WHY IS THIS SO: the patchwork of isolated islands, the tropical location of the country, and the once extensive areas of rainforest
The Birds
Sulu hornbill and Cebu black shama, the Philippine Eagle might follow the Cebu flowerpecker which is now presumed extinct.
Endemicsand Endangered
Aceros waldeni
Gallicolumba platenae
Grand Rhabdornis
One of the world's rarest mammals lives in the dwindling forest of Panay Island: Philippine spotted deer (Cervus alfredi), considered by many as the most endangered deer in the planet Deer that cannot be found elsewhere: the Calamian hog deer or Calamian deer have longer and darker legs, compared with other hog deer. By 1996, its population further declined to only about 900, prompting conservationists to declare it as an endangered species.
The Mammals
Unique pygmy water buffalos (Bubalus mindorensis) endemic to Mindoro listed as one of the ten most endangered species in the world. From 10,000 heads in the 1900's, population went down to 369 heads in the late 1980's to as few as 20 heads roaming in the wild today
The Mammals
Philippine tarsier (Tarsius syrichta) measures only about twelve centimeters in length.
Its two big eyes cannot move and do not have a tapetum - the upper protective tissue; can turn its head 180 degrees. Found in the islands of Samar, Leyte, Bohol and Mindanao, the Philippine tarsier got its name from its elongated tarsus bone.
Today, there are only about 1,000 tarsiers inhabiting the wilds of Corella town in Bohol province where the biggest concentration of these rare animals was once reported. Ensuring the continued existence of the Philippine tarsiers is the Philippine Tarsier Foundation Inc.
The Mammals
The Mammals
South of Palawan, lies the Balabac Island, home of the world's smallest hoofed mammal - the Philippine mouse deer. Locally known as Pilandok (Tragalus nigricans), this ruminant stands only about 40 centimeters at the shoulder level. While the mouse deer are widely distributed across Asia, their dwindling population has alarmed the World Conservation Union, which declared them as endangered in 1996.
The Mammals
Dugongs or sea cows, the only herbivorous marine mammals, are often sighted in Philippine waters, particularly near Palawan province and southern Mindanao. A dugong can live more than 70 years. The Philippine government has banned the commercial exploitation of dugong since 1991.
The Mammals
Acerdon jubatus
Over the years, these two species of giant fruit bats have roamed around the 10,000-hectare Subic Forest National Protected Area, which is considered the biggest roosting site of bats in the world.
The Mammals
The smallest bat in the world is the Philippine bamboo bat (vespertilionid), which belongs to the vespertilionid family. This bat measures about four centimeters (1 1/2 inches) in length and has a wingspan of 15 cm. Approximately, it weighs 1.5 grams (1/20 ounce).
The Mammals
The Mindoro Pallid Flying Fox smallest flying fox in the Philippines
The Philippine tube-nosed bat, Nyctimene rabori of Negros is considered highly endangered
The Mammals
Believed to have become extinct in 1970s as a result of the combination of forest destruction, disturbance by guano miners, and hunting
The Mammals
The continuous denudation of tropical forests in the country threatens the remaining population of kagwang, which used to abound in the wilderness of Basilan, Leyte, Samar, Bohol and Mindanao. Philippine government declared kagwang as an endangered species and banned its commercial exploitation.
The Mammals
Phloeomys pallidus
Widespread in northern and central Luzon From sea level to high mountains (at least 2000 m), in primary and secondary forest and heavily disturbed scrub
Sus cebifrons
The Mammals
Barbourula busuangensis
inhabits clear, unpolluted swift-flowing mountain streams and rivers in lowland rainforests where it usually floats near the surface of the water unless disturbed, when it will hide under submerged rocks
southern Luzon and Catanduanes Island in the Philippines, where it inhabits the forested slopes of low mountains
Grays monitor
Varanus olivaceus
Heosemys leytensis
Donsol, a fishing town in Sorsogon province, serves as a sanctuary to a group of 40 whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), which are considered as the largest fish in the world. Locally known as "butanding", whale sharks visit the waters of Donsol from November to May. They travel across the oceans but nowhere else have they been sighted in a larger group than in the waters of Sorsogon. In 1996, a marine biologist discovered that whale sharks are ovoviviparous, which means that the females produce live offspring from eggs hatched in the uterus. The Philippine government declared whale sharks as endangered species in 1998, thereby banning its plunder and exploitation.
Right now, the Department of Tourism is promoting eco-tourism to protect the whale sharks in Donsol.
The world's smallest freshwater fish is found in the Philippines. The dwarf goby (Pandaka pygmaea) measures 1.2 centimeters or less than half of an inch, the tiniest known vertebrate. American Ichthyologist Albert Herre first discovered it in Malabon River in 1925.
World's smallest commercial fish: Sinarapan (Mistichthys luzonensis) found only in Lakes Bato and Buhi in Camarines Sur province. Sinarapan grows to an average length of 1.25 centimeters, only slightly longer than the dwarf goby. Today, unabated fishing in the two lakes threatens the population of sinarapan.
Sawtail Catshark
Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus
Blue-spotted angelfish
More than 500 of the world's 700 coral species are found under the waters of the Philippines, which is a part of the Coral Triangle - a region in the Pacific Ocean. There are at least 50 known seahorse species in the world. They inhabit temperate and tropical waters but most of them are concentrated in the warm coastal waters of the Philippines. The seahorse's scientific genus name, Hippocampus is a Greek word, which means, "bent horse." At least 47 nations and territories around the world are involved in buying and selling seahorses. The largest known importers are China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Among the largest exporters is the Philippines.
About 70 percent of the Philippines nearly 21,000 recorded insect species are found only in this hotspot. About one-third of the 915 butterflies found here are endemic to the Philippines, and over 110 of the more than 130 species of tiger beetle are found nowhere else.
The Invertebrates
Tridacna gigas, one of the world's largest shells can be found under Philippine waters. Tridacna gigas grows as large as one meter in length and weighs 600 pounds
The Invertebrates
Pisidum, the world's tiniest shell, can be found under Philippine waters. Pisidum is less than 1 millimeter long
The Invertebrates
A shell called glory of the sea (Connus gloriamaris) is also found in the Philippines and considered as one of the most expensive shells in the world.
The Invertebrates
Total Plant Species: 9,2536 Endemic Plant Species: 6, 091 Endemics as Percentage of World Total: 2.0
The Plants
There are more than 150 species of palms and dipterocarps in the hotspot, and around twothirds of these are found nowhere else in the world.
Among the endemic fruit trees in the Philippines are durian, mabolo, pili and bignay
The Plants
Gingers, begonias, gesneriads, orchids and pandans are particularly high in endemic species
Of the 1,000 species of orchids found in the Philippines, 70 percent are restricted to the hotspot.
The Plants