II Cycle Test Satcomm Final

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E (SEPTEMBER 2011) SUBJECT CODE/ SUBJECT: EC1403 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION DURATION: 1.30 Hrs YEAR/SEM: IV ECE A & B MAX MARKS:50 PART A ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS 1. Define EIRP 2. The range between a ground station and a satellite is 42,000 km. Calculate the free space loss at a frequency of 6 GHz. 3. What is input back off? 4. Write short notes on losses that occur in space link. 5. Define a) attitude control b) station keeping 6. What is meant by intermodulation noise? 7. Calculate the gain of a 3m paraboloidal antenna operating at a frequency of 12GHz. Assume an aperture efficiency of 0.5.

PART B ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : 8. With a neat block diagram explain the attitude and orbit control system. (12) OR 9. i) Discuss in various units of a transponder (8) ii) Write a brief note on TT and C subsystem (4)

10.i) Derive the expression for link power budget equation (6)


ii) An antenna has a gain of 46 dB at 12 GHz. Calculate its effective area (4) iii) Calculate the noise power for a bandwidth of 36 MHz if noise temperature is 135k(2)

OR 11.i)Derive the expression for combined uplink and downlink C/N ratio with relevant diagram (6) ii) A transmitter feeds a power of 10W into an antenna which has a gain of 46 dB. Calculate the EIRP in (i) watts( ii) dBW (4) iii) Write the formula to compute the uplink carrier to noise ratio (2) 12.i) Derive the expression for overall carrier to noise ratio (C/N0) of space link (6) ii) An uplink operates at 14GHz and the flux density required to saturate the (6) transponder is -120dBw/m2.The free space loss is 207dB and the other propagation losses amount to 2dB. Calculate the earth station EIRP in dB required for saturation assuming clear sky conditions. Assume receiver feeder loss as a negligible quantity. OR 13.i) Derive the expression for overall system noise temperature by deriving expressions for amplifiers in cascade and noise temperature of absorptive networks (8) ii) A LNA is connected to a receiver which has a noise figure of 12 dB. The gain of LNA is 30dB and its noise temperature is 120k. Calculate the overall noise temperature referred to the LNA input. (4)

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