RT Mat T1
RT Mat T1
RT Mat T1
Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names 1to 9 ii. Recognize numerals 1 to 9 Count a group of objects 1 to 9 Read and write numbers 1 to 9 i. Write numerals 1 to 9 ii. Read number words 1 to 9 iii. Write number words 1 to 9 Say and use the number name in order. i. Arrange numbers 1 to 9 : a. Count on in ones. b. Count back in ones. Read and write numbers from 0 to 10 i. Say the number names 0 to 10 ii. Recognize 0 to 10 in counting iii. Count s group of objects 1 to 10 iv. Write number words 1 to 10 v. Read number words zero to ten vi. Write number words zero to ten Understand and use the vocabulary of comparing and arranging numbers or quantities i. Arrange numbers 0 to 1 0 a. Count on in ones. b. Count back in twos c. Count on from a given number d. Count back to a given number ii. Compare two numbers and say which is more or less a. Identify one more or one less.
6-8 1.2 Addition With The Highest Total Of 10 1.2.1 Use the vocabulary of comparing and arranging numbers or quantities. i. Find one more than a number from 1 to 0 Understand addition as combining two groups of objects. i. Find the total of two numbers. ii. Write number sentences for addition iii. State all possible pairs of numbers that total up to a given number. iv. Recall rapidly the total of two numbers. Use and apply knowledge of addition in real life. i. Solve simple problems in real life. Use the vocabulary involved in subtraction of numbers 0 to 10. i. Find one less than a number. Understand subtraction as take away i. Write number sentences for subtraction.
1.3.2 1.3.3
Numbers to 20
Use and apply knowledge of subtraction in real life. i. Solve simple problems in real life. 1.4.1 Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number name 11 to 20. ii. Recognize numerals 11 to 20 iii. Count a group of objects 11 to 20. 1.4.2 Read and write numbers from 11 to 20. i. Write numerals 11 to 20. ii. Read number words eleven to twenty. iii. Write number words eleven to twenty. 1.4.3 Know what each digit in a number represents. i. Say what each digit in a number represents..
1.4.4 Say and use the number names in order. i. Arrange numbers from 11 to 20. a. Count on in ones. b. Count back in ones. c. Count on from a given number. d. Count back to a given number. Say and use the number names in familiar contexts. i. Say the number names to 100. ii. Recognize numerals to 100. iii. Count a group of objects to 100. Read and write numbers to 100 i. Write numerals to 100. ii. Read number word to one hundred. iii. Write number words to one hundred. Say and use the number names in order. i. Arrange numbers 100. a. Count on in ones to 100. b. Count back in ones to 100. c. Count on in tens from 0. d. Count back in tens from 100 e. Count on and count back in tens from a given number. Understand and use ordinal use numbers in different contexts. i. Say ordinal numbers from first on tenth. ii. Use ordinal numbers in different contexts. Use the vocabulary involved in addition within the basic facts. i. Find one more than a number. Understand addition as combining two groups of objects. i. Find the total of two numbers. ii. Write number sentences for addition. Know by heart basic facts of addition. i. Recall rapidly basic facts of addition. Use and apply knowledge of addition in real life. i. Solve simple problems in real life. Use the vocabulary involved in subtraction within the basic facts. i. Find one less than a number.
Numbers to 100
1.6 19-23
1.6.1 1.6.2
Basic facts. 1.7.2 Understand subtraction as take away or difference between two groups of objects. i. Find the difference between two numbers. ii Write number sentences for subtraction 1.7.3 Know bat heart basic facts of subtraction. i. Recall rapidly basic facts of subtraction. ii. State all possible pairs of numbers with the difference equals to a given number. iii. Recall rapidly the difference of two numbers. 1.7.4 Use and apply knowledge of subtraction in real life. i. Solve simple problems in real life. 2.1.1 Understand and the vocabulary related to money i. Recognize coins and notes of Malaysian currency. ii. Represent the value of money in RM and Sen.. iii. Exchange : a. Coins up to RM 1, and b. Notes up to RM 10 iv. Add and Subtract. a. Coins up to RM 1 ; and b. Notes up to RM 10. v. Solve simple problems involving money in real life. 3.1.1 Understand and use the vocabulary related time. i. Say time of the day correctly. ii. Say in sequence events of the day. iii. Name the days of the week in sequence. iv. Name the months of the year in sequence. v. Read time to the hour on a clock. 4.1.1 Understand and use the vocabulary related 3-D shapes. i. Name solid shapes.
36-38 4. SHAPE AND SPACE 4.1 ThreeDimensiona l Shape (3D Shape) 2. 2-D Shapes 39-42 4.2.2 4.2.1 Understand and use the vocabulary related to 2-D shapes. i. Name two-dimensional shapes. Describe and classify common 2-D shapes. i. Describe features of two-dimensional shapes. ii. Sort two-dimensional shapes. iii. Make designs with two-dimensional shapes. 4.1.2 Describe classify common 3-D shapes. i. Describe features of solid shapes. ii. Sort solid shapes. iii. Make models.