Spec Course Ho 4
Spec Course Ho 4
Spec Course Ho 4
, IR sample preparation Be aware of typical spectral layout for UV, IR, MS and reporting conventions Interpret changes in IR using a Hooke model as a guide Know key regions of IR spectra as they relate to specific vibrations Relate changes in IR resonance position to bond order/strength especially for key bond types (e.g. C=O) including familiarity with specific values (in cm-1) Relate changes in UV spectra to electronic transitions Know the Beer-Lambert law and its limits Understand the basic origin of effect of solvent, auxochromes and conjugation upon spectral transitions associated with chromophores Be aware of Woodward-Fieser rules and their application Understand basic principles behind methods of ion mass/charge analysis and ion generation Be able to mechanistically rationalize fragmentations in EI mode MS and be aware of how this relates to processes in other modes Relate fragmentation patterns to molecular structure Recall applications of MS Have an overview of the characterization process as a key empirical process in Organic Chemistry