is estimated to Cost Rs. 39,54,447J- this estimate, however, is given merely as a
rough guide.

2.2 The authority competent to approve N!T for the combined cost and belonging to the major
discipline will consolidate N!Ts for calling the tenders. He will also nominate Division which will
deal with all matters relating to the invitation of tenders.

For composite tender, besides indicating the combined estimated cost put to tender, should
clearly indicate the estimated cost of each component separately. The eligibility of tenderer will
correspond to the combined estimated cost of different components put to tender.

2.3 The tenderer shall submit the offer under Two-bid system. First part - Qualification bid and
second part- Financial bid. For Qualification bid the participating contractors should upload
signed copy of following documents through e-procurement portal.
(a) Registration Certificate under Delhi value Added Tax 200+
(b) valid No Dues Certificate" from concerned authority in vAT department or submit an affidavit
that up-to-date returns have been filed and the agency has no dues towards Sales Taxf vAT
department, alongwith copies of all the returns filed in Sales Taxf vAT department.
(c) Registration of enlistment in the appropriate class.
(d) END as prescribed in the N!T.


AE (P)

2.+ Signed copy of the above documents shall have to be submitted by the tenderer physically
before the opening of qualification bid which will be verified at the time of opening of
qualification bid.

3. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No CPWD-7,
which is available as a Govt. of !ndia Publication. Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various
terms and conditions of the said form, which will form part of the agreement.

+. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be Four Months from the date of start as
defined in schedule "F" or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents.

5. The site for the work is available.
OR **
The site for the work shall be made available in parts as specified below.

6. Tender can be downloaded from web site upto 15:00
PN on 11-02-2011. Tender shall be submitted online upto 15:00 PN on 14-02-2011.

Tender documents consisting of plans, specifications, schedule of quantities of the various
classes of work to be done and the set of terms 8 conditions of contract to be complied with by
the contractor whose tender may be accepted and other necessary documents can be seen at
e- procurement web site

7{i) Tenders shall be accompanied with Earnest money of Rs. 79,0S9J- in cash(upto Rs. 10000f-)
fReceipt Treasury Challanf Deposit at Call receipt of a scheduled bankffixed deposit receipt of a
scheduled bankfdemand draft of a scheduled bank issued in favour of Executive Engineer, Civil
Building Naintenance Divn. No. N-131, New Delhi. 50 of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh,
whichever is less, will have to be deposited in the shape prescribed above and balance amount
of earnest money can be accepted in the form of Bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank
having validity for 6 months or more from the last date of receipt of tenders.

7{ii) The earnest money shall be placed in sealed envelope, marked with Earnest Noney" and
Name of Work. !n cases where earnest money in cash is acceptable, the same shall be
deposited with the Cashier of the Division and the receipt placed in the envelope meant for
earnest money. The sealed envelope containing earnest money with the name of work and
due date of opening written on envelope, shall be submitted before Last date and time for
online submission of tender i.e, upto 15:00 PN on 14-02-2011. Qualification bid will be
opened by the Executive Engineer, Civil Building Naintenance Divn. No. N-131 at 15.30 P.N.
on 14-02-2011. Financial bid of qualifying agency will be opened by Executive Engineer N-
131 through e-procurement portal at 15:00 PN on 15-02-2011.

8. The contractor whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee of
5 (Five percent) of the tendered amount within the period specified in Schedule F. This
guarantee shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10,000f-) or
Deposit at call receipt of any scheduled bankfBanker's cheque of any scheduled bankfDemand
draft of any scheduled bankfPay order of any scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is
less than Rs. 1,00,000f-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee
Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of !ndia in accordance with the prescribed
form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within
the period as indicated in Schedule 'F', including the extended period if any, the
Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without
any notice to the contractor.

9. The Description of the work is as follows:- Rehabilitation of New Boys Hostel building of
Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. {SH: Back Side). Copies of other drawings


AE (P)

and documents pertaining to the works will be open for inspection by the tenderers at the
office of the above-mentioned officer.

Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far
as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the
accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect
their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects
it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be
allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all
materials tools 8 Plants, water, electricity, access facilities for workers and all other services
required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract
documents. Submission of tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all
other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the
work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued
to him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the
execution of the work.

10. The competent authority on behalf of the President of !ndia does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any other tenderer and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders
received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed
condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the
tenderer shall be summarily rejected.

11. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and
the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection.

12. The competent authority on behalf of President of !ndia reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the tender shall be bound to perform the same at the rate

13. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the C.P.W.D Circle (responsible for
award and execution of contracts) in which his near relative is posted as Divisional Accountant
or as an officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior
Engineer (both inclusive). He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with
him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any
gazetted officer in the Central Public Works Department or in the Ninistry of Urban
Development. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be
removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department.

13(a) The contractor shall give a list of both Gazetted and non-gazetted CPWD employees related to

1+. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or
Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of !ndia is allowed to
work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Govt. Service without
previous permission of the Govt. of !ndia in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if
either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had
not obtained the permission of the Govt. of !ndia as aforesaid before submission of the tender
or engagement in the contractor's service.

15. The tender for the works shall be remain open for acceptance for a period of Ninety days
from the date of opening of tenders. !f any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said
period or issue of letter of acceptance whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications in the
terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the
Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50


AE (P)

of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the tenderer shall not be allowed to
participate in the re-tendering process of the work.

16. This Notice !nviting Tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
TendererfContractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall, within One
month from the stipulated date of start of the work sign the contract consisting of:-

a) The Notice !nviting Tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and
drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and
acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading there to.

b) Standard form CPWD-7 i.e. General Conditions of Contract for CPWD works (edition 2010) as
modified and corrected upto the last date of issue of tender.

17. The contractor shall quote his rates keeping in mind the specifications; terms 8 conditions,
particular specifications and special conditions etc. and nothing shall be payable extra
whatsoever unless otherwise specified. !f the tenderer does not quote the rate for any item,
leaving the space blank, whatsoever, it will be presumed that the tenderer has loaded the cost
of thisf these item(s) on other item(s), and he will execute this fthese items at zero cost, and
the tender will be evaluated accordingly.

18. !n case of any difference f ambiguity between English 8 Hindi versions, English version shall

19. The department shall deduct !ncome Tax on the value of work done from each bill of the
contractor as per prevailing Government instructionsforders. !n lieu, the department shall issue
a certificate of deduction of the tax at source to the contractor, in relevant form.

20. The tenderer must be registered under Delhi value Added Tax 200+ and he shall submit a valid
No Dues Certificate" from concerned authority alongwith the application for purchase of tender
or submit an affidavit that up-to-date returns have been filed and the agency has no dues
towards Sales Taxf vAT department. He shall also submit copies of all the returns filed in the
Sales Tax f vAT department.

21. Engineer-in-Charge shall deduct TDS and DvAT as per prevailing Government
instructionsforders from the total payment made to contractor in pursuance of this contract.
This TDS shall also be deducted on advance payment to be adjusted in future bills and on the
amount of cost escalation. The TDS certificate shall be issued by the Engineer-in-Charge to the
contractor in form DvAT +3 within 28 days from the end of the month in which tax has been

22. The department shall deduct CESS @1 on the value of work done from each bill of the
contractor as per prevailing Government instructionsforders. !n lieu, the department shall issue
a certificate of deduction of the tax at source to the contractor, in relevant form.

23. !n the tender document, the word CPWD" shall include PWD (GNCTD)" wherever exists.

Executive Engineer
C.B.N.D. N-131(GNCTD)


AE (P)






BRANCH : B 8 R D!v!S!ON : CBM Divn. M-131

ZONE : PWD ZONE N - ! SUB -D!vN. : CB SD M-1314

Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for works

Tender for the work of:- Rehabilitation of New Boys Hostel building of Maulana Azad
Medical College, New Delhi. {SH: Back Side).

(i) To be submitted by 15.00 PM on 14-02-2011 to Executive Engineer, CBM D M-131,
J.L.N. Marg, Gate No. 1, L.N. Hospital, New Delhi through e-procurement portal.

(ii) Qualification Bid to be opened online at 15.30 PM on 14-02-2011 and Financial Bid to
be opened at 15.00 PM on 15-02-2011 through e-procurement portal by Executive
Engineer, CBM D M-131, J.L.N. Marg, Gate No. 1, L.N. Hospital, New Delhi.

Officer Calling the Tender

Executive Engineer
CBN D N-131, PWD
J.L.N. Narg, Gate No. 1,
L.N. Hospital, New Delhi

!fWe have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E 8 F, specifications
applicable, Drawings 8 Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of
contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate 8 other documents and Rules referred to in the
conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work.

!fWe hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of !ndia within the
times specified in Schedule `F' viz. Schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with
the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule- 1 on General
Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are
provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety {90) days from the due date of submission thereof
and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

A sum of Rs. 79,0S9J- has been deposited in receipt treasury challanfdeposit at call receipt of
schedule bankffixed deposit receipt of scheduled bankfdemand draft of a scheduled bank as
earnest money. !f !fWe fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed


AE (P)

period, !fWe agree that the said President of !ndia or his successors in office shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely.
Further, !f !fWe fail to commence work as specified, !fWE agree that President of !ndia or his
successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at
liverty to forfeit the said earnest money and the performance guarantee absolutely, otherwise the
said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to execute all the works
referred to in the tender document upon the terms 8 conditions contained or referred to therein
and to carryout such deviations as may be ordered, upto maximum of the percentage mentioned
in schedule F and those in access of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with
the provision contained in clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.
Further, IJwe agree that in case of forfeiture of earnest money or both Earnest
Money & Performance guarantee as aforesaid, IJwe shall be debarred for
participation in the re-tendering process of the work.

!fWe hereby declare that !fwe shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records
connected with the work as secretefconfidential documents and shall not communicate
information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom !fwe amfare
authorised to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the state.

Dated ................ Signature of Contractor

Postal Address
Witness :

Address :

Occupation :

****** To be Submitted by the contractor online before quoting the rates


The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted
by me for and on behalf of the President of !ndia for a sum of Rs.____________________
(Rupees __________________________________________________________________)

The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement:-



For 8 on behalf of President of !ndia.
Signature ................

Dated ..........
Designation: Executive Engineer, CBM Division M-131


AE (P)



Schedule of quantities (Enclosed) Page No. 36 to 39


Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor:-

S.NO. Description of item Quantity Rates in figures 8 works at
which the material will be
charged to the contractor
Place of issue
1 2 3 + 5


Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor
Sl.No Description Hire charges per day Place of !ssue
1 2 3 +



Extra schedule for specific requirementsfdocuments for the work, if any
a. General Conditions and salient points
b. Amendment to CPWD Contract form 2010.
c. Particular specifications.
d. List of Preferred Nake

Schedule of component of Cement, Steel, Other Naterials, Labour etc. for price escalation.

----------------------------------- NOT APPL!CABLE--------------------------------


AE (P)



Reference to General Conditions

General conditions of contract for CPWD works-
2010 edition with correction slips issued upto
the last date of receipt of tender

Name of work: Rehabilitation of New Boys Hostel building of Maulana Azad Medical
College, New Delhi. {SH: Back Side).

Estimated cost of work : Rs. 39,54,447J-
(i) Earnest Noney : Rs. 79,0S9J-
(ii) Performance Guarantee 5 of the tendered value of the work.
(iii) Security Deposit 5 of the tendered value of the work.

General Rules & Directions:

Officer !nviting tender Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131
Naximum percentage for quantity of items of work to
be executed beyond which rates are to be determined
in accordance with clauses 12.2 8 12.3.

See Below
2 (v) Engineer-in-charge Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131

2 (viii) Accepting Authority Executive Engineer, CBM Divn. M-131

2 (x) Percentage on cost of material and labour to
cover all overheads and profits

2 (xi) Standard Schedule of Rates DSR 2007 8 Narket Rates
2 (xii) Department PWD
9(ii) Standard CPWD contract form Form CPWD-7 Edition 2010 as modified and
corrected upto date.
Clause 1:
(i) Time allowed for submission of Performance
guarantee from the date of issue of letter of

7 Days
(ii) Naximum allowable extension beyond the
period as provided in (i) above
3 Days
Clause 2:
Authority for fixing compensation under
clause 2
Superintending Engineer, CBM C M-13
Clause 2A:
Whether Class 2A shall be applicable No
Clause 5:
Number of days from the issue of letter of
acceptance for reckoning date of start

10 Days

Nilestones As per Table Given Below Description of Milestone Time allowed in days
{from date of start)
Amount to be withheld in case of
non achievement of milestone
1. Gross value of work done = 25%
of tendered amount
30 days 1% of Tendered amount


AE (P)

Gross value of work done = 50%
of tendered amount
60 days 1% of Tendered amount
3. Gross value of work done =
75% of tendered amount
90 days 1% of Tendered amount
4. Gross value of work done =
100% of tendered amount
120 days 1% of Tendered amount

Time allowed for execution of work Four Months

Clause 6, 6A:
Clause applicable (6 or 6A) Clause 6

Clause 7:

Gross work to be done together with net
paymentfadjustment of advances for material
collected, if any, since the last such payment for
being eligible to interim payment.
Rs. 10.00 lacs

Clause 10 A
List of testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site lab.

1. Weighing Balance 2. vernier calliperfScrew Guage
3. Neasuring tape 3 m 8 30 m


5. 6.

Clause 10 B {ii)
Whether clauses 10 B (ii) shall be applicable No
Clause 10 C

Component of Labour - Expressed as of Total value of Work : 25%
Clause 10 CA)

S.No Naterial covered under
this clause
Nearest material for which all !ndia
wholesale price index is to be followed
Base Price to be as
issued by
1. Cement Cement DG(Works) CPWD
2. Steel Reinforcement bar Steel Reinforcement bar DG(Works) CPWD

Clause 10 CC:
Clause 10 CC to be applicable in contracts with
stipulated period of completion exceeding the period
shown in the next column
18 months

Clause 11:
Specification to be followed for execution of work CPWD specifications 2009 vol. ! 8 !!
with Correction slips issued upto the
date of receipt of tender.

Clause 12:
12.2 8
Deviation limit beyond which clause 12.2 8
12.3 shall apply for building work



AE (P)

12.5 Deviation limit beyond which clause 12.2 8
12.3 shall apply for foundation work.


Clause 16:
Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates 5upcrIntcndIng EngInccr, CBM CIrc!c M-13

Clause 1S
List of mandatory, tolls 8 plants to be deployed by the contractor at site.




Modified Clause 36 I):
Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rate"

Qualification of




Rate which recovery shall
be made from the
contractor in the event of
not fulfilling provision of
Clause 36(i)
Figure Words
Engineer or
Civil Principal
- 1
- - 5 years
1 10000f-
Assistant Engineers retired from Govt. services that are holding diploma will be treated at par with
graduate Engineers

Clause 42 :

i) Schedulefstatement for determining theoretical
quantity of cement 8 bitumen
Delhi Schedule of Rates 2007 with
correction slip issued upto the date of
receipt of tender 8 as per nomenclature
of the items.

ii) variations permissible on theoretical quantities

a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to tender
not more than Rs. 5 lakh
3 plusfminus.
For works with estimated cost put to tender more
than Rs.5 lakh
2 plusfminus.

b) Bitumen for all works. 2.5 plus only 8 nil on minus side.

c) Steel Reinforcement and structural steel sections for
each diameter, section and category
2 plusfminus.

d) All other materials


AE (P)



Of item
Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall be made
from the contractor
Excess beyond permissible
Less use beyond
The permissible variation
1. Cement

2. Steel reinforcement

3. Structural Sections
--------------N!L--------------- -------------N!L--------------
+. Bitumen issued free

5. Bitumen issued at stipulated fixed

Executive Engineer
CBM Division M-131
New Delhi


AE (P)


1. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for electricity and water required for the
execution of the work and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. However, for electrical
connection, Engineer-In-Charge shall recommend the application to concerned local
authorities. Necessary payment shall be made by the contractor directly to the department
concerned. In case the authorities fail to sanction the electric connection or delay the
sanction of electric connection, the contractor shall make his own arrangements by
providing diesel generators of adequate capacity at his own cost.

2. For water supply, contractor shall make his own arrangement including boring of tubewell,
if necessary, and nothing extra shall be paid by the Department for arrangement of water or
on its treatment to meet the requirements laid down in IS: 456 /2000, para 4.3 or CPWD
specification 2009 Vol. I & II. With upto date correction slips for Cement Mortar, Cement
Concrete and RCC Works.

3. All the materials except the cement will be arranged by the contractor himself.

4. The contractor shall quote the rates for each item in figures and words accurately so that
there is no discrepancy in rates written in figures and words and totals. In case of
discrepancy, procedure specified in the contract document of CPWD shall be followed.

5. Samples of Material:-

5.1 Samples including brand / quality of materials and fittings to be used in the work shall be
got approved from the Engineer-In-Charge, well in advance of actual execution and shall be
preserved till the completion of the work. All the materials procured by the contractor shall
be in conformity with the sample approved by the Engineer-in-charge for the same. Any
material, even though approved by Engineer-In-Charge if found defective subsequently
shall be replaced / removed by the contractor at his own risk & cost.

5.2 Even BIS marked materials except wherever mentioned otherwise, shall be subjected to
quality test as per the specifications described for the item/material. Only important tests,
which govern the quality of product, shall be carried out. The frequency of such tests shall
be 25% of the frequency specified in the CPWD specification 2009 Vol. I & II. With upto
date correction slips for Cement Mortar, Cement Concrete and RCC Works superseding
chapter 3, 4 and 5 of CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol. I.
For certain items, if frequency of tests is not mentioned in the CPWD Specifications then
25% of the frequency mentioned in relevant I.S. Code shall be applied for testing. Wherever
BIS marked materials are brought to the site of work, the contractor shall, if required by the
Engineer-in-charge, furnish manufacturers test certificate or test certificate from approved
testing laboratory to establish that the material produced by the contractor for incorporation
in the work satisfies the provisions of BIS codes relevant to the material and/or the work
6. List of approved makes and brands of materials for civil works, sanitary works are annexed
at 11.1 to 11.3 on Page 27 to 29 respectively. Makes & brands of materials specified there
in shall only be used on work. The contractor shall submit brand/make of various materials
to be used for the approval of Engineer-in-charge along with samples and once approved, he
shall stick to it.


AE (P)


7. Samples of Testing: -

7.1 The cost of tests shall be borne by the contractor/department in the manner indicated
(a) By the contractor, if the results show that the material does not conform to relevant
(a) By the department, if the results show that the material conforms to relevant specification.

7.2 However, if any load testing or special testing is to be done for concrete whose strength is
doubtful, the cost of the same shall be borne by the contractor.

7.3 In case there is any discrepancy in frequency of testing as given in list of mandatory tests
provided in CPWD Specifications and that in individual sub-heads of work as per CPWD
Specifications higher of the two frequencies of testing shall be followed and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.

8. The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of construction i/c
materials, workmanship and correct construction methodologies to be adopted.

8.1 All material shall only be brought at site as per programme finalised with the Engineer-in-
Charge. Any pre-delivery of the material, not required for immediate consumption shall not
be accepted and thus not paid for.

8.2. Contractor shall engage well experienced skilled labour and deploy modern T & P and other
equipments to execute the work

9. Except for the items, for which particular specifications are given or where it is specifically
mentioned otherwise in the description of the items in the schedule of quantities, the work
shall generally be carried out in accordance with the CPWD specification 2009 Vol. I & II.
With upto date correction slips for Cement Mortar, Cement Concrete and RCC Works
superseding chapter 3, 4 and 5 of CPWD Specifications 2009 Vol. I (Hereinafter to be
referred to as CPWD Specifications) and instructions of Engineer-In-Charge. Wherever
CPWD Specifications are silent, the latest IS Codes / Specifications shall be followed. In
case I.S. specifications are also not available, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge, given
in writing based on acceptable sound engineering practices and local usage shall be final.
10. A reference made to any Indian Standard Specifications in these documents, shall imply to
the latest version of that standard, including such revisions / amendments as issued by the
Bureau of Indian Standards upto last date of receipt of tenders. The Contractor shall keep
at his own cost all such publications of relevant Indian Standard applicable to the
work at site.

11. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rates tendered by the contractor
shall be inclusive of all lifts, heights & depths, floors including terrace, and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account.

12. The rates for all items of work shall, unless clearly specified otherwise, include cost of all
labour, material, tools and plants and other inputs involved in the execution of the item.
Nothing extra shall be paid either on this account or on account of any conditions and
specifications mentioned in the tender documents, unless specifically specified otherwise.
13. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the schedule of
quantities, drawings etc. (FPS units wherever indicated are for guidelines only)

14. The contractor shall indemnify the Govt. against any claims or obligations arising out of any
damage to adjacent property, structure or to building work done by him.

15. Contractor shall take all precautionary measures to avoid any damage to adjoining
property./structure. All necessary arrangement shall be made at his own cost.


AE (P)

16. The contractor shall take all precautions to avoid accidents by exhibiting necessary
caution boards day and night, speed limit boards, red flags, red lights and providing barriers.
He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused to existing / new work
adjacent properties/structures due to negligence on his part. No hindrances shall be caused
to traffic as well as running of hospital services during the execution of the work.

17. The contractor shall act in close co-ordination with client department so as to ensure
unhindered construction activity as well as smooth functioning of

18. The contractor shall honour the existing instructions of the security guard & other relevant
instructions/restrictions imposed for the safe secure & proper functioning of the hospital
services, and plan the movement of material & labour accordingly for the purpose of
execution of the work without making any claim for the same.

19. The contractor shall conduct his work, so as not to interfere with or hinder the progress or
completion of the work being performed by other contractor(s) or by the Engineer-In-
Charge and shall as far as possible arrange his work and shall place and dispose off the
materials being used or removed so as not to interfere with the operations of other
contractor and he shall arrange his work with that of the others in an acceptable manner and
in proper sequence and co-ordination with others.

20. Normally contractors shall not be allowed to work at night. Work at night shall, however, be
allowed if the site conditions/circumstances so demand. However, if the work is carried out
in more than one shift or at night, no claim on this account shall be entertained. In such
situations the contractor shall make available to the department proper means of transport
such as vehicle at his own cost.

21. Labour cess @ 1% will be deducted from gross amount of every bill.

22. Licences
22.1. The contractor shall pay to the municipal, police or other authorities all the fees etc. that
may be required by law and obtain requisite licences for temporary constructions,
enclosures required in the course of execution of the contract and pay all fees taxes and
charges which shall be leviable on that account. No extra claim will be entertained on this
account.All licensing fees, royalty charges for property rights etc. shall be paid by the
contractor direct to the authorities concerned. No extra claim will be entertained on this

23. No payment shall be made to the contractor for any damage caused by rain, floods,
earthquake or any other natural causes whatsoever during execution of work. The contractor
at his own cost will make the damages to the work good and no claim on this account shall
be entertained.

24. Existing cables, pipe cables, overhead wires, sewer lines, water lines and similar services
encountered in the course of execution of work shall be protected against the damages by
the contractor at his own cost. The contractor shall not store materials or otherwise occupy
any part of the site in a manner likely to hinder the operation of such services. In no case
such services should be stopped to the existing buildings.


AE (P)



The contractor shall, at his own expense procure and provide all materials including cement
and steel required for the work.
The contractor shall procure all the materials in advance so that there is sufficient
time to testing and approving of materials and clearance of the same before use in work.
All materials brought by the contractor for use in the work shall be got checked from the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative of the work on receipt the same at site
before use.
Contractor has to produce manufactures test certificate for each lot of cement & steel
procured at site.

1. The contractor shall procure 43 grade (conforming to IS : 269, IS : 8112 OR IS:12269)
ordinary Portland cement required in the work from reputed manufacturers of cement such
as ACC, L & T, J.P. Rewa, Vikram, J.K. Cement, Birla having a production capacity of one
million tonnes as approved by Ministry of industry, Government of India and holding
licence to use ISI certification mark for their product whose name shall be got approved
from Engineer-in-charge. Supply of cement shall be taken in 50 kg bags bearing
manufacturers name and ISI marking, along with manufacturers test certificate for each lot.
Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer-in-charge and
got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS codes. The cement for such testing
purpose shall be supplied by the contractor does not conform to the relevant BIS Codes, the
same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site by the contractor at his own
cost within a weeks time of written order from the Engineer-in-charge to do so.

2. The cement shall be brought at site in bulk supply of approximately 25 tones or as decided
by the Engineer-in-charge.

3. The cement go-down of the capacity to store a minimum of 1000 bags of cement shall be
constructed by the contractor at site for which no extra payment shall be made. Double lock
provision shall be made to the door of the cement go-down. The keys of one lock shall
remain with the Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative and the kay of the other
lock shall remain with the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and
ward and safety of the cement go-down. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the
cement go-down by the Engineer-in-charge at any time.

4. The actual issue and consumption of cement of work shall be regulated and proper accounts,
maintained as provided in Clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of
cement shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and
shall be governed by the conditions laid therein.

5. If the quantity of cement actually used in the work is found to be more than the theoretical
quantity of cement including authorised variation, nothing extra shall be payable to the
contractor on this account. In the event of it being discovered that after the completion of
the work, the quantity of cement used is less than the quantity ascertained as herein before
provided (allowing variation on the minus side as stipulated in Clause 42), the cost of
quantity of cement not so used shall be recovered from the contractor @ Rs. 5,000/-
(Rupees five thousand only) per metric tonne. Decision of the Engineer-in-charge in this
regard of theoretical quantity of cement which should have actually been used as per the
schedule and recovered at the rates specified, shall be final and binding on the contractor.


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For non-scheduled items, the decision of the Superintending Engineer, regarding
theoretical quantity of the cement which should have been actually used, shall be final and
binding of the contractor.

6. Cement brought to site and cement remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

7. In the case contractor brings surplus quantity of cement the same shall be removed from the
site after completion of work by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the

8. The cement in bags shall be stacked by the contractor in two go-downs. One for fresh
arrival of cement to be tested for quality and another already tested in use. The go-downs
shall be having weather proof roof and walls and on a proper floor consisting of two layers
of dry bricks lain on well consolidated earth at a level at least 30 cm above the ground level.
These stacks shall be in rows of two bags deep and 10 bags high with a minimum of 60cm.
Clear space all around. The bags should be placed horizontally continuous in each line as
shown in the sketch given in CPWD specifications 2009. The sketch is only for guidance.
Actual size/shape of godowns shall be as per site requirement and nothing extra shall be
paid on this account.

9. Cement register for the cement shall be maintained at site. The account of daily receipts
and issue of cement shall be maintained in the register by the authorised representative of
the Engineer-in-charge and signed daily by contractor or his authorised agent.

Cement that is not used within 90 days from it is date of manufacture shall be tested at
laboratory approved by the Govt. until the result of such tests are found satisfaction. It shall
not be used in any work:


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The contractor shall procure Thermo-mechanically treated (T.M.T.) steel reinforcement bars
conforming to IS: 1786 of grade Fe 500 as per specifications detailed hereunder from main
producers only. The contractor shall have to obtain original purchase invoices or other
invoices accompanied with duly endorsed test certificates and furnish to the Engineer-in-
charge in respect of all the lots of steel brought by him to the site of work. Samples shall
also be taken and got tested by the Engineer-in-charge as per the provisions in this regard in
relevant BIS codes. In case the test results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor
does not conform to BIS codes; the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the
site of work by the contractor at his cost within a weeks time from written orders from the
Engineer-in-charge to do so. Unless specified elsewhere in the contract document, the
testing shall be done as per samples to be taken as given below:-

Under 10mm dia One set of sample for each 10 tonnes
or part thereof.
One set of sample for each 15
tonnes or part thereof.
10mm upto 16mm dia One set of sample for each 15 tonnes
or part thereof.
One set of sample for each 20
tonnes or part thereof.
Over 16mm dia One set of sample for each 20 tonnes
or part thereof.
One set of sample for each 25
tonnes or part thereof.

2. The steel reinforcement shall be brought in bulk supply as per decided by the Engineer-in-
charge alongwith manufacturer test certificate for each lot.

3. The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work about 30cm to 45cm
above ground. A coat of cement slurry shall be applied to steel bars when stored at site for
long duration so as to prevent corrosion. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars
of different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and

4. The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated and proper account
maintained as provided in Clauses 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel
shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in Clause-42 of the contract and shall be
governed by conditions laid therein.

5. The actual issue of steel shall be actual weight of total quantity of Steel received at the site
less actual weight of balance quantity of steel lying unutilized at the work site.

6. Steel brought to site and steel remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the
written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

7. In case the contractor bring surplus quantity of steel, the same after completion of the work
will be removed from the site by the contractor at his own cost after approval of the

8. The mild steel and medium tensile steel bars to be used shall conform to latest version of IS
432 and cold twisted bars and TMT bars shall conform to the latest version of IS: 1786.


AE (P)


9(i) Reinforcement including authorised spacer bars and lappages shall be measured in length of
different diameters as actually (not more than as specified in the drawings) used in the work
nearest to a centimetre. Wastage and unauthorised overlaps shall not be measured.
ii) The standard sectional weights referred to as in Table 3 in 5.3 in CPWD Specifications
2009 for Cement Mortar, Cement Concrete and RCC Works will be considered for
conversion of length of various sizes of M.S. Bars, Tor Steel Bars and T.M.T. bars into
Standard Weight.
iii) Records of actual Sectional weights shall also be kept dia-wise and lot-wise. The average
sectional weight for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel
received at site. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final for the procedure to be
followed for determining the average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each
diameter of steel received at site of work each day will constitute one single lot for the
purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length of various sizes of bars based on the
actual weighted average sectional weight shall be termed as Derived Actual Weight.
iv) a) If the Derived Weight as in sub-para (iii) above is lesser than the Standard Weight as in
sub-para (ii) above then the Derived Actual Weight shall be taken for payment.
b) If the Derived Actual Weight is found more than the Standard Weight, the Standard Weight
as worked out in sub-para (ii) above shall be taken for payment. In such case nothing extra
shall be paid for the difference between the Derived Actual Weight and the standard weight.


10.1 Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars (TMT Bars) of Fe 500 Grade, conforming to IS-1786
Specifications shall be used in all R.C.C. works.
10.2 Bars are currently produced in various grades by M/s Steel Authority of India Limited
(SAIL), M/s Tata Steel and M/s Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. with trade names of SAIL
(TMT), TISCON-TMT and Rebars respectively.

10.3 The grades, chemical and mechanical properties of different varieties are as per Table-I, II
& III.
IS-1786 Fe 500
CARBON 0.300

GRADE Fe-500
TENSILE STRENGHT (N/mm2) 8% more than 0.2% proof stress but 545


AE (P)



1. Finishing :-
All painting material shall be brought to the site of work in the original sealed containers.
The material bought to the site of work shall be sufficient for at least 30 days of work. The
material shall be kept under the joint custody of contractor and representative of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site till the
completion of the work without permission of the Engineer-in-Charge.

2. Dismantling & Demolition:-

2.1. The malba and building rubbish generated through dismantling and demolition is to be
removed continuously. Piling and stacking the same will not be allowed. If Engineer-in-
charge feels that the suspended particles or hazardous dust is becoming more in the area due
to demolition then in such case contractor has to arrange suitable sprinkler system to
mitigate the level of suspended particles. Since the demolition work shall be carried out in
building, necessary curtain/canvas or suitable material shall be provided so as to avoid
inconvenience to the hospital staff and patients in the nearby buildings.

2.2. The malba obtained from dismantling will have to be disposed off at places as allowed by
the MCD or NDMC or/and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Charges for dumping
malba, if any, shall be borne by the contractor.

2.3. The contractor shall abide by all the rules and regulations as laid down by the local bodies
e.g. MCD/NDMC/DJB etc. from time to time and in this connection shall make necessary
arrangements in this context or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge without claiming
anything extra on this account.

1 At least one Trial Repair Area shall be selected for each type of repair material and for each
method of application and for each type of structural (Slab, Beam or column).

2 The elements for the Trial repair shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge but trial area
shall not be less than 2 sqm. The Test results submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for
approval before full scale repair works are carried out.

3 The contractor shall prepare 100 mm size test cubes and carry out coring of 100mm. 75
mm or 50 mm diameter cores from samples repair done as may be directed by Engineer-in-
charge with the proposed Repair Material for tests in order to establishes adequacy.
Nothing extra shall however, be paid on this account.

Ten years guarantee bond in prescribed proforma attached herewith shall be submitted by
the contractor which shall also be signed by the contractor to meet their liability/liabilities
under the guarantee bond.
The security deposit and the amount so withheld would be released after Five years
from the date of completion of the entire work under the agreement only, if the performance
of the work is found satisfactory. any defect, if noticed during the guarantee period shall be
rectified by the contractor alongwith any incidental repairs to structure, flooring, finishing,
fixtures and any other related damaged work within fifteen days of receipt information of
such defects in the work. If the deficiencies pointed out are not attended with the specified


AE (P)

period, the same will be got done from another agency at the risk and the cost of the
contractor and the cost of attending to such repairs shall be deducted from any dues payable
to the contractor. However, the security deposit deducted may be released in full against
bank guarantee of equivalent amount in favour of Engineer-in-charge in the prescribed
proforma. The security deposit against this item of work shall be in addition to the security
deposit mentioned in Schedule F



All the damaged concrete surface shall be chipped off carefully upto the required depth
manually by chisel.



The chipped of surface shall be cleaned manually where oil free surface exists by wire
brushing, dusting by empty cement bag rags and cleaning by water till all the loose particles
and foreign materials are washed out wherever considered necessary by the Engineer-in-
charge and shall be paid for separately including working platform wherever required,
necessary propping, suitable protective screens, cleaning and disposing off debris within a
lead of 50 metre and other incidental charges.

3.1 The reinforcement steel found rusted in structural R.C.C. member shall be cleaned of the
rust all around it conforming to international standard of steel cleanliness such as B.S. -
7079 SA 2 1/2 finish manually without displacing/damaging the reinforcement by chiseling,
hammering and or with wire brushes, empty cement bag rags rust remover etc. Wherever
required to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge and shall be bent to desired position
for R.C.C. work including straightening.


Water based rust release agent suitable for pretreatment of metal agent. Rust surface gets
cleaned easily and safely.

The rust remover agent container should be shake well before opening. The agent must be
applied over the rusted iron surface by brush liberally as well as the agent should be reached
on back of reinforcement bar. Allow it to react for minimum sixty minutes then rub and
clean the surface with wire brush and then apply second coat in the same way. After wire
brushing clean the surface with damp cloth and wash with water jet before applying a coat
of antirust agent.


AE (P)

It is very essential that the cleaning process is complete. To ensure this, a final
wash of concrete substrate and reinforcement shall be carried out to ensure removal of all
contamination and washing of rest remover chemical.

When corrosion products have been removed, and if directed by Engineer-in-charge, the
dimension of the reinforcement shall be measured. If considered necessary (more than 15
% of reduction in size) by the supervising Officer, the existing reinforcement shall be cut
out and replaced additional bars added in accordance with his instructions.

3.3 Product

The product shall be as per Appendix I or as approved by Engineer-in-charge.

3.4 Coverage

2.5 to 3.5 sq.m of metal surface per litter.

3.5 Measurements

Payment for this item shall be made on the basis of surface area of reinforcement.

3.6 Rate

Rate shall include the cost of all material, tools, scaffolds, working platform wherever
required and labour required for all operations detailed above.


11.1. General

The bonding agent shall be an epoxy based resin system of makes as per Appendix I or
approved by Engineer-in-charge. The bonding agent should remain in tacky state prior to
placing of the freshly mixed concrete or mortar.

11.2. Submittals :

11.3. The contractor shall submit manufacturers certificates verifying conformance to material
specification as specified hereunder :

Labelling :

All containers shall be clearly marked with following information.

a) Name of manufacturer

b) Manufacturers product identification

c) Manufacturers instruction for mixing.


AE (P)

d) Warning for handling and toxicity.

e) Manufacturing date, its batch no. and shelf life.

11.4. Application control

The contractor shall submit and get approved the mixing and application procedures prior to
its use as per manufacturers specification.

11.5. Product delivery, storage and handling :

11.5.1. Delivery of materials - Contractor shall deliver all materials in factory sealed containers
with labels legible and intact.

11.5.2. Storage of materials - contractor shall deliver all materials in factory sealed containers with
labels legible and intact.

11.5.3 Handling of materials : All materials shall be handled in a safe manner and in a way to
avoid breaking container seals.

11.6. Project conditions

11.6.1 Environment requirements - Contractor shall comply with manufacturers recommendation
as to environmental conditions under which the epoxy compund may be applied to concrete

11.6.2. Product: The epoxy formulation as approved by the Engineer-in-charge shall be used.

11.7. Execution :

11.7.1 Preparation of concrete surface :

11.7.2. Concrete surfaces to which epoxies are to be applied shall be exposed parent concrete, free
of loose and unsound materials. Surfaces shall be prepared by mechanical abrasion using
sand blasting or as instructed by Engineer-in-charge. The operation involved in preparation
of surface shall be paid in relevant items of work separately.

11.8. Inspection of concrete surface prior to adhesive application :

11.8.1 All concrete surface prior to applications of adhesive shall be thoroughly inspected and got
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

11.8.2 Surfaces shall be free from any deleterious materials such as oil, dust, dirt etc.

11.9 Adhesive Mixes :

11.9.1. Epoxy components shall be mixed in a clear container free from harmful residue or foreign

11.9.2 Epoxy component shall be thoroughly blended with a mechanical mixer to a uniform and
homogeneous mixture. Small batches (upto 1 litre) when permitted by Engineer-in-charge
shall however be allowed by manual mixing using spatulas, palette knives etc.


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11.10 Adhesive application and concrete/mortar placement :

11.10.1 Work of application of epoxy adhesive and concrete/mortar placements shall not be
allowed to be performed beyond recommended temperature by the manufacturer.

11.10.2 Epoxy adhesive shall be applied to concrete surfaces by spray equipment. However,
contractor may apply the adhesive by stiff nylon bristle brushes subject to the
permission of Engineer-in-charge.

Fresh plastic concrete/mortar shall be applied while adhesive is still tacky. If epoxy
adhesive cures to extent of loosing its tack before plastic concrete/mortar is placed, the
same shall be removed or slightly abraded and second coat of epoxy adhesive applied.

11.10.4 Freshly placed plastic concreted shall be thoroughly consolidated to ensure full
bonding of new concrete.

11.10.5 Clean Up : All concrete surface shall be well protected beyond limits of surface receiving
adhesive against spillage. Safety - Contractor shall advise all workers working with epoxies to avoid contact
with eyes and skin, inhalation of vapours, and ingestion. Necessary protective and
safety equipments in the form of hand gloves, welders goggles, shall be provided by
the contractor and be used on site.

11.11. Curing

Curing shall be carried out as per specifications laid down separately.

11.12. Measurements and Rates

The item shall be paid on per square metre basis. The rate shall include cost of all T&P,
materials and labour required for all operations described above except mentioned
otherwise. Where silica flour is to be added as per manufacturers specification, the same
shall be added by the Contractor into the epoxy formulation at no extra cost. No payment
formulation at no extra cost. No payment shall be made for hardened and discarded epoxy.


AE (P)



16.1 Admixture

Admixture shall only be used if approved by the Engineer-in-charge who shall be furnished
with all required literature pertaining to its efficacy. Shotcrete admixture & quick setting
agents may be used to minimize the rebound loss and increase the bond & enable thicker
layers per coat. However nothing extra shall be paid on this account unless otherwise
specified to the contrary. The admixture shall meet the requirement of I.S. 456 and I.S 9103
& should be free from chlorides.

Reinforcement Reinforcement bars if used shall conform to IS 432 (Part-I) or IS 1786.
Welded wire fabric where used shall conform to IS 1566.

16.2 Concrete

The grade of concrete shall be as specified i.e. the charateristic compressive strength of
15cm cube at 28 days should be as specified, however, minimum cement content of
manufactured concrete (shotcreted material including rebound loss shall not be less than
400 Kg/cum.

The shotcrete mix required shall be developed by laboratory tests and field trials. The mix
design shall be carried out as per IS 456. The water cement ratio for shotcrete shall be
within the range 0.45 0.55 by mass.

The strength test and acceptance of concrete for shotcreting shall conform to IS 456.

16.3 Equipment

Dry Mix process

Batching and mixing equipment Batching shall be done by mass.the moisture content of
the sand shall be such that the sand cement mixture will flow at a uniform rate, without
slugs, through the delivery hose. The sand shall be moistened or dried as required to bring
the moisture content to a satisfactory level, fluctuations in moisture content shall be

The mixing equipment shall be capable of thoroughly mixing the sand and cement in
sufficient quantity to maintain continuity of placing, the mixing time shall be not less than 1
minute in a drum type mixer, where other mixers are proposed, satisfactory evidence shall
be presented to the Engineer-in-charge that they are capable of thorough mixing. The mixer
shall be self cleaning, capable of discharging all mix material without any carry over from
one batch to the next. It shall be inspected and thoroughly cleaned at least once in a day and
more often if instructed by Engineer-in-charge to prevent accumulations of batched
Delivery equipment or shotcreting equipment The delivery equipment shall comply with
requirements given in IS 6433.

Air supply the compressor shall be fitted with a moisture extractor to keep up a supply of
clean, dry air adequate for maintaining a sufficient nozzle velocity for all parts of the work
while simultaneously operating a blow pipe for cleaning away rebound material.


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The operating pressure shall be measured by a gauge near the material outlet of the gun. The
air pressure shall be uniformly steady (non pulsating).

For lengths of hose up to 30m, air pressure at the gun shall be 0.3 N/sqm or more. Where
length exceeds 30m, the pressure shall be increased by 0.035 N/s sqm for each additional
15m of hose required and by 0.035 N/sqm for each 7.5m that the nozzle is raised above the

Water supply the water pressure at the discharge nozzle shall be sufficiently greater than
the operating air pressure to ensure that the water is intimately mixed with the other
materials. If in the line water pressure is inadequate, a water pump shall be introduced into
the line. The water pressure shall be uniformly steady (non pulsating).

16.4 Application of shotcrete

Preparing of surface a good base or foundation shall be prepared for successful
application of shotcrete.

All unsound/weak concrete material shall be first removed by the contractor up to the
required depth as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Chipping shall continue until there are no
offsets in the cavity which will cause an abrupt change in the thickness of repaired surface.
No square shoulders shall be left at the perimeter of the cavity, all edges shall be tapered.
The final cut surface shall be critically examined to make sure that it is sound and properly
shaped. The payment for base preparation, chipping etc. shall be paid separately.

16.5 In special cases if directed by Engineer-in-charge it may be necessary that after it has been
ensured that surface to which shotcrete is to be bonded is sound, holes of required depth and
diameter shall be drilled as per spacings shown in the drawing. The drilled holes shall be
thoroughly cleaned off loose particles by oil free blast.

Approved epoxy dipped steel bars of required length, shape and diameter shall then be
driven inside the holes to form shear keys and shall be allowed to set for 24 hours. The
payment for drilling holes in concrete, providing and inserting epoxy dipped mild steel
shear key bar shall be paid.

The concrete surface shall be cleaned off all loose and foreign materials by means of wire
brush, chisel etc. All dust and loose particles resulting from such pre-treatment shall be
removed by oil free air blast. The cleaning of all loose and foreign materials by means of
wire brush, chisel etc. followed by oil free air blast shall be paid separately.

Approved formulation shall be applied to the prepared concrete and reinforcement substrate
as above before shotcreting after tying or welding in new reinforcement wherever specified
in the form of bars or welded wire fabric. Fresh shotcrete shall be applied as soon as
possible after application of approved bonding coat, but always during the open time of
adhesive. Providing mixing and applying boding coat shall be paid.

In general, the maximum thickness to be applied in one pass will be limited to 25mm for
overhead application and 50mm on sides. Where shotcrete is to be placed to a thickness of
more than 50mm on sides or 25mm overhead, it is preferable for it to be built up in more
than one application.


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16.6 Form work The forms shall be plywood sheeting or other suitable material true
to line and dimension. They shall be adequately braced to protect against excessive
vibration and shall be constructed so as to permit the escape of air and rebound during the
gunning operation. Short removable bulk heads may be used at intersections. Forms shall be
oiled or dampened and they shall be cleaned just before gunning.

Adequate and safe scaffolding as approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be provided so that
the operation can hold the nozzle at optimum angle and distance form the surface for all
parts of work.

16.7 Reinforcement All existing exposed reinforcement shall be cleaned of rust and concrete
alround with a 25mm average air gap alround and passivated as specified and provided with
additional reinforcement required as per detained drawings in the form of round bars of
welded wire fabric shall be provided in such a way so as to cause the least interference with
placement of shotcrete. The payment for exposing and cleaning existing rebars providing
reinforcement bars/welded wire fabric shall be paid separately. Mesh reinforcement of
100mm x 100mm x 10 gauge should be fixed in the manner so that it is firmly held at least
12mm away for the parent concrete surface, and cannot belly out during the shotcreting with
consequent lack of cover. In case where shotcrete is to be placed in more than one
application, the reinforcement should be so fixed that it is encased in succeeding layer. No
reinforcement is required to be fixed in first layer of shotcrete.

Sufficient clearance shall be provided around the existing exposed and additional
reinforcement to permit complete encasement with sound shotcrete. The minimum
clearance between the reinforcement and the form or other back put material shall be
provided as per detailed drawings. The wire mesh spacing shall be as specified in the
drawings. Minimum cover to reinforcement shall be as per IS 456.

Lapped reinforcement bars shall not be tied together. They shall be separated by at least
50mm wherever possible. Wire mesh shall be lapped 1-1/2 squares in all direction.
Minimum requirement of lap length of bars shall be as specified in IS 456.

Reinforcement shall be fixed to existing concrete by wiring to nails driven into the concrete
and secured rigidly so that the vibration resulting from the deposition of shotcrete shall not
impair or displace them.

11.10.3Alignment & thickness control Adequate ground wires shall be install to establish
thickness and surface planes of the shotcrete built-up. Both horizontal and vertical
ground wires shall be installed at the corners and offsets not clearly fixed by the form work,
i.e. at exterior corners of columns and beams and other such locations. Ground wires shall
be tight and true to line and placed in such a manner that they may be further tightened.

16.8 Placing the shotcrete Each layer of shotcrete shall be built-up by making several pass or
loops of the nozzle over the working area. this will be done by moving the nozzle
arithmetically in series of loops from side to side and up and down. The shotcrete shall
emerge from the nozzle in a steady, uninterrupted flow. If the flow becomes intermittent
due to any cause, the Operator shall direct it away from the work until it again becomes
constant. The distance of nozzle from work (usually between 0.5 and 1.5m) shall be such as
to give the best result for the working conditions. The nozzle shall be held perpendicular to
the surface of application. However, when gunning through and encasing reinforcing bars
the nozzle shall be held closer and at a slight angle from the perpendicular. Also the mix
shall be little wetter than normal but not so wet as to cause sloughing behind the bars.


AE (P)


16.9 Application shall begin at the bottom for columns and beams and for slabs, the nozzle shall
be held at a slight angle to the perpendicular so that the rebound is blown on to complete
portion from where is shall be removed.

16.10 Rebound Rebound (material ricocheting off the surface) shall not be worked back into the
construction. If it does not fall clear of the work, it shall be removed. Rebound shall not be
salvaged and included in later batches.

16.11 Theoretical consumption of cement for working out the theoretical consumption of
cement in shotreting, following coefficients shall be added for accounting for the concrete
wasted as loss due to rebound in various items.
1) Ceiling of R.C.C slab including beams 40% .
2) R.C.C. columns with face width not exceeding 450mm 50%.
3) R.C.C. columns with face width exceeding 450 & R.C.C. wall 45%.

Construction joints construction joints shall generally be tapered to a thin edge over a
width of 300mm. However, in case of joints, which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-
charge, are likely to be subjected to compressive stresses, square joints, shall be permitted in
which case steps shall be taken by the contractor to avoid or remove trapped rebound at the
joint. The entire joint shall be thoroughly cleaned and the approved bonding coat of epoxy
applied prior to the application of additional shotcrete.

Preparation for succeeding layers when a layer of shotcrete is to be covered by a
succeeding layer, it shall first be allowed to take its initial set. Then all laitance, loose
materials and rebound shall be removed by brooming. Any laitance which has attained final
set shall be removed and the surface cleaned with an air jet. In addition the surface shall be
thoroughly sounded with a hammer for drummy areas sags, or other defects shall be
carefully cut and replaced with succeeding layer as instructed by Engineer-in-charge.
Surface to be shot shall first receive a bonding coat. Providing mixing and applying bonding
shall be paid.
16.12 Suspension of work

The application of shotcrete shall be suspended in condition of likely exposure to high
winds, freezing or rain.

At the end of each day work, or on stopping work any other reason, the shotcrete shall be
sloped off to a thin edge and then the work shall be resumed on next day after cleaning the
surface and applying a bond coat of approved formulation.

16.13 Curing Shotceted surfaces shall be kept continuously wet for at least 7 days or
alternatively water soluble concrete curing compound shall be brush applied or sprayed by
spray gun as per specification. However the efficacy of the concrete curing compound shall
be tested at site minimum 7 days before its actual use to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-

16.14 Inspection The shotcreting shall be continuously inspected by a qualified supervisor who
shall check material, forms, reinforcing ground wires, delivery equipment. Application of
materials, curing, protection against high or low temperatures. Each layer of concrete shall
be systematically sounded with a hammer to check for drummy areas.


AE (P)

16.15 The Permissible tolerance on the thickness of work executed by shotcrete shall be
(-) 3mm to (+) 8mm.

16.16 Measurements and Rates

Shotcreting upto 50mm thickness shall be measured in square metre of finished surface

Rates includes cost of all T&P material and labour involved in all the operations described
above except specifically otherwise specified.


AE (P)



1) Rust Remover

i) Roffs Rust Remover
ii) Pidilte Fixit Rust Remover

2) Anti Rust Agent

i) Fosrocs - Nitoprime Zincrich
ii) Cicos - Zincillate 500
iii) Pidilite - Dr Fixit Pidipart 55E

3) Bonding Agent

a) Epoxy
i) Fosrocs - Nitobond-EP
ii) Cicos - CICO Bond EP0
iii) Pidilite - Dr Fixit Epoxy Bonding Agent.

4) PMC
a) Fosrocs - Renderoc HB-2
b) CICOs - Tapecrete
c) Pidilite - Dr. Fixit Pidicrete - MPB

5) Water Based curing compound
a) Fosrocs - Concure
b) M.C Bauchmie - Emcoril AC
c) CICOS - Free cure

6) Paints

i) Fosrocs Dekguard
ii) M.c Bauchemies Dictament DS
iii) Snowcem plus

7) RMC
i) Birla
ii) Alcon
iii) ACC

1) CICO Technologies Ltd.,
A-9, chittaranjan Park
(LGF) Outer Ring Road
New Delhi 19
Tel: 26420544, 26235335

2) MC Bauchemic (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
8, M.M Road
Motia Khan


AE (P)

New Delhi 55
Tel: 23513003 ( 6 lines)
Mob: 9810395550

3) M/s Pidilite Industries Ltd.,
Floor, Vikasdeep,
Laxmi Nagar District Centre,
Vikas Marg, Delhi 92
Tel: 22541970, 22440890
Mob: 98184 43447

4) M/s Fosroc Chemicals (Inidia) Ltd.,
28/113-114, Kamal Apartments,
West Patel Nagar,
(Near Govt. Girls Sen. Sec. Schoo No.2)
New Delhi 110 008
Tel: 25822247, 25763672
Mob: 9810159691

For finishing works

1. Synthetic Enamel Paints : Burger (Luxol Gold), Asian(Apcolite),
ICI Dulux (Gloss), Nerolac (Full gloss hard

2. Oil Bound Distemper : Asian (Tractor), Berger (Bison), Nerolac
(Super Acrylic)


AE (P)




The agreement made this.................... day of ................. (Two Thousand .. only)
between ....................................S/o ...............................................(hereinafter called the
GUARANTOR of the one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called the
Government of the other part)

WHEREAS THIS agreement is supplementary to the contract (Hereinafter called the
Contract) dated .................................. made between the GUARANTOR OF THE ONE PART
AND Government of the other part, whereby the contractor inter alia, undertook to render the work
in the said contract recited structurally stable, leak proof and of sound material, with proper
workmanship, anodizing, colouring, sealing etc.

AND WHEREAS THE GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the affect that the said
work will remain structurally stable, leak proof and guaranteed against faulty material and
workmanship, defective anodizing / Powder coat colouring and finishing for five years to be
reckoned from the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract expires.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantee that work executed by him will be free from
any leakage, seepage, cracks in pipes and guaranteed against faulty material and workmanship,
defective galvanising for five years to be reckoned from the date after the expiry of maintenance
period prescribed in the contract.

The decision of the Engineer-In-Charge with regard to nature and cause of defect shall be

During this period of guarantee, the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of any
defect being found, rectify the same to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge at his cost and shall
commence the work for such rectification within seven days from the date of issue of the notice
from the Engineer-in-charge calling upon him to rectify the defects failing which the work shall be
got done by the Department by some other contractor at the guarantors cost and risk and in the
later case the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the cost payable by the Guarantor shall be
final and binding.

That if the guarantor fails to make good all defects or commits breach thereunder, then the
guarantor will indemnify the principal and his successor against all loss, damage, cost expense or
otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR
in performance and observance of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or
damage and/or cost incurred by the Government, the decision of the Engineer-in-charge will be
final and binding on both the parties.


AE (P)


IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the obligator
.............................................................................and by.................................................
........................................... for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day, month and
year first above written.

SIGNED, sealed and delivered by OBLIGATOR in the presence of :-

1. ............................................... 2. ............................................

the presence of :-

1. ..................................... 2. ............................................


AE (P)



1. Work shall be carried as per CPWD specification 2009 Vol. I & II. With upto date
correction slips & relevant IS codes for items not covered in the CPWD specifications and
as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
2. Income Tax & Surcharge will be deducted from the gross amount of bill as per prevailing
Govt. rules.
3. D-VAT & other taxes shall be deducted as per prevailing Govt. rules from gross amount of
the bill.
4. Water charges @ 1% shall be deducted from the gross amount of bill.
5. No dumping of Malba shall be allowed in the premises and all the Malba shall be removed
6. Site of work shall be kept clean of all the debris/Malba etc. at all the times.
7. Labour cess @ 1% will be deducted from gross amount of every bill.


AE (P)


Name of Work : Rehabilitation of New Boys Hostel building of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi .
(SH: Back Side).

Item No. Sub-heads and item of work
Qty Rate Unit Amount

1 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position
and binding all complete.

1.1 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars.
5300 42.70 kg 226310.00

2 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12
mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse
sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand).
50 111.15 sqm 5558.00

3 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth
exterior paint with Silicone additives of required

3.1 New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 ltr/
10 sum. over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10
sum). 2000 60.10 sqm 120200.00

4 Providing and fixing double scaffolding system
(cup lock type) on the exterior side, upto seven
story height made with 40mm dia. M.S. tube 1.5
m centre to centre horizontal & vertical tubes
joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes,
M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and M.S.
staircase system in the scaffolding for working
platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable
condition for the required duration as approved
and removing it there after .The scaffolding
system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners,
connection with the building etc wherever required
for inspection of work at required locations with
essential safety features for the workmen etc.
complete as per directions and approval of
Engineer-in-charge .The elevational area of the
scaffolding shall be measured for payment
purpose .The payment will be made once
irrespective of duration of scaffolding. (To be used
for maintenance work judicially . necessary
deduction for scaffolding in the existing item to be
done.) 900 82.70 sqm 74430.00

5 Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by
mechanical means including stacking of steel bars
and disposal of unserviceable material within 50
metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge. 35 537.55 cum 18814.00

6 Dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints
and cleaning the surface for plaster including
disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within
50 metres lead.
25 8.20 sqm 205.00


AE (P)


7 Disposal of malba / building rubbish by
mechanical transport including loading, unloading
and stacking in approved municipal dumping
ground for all leads and lifts etc. complete.
100 84.54 cum 8454.00

8 Providing erecting maintaining and removing
protective screen made of specified fabric with
necessary fixing arrangements to ensure that it
remains in position to the entire duration of work
as required by Engineer-in-Charge by using
wooven PVC cloth. 900 45.00 sqm 40500.00

9 Providing and fixing plywood covering panels as
per the directions of Engineer-in-charge with
necessary backing framework to shield windows
etc. from falling debris and removing and taking
away the material after completion of work
including making good any incidental damage(s)
to the existing building or its finishers etc.
complete (The measurements for payment shall
be made in items of the area protected by such
covering) using 50x40mm second class Kail wood
frame and 6mm thick water proof ply.
50 495.80 sqm 24790.00

10 Chipping of unsound weak concrete material,
removal of existing treatment over chajjas and
plaster from beams, columns etc as with power
driven (Hilti - TE 706 or pneumatic chisel) directed
by Engineer-in-Charge upto 65 mm depth
including cutting the chajjas to required shape &
size. 335 125.30 sqm 41976.00

11 Preparation of concrete surface of lightly sticking
materials including foreign materials, loose
concrete/aggregates etc. with the help of wire
brush, chiesel, air blower machine, including
cleaning the surface with clean water before
applying apoxy to the surface at all heights.
200 35.20 sqm 7040.00

12 Cutting reinforcement bars in RCC carefully
without damaging the existing structure and its
12.1 Bars of all diameters
3400 15.25 each 51850.00

13 Cleaning and treatment of corroded reinforcement
bars from total rust and give it a totally rust free
finished steel surface and using Alkaline Chemical
rust remover with paint brush and removing loose
particles after 24 hours of its application and
thoroughly washing with water and allowing it to
dry complete as approved by the Engineer-in-
13.1 For all dia bars.
75 71.00 sqm 5325.00


AE (P)

14 Introducing new reinforcement bars for structural
connections in RCC beams, lintels, columns
including power drilling holes of appropriate
diameters in reinforced or plain cement concrete
to a minimum depth of 150 mm and upto 200 mm,
fixing the reinforcement in position using epoxy.
(Rate shall include cost of labour, T&P for power
drilling in concrete, epoxy cartridges, plastic
nozzle etc. complete including cleaning the drilled
holes of loose dust by blowing air. The cost of
reinforcement shall be payable separately upto
and including bars of all diameter. 5400 121.95 each 658530.00

15 Providing, mixing and applying over reinforcement
bars zinc antirust agent as per manufactures
specification and direction of Engineer in charge
(1 litre covers on average 4.5 sqm).
380 190.95 sqm 72561.00

16 Providing, mixing and applying bonding coat of
approved epoxy adhesive on chipped portion of
RCC slab, beams, columns etc. complete and as
per specifications & direction of the Engineer-in-
Charge .
16.1 Epoxy adhesive (1 kg cover 2.20 sqm) bond
strength to exceed tensile strength of M 30
concrete. 230 529.85 sqm 121866.00

16.2 Acrylic adhesive (1 kg cover 1 to 1.5 sqm) with
polymer used shall have a minimum solid content
of 15% by weight of cement strength on 28 days
20 N/mm2.
300 175.00 sqm 52500.00

17 Centering and shuttering including strutting,
propping etc. and removal of from work horizontal
fins and chajjas etc. use ply/steel plates/steel
mould. 470 223.00 sqm 104810.00

17.2 Centering and shuttering fair face for vertical fins
as per drawing No. SK - 01 including strutting
propping etc.
600 281.00 sqm 168600.00

18 Providing and placing in position micro - concrete,
which shall be cement based prepacked single
component, chloride free, non-shrink, free flow,
self compacting, ready to use after mixing water in
specified proportion obtained from approved
manufacturer as per specification and directions
of Engineer-in-charge (payment under this item
shall be made only after proper wet curing has
been done and surface has been satisfactorily
evaluated by sounding/tapping with a blunt metal
instrument) Grade M 25 as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge polymer used to have a
minimum solid polymer content of 6% by weight of

18.1 Upto floor V level.
26 37210.55 sqm 967474.00

18.2 Floor V to IX level.
26 37830.20 sqm 983585.00


AE (P)

19 Providing and applying water based concrete
curing compound to concrete surface as per
specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge
(1 litre. Cover 5 sgm).
11 26.70 sqm 294.00

20 Providing and fixing anchor fastner system
mechanical based of standard make for
connections as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
(Rate shall be include cost of bolts, labour, all
materials (whenever required), T & P for power
drilling, cleaning the drilled holes of loose dust by
blowing air, and tightening with nuts with check
nuts etc. as may be required to tie steel
scaffolding to building using 12mm dia anchor
fasteners. 70 339.40 sqm 23758.00

21 Providing mixing and applying upto 25 mm thick
cement based polymer modified cement mortar
including trowelling etc. complete in the required
proportion or polymer cement and sand as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer-in-
Charge polymer used shall have a minimum solid
polymer content of 15% by weight of cement
strength on 28 days 20N/mm2. 70 1895.30 sqm 132671.00

22 Providing and applying a neat coat of cement
slurry mixed with SBR @ 1:3 (1 SBR : 3 cement)
over chajjas including providing drip course as
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
26 88.80 sqm 2309.00

23 Providing and laying average 40 mm thick
screeding to a slope in 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
sand) on concrete surface of chajjas including
mixing of water proofing admixture SBR (Styrene
hutadien rubber) @ 10% by weight of cement.
55 727.95 sqm 40037.00


Assistant Engineer (P)
Executive Engineer (C)

CBM Division M-131

CBM Division M-131

New Delhi

New Delhi

Schedule MAMC (Sheet-53 (TS)

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