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Christopher Columbus in Costa Rica - Hero or mass murderer? ( http://www.welovec ostarica.com/public/1163.

cfm ) - Most history books tell us that Christopher Col umbus was a brave, heroic explorer. But if you start reading the story behind th ese glossy, patriotic 'Columbus Day' celebrations, you quickly find that it was the actions of Christopher Columbus, in the name of the "Holy Trinity" that resu lted in the eventual slaughter of millions of Indians. By the time Christopher C olumbus arrived in Costa Rica on September 18, 1502, there were four major indig enous tribes living in Costa Rica. The east coast was the realm of the Caribs, w hile the Borucas, Chibchas, and Diquis resided in the southwest. Only a few hund red thousand strong to begin with, none of these peoples lasted long after the d awn of Spanish colonialism. Some fled, while many others perished from the deadl y smallpox brought by the Spaniards. Having decimated the indigenous labor force , the Spanish followed a common policy and brought in African slaves to work the land...

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