Topic 5 Models (Approaches To) ESP Course Design

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Models(Approaches to) ESP Course Design

Comparison of The Models


A language-centered approach to ESP Course Design

Identify learners target situation
Identify linguistic features Of target situation Select theoretical views of language

Create syllabus

Design materials to Exemplify syllabus items Develop evaluation procedures to test mastery of syllabus items

2. A skills-centered approach to ESP Course Design

Theoretical views of language

Identify target situation

Analyze skills/ Strategies required To cope in target situation

Write syllabus

Select texts and write exercises to focus on skills/ strategies in syllabus

Develop evaluation Procedures which Require the use of skills/strategies In syllabus

Theoretical views of learning

3. A learning-centered approach
Identify learners Theoretical Views of learning

Analyze learning situation

Analyze learning Target situation

Theoretical Views of language

Identify attitudes/wants/ Potential of learners --------------------------Identify needs/potential/ Constrains of learning/ Teaching situation

Identify skills and knowledge needed to function In the target situation


Write syllabus/materials to exploit the potential of the learning situation in the acquisition of the skills and knowledge required by the target situation


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