Time Management 101 Printable
Time Management 101 Printable
Time Management 101 Printable
All contents copyright 2011 by Money Saving Mom, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or redistributed in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Table of Contents
4 Determine your prioritieS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CreAte A time BuDget (pArt 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CreAte A time BuDget (pArt 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 mAke A perSonAlizeD plAn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Home mAnAgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 uSing A Simple HomemAking BinDer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Stop trying to Do it All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to get more Done in leSS time AS A Blogger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 How to Be orgAnizeD witH toDDlerS AnD nurSing BABieS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 more ArtiCleS in tHe time mAnAgement 101 SerieS . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Helpful reSourCeS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 ABout tHe AutHor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
and well that every single woman has their strengths and weaknesses and no one has it all together .
for the day . I also usually pray over my day and ask the Lord to bless my day and multiply my time . It might seem like a strange thing to ask, but when I ask the Lord to bless my day, Im always amazed at how more peaceful and joyful my days are .
Instead of beating myself up over what I cant do, Ive been trying to focus on and exercise those areas in which I am gifted; and trying to appreciate the gifts God has given others instead of wishing I could do it all . Im reading a great book right now called 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think and one of the key points the author makes in the book is to focus on your core com-
Invest your life in those things which youre truly passionate about and gifted in.
petencies . I really agree with her premise (though not everyone will!) in that its pointless to spend a great deal of your life trying to do something which you dont excel at . If possible, invest your life in those
things which youre truly passionate about and gifted in . It will cause you to lead a much more productive and fulfilled life. At least, its made a world of difference for me! Once youve let go of perfectionism and determined your strengths, then its much easier to prioritize and streamline your life . Ill talk about this more in the next chapter where Ill share my list of priorities and my promised list of many, many things I dont do!
Everyones list of priorities is going to look different because were all different with different family situations, different needs, different commitments, different struggles and different strengths and weaknesses . What works for one person wont necessarily work for another . And what works in one season of our life might not work at all in another season .
2. Having a wonderful, open, no-holds-barred relationship with my husband. My goal is to flirt with my husband at least
once every day . I know it might seem trivial, but its the little things which keep the spark going in a marriage . We try never to let anything come between us . So when we have disagreements or misunderstandings, we take the time to discuss these and talk things through until we reach a point of unity even if it takes a long time! We try to set aside at least an hour to spend together one-on-one every day and then have at least one at-home date night each week and a monthly date where we leave our children and go out to dinner or on a fun outing .
try to spend at least 15 minutes with each child one-on-one every day . I also try to take one child with me on an outing every week and we rotate whose childs turn it is each week .
4. Staying healthy and energetic and constantly seeking to improve my mind. Ive found that if Im exhausted and
burnt out, Im not a good wife and mom . So I make my own health a big priority . I try to exercise at least four hours each week, get at least seven hours of sleep every night and eat healthfully . Its also important to me that I constantly seek to be improving my mind through reading, thinking through issues and learning new things; I dont want my brain to turn to mush . My husband also encourages me to go somewhere by myself (to the coffee shop, grocery shopping, an evening with friends, etc .) for a few hours once a week as this refreshes me and energizes me as a wife and mom .
blessed to have a team of six people working for me to help shoulder this load so that its not overly-burdensome to me .
8. Ministering to people in our community. In this increasingly virtual world of social media, real-life relationships are very important to us . We try to open our home for hospitality at least once a month, and then I aim to minister in specific, practical ways to people in our church and community at least a few times each week . Usually this is something simple like having my children write notes or put together a care package for someone, getting together with a friend whos struggling, jotting a quick email to let someone know Im praying for them, or taking a batch of rolls or a frozen casserole to someone who just had a baby .
Frequent shopping trips (I dont do that much shopping and I prefer to shop online whenever I can.) Elaborate Freezer Cooking Lots of extra-curricular activities for my children Making homemade gifts & cards Playing the drugstore game And much, much more!
I also dont take care of any of the bill-paying/bookkeeping (my husband does this as hes excellent at it and loves it) . We dont have pets to care for . Im not in any regular play groups or Bible Studies . Im not on any committees . I dont pack lunches for my husband to take to work . And I only make dinner four to five nights per week (we eat out once a week and we often go to extended familys homes for one to two dinners each week) . So yes, theres so much I dont do right now . And I believe this is one of my biggest keys to efficiency: I say no often and I try to carefully choose my activities and commitments so that I dont overload my plate .
Time Budgeting
If youve read Money Saving Mom for any length of time, its likely you have heard Crystal talk about the envelope system for money management . The goal of the envelope system is to pre-determine where you will spend your money so as not to overextend yourself financially. Earlier this year when Crystal and I discussed how to make her schedule more workable, I told her about a similar concept which I refer to as envelopes of time . They work the same way in that you pre-determine where you will spend your time so as not to overextend yourself commitmentally (is that a word?) . This is how the concept works (excerpt from Tell Your Time):
Total up the hours in a day (or week). Thats easy, 24 (or 168). Make a list of the activities you want to accomplish in that time (i .e .
your envelopes) .
Divvy up your activities between your allotted time envelopes . If there isnt enough time in the day to cover one of your activities, you
have four choices:
Steal time from one of your other activities . Figure out a way to streamline so it takes less time . Get someone else to do it for you . Drop it completely .
In the ebook I move on to talk about how to determine your priorities/life goals and how to accomplish them by incorporating them into your daily schedule, but here Ill expand on the four choices we have when we dont seem to have enough time in the day .
1. Steal time
When the total hours of our daily activities exceed the number of hours we have in a day, it often results in us stealing time from other activities in our schedule . For example, too much time on the computer might steal from my personal time, too much time studying for an exam might steal from my sleep or too much time shopping might steal from one-on-one time with my kids . Often we steal time from other areas without even realizing it, or, we realize it only after it leaves a gaping hole . Life happens of course, and occasionally we have no choice but to steal time from other time envelopes . Stealing will happen, we just need to proactively make room for the deficit elsewhere . Also, we need to remember that stealing time has a domino effect . Whenever we steal time from one area, another will always be affected .
2. Streamline
I am a streamliner . Whether Im contemplating how to get from my house to the grocery store or thinking about a new giveaway entry system on Money Saving Mom, Im constantly thinking, There must be a more efficient way to do this.
Im on a never-ending quest to figure out how to do things quicker and cheaper . Streamlining is, no doubt, very handy when it comes to shaving off precious minutes in my schedule, but it can cause its own trouble too . Streamlining itself takes time time which must be accounted for . If Im determined to find a faster route to the grocery store but I end up getting lost every time, streamlining doesnt really work in my favor at that point . Another downside to streamlining is paring down your schedule just so you can pack more in . Its great to be productive, but if youre so productive that you end up cramming your day with things that do not help you accomplish your life goals, its not benefiting you in the long run. Streamlining is great when it reduces stress, however, if youre streamlining but your stress level remains the same, you might have to consider another option .
win I am relieved of something I dont like to do or dont know how to do, and someone else gets to make a little money doing something theyre skilled at . But lack of money doesnt have to be prohibitive when it comes to getting outside help . Be creative! Bartering, swapping babysitting with another mom so you can go to the grocery store alone or making a few homemade pizzas to feed a group of friends willing to pitch in and paint your house are all great ways to get help without having to spend money . And there are plenty of people who are more than willing to respond to a humble, un-reciprocated request for help . All you need to do is ask .
4. Drop It
You are only one person working within a limited amount of time . You can only do so much . If youre like me, you might simply need to let some of your commitments go . Gone . Finished . Done . Outta here . Now, Im the first to say this is not always easy, nor is it pleasant, but if you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed out, its likely you simply have too much on your plate . For a long time, I kept looking for things to cut out of my schedule . The problem was, I couldnt find anything to cut! It took me a while to figure out that I was looking for the bad stuff to eliminate, but all the activities on my calendar were good things (church ministry, building my business, excellent learning opportunities for my children, etc .) . It was freeing to realize that I could choose to let go of good stuff in order to make room for the best stuff .
Are your daily activities really helping you achieve your life goals, or have you gotten swept up in the tumult of your to-dos? Whether its an inability to say No, the fear of missing something, the need to keep up with the Joneses or just careless planning, many of us are masters at committing to things that sound like great ideas, but do nothing to get us closer to [reaching our life goals]. Frankly, if theyre not getting us closer to [reaching our life goals], theyre a waste of timeno matter how amazing they are.
stead of just letting it pass through our fingers like sand. Having a plan for our money and sticking to the plan gives us peace, allows us to make financial traction and frees us from a lot of worry and stress. Budgeting our money is a no-brainer for us . But truth be told, Id never considered how this concept could be applied to my time . To me, time management had always meant trying to find a way to be as productive as possible every day . I equated busyness with productivity . So Id have these big, lofty plans and make these detailed schedules, but Id always crash and burn quickly because I was trying to cram in about 32 hours worth of projects into a 24-hour day. When Amy Andrews shared the concept of creating a time budget with me, it completely revolutionized my life . Id never thought to approach my time like I approached my money . Instead of starting with everything I wanted to do in a day and then trying to find a way to fit it all in (it never did because my list was way too long to begin with!), for the first time, I started with the time I had and then divvied up my responsibilities and priorities into time brackets which equaled less than 24 hours.
30 minutes shower/dress 2 hours cleaning/home management 7 hours sleeping 2 hours meals/meal preparation 4 hours blogging/computer work 2 hours of extra/margin time
It probably goes without saying, but Im going to repeat it anyway: Please remember that this is my time budget which currently works for me in this season of my life . Yours will likely look much different . Do what works for you . Do not pattern your time budget after mine because it wont work for you . I only share mine as an example, not to encourage you in anyway to emulate it unless you want to try and get as much (or more!) sleep than I do, okay?
Youll feel better and more energetic and Id wager to guess that youll also find an extra hour or two of sleep at night helps you to be more productive than if you spent that time trying to pry your eyeballs open with toothpicks and get more work done!
But instead, I called the girls outside and we spent 45 minutes observing and taking pictures of the snake . We emailed the pictures to Jesse and he looked up what kind of snake it was and researched more about it so that when he came home from work, he was prepared to give the girls an impromptu lesson on our backyard visitor which they just lapped up and then enjoyed sharing with me and anyone who would listen for the next few days . If our lives were so packed full that we didnt have any margin in them, we would daily miss out on fun opportunities like this . Planning margin into our day gives us the freedom to be spontaneous .
plan, youll just aimlessly wonder through life, not knowing where youre going or what your final destination is. A plan allows you to rise above the tyranny of the urgent and focus your efforts and energies on what is truly important . A plan gives you purpose, vision and momentum . When it comes to our Daily Plan and Homemaking Plan, Ive found that a plan gives me freedom, saves me a great deal of time and brings peace and order into our home . I can focus on the task at hand because I know the other tasks will get taken care of during their designated time in the day . For instance, I can walk past the pile of laundry on my bed at noon because I know that I have a time slot at 3 p .m . to fold and put away laundry. I dont have to find myself stressing over Whats for dinner? at 5 p .m . because I put together the main dish after breakfast and its just waiting in the refrigerator for me to stick in the oven . I can enjoy reading a book or spending time online during the designated time slots for it because I know that my familys needs are met and my house is in order .
Ive had a morning routine for a number of years, so mine is a little more than five things. But its sort of meshed together so that I view each line as one thing and lump them together like that! Dont try to add anything else new for the next three weeks; just stick with faithfully implementing a morning routine . Once youve consistently stuck with your morning routine for three weeks, then add in an afternoon routine for three weeks and then an evening routine for three weeks. At the end of nine weeks, you should start to feel some significant order in your life just by these simple routines!
1. Daily/Weekly Plan
Now, I know some of you are rolling your eyes saying, Oh brother . Here we go again . I bet shes one of those fanatics trying to put me on a strict schedule for each day . That will never work for me . Be encouraged! I am not suggesting you need to have a very regimented, down-to-the-minute schedule which you never deter from in order to manage your time well . Yes, seriously. Wanna know a secret? We dont follow a strict schedule! Instead, we have a plan in place for all areas weve determined are our priorities . And we stick with a flexible routine . Thats what I love about the Time Budget . In the past Id make these elaborate schedules, but then Id follow them for only a week or two because Id get so flustered. The problem was I had crammed the schedules so full that the whole day would be thrown off whack with just one or two minor interruptions . With a Time Budget and margin planned in the day, Ive felt the freedom to shift things around as needed . So if the children are playing together really well in the morning, I might just let them play 30 minutes while I finish up a cleaning project. And then well just skip or condense the cleaning/playtime in the afternoon . I think it is really helpful to go ahead and make out a specific routine for your day or week using the time budget and priorities, but use it more
as a guide, not as a hard and fast must-follow-to-a-tee slave master . Its there to give you gentle direction and oversight, not to make your life miserable! You can see our written Daily Schedule here . However, thats just the written schedule . We never follow it perfectly . In fact, if you want to have a more accurate idea of what a day at our usually house looks like, itd be more like this:
Get up, read Bible, journal, pray Check email, clean out email inbox, blogging work Exercise, start a load of laundry Get children up (if they arent already up!), oversee their before-breakfast chores Get children started on breakfast (we eat oatmeal pretty much every morning), shower, dressed, make bed, clean up room Quick clean up of kitchen (while the children play or finish their morning chores) and make main dish for dinner (this usually involves about one minute of pulling out chicken or fish from the freezer and marinating it) Baths, dressed, chores (if the children didnt finish their morning chores yet) Bible Time (Were going through Teach Me About God, a Bible story coloring book and Hymns for a Kids Heart right now), Art (I eat a bowl of oatmeal sometime in here!) Kaitlynn and Silas usually go play nearby and I finish My Fathers World with Kathrynne (this is a unit study curriculum which encompasses almost all subjects, though its a little weak in some which is why we supplement) .
Kathrynne then works on her math lesson while I oversee and switch the laundry and finish any kitchen cleaning. Children watch a DVD or play while I do some blogging work Lunchtime and read a chapter from our current chapter book readaloud Finish cleaning chores for the day Read to Kaitlynn and put her down for her afternoon nap (she sometimes just lies in her bed and looks at books for 45 minutes to an hour) or listens to a story CD . Recently, though, shes been taking a good 1 .5 hour nap most afternoons probably because shes been getting up earlier! Sing, rock and read with Silas and put him down for his nap . Return phone calls, extra projects or cleaning Clean out inbox, blogging (Kathrynne watches her school DVDs or plays .) Everyone help with folding and putting away laundry (I try to do at least one load from start to finish each day.) The children play together while I read, finish cleaning or extra projects . Finish dinner prep, set table and finish afternoon chores (if they werent finished earlier), clean up house Read together (if time) Dinner, family time, read Bible together Children ready for bed/to bed (Jesse usually gets the children ready for bed and puts them to bed and sends me to put my feet up and read or blog! Yes, I know, Im very spoiled!) Time with Jesse Bedtime
This loose schedule is only for Monday through Thursday, as we only follow the morning routine on Fridays and then leave the rest of the day open for extra projects, errands, hospitality, getting together with friends and/or field trips. We pick one big fun thing per Friday to do and then also usually tackle some extra loose ends . Saturdays are much more relaxed at our house . Jesse usually takes the children out for a few hours while I have my Weekly Planning Retreat (which Ill explain in detail in a moment), and then we just spend extra time hanging out together as a family, sometimes going out shopping or on a fun outing, sometimes just hanging out at home working on projects . We go to Jesses familys house on Saturday evenings for dinner and our weekly Family Night (when everyone congregates to eat, catch up, play the Wii and laugh until our sides ache!) . Sundays are extremely laid back well, apart from the last-minute rushing around to get to church on time! (One of these days were going to master getting three children out the door and everyone looking presentable at an early morning hour . Were still getting the hang of that and it seems like every time weve almost mastered it, we add another child to the mix .) We usually hang around church until were the last ones there and then we head to Cracker Barrel or head home for a very simple lunch and afternoon naps . We spend Sunday evenings at my familys house (usually all the extended family comes over and we eat, talk, laugh some more and
just catch up on the past week) . The only project I do try to accomplish on Sundays is a quick clean-up of the house and organizing my coupons (which I do while were at my familys house) . And thats that at least for now! Our schedule is always evolving and changing as our lives change, our childrens needs change and as new responsibilities come along and old ones are set aside . I share these details with you just to give you an example of how our family operates (and because so many of you begged to see our daily schedule) . It goes without saying, but Im still going to say it: please, please, please do not try to copy our schedule or feel like you have to do something similar to what we are doing . What works for our family will not work for you . Find what works for your family be that a full-fledged schedule, a simple routine, a different schedule for each day of the week, a different schedule for each week of the month, something in between or something totally different and do that . The key is to make a plan and loosely follow the plan . Because a plan doesnt work unless you do!
2. Homemaking Plan
In addition to a Daily/Weekly Plan, Ive found it very helpful to have a Homemaking Plan . You can see my current homemaking plan here . There are also sheets available to download to create your own plan.
I dont always get to everything every week, but by getting to most things most weeks and keeping our home pretty streamlined of clutter, things stay in fairly good shape around here most of the time . (Now, if you drop by, I cant promise there wont be crumbs or fingerprints or toys on the floor, but our home usually can be company-ready in about 45 minutes. And Im happy with that for now!) You can see my Daily Docket that I print and use each day here (or download a customizable Daily Docket here) . I normally print these on Saturday for the following week and keep them in my home management binder. I try to keep it simple and only assign five to eight things (or less) on the to-do section and one to two projects/ministries per day . Whatever doesnt get accomplished in a given day either gets bumped to the following day, or I decide to just cross it off the list . I try to never have more than eight items on my daily to-do list, otherwise, I find that it can be discouraging and overwhelming from the get-go. Id rather just have three items on the list and actually get them all finished, than 30 items and overwhelm myself and finish none.
3. Blogging Plan
During my Weekly Planning Retreat on Saturdays, I map out the blogging projects and posts for the upcoming week on Google calendar and prep anything that I can . I also prioritize things by posts and projects which must be done and those which I hope to get to, but arent quite as imperative to write/finish. To be honest, up until about six months ago, I mostly just blogged by the seat of my pants without clear plan or purpose . Setting goals for my
blogging posts and projects each week and then revisiting them on Saturdays has helped me to be much more intentional in my blogging . And hopefully, this has also allowed me to do a better job at the actual act of blogging . In addition, its helped me to actually follow through on my promises (most of the time, at least!) .
4. Other Plans
Ministry Plans. On Saturdays, I also map out plans for ministry
opportunities for the following week picking out at least one to three different ways that I feel God wants me to serve or reach out to someone in our church or community . I dont always get to all of it, but having it planned, helps me to be more purposeful in exercising hospitality, serving and meeting needs .
Homeschooling Plans. Our homeschooling curriculum doesnt require much extra planning and preparation right now, but there are times when I spend at least a small chunk of time on Saturday planning out the projects, printing worksheets and getting things all ready so that come Monday, were not scrambling .
Menu Plans. Since were eating really simply right now, I just make
sure that we have the ingredients on hand to have oatmeal for breakfast every morning, and simple lunches and dinners every day . I pick one meal off the list for dinner each night and write it on my Daily Docket the night before .
Plan XYZ. For me, Ive found that if I have a good Daily Plan, Homemaking Plan, Menu Plan, Blogging Plan, Ministry Plan and Homeschooling Plan, life flows along fairly smoothly and doesnt usually feel too
stressful or chaotic (though there are definitely those moments!). This is what is working for me at this season of our lives . I encourage you to examine what areas in your life could be benefited by regular planning and to set aside a small time block each week to plan. At first, it might be rough going, but over time, youll likely really start to reap the fruit! Its well been said that one minute of planning can save five minutes in execution . And it can also save your sanity and lower your stress levels, too!
Home Management
1. Streamline Your Homemaking Routines
Most of you know that my mantra is, Keep it simple . Theres no need to have an elaborate system if something really basic works for you (though, if an elaborate system works for you, more power to you!) . And theres no need to feel like you have to scrub every little nook and cranny of your house all the time . Give yourself grace to let some stuff go . If youre feeling overwhelmed, stick with the basics . In our house, if we have clean laundry, sufficiently picked up rooms, clean bathrooms, the dishes are loaded into the dishwasher and the floors are swept, I consider things to be in pretty good shape .
I aim to complete the tasks on my Daily, Weekly and Monthly checklists , but I dont always get to all of them . However, Ive found that if I shoot to get them done, even if I skip a few things every few days, the house stays in pretty good shape. Its never perfect, but its usually 45 minutes to being company-ready. And Im satisfied with that at this point in my life.
I use a list similar to FishMamas (see image to the right), only mines not so detailed . It just has sections for Home, Jesse, Children, Personal, Ministry and Blogging. I try to set 3-5 goals for each section each week . In the home section, I might write an extra organizing or cleaning project and two cooking projects . In Jesses section, I might write to set a goal of writing him one note, doing something fun with him and a specific prayer request to pray for him daily . In the children section, I might set a goal to finish a book were reading together, do an extra craft project and plan one fun outing . In the personal section, I usually set goals for Bible memory work, a book I want to finish and some other area Im working on improving in (such as going to bed on time!) . For the ministry section, I might set a goal to have a friend over, write a card to someone and make food for someone . And in the blogging section, Ill usually set goals for whatever posts or projects Im hoping to finish that week. Now obviously, I dont always do everything in every section every week . In fact, some weeks I only get a few things off my list done . But planning these at the beginning of the week and then referring to my list of goals as I make out my short daily to-do lists helps me to be a lot more purposeful in living my life .
We have found that modeling hard work and servanthood before our children is one of the best ways for them to learn, as well as encouraging them to work alongside us from an early age . And we give them ageappropriate chores to accomplish each day, as well as encouraging them to take initiative in helping outside of their daily chore list . (By the way, you can download some fun and free printable chore lists here, if youre interested .) We are still learning the practicalities of imparting this to our children in a Godly and balanced manner, so I wont give you any tips for what works. But ask me about 25 years from now, and hopefully Ill have some words of wisdom to share!
Get help. I mentioned before that, after our third child was born and
I was struggling with postpartum depression, we hired a girl from church to start coming over once a week and helping out. One of the tasks she often helps with is doing a few loads of laundry . It is such a huge relief and blessing to know that, if I get behind on laundry, someone else is going to help me get caught back up so I dont fall hopelessly behind and we resort back to piles of laundry in our room
6. Simplify Meals
Remember my mantra? Keep it simple. Theres no need to over-complicate life any more than it already is . If you love making six-course gourmet dinners and you have time to do so, than go for it! But if youre feeling stressed and overwhelmed with life, can I encourage you to give yourself freedom to keep meals simple? In fact, if your family is okay with it, you might find it helpful to just have two weeks worth of go-to quick and easy meals that you rotate . Or you might consider taking one day a month to prepare most of the food for your main dishes for the next month to stick in the freezer . We stick with really basic meals around here and it works well for us at this season of our lives . Breakfasts are cereal or oatmeal, lunches are leftovers, sandwiches, salads or macaroni and cheese, dinners are some type of meat (fish, chicken or beef), some type of carb (bread, rice or potatoes) and a veggie . Most meals can be put together in 15 minutes or less, with pretty minimal clean up, too .
Having this simple plan and giving myself the grace to not feel like I needed to be making more than this (unless I was inspired and had time!) has really provided me a lot of freedom from guilt and its saved me a lot of time and energy, too!
than ever . To be honest, I even felt like a failure when I just couldnt make a Homemaking Binder work for me and it seemed it worked flawlessly for everyone else . Over time, Ive learned that its okay to do what works for me even if its much different than what works for other people . So instead of trying to conform myself to another persons system, Ive set out to create my own . This video tutorial [http://bit .ly/msmbinder] walks you through what Ive been using for the past four months . Its working really well for us right now, though I cant promise that it will be what I use for the rest of my life . Im learning that tweaking and overhauling things as seasons and needs change is what works best . But I share this in hopes it might inspire some of you . Please dont try to copy mine exactly (because it likely wont work for you!) . But I hope those of you who are struggling with home management may be able to glean a few ideas from it . By the way, all of the pages I use in my binder can be downloaded for free here .
I currently have my computer time broken down into the following specific blocks: 45 minutes on substantive writing 1 .5 hours posting time-sensitive deal posts 30 minutes on email 15 minutes on Facebook/Twitter 15 minutes on a writing project 45 minutes extra placing online orders, reading blog posts, extra projects
I dont always follow these time blocks perfectly . Sometimes something comes up which requires I spend extra time working on a technical issue . Or occasionally Ill have a conference call scheduled . So Ill shift some things around in order to accommodate these extra things . But having my computer time all budgeted out, instead of just getting on and doing whatever seemed most pressing, has helped me to get a lot more done in a lot less time . In fact, some days, Im able to get everything done on my list with time to spare!
If its your time to email, work on emailing . Go through your emails in order of priority and dont stop until your time is up . If its your time to write blog posts, only work on drafting blog posts until your time is up . If youre used to trying to post or email while you have a bunch of applications open and constantly dinging at you, youll likely be surprised at just how much work you can get done in a distraction-free 20 to 30-minute concentrated block of time . And once you get in the habit of doing one thing at a time, youll learn where your fizzle out point is when you need to stop and take a break or stop for the day in order to come back to it refreshed and energized . Personally, Ive found that I do best by working in 20-30 minute blocks and then rewarding myself with a short 5-minute break to check email or Facebook . If Im working on an in-depth project which requires a lot of brain power, Ill often set the timer for 20 minutes and work on it and then set the timer for 15 minutes and work on cleaning up or doing laundry .
Unsubscribe from all email lists which you dont actively read the emails and benefit from. Turn off notifications when someone subscribes or unsubscribes from your YouTube or email newsletter service . Set up a very comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions page which answers a large number of questions people routinely email you about . Put this in very conspicuous places on your site including smack-dab in the middle of your Contact page . While plenty of people will disregard this, I promise that it will at least cut down on some of your email load . Have a search button in a very obvious place on the sidebar of your blog . This encourages people to search for that post or recipe themselves of emailing in to ask you for the link .
to respond at the moment . Once a week, usually on Saturdays, I try clean out the entire To Answer file so that its completely empty. This system works well for me as it helps me to not be bogged down with a lot of emails not requiring an immediate response in my inbox . And it ensures most of the time, at least! that nothing highly important gets overlooked or lost in a sea of emails . By the way, if youre going to take the time to answer a question in more than a paragraph or two, consider turning it into a post . Then, you kill two birds with one stone you answered an email and you wrote a post!
Rescue Time. Wondering where all your time is going online and why
youre not getting anything done? Rescue Time will track your online activities and you can also set limits for how much time you can spend on individual sites .
A few years ago, we implemented media-free Sundays at our house and this has been one of the best things for our family. We dont always 100% follow it as there are some Sundays when we break at a DVD for the children while Jesse and I spend time together or well need to turn the computer on for something or other, but I dont blog on Sundays and by and large the computers stay completely shut off . This makes Sunday a very restful day at our home and allows us to spend extra time fellowshipping with friends and family at a leisurely pace . We also often get in Sunday afternoon naps!
7. Say No Often
As women, were often afraid to say no . We fear we might miss out on a big opportunity and we worry about what other people might think of us . I know, because Im there a lot . I just want to encourage you (and myself!) to guiltlessly say no . If an opportunity is going to require time you dont have or going to oblige you in a way you dont feel comfortable with or is just not a good fit for you or your blog, say no . Before committing to anything, count the costs . What are you going to have to give up in order to do this thing or attend this event or write this post or participate in this series?
Is it worth what youre giving up? If youre not 100% sure that it is, than say no .
Use Email Rather Than the Phone. Advertisers and other people often want to set up conference calls to discuss potential opportunities . Ive found that you can spend a lot of unnecessary time on the phone only to discover that the opportunity isnt a good fit. If a company contacts me and wants to set up a phone call, I email back and say that I prefer to correspond by email and if they give me more details on the proposal, Ill be glad to see if its something Im interested in . In most cases, they will send back the proposal and instead of having to
have a 20-minute phone call, it will instead only take me two minutes to review and respond . I only set up phone calls when it is really merited and I feel like itd be more productive and efficient to hammer out details by phone.
something fun . During this time, I plan out our upcoming week, map out my blog posts for the next week, tie up any loose ends on projects, place online orders, clean out my email To Answer file and just generally get things in order so that I can rest on Sunday and start with a clean slate on Monday . Taking this time to plan makes a world of difference in all areas of my life!
I realized after I wrote that chapter on time management that its possible some people might think I was saying you needed to adopt a morning routine similar to mine . Or that you need to get up before your children do . Please know that this is just what is working for me right now . And while it is really helpful, I certainly dont think its for everyone . Nor would I be getting up when I do right now if I were up multiple times in the night with a baby or toddler! Im at an easier season of life right now . Im not pregnant, Kathrynne is old enough to help me with quite a few different things, Kaitlynn is learning how to help and can do a number of things by herself, Silas is almost weaned, and all three of my children are sleeping through the night most every night . So, what works for me wont work for you because youre at a very different and much more difficult! season of life right now. However, I can very much relate to where youre at because Silas did not sleep through the night for the entire first year of his life. In fact, for 12 months, the longest stretch of sleep I got was six hours twice . It was hard, especially because Kaitlynn wasnt even two when he was born and she was still waking up at night on occasion for that first year of his life. Here are some things which helped me . They may or may not be helpful to you . Take what helps you and leave the rest!
Get up, read Bible Breakfast Start a load of laundry and load the dishwasher Take the children out on a walk . Morning naptime for baby, toddler play with a special toy box or basket in the playpen put the laundry in the dryer, do one cleaning project (*see note on next page), thaw something for dinner Lunchtime Read picture books and play with the children . 2-year-old watch DVD, baby in swing while you fold and put away laundry Afternoon naptime (everyone naps, including mom!) Quick pick up of the house, finish dinner prep Dinner Bedtime
Ive found that just having a basic routine mapped out is so helpful . It keeps things calm and more structured and everyone knows what to expect next . Plus, it ensures that the most important tasks get done every day .
*Consider coming up with five homemaking tasks one for each day of the week and tackle one per day . Something like: Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vacuuming Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bathrooms Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . Mop floors Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . Dusting Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General straightening and clutter removal
Laugh Often
Learn to laugh instead of cry and things will be much better all round . Find the humor in every situation that you can . Surround yourself with positive people and encouraging messages to help build you up .
the grocery store to stock your refrigerator with healthful foods you can grab for snacks such as fresh fruits and veggies . In addition, make sure you are drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of good protein and whole grains and taking a good multi-vitamin . Ive found that I feel so much better when I eat a big salad at least once a day, drink 8-10 glasses of water, take my vitamins and get fresh air and exercise .
Time Management Tips for Parents With Special-Needs Kids 7 Time Management Tips For the Working Woman
How to Manage Your Time (and Sanity!) as a Military Mom Time Management Tips for the Single Mom
Helpful Resources
Tell Your Time: How to Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Fulfilled The tips and tricks in this ebook
by Amy Andrews have revolutionized my life and our home . I cannot recommend this ebook enough . Its simple, concise and packs a powerful punch . It has helped me streamline my life so that Im not rushing through my days like a chicken with its head cut off . Youll learn how to plan margin into your day, make long-term goals and strategies and focus your time and energies on what really matters . Order the ebook here. [http://bit .ly/msmtyt]
and really liked it as it tells you exactly what you need to do each day to keep your home organized and running smoothly . If you struggle with coming up with a plan for home organization, Id definitely recommend trying it out and seeing if it works for your family . There are sample pages to check out at the bottom of the products page . Order the planner here. [http://bit .ly/msmmotivated]
Download free 15-page sample here. [http://bit .ly/olamsample] Order the ebook here. [http://bit .ly/olamorder]