Vintage Christmas Cards

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Make & Do Activity Kit

8 Christmas cards from the Collection

We have selected 8 Christmas postcards from our Collection for you to download and make your own. We have included the backs too because these cards were used and sent to family and friends and have a story to tell.

Time: Up to 20 min each Difficulty: Hints: Print these designs smaller to make

swing tags and labels. Print them larger to make Christmas placemats.

out the postcard and 1. Cut small image of the back the of the card. Then cut the coloured card twice as big as your image with an edge surrounding it of about 2cm

2. Cut out your coloured card and fold it in half.

Use paper glue to stick the postcard on the front.

What you will need:

Coloured card Ruler Scissors Pencil glue Printouts of cards

3. Use ribbon or other off decorations to finish

your card.

small image of 4. Stick thethe postcard intothe back of the middle of the back of your card.

5. To make the chicken and duck card, use the fold

lines as a guide. Fold the paper in half horizonally as shown.

6. Fold again as shown.

500 Harris St Ultimo PO Box K346 Haymarket NSW 1238 Australia

Tel: 02 6217 0111

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 2.5 License.

Collection: Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. Part of the Ken Finlayson collection, purchased 1985.

Collection: Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. Gift of Helen Hayden, 2004

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