Saint Martha The Dominator

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THE 21 Cortes / Commissions of Spirits in Puerto Rican Espiritismo


Las 21 Commisiones Espirituales del Espiritismo Puertoriqieno.



In Puerto Rican Espiritismo, there exists various Courts or Gathering Groups of Spirits known collectively as Las Commisiones. This group of spirits are part of an individuals Cuadro Espiritual, "spiritual frame" and make up a cadena espiritual, "spiritual chain" or Enlace,Espiritul "Spiritual link," with a person. On an Espiritista's tableau (altar) one will often see statutes or framed photos of Saints, Angels, pagan gods, indigenous spirits, Asian and Hindu gods, gypsies, spiritual animals, or mythical creatures all sharing a space on one altar. This makes up that particular Espiritistas, Cuadro Espiritul. But with one central piece usually being the largest, and that one being the Guia Espiritual. Or the larger can be a Guardian Angel, or an aspect of the Virgin Mary or a Saint, with a smaller statue of the Guia Espiritual towards the right side of the larger. One thing to note while a Principle Guide can often share space on a tableau. A Saint or a guardian angel should never be placed on a Fuente Espiritual. A fuente espiritual, "spiritual fountain" is an altar dedicated in the memory of Ancestral Spirits. Similar to an Afro Cuban Santeria boveda. My next blog will be on the Fuente Espiritual, the tableau altar and the Mesa Blanca.

Although I mention 21, there are more, these listed here are the Commisiones that work la obra de la Luz, the Way of the Light, and work for the Sancista and the Espiritista; in Obras espirituales "Spiritual Work" usually for the greater good of the person, "working with them" and the community. But can also be used in protection, fighting Spiritual warfare, and healing. They also work in helping a person with the development of their faculties, spiritual work, spell casting,amenities, spiritual growth, bestowing insightful messages, answer and solutions to every day problems, just to name a few things they can do

Every human has one, two and sometimes three or more of these Spiritual Forces that make up an individuals Cuadro Espiritual. But with one being a person's central Guia Principal. (Principle Guide). You will often hear an Espiritista when giving a consultation or santiguando / limpia "a spiritual cleansing" say to an individual. You have a Cadena with a Gypsi, or a Marinero, or that a Madama follows you. Or that the person has an Indian Spirit that walks with him / her. Or that the person is spiritually married to a Cacique Indian, or even has a strong Spiritual link with a Congo Spirit. One thing is for certain each individual has a Patron Saint and a Guardian Angel that is part of the individuals Spiritual Frame and also a Principle Guide. The trained Espiritista can determine from the group of Commisiones which one is a person's Guia Principal (Principle Guide) through a Spiritual Mass or Seance, in which the Guia Principal will be the first spirit to manifest and mount the Espiritista or try and take possession of a person head through a Baptismal ceremony, and therefor claiming that persons head. Other ways of determining ones Guia Principal, can be done through divination, while under a trance, or through dreams. While an Espiritista determines which is a persons Guia Primcipal, they also can determine a persons Partron Saint or Angel de la Guarda, (Guardian Angel) in the same manner. Through a Misa Espiritual "Spiritual Mass," a Sesion "seance" or baptismal." Although a Patron Saints and a Guardian Angel can be determined in the same manner,

they can also be determined by analyzing a persons family lineage, or the day a person was born to see if it correlates to the day of a Patron Saint, or Guardian Angel.

The belief in past lives and Reincarnation play a pivotal and major role in Espiritismo. The spirits are a chain or link to a persons past life and not only can they be Guias Principales but also can be either a lover, or a spouse from a past life, an ancient ancestral spirit, a departed family member, or even the culture or race the person was in a past life.

Usually the person has strong qualities or traits of the Guia Principal, that is often compared to that of astrology and the zodiac. For example, if the individual is flirtatious or loves to dance and dress in extravagant clothing, a Espiritista will say, they have a Gypsy spirit with them. Or the person loves to go fishing, enjoys the sea or could be a bit of a kleptomaniac, the person has a spiritual link or chain with a pirate spirit. Or an adult person has a mischievous nature, enjoys pranks, and often gets into trouble they have an Infantil. During a seance, fiesta espiritual or a spiritual mass, the person mounted by a spirit will display traits of that particular spirit. Note that it is not unheard of, that two spirits from the Commision are at odds and fighting for a persons head, and trying to be the main Principle Guide. When this happens, the person shows traits of both spirits.

There are Comisiones also that do harm, bring upon illness, diseases, mental problems, disorder and financial difficulties to name a few of the calamities to a person. This group of spirits are our own inner demons. This group of spirits has a link with an individual usually trying to find justice from a wrong or an injustice done unto them, from a past life, seek payment from a past dept, or dealing with a past life curse.

1. COMMISIONES DE CHAMANES, BRUJOS, YERBATEROS, TRABAJADORES ESPIRITUALES. - They aid in magic, herbalism, healing, visions, knowledge of omens, Offerings - Aguardiente, black unsweetened coffee. Candle - Green, Brown


2. COMMISIONES DE GITANOS AND GITANAS. - Gypsies, They aid in Divination, Fortune Telling, palmistry, love, and passion. Offerings - Crystals, tarot cards, playing cards, Aguardiente Liquor. Cigarettes. Candle - Red, Black

3. COMMISIONES DE MADAMAS Y MADAMOS - Negra Thomasa, Nego Jose. They are the care takers, those that aid in the home, and protection of the family and children. Offerings - Corn Meal, okra, coffee, cigars Candle colors - Red or white.

4. COMMISIONES DE PIRATAS Y MARINEROS. - Roberto Cofres Ramirez de Arellano / el pirata Capitan Confresi, Capitan Henry Morgan. They symbolize courage, strength, fearless hearts, overcoming adversity. Offering. Rum, sugarcane, cigars. Color Candles. Red, black, white.

5. COMMISIONES DE INDIOS Y CACIQUES. - Los Tainos. The Buhuitihu, They aid in Spiritual warfair, judicial matters, patience, searching, aiding one in finding wisdom and knowledge of pre-Columbian spirits and Spiritual forces. Offerings - tobacco, black coffee, corn meal. Candle - Blue, Yellow.

6. COMMISIONES DE LOS ORIENTALES. El Buddha, Guanyin. They aid in money matters, luck, the lottery, luck in love, financial gain, and better business Offering - Citrus fruits, incense. Candle - pink, red.

7. COMMISIONES DE LOS ARABES. - They aid with the Wisdom of the magical forces of the Djjinn Offering garbanzo beans, garlic, flat bread, Olive Color Candles. Green and Black. oil.

8. COMMISIONES MEDICAS / SANTIGUADORES / CURANDERA. - Jose Gregorio Hernandez They aid in all health matters, healing, finding a cure. Medacine and herbalism. Offering - herbal teas of all sorts. Candle, white. yellow.

9. COMMISIONSES DE LOS CONGOS. - Pa Francisco, Ma Francisca. The Congo Spirits are that group of Spirits who in Africa where Kings, Queen, of Royal heritage or important nobile figures in Africa but where slaves in the Americas. Pai Fransisco, Mai Fransisca, el Congo and La Kongas. They aid in Black Magic, defending against occult enemies and protection. Offerings - Cigars, Rum, okra, corn meal, tobacco and coffee Candle Color - Black,Brown, Orange, and Purple .

10. COMMISIONES DE LOS SANTOS. The Saints all have their own attributes. Each saint has its own color candle and offering.

11. COMMISIONES DE LOS HINDU. - Hindu The wisdom of the Hindu Gods. 7 multi color candle.

12. COMMISIONES DE LOS ANGELES. Guardian Angels. Each Angel has their own Color Candle and offering. White.

13. COMMISIONES DE LOS ESCLAVOS. Negra Amparo, Negro Felipe, Negro Jose, Negra Elena. They aid in courage, obstacles, hard work, and patience. Offering - same as Madama and Congo Candle - White Purple,

14. COMMISIONES DE LOS INFANTILES. Nino Divino, Nino de Atocha. This group of spirits are tricksters, who play pranks on humans, But can be very protective. Offerings - coins, candy, toys, sweets. Candle, yellow, orange.

15 COMMISIONES DE LAS BENDITA ANIMAS Y ANIMA SOLAS. - Juan Minero, Maria Celestina Abdegano, Fransisca Durante. These Spirits will aid you in any undertaking as long as you offer them prayers, and light. Offering - Holy Water, Ice cubes, any liquor or drink to quench their thirst. Candle - Red Black

16. COMMISIONES DE LIBERTADORA. -This group aids you in wisdom, study, and court trials, freedom and liberation. Offering - Brandy, Cigars. Color - White, Yellow.

17. COMMISIONES DE LOS VAGABUNDOS, Y BOHEMIOS. - This group aids in poetry, written letters, music. Offerings, toast, bread or crackers. Candle, Brown, Green.

18. COMMISIONES DE LOS HEROES Y LIDERS. - This group of spirits aid you in battles of all kinds. Candle, White.

19. COMMISIONES AFRICANA. - Spirits that followed Los Misterios in life, the Orisha , Nikisi, and Lwa. They are the messengers of the Misterios and when they come down will show many characteristics of the Orisha and Lwa. Offering - each spirit has his/her own preferable offering. 7 Color Candle.

20. COMMISIONES ELEMENTALES. - Cuatro Vientos. Maria de los Cuatro Costales. This group of spirits fall under the four cardinal points, spirits of the Four Elements. Each element has its own color and offering.

21. COMMISIONES DE LOS JUANES Y LAS MARIAS. - Juan Negro, Juan Indio Juan del Tabacco. Maria de la Luz. This group kept the.secrets knowledge and wisdom of their people hidden and alive for future generations, and will aid you. In life they where not born with the name Juan or Maria, but where changed buy their white masters or because of religion.

The Pantheon of the Puerto Rican Sanse Misterios

Los Misterios de Sanse simiar to Dominican 21 Division, Diviciones

Within the Pantheon of Haitian Vodou the Lwa are categorized within 5 various Nations "Nanchons" of Spirits, which are as follow.

Rada Nation Petro Nation Guede Nation Kongo Nation Nago Nation

The word Lwa is the Haitian Creole word for Law, and is pronounced Lalwa. "La Luwah"

Rada Lwa

The Rada Lwa are the highly elevated ancient Spirits who have their roots in Africa. These Spirits where honored, venerated, worshiped and brought to the New World with the Slave Trade. Within the Rada Division, the Cosmic forces and Spiritual Forces of nature are honored. Many Orishas from Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Santerismo, Shango and Obeah also fall within this Division. They are generally benevolent spirits and as a whole are associated with the element of air and the color white, although singularly each Orisha and Lwa control a force of nature, or element, each has his or her own associated color and numbers.

Some Rada can also have Petro aspects which are considered to be much more harsher and aggressive than the more peaceful and benevolent Rada Lwa, some say that these Rada Lwa with Petro traits are aspects, "vueltas" or roads, "caminos" while others argue they are different entities altogether.

Petro Lwa

The Petro / Pretho Lwa have their origin within the New World, and they tend to be more aggressive than the peaceful Rada. The name Petro comes from Don Juan Felipe Pedro "Jean Philippe Petro, Ti Jean Petro" a Negro Slave of the Dominican Republic who in 1768 learned to harness the darker aspects or sides of the Lwa, as well as the native spirits of the land, becoming a powerful and well renowned Papa Boko. The Petro Lwa became very popular within the island of Hispaola especially in Haiti. In Cuba these forces are known as the Inquices or Mpungo. As a whole they are associated with the element fire and the color red.

Ghede Lwa

The Ghede Lwa are often viewed as benevolent Spirits of the Dead who are in the transition state of reaching Rada status, and still some Ghede are waiting to reincarnate or resurrect into the material plane. They are great healers, protecters of children and often have a mischievous, and trickster like nature to them.

The Ghede fall into the biggest group of Lwa and fall in between the Rada and Petro, and their mischievous nature is often misunderstood.

They are the messengers or mouthpiece to the dead as well as highly elevated spirits, and also are known to help transport dead souls into other planes of existence. Many also help in opening the pathways between the realm of the Living and the realm of the Dead. As a whole their color is black.

The Kongo Lwa

The group of Loases have their origins within the Congo region of Africa. This group of Lwa include the Simbi division mostly venerated in Haitian Vodou, and the Mpongo Spirits venerated in Palo Monte and Palo Mayombe. While the Rada represent Cosmic and Natural Forces, the Petro and Congo embody human traits, desires and emotions. They are fierce, and often hot tempered spirits. There color as a whole is Blue.

Nago Lwa

The Nago nation includes many aspects or roads of the Orisha Oggun, or the Lwa Ogou, such as Ogum, Ogou Balendjo, Ogun Panama, Ogun Zarabanda, Gran Ogun Batala, Ogou Sango, and so forth. Originating from the Ogun state in present day Nigeria as well as Benin and Osun, the Ogun are associated with Fire and Metal, and manifest their energy through labor and hard work. They have the power to destroy and create and are the great Leaders of battles. They are blacksmith, and rulers of weapons and all metals. They are envisioned as warriors, generals or soldiers, as they always carry a weapon such as a Sword, or a Machete. Traditionally the name Ogun is similar to a surname or last name for Nago Lwa although the name Ogun or Ogou comes first.

While the Haitians classify their Lwa into 5 nations, The Misterios "Loases" of the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico classify them into 21 divisions.

The Dominican Republic 21 Divisions are

The Leguas The Ogunes The Guedes The Rodas The Lokos The Lokomis The Petos The Simbis The Petifones The Marasa The Zombis The Indios The Nagos The Congos The Guineas The Niillos The Caes The Dangueles The Shuques The Piues The Difemayos

In Puerto Rico there is a slight variation. The Sanse Misterios are.



Within Puerto Rican Sanse the most venerated are the Siete Sanses or Siete 7 Jefes of the Sanse Pantheon, which is similar in concept to the Seven African Powers.

Los Siete Jefes del Sanse

los Siete JEFES del Sanse

Anaisa la Chiquita Santa Marta Dominadora La Madre Dolorosa Belie Belcan Candelo Ogun Belando Baron del Cementerio

Some societies or families differ and may include, Luis El Guedesito, Pa Viejo, Cachita Tumbo, Amalia Belcan, Ofelia Balendo, Agua Dulce or Rio Tempestoso. It is important to note that not all Sanse Societies venerate the same Misterios.

La Siete Potencias Africana

Orula Yemaya Eleggua Chango Ogun Ochun Obatala

Also Babalu Aye, Ochosi and Oya.

In tern these 21 Divisions are broken down into three major Divisions, each Division has 7 Seven main Jefes or Chiefs that rule over that particular Punto. So you have 3 Divisions which has 7 Puntos, and 7 times 3 equals 21. Some Puerto Rican societies include the Commissions as well. Again each sociedad or familia will have variations on what constitutes the 7 Jefes of Sanse. It is not that we do not respect the other Misterios, its that the 7 Jefes are the most widely respected, or known on the island both within Brujeria and Sanse.

The White Division "Air Division" The Black Division "Fire Division" The Indian Division "Water Division"

The Earth Division is made up of those Spirits, or Saints that are close to the Material plane these spirits as a whole are known as the Commissions, or Cortes and the Punto to the Comisiones is ones Guardiana spirit known as El Centinela.

The Misterios / The Loases


Alejo is Saint Alex

Anaisa Py / Anaisa la Chiquita = Saint Anne July 26th / Joan of Arc. Colors : Yellow and White Baron Del Cementerio / Baron del Monte = Saint Elijah Day 17th of April or 20th of July Colors Black and White

Barn Sandi / Papa Guede is San Gerardo Feast Day, October 16, colors Black and Red.

Beli Belcan is Saint Michael, Feast Day, Sept 29th, colors green and red

Baklu Bak is Saint Philip, Feast Day November 14. Colors Blue and Green.

Candelina is Our Lady of Candelaria, Feast Day, Febuary 2 Colors Red and Blue

Candelito is The Divine Child, Feast Day December 25, colors Pink and Blue.

Candelo Cedife is Saint Charles Colors Red White, Black

Candelo del Monte / Candelo de la Escoba is Saint Martin de Porres, feast day, November 3 colors Red, White and Black. Cachita Tumbo is Our Lady of Charity. Madonna della Neve, Feast Day, Sept 8 Orange and Yellow

Chango Macho is Saint Barbara, Feast Day December 4th, colors Red and White.

Clementina is the Virgen Milagrosa, colors, White and Blue

Centinela is Saint Sebastin

Centinela Criminel is Saint Pancracio

Damballah is Saint Patrick. Feast Day March 17th. Colors: White and Green

Ezili Ail (Alala) is Our Lady of High Grace Feast Day, January 21, Colors: White, Blue

Ezili Danth is Saint Barbara Africana, Feast Day December 4, colors Blue, Yellow, Green.

Filomena Lubana is Saint Martha Dominator. Feast Day, July 29, colors, purple and green.

Ghuede Gran Bwa is Saint Jude, Saint Cristopher, Feast Day October 28, colors Red, Blue and Green. Gran Solir is Jesus of Nazareth, Feast Day, December 6, colors Yellow, Gold, white and Orange..

Gran Toro (Toroliza) Christ of Good hope, color red and purple

Gued Limb San Expedito

La Gunguna is Saint Ellen

Juan Bako is Saint Peter, colors, Red, Brown and Green

Juan Ferroz is Saint Marcos Evangelist, Feast Day April 25, colors Red and Yellow.

Juan Kriminelo (Jan Kriminel or Juan Criminal ) is Saint Pancracio

Papa Legba is Saint Anthony, His color is brown and his feast day is June 13.

Luis Guede is Child of Atocha, His colors are Red and Black, his feast day is December 25.

Marassa is Saints Cosmo and Damian. Their colors are Red and Green Rojo/Red, Verde/Green and feast day is September 26.

Marta La Bruja is Saint Martha

Metresili is Our Lady of Sorrows, Her colors are Pink, Baby Blue and White. Her feast day is September 15.

Ofelia Balendjo is Our Lady of Mercy, Her colors are white, light blue and clear, and his feast day is September 24. Ogun Balendjo is Saint James, His colors are Red and Blue, his feast day is july 25th.

Ogun Fegai is Saint Jorge, His colors are White and Red. His feast day is April 23.

Ogun Batala is Saint Martin of Tours, His colors: White and Red. His feast day is November 11

Osanjin is Saint Franscise

La Sirena is Estrella Maris Blue. Her colors are Blue and White, Her feast day is September 7th.

La Seorita is Saint Claire. Her colours: White and Yellow, Her feast day: August 11

Rosita Guedelia Legba is Saint Rose of Lima.

Tindjo Alague is San Rafael


This is not the 21 DIVISION as practiced in The Dominican Republic, it is the Misterios that are venerated in Puerto Rican Sanse. Each Sociedad will vary on which Misterios are part of the Division.

21 Divisiones de Sanse


"In Sanse, everyone is born with a Guia Principal, a Centinela, a Legba and a Guede."

The Misterios in Nature

In Puerto Rican Espiritismo the Santos / Misterios are often venerated and honored within the home altar called la Tableau Espiritual, but within Sanse they are also venerated outdoors in nature. Those who undertake the various bautismos and refrescos de cavesa within this beautiful spiritual tradition are brought and presented to the various puntos de naturaleza where the energies of the Misterios are present and at their strongest. Also offerings of food, liquids, tobacco and money are brought to these natural settings.

The Ocean, every Caribbean Island is surrounded by the lush tropical Carribean sea, and is viewed as a Punto de Naturaleza where many Misterios reside. Estrella Maris, La Diosa del Mar, Yemaya, La Sirena, Olixi Maya, and Madre de Agua to name a few reside within the depths of the ocean, and their blessings can be felt with the coming and going of the tides. In the lush rivers, waterfalls, lagoons, ponds and lakes is where many of the Misterios of the Metresas reside. Many bautismos and refrescos de cavesas are done in these locations and puntos are recieved here. Irzili Freda, Cachita Tumbo and Padre de Agua and other Misterios reside here. The forests, jungles, woodlands and rain forests is where the Nacion of the Ogun reside and are venerated, especially on hills, and mountain peeks, and caves. While Gran Bwa, Gran Bosque, and Osanjeh's presence can be felt deep within the woods. The Ogun's energies are usually found on higher grounds. Mountain peeks if possible is where the highly elevated Misterios are venerated. Within the cemetery reside the Gued and is ruled by el Baron de Cementerio, Centella, Gunguna, and Papa Legba as well as many other Misterios. Indian Ceremonial grounds is where the Cemis energies can be felt. While Indian burial grounds, are very sacred and highly respected, this is where the energies of ancient and ancestral Caciques, Bohiques, Nitainos and Naboria is felt and offerings are left in these areas. Other popular areas are in urban settings such as the market places, crossroads, courthouses, and even hospital grounds, where the energies of many Misterios preside.


Although there are 21 Divisions both in Dominican Vud and the Pantheon of Puerto Rican Sanse, 7 Naciones are the most venerated and respected amongst Puerto Ricans. Within each Nacion their is a Punto Misterio known as el Jefe or La Jefa, but what is apparent is that each of the 7 Jefes come from one of the Naciones that follows. (Many of the Misterios are separate entities while others are Vueltas of the same spirit. Example: popular vueltas for el Baron del Cementerio are, Baron de la Cruz and Baron del Sabado.)



Divisin de los Legb is Governed by Papa Legba who is synchronized with Saint Anthony of Padua. The Legbas Nacion embody the element of earth and fire. They help in opening pathways, opening doors to other realms, as well as uncrossing and destroying sorcery and black magic. Many of the Legbas are great communicators and help us is relaying messages. They enjoy black sweetened coffee, pure cigars, coconut in all its forms, sugar cane, and spiced rum. The younger Legbas enjoy toys, sweets candies of all kinds, coins and are mischievous by nature, while the older Legbas use walking sticks, bells, prefer bills over coins and are serious and stern by nature. Their offerings are placed on the floor by an entrance, within a corner of a wall or at the crossroads. Their colors are Brown, Red and black. 1) Papa Legba 2) Legba Carifu 3) Legba Isasan 4) Legba Grasimo 5) Legba Coehn 6) Legba Lado 7) Legba Manose

8) Rosita Legba 9) Piti Legba 10) Luis "Sito" Elegba 11) Legba Tibon 12) Eleba Crucero 13) Leggua Encrucijado 14) Legba de las Crucesgba



Divisin de los Ogunes is Governed by Ogun Balendy who is synchronized with San Santiago and Ogun Badagr who is synchronized with Saint George. Within this division presides Osanjeh, Gran Bw, Rio Tempuestoso "San Cristbal" and Gran Toro Lisa. The Prieto Division of spirits also fall within this Nacion as well as other Divisions such as the Guedes, Candells, and Legbas.

The Ogun Nacion embody the element of earth, fire and metal. They are hard workers, guardians, blacksmiths, soldiers and warriors. Out of all the Naciones they work the hardest, none stop and can be very fierce and tempermental. They enjoy Gin, Aguardiente and Rum. Black unsweetened coffee often spiced with liquor, and all forms of hot and spicy foods. Their offerings are placed on the floor or on the grounds in wooded areas. Their colors are Red, Green and Black. 1) Ogun Balendjo 2) Ogun Baldagri 3) Ogun Batalla 4) Ogun Batala 5) Ogun Guerrero 6) Ogun Farai 7) Ogun Oca 8) Ogun Chango 9) Ogun Panama 10) Ogun Sarabanda 11) Ogun Nagua 12) Ogun Ferayo



Divisin de los Gueds is governed by el Barn del Cementerio who is synchronized with San Elas, within this division Santa Marta la Dominadora and Santa Marta La Bruja, Baron del Sabado, Baron de la Cruz and Papa Guede Limbo. Although the Candelo spirits have their own division, they also belong within this division. The Nacion of the Gueds "Ghede, Gedeh, Gwedeh" embody the element of earth and fire. This Nacion helps in resolving all sorts of problems. They help in opening and closing the doors to the realm of the dead. They can be mischievous and often ruthless tricksters, and if offended, can be very dangerous. They should never be called on by those who do not completely have wisdom over their misteries as they can unleash evil malevolent spirits as easily as benevolent spirits. They enjoy all types of hard liquor, black unsweetened coffee, and black pepper in their foods. Their offerings are left at the entrance to a cemetery or on the oldest tomb. There colors are purple, black, yellow and red. El Baron and Centella enjoy purple..

1) Papa Gued Nimbo 2) Gued Alawe

3) Gued Carifu 4) Gued Uhsu 5) Gued Lhea 6) Gued Martyin 7) Gued Dionisio 8) Luisito Gued 9) Guedlia Legcua 10) Guedelina 11) La Baronesa 12) Gued Brigett



The Candelos fall under the Divisin de los Prietos, and within this Nacion one finds countless Misterios, which have their origins both in the Americas as well as Africa. The Candelo Nacion embody the element of fire and air, and although they are Gueds they also have

their own Nacion / Sociedad / Familia / Division. They open the pathways for progression, change and evolution. They are great guardians and swift healers and messengers for Papa Buen Dios. They work hard for finding a solution and solving all forms of dilemmas. They are great paleros, and have a great wisdom and knowledge over ancient magic and herbalism. They also work well in all judicial matters. They enjoy rum, whisky and red wines, hot chillies and red apples, bread, pure cigars, coconut milk and coconut water. Their offerings can go on the ancestral altar, the boveda or in elevated tombs, and is always covered with a red cloth. Their colors are red, black and white.

1) Papa Candelo 2) General Cedife 3) Candelo Fronteh 4) Candelo Farai 5) Candelo Gayo Neh 6) Pa Candeh 7) Candelo Agadn 8) Candelo Siete Espina 9) Candela Ollah 10) Candelina 11) Candelia Llegua 12) Candelito 13) Candeleria 14) Candelo Boro 15) Candelo el Toro 16) Candelo Milayo



Divisin de los Rad or Blanca is Governed by the Higher Order of Misterios such as Beli Belcn "San Miguel", Asaca Dipi "San Jos", Damballah "San Patricio", Gran Solier, and other countless Highly elevated Misterios. Within this Division one finds the Belcan Nacion, which embody the element of Air and Earth, They fight for justice and peace and are a great defense against demons, evil spirits, occult enemies and black magic. They are wise, ancient and of a benevolent nature although they are fierce warriors and keep order amongst chaos. As an offering they enjoy Rum, red wines, cornmeal, cigars and red and green fruits. Colors are Red and Green. 1) Belie Belcan 2) Daweh Belcan 3) Chiqui Belier 4) Piti Belie 5) Ataque Belcan 6) Espada Fuerte 7) Belcan Sito 8) Papito Belier 9) Beliercito



Divisin de las Metresas is Governed by Metresili "Virgen de la Dolorosa" as well as Anasa Pi "Santa Ana", Anaisa La Chiquita, "Juana de Arco", Gunguna "Santa Elena", Rosita Legb "Santa Rosa de Lima", Cachita Tumbo, Candelina, Alaila "la Virgen de la Altagracia", Clementina "La Virgen Milagrosa", Ofelia Balendjo "La Virgen de las Mercedes", La Seorita "Santa Clara" and other female Misterios. Although they pertain to their own Division, they can also belong to another. The Mestresas embody the elements of earth and water. Although this is one separate Nacion, many of the Misterios within it are a part of other Naciones. They work in matters of emotions, thoughts and feelings. They govern over love, womanhood, motherhood, maternity, fertility, beauty and femininity. They love sweet wines, mixed drinks, champagne, beer, cigarettes, honey, spices, molasses, and sugar. They adore chocolates especially within a heart shaped box, tropical and citrus fruits, melons and pumpkins. They love flowers of all kinds but each Metresa has her own favorite, as well as perfumes, mirrors, cosmetics, jewelry, laced fans, combs and hair brushes. Their offerings go on the altar in lavish plates and glasses. Their colors are Pink, Yellow, Orange and Gold.

1) Madre Sili 2) La Metresa 3) Anaisa Py 4) Anaisa Demait 5) Cachita Tumbo 6) Danto Pye 7) Filomena Dantu 8) Esili Freda 9) Sili Danto 10) Canaima La Perla 11) Alaila 12) Filomz 13) Gunguna



Division of the Indio Agua Dulce. This is the Division one finds. El Rey del Agua, "John the Baptist" Tindjo Alague / Tin Djo Alagwe "Saint Rafael" and Caciques and Cacicas such as Caonabo Yuisa, Anacaona. In Sanse, el Rey del Agua watches and supervises over all baptismal ceremonies.

This Nacios of Misterios make up 1/3 of the Misterios, they are highly venerated within Puerto Rican Sanse and are a very important division of Spirits. They embody the elements of water and air. They enjoy Tobacco in all its forms, mabi root bark tea, casava bread, yuca with codfish, cornmeal, and arepa bread. They are often called Indio de la Paz, Indio Bravo, or Indio Guerrero. Within this Division fall the spirits of the indiginous people and their elevated Spirits and Zemis. Their colors are Red, Yellow and Green. 1) Indio Alague 2) Indio Carinoa 3) Pluma Blanca 4) Toro Sentado 5) Indio Aguila Roja 6) Indio Enriquillo 7) India Ciboney 8) India Jihoanya

Paos, Banderas and Candles The Sances work with various paos, and candles representing the Punto Misterios which have their own traditional colors of banderas and paos that are placed on the altar, usually seven various colors are used as well as seven various colored candles or a seven day candle of seven colors is used. Each of the colors represent one or more Sanses and Misterio. Black is rarely used unless combating or battling occult enemies. Seven is usually used for peace and protection while nine is used for ending, and removal. Some use three candles to represent the three divisions. Excample: white or yellow to symbolize the White Division, Red or black to symbolize the black division and blue or green to symbolize the indian division. Yellow =. The Sances of the Metresas, Solier & Gueds. White = The Sances of the Belcanes and Solier Blue = The Sances of La Sirena Green = The Sances of the Indios Belcanes & Ogunes Pink = The Sances of the Metresas Purple = The Sances of the Gueds Red = The Sances of the Candelos, Ogunes & Legbas Orange = The Metresas Brown = Sances of the Legbas Black can also be used for the Sances of the Legbas, Gueds, The Ogun, and Candelos

THE CENTINELA The Guardian of Sanse Relgion

THE CENTINELA The Guardian of Sanse Religion

"Centinela Alerta!" "Alerta Esta!"


Oh mi Centinela mi guia y mi guardiero, cuidame bien de da y noche, temprano y tarde, hasta que mi alma parta al cielo. Oh mi Centinela, guia principal, qudate conmigo. Yo te doy gracias por tu fiel compaia. Amn Guardiero de la paz, Guia de la Guarda, a quien soy encomendado, mi defensor, mi vigilante centinela; gracias te doy, que me libraste de muchos daos del cuerpo y del alma. Gracias te doy, que estando durmiendo, me velaste, y despierto, me encaminaste; al odo, con santas inspiraciones me avisaste. Perdname, amigo mo, mensajero del cielo, consejero, protector y fiel guarda ma; muro fuerte de mi alma, defensor y compaero celestial. En mis desobediencias, vilezas y descortesas, aydame y gurdame siempre de noche y de da. Amn.


Oh my Sentinel, my principle Guide and my Guardian, watch over me day and night, as the sun rises and when the sun sets, from dawn to dusk. Watch over me until my soul journeys to the heavens. Oh my Sentinel, principle guide, accompany me where ever I go and I shall be humbly grateful. Guardian of Peace, Guide that Guards over my well being, given to me by God, my great defender, my vigilant Sentinel, I always shall praise and thank thee, for liberating me from all that wishes me harm, protecting and defending my body, mind and soul. Thankful am I because when I am asleep you watch over me, and when I am awake you keep my feet routed on the earth, and in my ear you whisper words of inspiration that never leads me astray. Forgive me my heavenly friend and companion, messenger of God, counselor, defender, protector, faithful watchman, heavenly fortress, watch tower, and celestial companion. Forgive my ignorance, my disobedience, and for the times I did not listen to your advices. Help me in being more attentive, and guard over me, day and night. Amen.


Of all the Saint, or Spirits within your Cuadro Espiritual none is as important as ones Centinela, the Centinela is ones Guardiana "guardian' principle spirit guide and is that spirit that guides and is the leader or head spirit of ones spiritual frame. The Centinela is a God appointed spirit thats sole purpose and function is to guide and assist in the spiritual development of an individual within their lifespan. The Centinela has many functions but the most important is helping a person elevate and progress within life while at the same process elevating themselves as well. Although the Centinela are highly elevated Spirits, they are not as elevated as the Spiritual Forces we in Espiritismo and the Sanse religion call the Misterios. But they are elevated enough that they do not ask for physical offerings such as food, cigars, liquid, or flowers. All they ask is that we talk to them, pray for them, sing to them give them light, and listen to their sound advice. If one chooses to give the Centinela a physical offering it should come in the form of light. The light offered to a Centinela comes in the form of an aromatic candle, but the Centinela also likes a sweet scented oil lamp or lantern. The Centinela speaks to us through our dreams but also speak to us through our inner voice, that voice that tells us what is right from wrong. The more we listen quietly and meditate on their words, the stronger the bond becomes with an individual and their Centinela. The Centinela are the voice of wisdom, and inner knowledge, and will never give us advice on that which is unethical, immoral or dangerous to our well being, safety or progression. They will never give advice on anything that goes against our mental, physical well being, or spiritual growth.

Each individuals Centinela is unique and only serves that particular person. For example while thousands of people may honor and venerate a certain Saint for example Saint Michael or the Holy Child of Atocha, or call on a certain Spirit by name from one of the Courts or Commission the Centinela works exclusively and in unison with one person, and every person in the world has one. Each Centinela was chosen by God and accompanies us through life, from the time of birth until the time of death of the physical body. No two people have the same Centinela, although they may be called by the same name. Although they are highly elevated spirits that once lived on the earth, they are still close enough to our plane of existence to be aloud a close bond with the living, and they understand our needs, desires, wants, they understand our struggles, our pains, our joys and sorrows. When one builds a healthy relationship with ones Centinela, we create a strong union and bond, and through their wisdom they speak to us what is acceptable and unacceptable in our progression. While an Espiritista or a Sancista can invoke any Spirit from the Commission of Spirits, it is extremely important to understand that while the Commissions usually act and speak in a similar fashion as they did in life, and usually the spirits from the Commission are fond of physical offerings such as candles, food and liquor. The Centinela always presents himself or herself as a wise benevolent soul and never partakes of physical offerings. For example, the Spirits of the Madamas or Gypsies come down dancing singing and can have a coquette demeanor, or the Congos or Indios can be stern, loud, and very opinionated, all the while smoking cigars, or partaking of liquid offerings, The Centinela comes down very wise, and humble and shuns material offerings. If the Centinela does not agree with a persons actions in life he / she will usually send another spirit from ones Cuadro in his / her place to handle the situation. As they always come down as wise and benevolent souls, and while other spirits from ones Cuadro come to dance, partake of offerings, remove curses and perform cleansing a Centinela usually comes quietly to give his or her blessings, or to give important spiritual messages. Although an Espiritista or a Sansista can call on any Spirit from their Cuadro Espiritual, they often call the Centinela into possession more often than any other; and rather than calling the Misterios they call the Centinela because it is so close to us that less energy is needed in invoking them. To call or become possessed by the Corrientes 'Spiritual Forces" of a Misterio more energy must be generated and more ritual labor is required. This by no means implies that an Espiritista or a Sansista can not become possessed by the Corrientes of the Misterios. We often do during Misas, Bautismos, Fiestas Espirituales or Rites of Passages, but on a daily basis when we need to exert the least amount of energy such as Limpias, Despojos or Consultas Espirituales we invoke the Corriente of our Centinela. Although the Centinela do not have physical representations, Espiritistas and Sansistas keep a statue or a framed image of a Saint to spiritually represent the Centinela. In Puerto Rico this image is usually in the form of a statue or framed picture of Saint Sebastian or Saint Pancracio for a male Centinela while the Female Centinela is represented by a picture of the virtues Faith, Hope and Charity, or a charm that has an anchor, heart and cross.

It is important to understand that ruthless, cruel, merciless, are disposed to inflict pain or suffering, are void of humane feelings and evil individuals loose the protections and guidance of ones Cuadro Espiritual and Centinela, it begins to weaken and wane within time, until the person has no spiritual protection whatsoever, and becomes enveloped by personal demons and intranquil spirits. Individuals born with mental health issues have a strong connection with ones Centinela. While individuals who fall under substance abuse, such as narcotics, liquor or has no control for over indulgences of the flesh are often influenced more by Demons and Intranquil Spirits, and their spiritual frame weakens within time. Individuals who suffer mental illnesses that cause depression are protected by their Spiritual Frame, but also need to find mental help in order to align mind, body, and spirit in unison in order to properly heal and elevate.

La Gran Ivocacion de Santerismo y Sanse Puertoriqueo Invoco mis Antepasados conocidos y desconosidos, para que me den las facultades y el fluido espiritual para que tenga claridad, en el camino de la vida Bendicion a mis Antepasados. Invoko a mis seres, y mis muertos, porque en sus hombros me cargan en esta vida, y mis pasos caminan los pasos que caminaron ellos. Bendicion a mis Muertos. Yo invoco la sublime influencia de las 21 Comision de Espiritus, Corte Bruja, Corte Gitana, Corte de las Madamas, Corte de los Piratas, Corte de los Indios, Corte de los Orientales, Corte de los Arabes, Corte Santiguadora, Corte de los Congos, Corte de los Santos, Corte de los Hindu, Corte de los Angeles, Corte de los Esclavos, Corte de los Espiritus Infantiles, Corte de las Bendita Animas, Corte Libertadora, Corte de los Bohemios, Corte de los Heroes de nuestro pais, Corte Africana, Corte Elementales, Corte de los Juanes y Marias y las infinitas Cortes sin nombrar, para obtener buen xito y adelanto en todos los

asuntos de mi vida y para allanar todas las dificultades que haya en mi camino. Bendicion a Las Comisiones de Espiritus. Invoco la ayuda de mi Centinela y los 21 Jefe Guardianas del Sanse, Santos, Misterios y los Angeles de la Guarda, para que las estrellas alumbren y guen mi camino y me espanten la mala sombras y mala voluntad que pueda seguirme. Bendicion le pido a mi Centinela, a mi Santo y a mi Angel de la Guarda. Invoco a Dios de las alturas para que mi casa prospere, aumente mis negocios y mi persona reciba un mensaje de buena suerte enviado por la Divina Providencia. Bendicion Padre Celestal, Todopoderoso e Imortal. Invoko a la Reina Madre del Cielo, Oh mi Reina Madre de Mi devocion, no me desampare de su protecion ni de noche ni de dia, y cobijame en su mantilla y manto sagrado. Bendicion Reina Madre. Oh! Gran Poder de Dios, imploro tu poderosa ayuda para que me apartes del peligro en el momento preciso y para que mi camino se vea iluminado por el faro de la fortuna. Yo recibir las infinitas bendiciones del cielo, creo en Dios Padre, Dios Hijo, Dios Espiritu Santo. Amn

The Grand Invocation of Santerismo and Sanse Religion

I Invoke my Ancestors whose names are known and unknown to me so that they may bless me with the Faculties needed and the Spiritual Fluids required so that I may have clarity in my life. Benediction I ask of my ancestors.

I invoke the spirits and souls of my dead relatives, because on their shoulders they carry me through this. My feet walk the paths that they walked in life. Benediction I ask of my Dead. I invoke the sublime power and influence of the 21 Commissions of Spirits. Court of the Shamans, Court of the Madamas, , Court of the Gypsies, Court of the Sailors, Court of the Native People, Court of the Oriental Spirits, Court of the Arabian Spirits, Court of the Healing Spirits, Court of the Congo Spirits, Court of the Saints,, Court of the Hindu Gods, Courts of the Angels, Court of the Slaves, Court of the Child Spirits, Court of the Blessed Souls in Purgitory, Court of the Liberators, Court of the Nomads, Court of the Legendary Heroes, Court of the African Mysteries, Court of the Elementals, Court of the Johns and Maries, and to all the infinite Courts of Heaven. May I obtain success, elevation and advancements within this life and the following. Benediction to the Commission of Spirits. I invoke the guiding hands of my Guardian Spirit, and the watchful eyes of the 21 Chief Sanses, Mysteries, Elevated Saints and Archangel, so that the stars within heaven be a road map to the Celestial Court. May they keep away all evil thoughts, ill will and bad intentions that my enemies may have for me. Benediction to my Guardian Spirit, the Sanses, the Mysteries, the Elevated Saints and the Archangel. I invoke God so that my home may prosper, my good affairs in life increase, and so that I may receive inner peace in all my earthly under takings. Benediction heavenly father, immortal and all powerful. I invoke the Queen Mother of Heaven and Angels. Oh Queen Mother of my devotion do not forsake me and keep your watchful eye upon me. Envelope me within your Holy Shawl and Mantle. Benediction Holy Mother of Heaven. Oh, Great Power of God, I implore your sublime help so that you may part from my path and keep away all that is detrimental to my well being, mental health and spiritual growth. May my pathways in life receive the light of your heavenly watch tower, and may I receive the heavenly benediction of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer to Saint Sebastian

O Lord, grant us a spirit of strength. Taught by the glorious example of Your martyr, Saint Sebastian, may we learn to obey You rather than men. O Glorious St Sebastian, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, to you do we raise our hearts and hands to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from God the Father all the helps and graces necessary for our spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of living a holy life, courage to face all perils of my believe and even to sacrifice my life as the cost of my faith and this special favour we now implore. O, special guardian, guard me from the diseases and accidents, we feel animated with confidence that your intercession on my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God. Amen

In Puerto Rico San Sebastian is often known as or called, San Se, or Sanse. A popular theory of the root of the word Sanse, among Puerto Ricans comes from the Centinela Principle Spirit Guide who is associated with San Sebastian in Puerto Rico. On the island, San Sebastian is often called, San SE, or Sanse, for short. in Japan the word Sensei means, person who was born before, or Teacher or Master. Puerto Rican Sanse has its roots in Haitian Voodoo and Dominican 21 Division. Thus Sanse is a branch of Voodoo, while Santerismo is a branch of Cuban Santeria, with, both greatly influenced by Puerto Rican Brujeria, and Mesa Blanca Espiritismo.



La Mesa Blanca is the name for the Ancestral and Spiritual Guides shrine in Puerto Rico as well as one of the most popular traditions of espiritismo practiced on the island; Mesa Blanca Espiritismo. (White Table Spiritism). While many outside of Puerto Rico call this ancestral shrine a Boveda, which translates to mean vault or tomb, one must understand that there are some minor differences between both of them. The Mesa Blanca refers to both the table altars used in veladas and misa espiritules and the private personal shrine in homes of espiritistas and brujos. The private shrine consists of a simple table usually facing towards an Eastern wall, where the sun rises or a Western wall where the sun sets, most prefer to place the Mesa Blanca towards the west. The shrine is usually a small table, or an end table, draped with a white table cloth, white being the color of purity and of the dead. In the center of la Mesa Blanca sits a large goblet filled with fresh clean water, or Holy Water, this is called a Fuente Espiritual. (Spiritual Fountain) Traditionally the Mesa Blanca had only one large Fuente called, El Santisimo, but recently some have also included 3, 7 or 9; always with the larger of the Fuentes in the center, each Fuente has a mystery, the largerbeing El Santisimo, while the others represent, ones Centinella, ones Santo, ones Protector, ones Ancestors, and the remainder for the other spirits of the 21 Corts of Spirits. Also on the Mesa Blanca you will often find a book of prayers candles, one or two vases full of fresh carnations, an altar bell, and an incense or oil burner. This set up consists of the basic and traditional Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca. Some include photos of dead relatives, on the altar

itself or hang them in frames on the wall above the Mesa Blanca. Important! No photos of any one currently alive is kept on or near the altar. Some also include tarot cards, or la baraja Espaola, a bottle of holy water, alcoholado 70 Superior, (Bay Rum) and a bottle of Florida water. These are used for cleansing, purifying and blessing oneself and for sprinkling on the shrine.

The main Fuente, the larger and central piece of the altar usually has an aluminum or copper metal cross or crucifix within the fuente, this has a lot of spiritual symbolics and mysteries as well. The metal cross acts as an electrical conductor of spiritual energy and currents, that attracts ones spirits and ancestors to the Mesa Blanca. The cross can have or not have the image of a crucified Christ, this is left to the preference of the individual constructing the altar, but what is important to understand that this cross by no means, signifies Christianity. (although in most cases it does, as all spiritists believe in the powerful mystical powers of Christ). The cross or crucifix within the fuente represents the four cardinal virtues which are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance, as well as the four cardinal points, north, east, south and west. The foot of the cross touching the water represents the mysteries of the substance of life, that which humans can not breath, but is of great importance for sustaining life. The cross represents touching and having contract with the realm of spirit, that come from all directions. The fuentes must be kept clean and fresh with cool clean water also known as los fluidos espiritual. (spiritual fluids). The Fluidos represent cleanliness, purification, clarity, and substances, and lastly life within the unseen. The best way I can explain this is for you to stand before a vast ocean, you will feel the wind, see the waves crashing, see the sun set or rise in the horizon, and see the seagulls fly over head. Now look at the ocean, in those waters exists life. Not seen to the human eye, unless you are lucky and catch a glimpse of an occasional fish or dolphin. Now take a trip on a large boat and go deep into the coasts and if you are blessed you will see a whale. These vast, majestic and beautiful creatures of God share our world, but are not seen unless one looks for them. On your next trip to the

Caribbean or Hawaiian islands go deep sea divining, and see the millions of creatures, and coral life that are unseen to the human eye, again unless we look for them.

Water represents this symbol, that life exists although it may not be clearly seen by the naked eye unless one ventures and finds it. Also never use purified water with no contaminants, Purified water, with no contaminants at all, does not conduct enough spiritual currents to an appreciable degree especially when working with spirits. Cold tap water from the kitchen works best. The Mesa Blanca is a direct physical and material portal or doorway from this plain of existence and the realm of the Dead; and an espiritista uses this altar for prayer, meditation, keeping in contact and communicating with one's deceased relatives and Ancestors. As well as searching for answers from premonitions and prophetic dreams, or for searching for answers in ones daily life. But it is not just that, mainly it is to give reverence and respect for those who lived before us, because it is on their shoulders that we stand, and for this alone, they deserve the most highest of respect and reverence. The Seres are never feed directly on la Mesa Blanca. It is widely believed in Puerto Rico that this will attract unwanted greedy and gluttonous spirits. The offerings for ones spirits are usually placed on the dining table or on another table. The offering to ones ancestors or dead relatives is never placed on the floor, because the symbolic of keeping the offering elevated from the floor is a symbol of keeping one's dead elevated in the spiritual realm. The offerings usually consist of black coffee, fruits, cakes, sweets candies, liquor and tobacco. If ones dead relatives smoked tobacco in life, a cigar or cigarette is always placed, but if they did not, then obviously the tobacco is not offered. This offering is left out the whole day, and thrown away at the end of the night, with the exception of liquids and tobacco which can be kept much longer. Fruits can be kept much longer, and afterwards can be used to make spiritual baths.

Smaller portions of the offerings are also given to the gluttonous and greedy spirits, that I mentioned earlier, these offerings are placed on the floor in a corner near the altar, and again at the end of the night these offerings are thrown out. These offerings usually consist of coffee and tobacco. A protective circle is made with salt or cascarilla to keep these spirits from venturing anywhere but that area.

Some individuals do place the tobacco and liquid offerings such as liquor or coffee on the altar, these are not removed daily but kept on the altar until the spirits drink of It's energy, you might be amazed to come the next day and see a liquid offering half empty.

The Mesa Blanca must always be kept clean and white at all times, the Fuentes must be cleaned and refilled with fresh water once a week, or if and when they begin to turn cloudy, remember good spirits and ancestors thrive on clarity, cleanliness and order. The flowers like the fruits should be discarded as soon as they show signs of withering, or after seven days, and are used to make a spiritual bath. There are three steps one must take when approaching the Mesa Blanca, the first is one must always make the sign of the cross with the right hand, when approaching the altar, next with both hands using the knuckles of the middle and index fingers, knock on the altar three times, and then ring the bell and salute your dead. On the altar is kept the book of prayers and you can open the book and recite a prayer, or say the Our Fathers and Hail Marys. Tarot cards or a baraja Espaola can also be kept on the altar because, they are a sacred tool in Santerismo and Brujeria for communicating with ones spirits. The deck becomes a vessel in which ones spirits communicate with the living. A Ouija board is often found upon and is never used in Caribbean spiritism, it is believed to attract unwanted intranquil, disturbed and perturbed spirits.


The boveda is a beautiful ancestral altar from the Afro Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado and Santeria tradition. Similar to the Puerto Rican Mesa Blanca in that it is draped in a white table cloth. But the Boveda often has one pictures or statue of Saint and various statues or photos of the principle guide and other Protectores (protecting spirits) from the 21 commissions of spirits, such as indians, gypsies, congos or madamas on the altar. The mesa blanca and the boveda are not altars to the Saints, but the reason why status or photos of these saints and Guias are placed on the boveda is because the Saints and the Guia make up an individuals Familia de Cuadro Espiritual "spiritual Family Frame" Another difference is that although the Boveda is drapped in a white cloth, hanging from the edges of the boveda are 9 various colored paos, (cloths) 9 being the sacred number associated with the dead. (Las Novenas) the various colors of the cloths represents the various cultures and races that can make up a person family lineage, if one looks back as far as they can. (Example: I am of Puerto Rican dissent, on my mothers side, my grandfather had Russian and German blood, my grandmother was of Spanish Castillian, and Creole blood, on my father's side, my grandfather was Spanish and Taino Indian, while my grandmother was Taino Indian and Spanish Gypsy. My eldest daughters mother is French and Irish, and my granddaughter has southern black blood.)

Another difference in the boveda and la mesa blanca is that offerings to ones dead, such as cakes, cigars, liquor and coffee, can be placed on the boveda, although some individuals do not. In keeping with family tradition, I keep the Mesa Blanca, although I am fond of Bovedas.

Constructing the Mesa Blanca

Choose a table in the house, an old dresser or an old nigh stand or an end table, will work fine. Make sure this table has been in your belonging for some time and has absorbed your energy. A brand new purchased table has not had the contact it needs to absorb your energy. If you find an old family table or dresser in your attic this will be perfect. Dust it off and clean it down with a mixture of Florida water, holy water and a bit of household cleaner and disinfectant. Dry off the table with a clean white cloth, and smudge it down with an incense mixture of frankincense and myrrh, tobacco smoke or sage and lavender. Never burn cedar, as the cedar tree is considered a sacred and powerful tree and known as the Tree of Life. Cover the table with a brand new white table cloth. Now get your goblets organized, purchase simple glass goblets, fish bowls wine glasses or clear drinking glasses in pairs of two, four, six or eights, and one larger one. Make sure the goblets are clear, thin with no designs or markings. I personally like to keep things simple and have one large one and two smaller ones on each side. Wash the glasses with a mild detergent and cold water. Then fill them with ice cold water and arrange them on the altar. To each side of the smaller Fuente place a

white 7 day candle and a vase of fresh white flowers. Also arrange your incense burner and silver bell on the altar. In the beginning it is important to keep the Mesa Blanca simple, more does not mean better


Many Mesa Blancas and Bovedas often keep three books on the shrine. La Fe en la Oracion, the Bible, and Allen Kardec's book on selected prayers. These books are tools mainly used for Veladas and Misas and should never be used as crutches when speaking to ones dead and ancestors. Speak to them as you would speak to the living. Every morning greet them and every night bid them a good night, or ask them to come along with you in your dreams. Always talk to them with kind loving words. At first you might feel awkward and not know what to say, but with persistence and time and as your confidence level grows the words will flow through you. Tell them how your day went or ask them to accompany you during the day. If you are troubled or distressed, breath deeply and calm your nerves, never approach your shrines with a heavy heart, or a mind full of troubles. Take a shower and cleanse and purify yourself before approaching the altar, when calm go to the altar and ask the spirits to aid you in finding peace or to help you find a solution or an answer to what you seek in your dreams. (Ones dead always speak through dreams) "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the Lord. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those last days of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy." Acts 2: 17/18 Never approach your altars with anger, remorse, pride or petty gossip, keep the vibrations of your altars clean. Before one makes any offering of any kind, first present it to your forehead, then your chest and lastly to your lips, By doing so you are demonstrating to your dead that your thoughts are with them, your love is with them and you give them a bit of your essence of life. Every seven days clean your altar, remove the water, buy throwing it around the outside of your house for protection, or use it to simmer the petals of the flowers for a spiritual bath. The candles are discarded and new ones are placed. The altar cloth is washed and a cleaner one is placed, fresh flowers are placed and fresh incense is burned.



the mesa Blanca and boveda are never used for magical purposes, they are used as a focal point for spirit. But one can send the spirits to work for a purpose by creating a code with the fuentes. These four codes are the most popular. When asking for protection from your spirits, place 8 of the glasses filled with ice water and a bay Laurel leaf in each glass, surrounding the larger fuente, this is especially helpful in court matters and protection in general. When a novena, or velada is being done, one sends the spirits to work by creating a V structure with the Fuentes. This is called Menguante, the largest fuente is placed in the back while four on either side is arranged to make a V like structure. Menguante is done to remove or banish spirits that cause obstacle in our lives. Cressiente is the structure to bring forth positive and good spirits. The larger Fuente is placed in the front, while the smaller ones create the V. The Piramede, or the pyramid is used to send the spirits to work in helping a spirit of a recently deceased individual go into the light and elevating their spirit. Used frequently during the Novenas this is creating by placing three fuentes in a row, two on top, of the three and one on top of the two. The larger fuente is placed in front of the pyramid, and a white candle is placed on either side of the piramede.

Darle Hielo, is used to cool the bad temperament of a spirit. The Fuentes are filled with ice, no water, the ice is left to melt naturally. This cools down the temperament of a stubborn spirit with a bad temper. When the ice is melted into water, the water is thrown out and away from the home.



La Misa Espiritual, or Velada Espiritual is a public ceremony where a congregation of 30 or more, come to have their Causas lifted by an Espiritista. The Veladas are held on the first and or the third Friday of each month in Centro Espirituales, private homes, apartment buildings, or garages across Puerto Rico and areas in the U.S. where Puerto Ricans migrated. A large rectangular table is decorated with a white table cloth, this table is called, La Mesa Blanca de la Velada, or de la Velacion. Upon the table are is a large Fuente filled with Holy Water, white candles, Agua Florida or Alcojolados, filled with a mixture of albahca, ruda, rompe saraguey and perjil herbs and roots, a white covered bible, "many times a black leather bible, covered in satin and lace", and paper backs of, La fe en la Oracion. On one side of the table, 3 to 9 chairs are arranged so that the Mediums can face those who have come to attend La Velada. The center chair is for the Presidente de Mesa, which can either be male or female, to the right sits the Mediamidad de la Mano Derecha, which is almost always female, and towards the left, el Asistente de Mesa (male or female) if there are other chairs they are occupied by Mediums of various ranks in their spiritual growth, with the less experienced aprendizes and ajihados towards the end. Across from the mesa blanca is placed the altar to the Patron saint and Guardian Spirit of the house. The altar is elaborately decorated with flowers, candles, rum, and aguardiente. To the foot of the statue of the saint or guia rests a wicker basket with warm Puerto Rican, pan asobao or pan de agua, "the pan espiritual" (spiritual bread) and warm coco and coffee, sometimes a platter of cheese and luncheon meat is placed their also. On the foot of this altar blooms a Siempre Viva ( Resurrection Plant - Rose of Jericho) in Holy water. Halfway through the end of the Velada, during a break session, this food will be consumed by the guests as it has received the blessing of the Saint and Guardian Spirit. Guests are asked to arrive at The Velada at 7:00 p.m. sharp as it usually starts at 8:00 p.m. and the doors will be closed for no further interruption. Cellphones, and all outside distractions are prohibited. The ceremony starts by all the candles being lit and all electrical lights are turned off. The Presidente takes the Rosary from the mesa and begins to recite the Our Father, and the congregation follows along with the Ave Marias. After the Rosary has been completely recited, the Mediamidad de la mano derecha prays a random prayer from La Fe en la Oracion, or a psalm of the bible, this gives the Presidente confirmation of the first Causa that will need attending. When the prayer is finished, the Presidente de Mesa rises and points to a random individual that is sitting across from the mediums and asks him or her to stand. The Presidente through divine interpretation of the prayer that was recited and by a strong psychic spiritual force directing him, knows to whom the prayer or psalm has been directed to. The Presidente tells the person of a "causa" he or she might have. If the causa is of a serious nature the person is escorted to the mesa by an aprendiz or ahijado, where the Asistente de Mesa will bless the person with holy water, and cleanse them with either florida water, herbal shrubs tied together with strings or yarn, this is known as Masos de Yerbas, tobacco smoke from a cigar or by fire, from a candle or which has been created with the Florida Water. A cross is poured with the florida water on cement or pavement and lit by one of the aprendizes while the Asistente de Mesa performs the Pases on the client. Some of the congregation come to have an illness, a disease or bareness spiritually treated, others come to banish a bothersome spirit, or a curse lifted. The Presidente de Mesa is the one who handles these strong Causas.

The Velada does not end until all the congregation has been attended. Some receive healing, while others receive a spiritual message. The Velada usually will not last any later than 2:00 a.m. as it is believed that 3:00 a.m. is the hour of el Diablo and Demoos, and all who attend la Velada should be safely home by this time. There usually is a break during the Velada, around 11:00, before la hora de la Bruja, or witching hour. This is when everyone attending, grounds themselves and receives the healing benefits of el Pan Espiritual and drinks warm coco or coffee. The Velada ends with the Presidente taking the Fuente into his hand and sprinkling the water on all who has come, behind the Presidente the Asistente smudges the crowd with cigar smoke or incense as the mediamidad de mano derecha closes the velada with a prayer. Although Veladas are done during the night, a similar procedure is done in centros during the early hours of the morning or at midday, this is called a Misa Espiritual or Velacion,. The Misa Velacion is to treat young children, housewives, or the elderly from Causas ranging from personal problems, helping in healing an illness, work related, cleansing, removing el Mal de Ojo, or simple purifications to name a few. Like the nightly velada a donation basket is passed to cover expenses of the ceremonies.

Erzulie Freda & Erzulie Dantor

A long time ago in Africa there once lived a beautiful, noble and powerful queen named Matresse Erzulie. She rulled wisley in a kingdom known as Whydah, Dahomey in what is presently known as the Republic of Benin Matresse Erzulie greatly respected and loved because she was known for her skills in commercial trading which not only benefited her kingdom but all her people. Matresse Erzulie was so skilled in the arts of trading that she not only traded with surrounding villages but also with other nations which made her very wealthy. One night when the moon was under the Black Moon as Matresse Erzulie was fast asleep a male intruder came into her room and sexually assaulted the Queen. The intruder disguised his face in a mask and who he was, was never revealed to the Queen. Since the Queen never knew the identity of the rapist, she kept the incident a secret from her subjects, in the fears that it would create a civil war amongst her people. As time passed Matresse Erzulie realized that she was pregnant, and to keep her subjects calm she blamed the pregnancy on a deity who visited her from the heavens above and had intercourse with her. This of course made her subjects happy as the child within her womb would be a divine child.

Matresse Erzulie was then brought to the Great Diviner who would fortell the future of the child within her womb. When the diviner cast his bones and shells, he saw that within Matresse Erzulie's womb grew two female fetuses, and that a day would come when they to would be queens and that the day would come when people all around the world would love and venerate them greatly. After 9 months Matresse Erzulie did give birth to two healthy baby girls. One was a beautiful dark skin child with thick curly hair and eyes as black as cole, the other child was a mulatta with lighter skin, straight brunette hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. The twins where named after her, the darker complexion child was named Erzulie Dantor and the lighter child was named Erzulie Freda. Although the conception of the twins filled Matresse Erzulie with nightmares, and she never truly trusted men, she also never confided to any one how she had conceived the girls through rape. She loved the girls more than she had ever loved anyone in her life as they had come to fill a void within her life that no one could fill. As the twin daughters were not identical, they were different in every way. Erzulie Freda loved music and dancing, enjoyed jewellery and perfumes, was very feminine and was partial to wearing pink, light blue, white, yellow, orange and gold. Erzulie Dantor was less feminine and enjoyed the arts of battles and weaponry and was partial to wearing clothes of red, green and navy blue. No child on the earth before them or after them could wish for a greater mother, as Matresse Erzulie was known for being a noble queen, she also was a good mother, and taught her daughters everything from the arts of magic, herbalism, divination, fortune telling, she taught them the mysteries of the moon, stars the sun, and of all the beauties that life had to offer. Matresse Erzulie instructed them on how to one day be noble and just queens as she was. But one knowledge Matresse Erzulie could not teach her daughters was the mysteries of the love a woman feels for a man, as she herself had never been in love with a man, had no interest in male companionship and she could not teach her daughter's these mysteries. As Erzulie Dantor and Erzulie Freda grew into young ladies a time had come when strange white missionary men from across the seas came to their kingdom. The missionaries at first observing the twins could not agree which one was the more beautiful of the two, as each was stunning in the eyes of all who laid eyes upon them. But one thing the missionaries from across the sea could not get over was the exotic look of Erzulie Freda, and how different her skin tone was to that of the rest of the subjects in the kingdom. They especially were in aw of Erzulie Freda's blue eyes which resembled the color of the seas and skies. They asked Queen Matresse Erzulie if they could bring Erzulie Freda across the sea to their home in Spain, where Erzulie Freda would receive education amongst the royal Spanish crown and be schooled in the mysteries of Christianity, they also promised Matresse Erzulie that Erzulie Freda would become as a Spanish aristocratic noble woman. Matresse Erzulie could not bare the thought of loosing one of her beloved child, but although the pain stabbed her within her heart like a jagged blade, she knew deep within her heart that this would be beneficial not only to Erzulie Freda in being a posative ambassador for Dahomey but also in establishing a relationship with

the white man of the royal kingdom of Spain. So with great pain within her chest Matresse Erzulie gave permission for the missionaries to take her daughter with them across the seas. On the day that Erzulie Freda was to depart Matresse Erzulie and Erzulie Dantor took her to the port to wish her farewell, Matresse Erzulie began to morn her child for she did not know that it would be seven years of pain within her heart before she would set eyes again on her beloved Erzulie Freda.


So deep was the love of the Queen for her daughter, that she stood on the shore until the ship faded into the horizon. All the while Matresse Erzulie cast flower petals into the ocean praying to the great mother La Sirene Yemonja to watch and protect her child. After a few years of Erzulie Freda's departure from Dahomey, Matresse Erzulie's kingdom had witnessed many wars. First came the iinvasion of the Arabian then came the invasion of the Egyptians, each with the intent of stealing the wealth of her kingdom and enslaving her people. Although Matresse Erzulie was known as a noble and just Queen, she was also known as a fierce warrior, and although she and her kingdom fought courageously she knew very well that her army's strength was dwindling. Worried, Matresse Erzulie sent an urgent message to the great warrior king

of southwestern Nigeria, Ogun, in the message she wrote that if Ogun would send an army of his finest warriors to help her kingdom in the battles and wars that befell them; that she would give her daughter's Erzulie Dantor hand in matrimony to he who aided her in leading her people into victorty. Ogun being one of the most respected and feared warrior Kings in all of Africa sent his two eldest sons, Ogun Balendjo and Ogun Badagris, each accompanied by the fiercest and bravest legion of warriors. When Ogun Balendjo and Ogun Badagris arrived at the palace of Matresse Erzulie she was moved to tears at seeing that Ogun's eldest sons where in fact twin brothers and like her daughters one was darker and the other lighter. Ogun Balendjo was a handsome strong dark muscular knight while Ogun Badagris was equally handsome, equally as muscular and built but was of a lighter skin complexion with auburn hair. Erzulie Dantor immediately became attracted to Ogun Balendjo, while.the lighter Ogun Badagris immediately felt a deep attraction to the ebony princess Erzulie Dantor. Both Ogun Balendjo and Ogun Badagris defended Matresse Erzulie kingdom fiercely, and they fought valiantly any and all intruders that dare come to attack the kingdom. But in the mists of a great battle Ogun Badagris was wounded badly to the point that he had to be removed from the battlefield. His brother Ogun Balendjo fought like no other single warrior had before or after him, with the exception of his father Ogun, who was the greatest warrior Earth has ever known. Ogun Balendjo fought so bravely that he was the last man standing in the battlefield. Overjoyed with contentment Matresse Erzulie fulfilled the promise she had made of giving Erzulie Freda's hand in marriage to Ogun Balendjo. This of course added to Ogun Badagris wounds as he had secretly fallen deeply in love with Erzulie Freda and had wished to have made her his wife. Prior to the battles and the Ogun brothers setting foot in Dahomey, Erzulie Freda who had been taken to Spain to receive formal education in a monastery, had finished her schooling and was on her way back to her native homeland. On her journey through Cadiz Spain into Moracco, Africa the beautiful princess was kidnapped by a band of thieves and sold into prostitution. Erzulie Freda was a young and beautiful mulatta that was neither black nor white and she was an exquisite jewell to all who laid eyes upon her. This made her very popular amongst her forced clientele who visited the brothel, as her lips were as sweet as honey and her skin had the faint aroma of cinnamon, citrus fruits and anise. Her clientele where so charmed by her beauty that they showered her with gifts of golden charms, jewelry, perfumes, scented oils, cloths from Egypt, the Orient and money that rivaled that of any empress that had lived at the time. Erzulie Freda's strength to endure this atrocity forced upon her was that she secretly stashed away most of her profits and all of the gifts her clientele gave her with the hopes to somehow escape the lifestyle she was forced to live and return to her mother's kingdom. And while she smiled, laughed, danced and seemed merry to all who saw her, alone at night in her chambers she would weep for what her life had become.


With her fame and fortune, Erzulie Freda plotted her escape from this undignified lifestyle that she had been forced to live. One night when the moon was as black and the night she and her sister were conceived, she gathered all her belongings and escaped her confinement. She made it back up north to Cadiz, Spain where she meet an African pirate by the name of Ague Taroyo. Erzulie Freda quickly recognized that Ague Toroyo's accent was similar to that of the people of her mothers kingdom. Erzulie Freda begged Ague Taroyo to return her back to her mother's kingdom, and that she would give a big reward if he did so. Ague Taroyo knew well the queen and although he was the greatest pirate the earth had ever seen, he had heard the stories of how one of the Queen's daughters had been taken to Spain. In part because of the great respect he had for Matresse Erzulie and because he as all men could not resist the powerful beauty of Erzulie Freda he agreed to return her back to Dahomey to her mother's kingdom free of charge. Especially since he was going to the port of Whydah and Guinea, how could he refuse. When they arrived at the port of Whydah, Ague Taroyo sent a messenger to Matresse Erzulie, that after seven long years her daughter Erzulie Freda had returned home. The Queen Matresse Erzulie was overjoyed with the news that her daughter had finally arrived home, she wanted to prepare the biggest feast ever witnessed; as she sent a Caravan of escorts with the great Ogun Balendjo leading the group.

This was great news for Matresse Erzulie since her daughter Erzulie Dantor would marry Ogun Balendjo within a few days, and now the great return of her daughter Erzulie Freda filled her heart with joy. This would be a week of festivities thought Matresse Erzulie. But when Ogun Balendjo set eyes on the beauty of Erzulie Freda he felt an instant attraction, never had his eyes seen such an exquisite beautiful mulatta with eyes as blue as the skies above and seas below. Erzulie Freda also felt a sudden attraction to Ogun Balendjo, never had she set eyes on such a tall, noble, muscular, elegant handsome man in her life. Although Erzulie Freda's sister Erzulie Dantor was equally as beautiful, Ogun Balendjo had never felt such an instant attraction to a woman in all his life.


Ogun Balendjo plotted within his head, how was he to make Erzulie Freda his wife, so he escorted her the long way home, and spoke to her the most beautiful words he had ever said, for Erzulie Freda's beauty inspired the great warrior poetic words that flowed like honey through his lips. When they reached the Osun River in Nigria the love for them was strong and they made love by the river banks. After the long journey through Nigeria that should have been short they finally made it to the palace of Matresse Erzulie. The Queen was overjoyed and the biggest feast the kingdom had ever seen had commenced. During the festivities Erzulie Freda asked to speak privately with her mother. In the courtyard Erzulie Freda confessed her undying love for Ogun Balendjo and if there was a way that the Queen could break off the marriage of Ogun Balendjo with her sister Erzulie Dantor. Matresse Erzulie was a wise Queen beyond words and always found an answer or solution to any and all problems, but this one truly had her puzzled. How could she as a mother take away the happiness

of one daughter to give to another? After awhile of contemplation she finally answered. "Erzulie Freda you are my daughter as is Erzulie Dantor, and I would give anything in my kingdom to you, I would gladly give my life for you both. But what you ask is beyond my power, and something I cannot possibly give. My answer to you is to speak with your sister Erzulie Dantor and see if she would agree to break off the commitment she has to Ogun Balendjo and give him freely to you." Erzulie Freda knew deep within her heart that her sister Erzulie Dantor would never agree to such a notion, for both sisters where very zealous of what they perceived as personal properties. Erzulie Freda then devised a plot, she asked her sister Erzulie Dantor to meet her in the gardens in the outskirts of the palace, alone without Erzulie Dantor bringing her loyal house madiens. She asked her sister to meet her under the large Pomarrosa tree. Hidden within her breasts she had a dagger. When Erzulie Dantor arrived Erzulie Freda told her of her love for Ogun Balendjo and that they had made love by the banks of the Osun river where the Goddess Oshun had blessed their union. Erzulie Dantor's first reaction was that of sorrow, as tears formed in her eyes, but being a great warrior as was her mother, she quickly became enraged and physically attacked her sister under the great Pamarossa tree. Erzulie Freda was preparred for the outcome and quickly withdrew the dagger from her breasts and sliced her sister on the right side of the cheak two deep gashes. But Erzulie Dantor was a greater warrior than her sister and was able to subdue her sister and take the dagger from her. Then Erzulie Dantor plunged the dagger straight into Erzulie Freda's heart leaving her for dead, she left her there under the Pamarrosa tree. But Erzulie Dantor did have great love for her sister as remorse filled her heart of the tragedy that had unfolded. She then went to the Queen's chambers and told her mother what had happened and that Erzulie Freda lay under the tree. The Queen Matresse Erzulie sent men to bring her her daughter as quickly as possible. When Erzulie Freda was carried into the palace she was almost dead. Matresse Erzulie fearing loosing her daughter's life, sent for all the greatest healers of the nation, but none could restore Erzulie Freda back to health, until the great forest hermit Ogun Osanje the greatest healer and master herbalist came. He alone was able to restore Erzulie Freda's health with his magic and knowledge of all healing herbs and medicine. One night when Erzulie Freda was recovering Ogun Balendjo sneaked into her room and proposed that that very night they would escape the kingdom and never part from each others side. After the fight with her sister Erzulie Freda had grown remorse for her actions against Erzulie Dantor, but her great love for Ogun Balendjo was stronger still, and although she knew Ogun Balendjo and her sister Erzulie Dantor were to wed the following day, she became blindsided by the overwhelming love she felt for Ogun Balendjo and agreed to escape with him. That night they rode on Ogun Balendjo's trusted white steed to the a near port where Ague Taroyo's ship docked for the night. Ogun Balendjo paid a large fee and Ague Taroyo set sail to another far off port in a faraway country.

Unknown to both Ezili Dantor and Matresse Erzulie that Erzulie Freda and Ogun Balndjo had left during the night they proceed with the plans for the wedding. But unknown to Erzulie Dantor this would not start off as a happy occasion, until she realized that Ogun Balendjo was not going to show up for their wedding. There in front of the altar and the wedding guests stood Erzulie Dantor, and when humiliation crept on her because she realized that her husband to be was no where in sight, did she began to cry tears of rage and sorrow. So frustrated was Erzulie Dantor that the wounds upon her face opened and began to bleed. Just when all was lost, Ogun Badagris who had always loved her came before her and her guests riding his black steed. He went before her and tenderly dried the blood that formed from tears as well as the blood that came from her wounds. Then he declared infront of all who where present before them, his undying love towards her, and asked her if she would be his wife. Just then Erzulie Dantor realized that she had been betrothed to the wrong brother. As she looked deep into Ogun Badagri's blue eyes, she realized that she had fallen in love with him, and excerpted to be his wife, they wed that day and nine months later she gave birth to a young daughter that she named Maisia Noquea who would be born as dark and as lovely as her mother, but with the blue eyes of her father. Although Erzulie Dantors rage and desire for vengeance against her sister and her would be husband Ogun Balendjo grew and would never truly be forgiven, she found solace in her beautiful daughter and in her husband Ogun Badagris who was a faithful and loving husband. Matresse Erzulie felt the greatest fury and betrayal a mother could feel, and after the wedding ordered her new son in law Ogun Badagris army to search for both Erzulie Freda and Ogun Balendjo, but they could not find them in all of Africa, as they had made their way to a far off undiscovered continent far away. But Matresse Erzulie knew that the day would come when she would unleash her fury on Ogun Balendjo as he was one of the heirs to the throne of his father Ogun's kingdom of Oyo in Nigeria.


As years passed Erzulie Freda who had changed her name to Metre Sili so that she would not be found, sent message with the sea pirate Ague Taroyo to Africa. For she, Erzulie Freda ( Metre Sili ) could never live in peace knowing the betrayal and wrong she had done to her sister, and wanted to ask forgiveness from both. Erzulie Dantor would never forgive her but the Queen Matresse Erzulie who had taken the name Gran Sili because this is what her first grandchild Maisia Noquea called her yearned to see Erzulie Freda again, for as any mother Matresse Erzulie ( Gran Sili ) would always forgive her children. She sent a message with Ague Taroyo, that she had forgiven her and that she named a province of her kingdom Fredah in which she would leave for Erzulie Freda to rule and govern. Although Erzulie Dantor never got a chance to seek her wrathful vengeance on Erzulie Freda, Destiny, Karma and Fate as they usually do made sure to take matters into their own hands. For Erzulie Freda and Ogun Balendjo were never truly happy. Ogun Balendjo was known to be an unfaithful husband, and had lovers and wives in every port and city he visited; and although Erzulie Freda suffered her husband's womanizing infidelities she too could be vengeful and married Ague Taroyo, and then Dambalah. Although Ogun Balendjo was a womanizer he always loved Erzulie Freda dearly as did she him. Erzulie Dantor also made it to the new world with her husband Ogun Badagris, and between both Erzulie Freda and Erzulie Dantor they had many children, each named after their grandmother Gran Sili. Such as Erzulie Balianne, Erzulie Mansur, Erzulie Mapiangue, Erzulie Yeux Rouge, Erzulie Yeux

Rouge, Erzulie Toho, Erzulie La Flambeau, Erzulie Wangol, Since then and until the ends of time, although Erzulie Dantor secreatly loves her sister she can not find it in her heart to ever forgive her the betrayal and shame she put her through. This story of the two Metresa Loases is similar to the rivalry held between the Orisha Ochun, Oya and Obba, some versions of the Orisha tale might include Yewa and Yemaya. On the altar Erzulie Dantor is kept cose to Ogun Badgris while Erzulie Freda is kept close to Ogun Balendjo.



One day in the early summer of June 2006, I was walking through the quaint picturesque New England seaport town of Newburyport. It had been a year into me being baptized and receiving my first puntos within Sanse and I was returning shortly to receive other ceremonies. Although I had no spiritual encounters in my mind, just some whale watching and some New England souvenirs shopping for my God Parents, Mother and family members in Puerto Rico. I had no idea that the spirits, in the form of a photo, would find me. I had just come off of the whale watching tour, "an experience that I highly recommend every person do once in their lifetime", the adrenaline rush of the experience still had not settled. Just to be in the presence of these huge magnificent creatures of God and the feeling of how small one is in the scheme of things; next to these enormous docile and beautiful creatures, was one of the most euphoric experiences of my life. After whale watching, me and the group of friends who accompanied me on this day trip, sat down to grab some lunch. I remember sitting with them and talking about which whale was the Humpbacks, Minkes or Finbacks, because in all reality we did not have the

slightest idea on which was which, or for that matter which species we had seen. We also spoke of what stores and sights we were to visit in this tourist filled Massachusetts coastal town, when the conversation as it usually does amongst Hispanics took a turn into the world of spirituality, spirits and our spiritual journeys in life. On my part of the conversation, I talked of my abuelitos "grandparents" and of my summer visits with them in Puerto Rico and my Espiritismo upbringing. I spoke of the teachings they instilled within me and how I carried them deep within my heart. I talked about my Tia and her being the first Sancista in my family. I talked about how in my mid teens, I was invited by a school mate to his Godmother's Bembe for Ochun and how a Priestess Santera had become possessed by the Orisha Ochun and how under the influence of Ochun, claimed me as her child and prophesied that she would always be with me and that she would prove it with pruebas that all came true. I talked about my recieving my collares and Guerrilleros in Cuban Lukumi, my dabbling in American Pagan Witchcraft, my spiritual consultation with a Cuban Palero. I talked about my "pruebas" as prophesied by Ochun. My spyral down fall into depression and alcohol, and how the Orisha Ochun, my guia Cachita Tumbo and my Muertos led me back into Sanse and Espiritismo. It was a circle, a cycle I had to undertake to prove my spiritual strength and faculties in overcoming my trials and tribulations of life and coming out confident, wiser and stronger. After our lunch we decided to do some shopping and visit as many shops and botiques as possible. As we walked around the many red bricked sidewalks I decided to sit for a moment on a bench and light a cigarette and take a break from the hot June sun under a red maple, tree and I remenber thinking how amazingly beautiful Newburyport must be in October when the leaves of the Red Maple would turn its infamous fiery red and match the red brick buildings and red cobblestone streets of the seaport city.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a thrift store that sold carved wooden canes, that reassembled those used in Cuban Espiritismo Cruzado, and an array of Pagan glass witches balls and wind chimes that could be seen hanging from the window pane. I immediately got up and went in and looked around; not really looking for anything in particular, when I suddenly came upon this exquisite and unique image of the Virgen Mary and Christ Child. The Madonna was clearly a mulatta or meztisa, not the traditional blue eyed, blond haired, fair skinned Caucasian Virgin of Catholic paintings. She was dressed in a blue dress that looked as if it were made of blue water with a pink shawl tied to her side, her veil was white with golden embroidery, and around her and the holy child were orange daisies and yellow roses that encircled the crowns she and the child wore upon their heads. On further inspection of the photo I noticed that the Holy Child within the Virgin's arms and half covered by her vale was dressed in Pink and blue and resembled more a female child then the traditional male child. I remember thinking. "Ochun and Cachita Tumbo, and how this may have been how the Africans slaves and the Indigenous people of times long passed must have felt on looking upon Catholic Saints, Angels and Holy Mothers, and envisioning within them their ancient spirits. I asked the lady how much was the framed photo, as it had to be mine. She smiled and politely said, that it had belonged to her mother who in life was devoted to this particular Madonna and had brought the image from Italy and that it was not for sale. I thanked her and asked her, who was this beautiful Virgin on the picture, and how the profile reminded me of Puerto Rico's patroness Our Lady of

Providence and Cuba's Our Lady of Charity. Her reply to me was that it was la Madonna della Neve, her feast day was August 5th and that she was the patron of the village in Italy where her mother was born.


yeme Cachita, tengo una rumbita p que tu la bailes como la bailo yo. Cachita, Cachita Cachita! M pedazo de cielo que Dios me dio.

Many people confuse Cachita Tumbo with the Metresa Anaisa Pye, and although they are very similar Misterios that embody the essence of love, they are not the same. While it is true that both are Native Spirits, Anaisa Pye, or Anaisa la Chiquita as she is known in Puerto Rico, symbolizes raw sexual energy, and desire. In the Taino language Anaisa can be broken down to "Ana" meaning Yellow Flower, "I" being that of Spirit, Nana being a female girl child, Ni being that of water, and Xa

pronounced Shah, loving nickname given to daughters. Many Taino women had the name Ana within their name or Iza as in Yuiza. Cachita Tumbo is seen as a Petro Loa of fertility, and has also been associated with the Orisha Ochun. Again they are very similar in that both spirits are of rivers and fresh waters. But while Ochun is an African Spirit known as an Orisha, brought to the Americas with the slaves, Cachita Tumbo is a Cemi / Zemis Spirit and has her origins in Taino spirituality that was believed to have been extinct and eradicated. Which in all reality it transformed for the perpouse of survival. As many Misterios often do, she can belong to various Division of Spirits. She is a Metresa as well as a Petro Spirit, and one that falls under the "Indio" Agua Dulce Division. In her being synchronized with Ochun she falls under the Lokomis Division of Spirits. (Lukumi) Cachita Tumbo has her origins in two Taino Zemis, the first being Atabeira the Mother of Fresh Waters and the other being Coatrisquie the Zemi who gathered the fresh waters and made them swell within her womb and created the floods.


In the Lukumi tradition popularly known as Santeria, there is a legend that tells how Ochun and Oya are in constant competition and battle over the love of their husband Chango. This Santeria legend, which is known as an apataki is surprisingly similar to the Taino legend that tells the tale of when the female Zemi of fierce winds Guabancex quarrelled with her messenger Guatauba / Guatava the Zemi of thunder, lightning and rainstorms they would create the Spirit Jurakan. This would unsettle the docile Coatrisquie / Coatrischi , who would fill her rivers with waters and eventually caused havoc on the Natives that built their Bohio "huts" along the riverbank. In a way this was as if the natural forces of Guatava, Jurakan Guabancex and Coatrisquie where having a cosmic battle. Guatava in his rainstorms would be equivalent to the male sperm while the rivers represent Coatrisquie's womb overflowing with water creating both death and from it rebirth and new life. Coatrisquie's overflowing would be as that of a woman's amniotic fluid inside her womb.


Atabeira / Atabeyra / Attabeira /Atabey was translated in Spanish to mean "Madre de las Aguas" or Mother of Waters, and was known by many names. Some being Apito, Siella, Suimado, Mamona, Guacarapita, Liella, Guimazoa, Iella, and Ieamaye. The latter Ieamaye sounding similar to the Orisha Yemaya and the Yoruba Yemonja, who was originally viewed as a River Deity that resided within the Ogun River and was not associated with the Ocean until the Middle passages of the Slave Trade. Until then Olokun was viewed as the deity of the depths of the Ocean. (The Yamaye Taino tribe of Xaymaca "Jamaica" where named after her which they called Atabeira Ieamaye or Atabex .) Atabeira is the Supreme feminine deity of the Taino people and was worshipped as the progenitor of the life-giving earth God Ycahu Bagua which was the Lord of Land and Sea. She was his equal and his feminine counterpart. She was the Goddess of fertility, motherhood and sexual desires. Her messengers in Borinquen where the tree frogs Coqui, whose matting call is increased during rainy season. In the time of the Taino this was an indication and a message from the Zemi to plant their crops, especially that of the cassava/yuca. It was a time when the earth was fertile, and sexual activities increased because of their confinement to their Bohio in part due because of the heavier rains. Atabeira and Yucahu are Earth Spirit Gods, and not to be confused with the Cosmic Creator of the universe Yaya, who was never directly worshipped by the Taino. In Taino Zemi petroglyph "carvings and drawings of the Zemis" Atabeira is often depicted in a squatting position. This position is symbolic of a women in preparation for sexual intercourse, the position held during childbirth, the position held by women during the release of urine and feces and the position of her messengers the Coqui tree frogs. The first three are symbolic of Atabeira as the

creator, of the earth God Yucahu, humans on earth and the sea, which is her urine, and as a sexual deity.

Praise to Attabeira

Bibi Atabey. Attabeira Yermao Guacar Apito Zuimaco, Atte aya Yocahu Bagua Maorokoti, Coaiba Mamona, Atte itabo era, Aturo aya wakia Itiba Cahubaba, Ocama Yucayeke Taino Wakia Arawaka, Yermao waka waili, Wakia Yari, Busica Ketauri, Inaru Matum. Busica wakia Ahia Hu De Tai Ku Buya Jan Jan Nabori Daca, Jan Jan Katu. Mother Atabey oh Great Attabeira Yermao Guacar Apito Zuimaco. Mother of God, Heavenly Mother of the Moon, Mother of Waters, Sister of our Ancient Bleeding Mother. Hear our Taino People and Protect our Children, Our Precious Jewels. Give us Life oh Generous Woman. Give us your Blessing, Good Spirit Yes. I am your servant. So Be It

Mama Cachita Tumbo


Cachita Tumbo embodies both Atabeira and Coatrisque, and as thus is an enormously powerful Misterio. She is a lover, a mother, a teacher and the provider of the sweet waters that sustains life on earth. But as she is a giver of life she is also a destroyer and rebuilder, she is the energy that can destroy in order to make way for new life. Her first name Cachita comes from a few words with Taino origin. The word Cacica which means female supreme chief and ruler, the Taino word Calichi which means the Fountain from the highest Mountain, and Kachi which means golden ray of light from the Sun. In Caribbean Creole Spanish Cachita is a broken down word for little one, Chiquita. (One must understand that the Indigenous people where shorter in stature than the European.) Also as I stated before Caxi which was a shortened version of the name for Coatrisque. Tumbo is Spanish for a violent motion of the body, first going in one direction and then to another direction, which is generally caused by a lack of balance. It can also come from the word, Tumbar which means to tumble, topple or overthrow. This emphasizes Cachita Tumbo's abilities to cause floods within villages, an occurrence that happens today with rural pueblos near rivers. Cachita Tumbo can also be felt through her abilities to be a conductor of electric currents. She is the Misterio that converts fluid flow energy to electric energy. Cachita Tumbo also works with other Spirits of the Agua Dulce Division such as Padre de Agua or El Rey del Agua, who is also called Agua Dulce, or Baba Yague and is synchronized with Saint John the Baptist. Without the watchful eye of Padre de Agua, baptisms into Sanse would be almost impossible. Rio Tempestoso which is synchronized with Saint Christopher and Tindjo Alague which is synchronized with Saint Rafael. Unlike Santeria in which all the Orisha have their own numbers, in Puerto Rican Sanse the Misterios share the number, 3, 7 and 21. But each has their own offerings, and like Ochun, Cachita Tumbo enjoys pumpkins, honey, eggs, citrus fruits, Brown sugar, cinnamon, star anise as well as Mangoes, guavas, guanabana sour sop and quenepas. She enjoys sweets, perfumes, mirrors, jewelry and fans. Her colors are amber, yellow, gold, orange, blue and green. Unlike Anaisa she does not enjoy tobacco, but does like Spiced Rums, champagne, beer, and Anisette liquor. Traditionally her image is that of Our Lady of Charity, while others use Our Lady of Divine Providence, and her feast day is celebrated with that of la Caridad del Cobre, which is September 8th.

Oracion a Cachita Tumbo


Oh Cachita, Cachita Tumbo! Oh Espritu de la Cacica India, Cachita Tumbo! Gran Metresa Reina Soberana de el amor. India morena de mi devocion, de piel dorada, canela con miel. No me desampare de su proteccion, y guia me, de noche y de dia. En nombre del campo sagrado, del Padre, Hijo, y Espiritu Santo. Salve Reina Madre Cachita Tumbo. Ten piedad sobre mi. Gracias y Misericordia Mama Cachita Tumbo. Jan Jan Katu, Ach y Amen.

Prayer to Cachita Tumbo.

Oh Cachita, Cachita Tumbo! Spirit of the female Indian Chief, Cachita Tumbo! Great Mistress sovereign queen of love. Indian Spirit of my divotion, she who is of golden skin with cinnamon and honey. Guide and protect me and do not forsake me, neither night nor day. In the name of the Sacred Fields of Spirits, and the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Praise be Queen Mother Cachita Tumbo. Show mercy apon me, and for this I shall thank you Mother Cachita Tumbo. So be it, Amen.

The Concept of Viewing these Spirits

as whores, harlots and prostituetes.


I can not tell you how many followers of African Traditional Religions in the Americas, discredit and have the false concept that the Orisha Ochun, the Misterio Cachita Tumbo is a lady of the night or that the Loa, Anaisa Pye is a Prostitute. This way of viewing these spirits stems from the repressed mind set of the dominant Christian views that were placed upon us in the Americas. Let me explain this by talking about the biblical Mary Magdeline, who was believed to have been a Prostitute. In all reality there is no mention of her ever being such in any of the biblical versus, she was a woman plagued by seven demons. Jesus felt pity apon her and casted out these demons from her body. She was so grateful that she became one of his most beloved disciples and followers. When the 12 male disciplines, with the exception of John the Beloved abandoned Jesus during his arrest, persecution and crusification, it was she who never left his side. She was present in the crowd when he was persecuted, was present during his crusification, was one of the women pressent during the burial of Christ, along side Jesus mother Mary, was one of the few that anointed his corpse with perfumed oils, and was one of the first to witness his resurrection. Mary Magdeline was incorrectly and falsly believed to have been the same woman, who was to be stoned to death for practicing prostitution on the Holy Sabath day, and her life was saved and spared by Jesus. She latter anointed Jesus feet with oil and washed them with her tears, kisses and hair. In

all reality this woman by name was never mentioned in the Bible. The view of anything feminine holding power or great importance was not only discredited within Christian religions but Christianity also placed this belief within African and Native American spirituality. While both African and Indigenous female spirits are known for being highly sexual entities. This view has to do with them fertilizing the earth and making it sustainable, and livable for human life on earth. To view them as whores or prostitues, one is literary subjecting oneself to the Spanish Conquistadors mind set of African Woman and Taino woman being less than Perras,"bitches." Women within indigenous cultures were not oppressed or seen as less than their male counterparts, in fact they were viewed as equals. Women were the mothers, they could hold titles of Chiefs, could bring forth life, were the medicine woman who understood the wisdom of the healing of herbs. They were intellegent. had minds of their own, and while men seeked war, the women seeked peace and communal understanding with apposing tribes and the Spanish. They were also fierce warriors and fighters, and the Amazon Rainforest was named after a tribe of warrior native women that resembled that of the Amazons of Greek and Roman mythology. Every country in the Americas has their version of Pocahontas, Anacaona, Yuiza, Kateri Tekakwitha and Sacagawea who through wit and wisdom played their important roles of both saviors and betrayers of their people's ways which is similar to that of the Egyptian Cleopatra or France's Marie Antoinette. While the female Orisha and Loases do embody the pleasures of life and sexuality, they are also represented as destructive forces that equal that and are sometimes greater than their male counterparts. They represent the need for freedom, and self expression, and also the dangers that follow when abusing anything in nature. The Loases and Orisha do enjoy sexual activities, dancing, laughter, music and those material things that are viewed by the living, as the finer things in life, they must also be viewed as Spirits of empowerment. But many initiates wrongly self project their desires and needs for the inappropriate behavior of touching or fondling others or the excuse for excessive drinking of alcohol and attribute it with that of being under possession of a Loa or Muerto. I honestly believe that these are not the ways of the Orisha or Loa, but the ways of one's own personal demons which are placed in our presence and paths to overcome and conquer. As my Abuelita would say. "Por cada un Angel que tenemos hay diez Diablos a su rededor". For each Angel that we have, Ten Devils surround it.

Salve Reina Madre Cachita Tumbo. Ten piedad sobre mi.

BELIE BELCAN! Sanse / 21 Division Tradition

Bonswa a la Societ!

Las Buenas Tardes a to mis Criollos!! Yo Soy Belie Belcan....

Good Evening to all the Societies! I am Belie Belcan...

One of the most respected and loved Misterios in Puerto Rican, Sanse and Dominican, 21 Division traditions is the Lwa known as Belie Belcan. He is known as the ancient wise and benevolent king, who brings fair judgement and justice to all who do good and evil. While in Dominican, 21 Division his colors are red and green; in Puerto Rican Sanse, blue is also added to his colors. Usually he is dressed in green and red garments with red or blue rosary beads around his neck and is placed on top of an altar with a royal blue and red cloth, which would show that the person is a follower of la 21 Division del Panteo Sancista. Red and blue ribbons are also tied to the waist of his statues or around the forehead. He is a leader within la Nacion Blanca, the White Nation "Rada Nation" (Rada means light or sun, which some say he governs alongside Asaca Dipi "Cosmic Earths", Damballah Wedo "Primordial waters" and Gran Solier, "Solar Fires", while Belie Belcan is viewed as the Air or Breath of Papa Buen Dios. The Rada has nothing to do with the limitations of earthly race or color, what it means is that the Misterios within this nation are highly elevated Spirits and can also come from African and Indigenous origins. A statue, image or photograph of Belie Belcan is often placed in the center of the Tableau Espiritual where he guards, protects and bestows his wise council and judgements upon the living and the dead. This role comes from the teachings of Saint Michael Archangel who is also seen as an angel of Death, in this role one sees Belie Belcan's association with the Guede Lwa. In this role and association with the Guede, at the hour of death, Saint Michael descends, weighs each soul within his scale, gives each soul the chance to redeem itself before passing, and carries those souls that have passed through the gates of elevation, for those that have not, some will be reborn, others must cleanse themselves of earthly sins in purgatory, and others are to receive harsher punishments. Although Belie Belcan is a part of the Rada Nation and is the leader of the Belcan Division, he is considered an Ogun Lwa, as he is a great warrior Misterio, always ready for battle with those evil

demonic forces that attack humanity and helps dominate over the evil within the living. He is also considered a part of the Lebane Division "Legba" as he, like his brothers are divine messengers. He is the personal messenger of Papa Buen Dios and Gran Solier, the latter who is syncrenized with the Sacred Heart of Jesus or Ecce Homo, and is the Jefe "chief" in command of Gran Solier's army, this title he shares alongside his brothers Tindjo Alawe and Gran Cali; whose fiery swords are viewed as the rays of the Sun. The Rays of the Sun are a symbol of their power and authority over earthly matters and are their most sacred weapons of choice .


Belie Belcan sword is made of cosmic blue flames and is viewed as the Blue Ray of God, while Tinjo Alawe (Saint Rafael) is the Green Ray, and Gran Cali (Saint Gabriel) is the White Ray. These rays are symbolized as Gran Solier's sunlight rays cutting through the mysteries that the unknown and unfaboding darkness of night brings and promising a new day, rebirth, and new beginnings. Also Belie Belcan's sword is viewed as the blue lightning bolts that flash through the skies, which is symbolic of him keeping demons in their place within their underworld realm and of him sending God's will and wrath upon earth. In this aspect he is closely associated with Ogou Shango who is viewed as one of his

vueltas. Lightning is viewed as Belie's sword hitting the earth, where Papa Dios commands it, while the crackling thunder is symbolic of the voice of Belie Belcan as the messenger of both the wrath of Buen Dios and the forgiveness and promises of Gran Solier.


Both in Sanse and 21 Division, Belie Belcan is synchronized with the Archangel Saint Michael, who is known as el Viejo Miguel, San Miguel or Miguel Archangel. In Haitian Vodou he is known as Agaou, Agarou, Linglessou, Garou Linglessou, Angles Sou, or Anglesssou. While in Creole Louisianna Voodoo Daniel Blanc or Blanc Dani is synchronized with Saint Michael, Daniel Blanc is seen more as the Orisha Obatala or the Lwa Dambalah. In Dominican 21 Division he is, el Viejo Belie Belcan Tone.

Belie Belcan and Candelo


Belie Belcan is a noble Misterio and his Compadre and closest companion is the Palero Misterio known as General Candelo Sedife. Belie Belcan governs over air, earth and fire, while Candelo governs over fire and air, together they work together, fueling each other which helps the Ogun Division forge their metals and weapons. Many who hear that Candelo is a Palero instinctively confuse him as a Mpungo Spirit honored in Palo Monte or Palo Mayombe, this is not the case, and far

from the truth. This misunderstanding stems from the fact that the Lwa Candelo holds the wisdom to much root and wood magic, is a fiery spirit, in the aspect that his Roots or wooden staffs inflamed give us light during the uncertainties of the dark nights, and he enjoys music, with the beat of sticks upon cow bells, and drums. He is a Palero in the sense that the sacred music to Dominican Vudu, la 21 Division is termed as Palo music after the hollowed out tree trunks that are used to make the sacred drums, which are sacred to Candelo. Therefor Candelo is a Palero in the sense that he works with roots, he is a Misterio of fire and passion. He bestows the mysteries on humans on how to work Palo, "wood magic" and how to make music with palos, and he enjoys to mount during times when Palo music is being played. Candelo is the fiery passion, the raw energy, the sexual drive of the drums, which is visualized as a female vagina, while the drum sticks or human palms striking the drum are symbolic of the male penis. Matches and inflamed wooden torches are also sacred to Candelo and again symbolize the male penis inflamed in passion. Belie Belcan is the nights watchman, as he patrols the dark street of night, conquering any demon or earth bound spirit that roams the nights. He uses his chains to bind spirits, and is said to be the one that forges the chains that bind the souls within Purgatory.

Belie Belcan, The Ladies Man


Belie Belcan is known as a ladies man, a Casanova, and a great lover of the mysteries of the female species. He is a gentleman and is never groutest or vulgar towards woman, as within Belie Belcan's mysteries lies the galiancy of the great lovers of old. If Casanova of Italy and Don Juan of Spain where ruled by a Misterio, Belie Belcan would have been their patron. It is said that he has many wives or female lovers, in Santo Domingo his concubine is Anaisa Pye who is synchronized with the young Virgin Mary next to Santa Ana, and are always placed together on the Dominican badji altars while in Puerto Rican Sanse, his wife is also a vuelta of Anaisa known as Anaisa la Chiquita who is synchronized with Jean De Arc; and on Puerto Rican Tableau Espirituales, they are always placed together. But it is said that although at first Belie Belcan may be shy towards women, which shows his younger aspect, soon he will accumulates confidence and flirt with any female, and Misterio, such as Cachita Tumbo, Erzulie Freda and Sili Dantor, but has the greatest respect towards the elder female Misterios such as Gran Sili, la Sirena, and la Ballena.

Belie Belcan as a Legba Misterio

BELIE BELCAN As a Legba spirit he is often associated as being one and the same as Papa Legba, which is not the case. Papa Legba in his vuelta of Eshu is Belie Belcan's closest of brothers, but while Belie Belcan represents justice Eshu is represented as the temptations of those things that can harm humanity. Although they are very close, they often find themselves in great battles, but Belie Belcan always has the upper hand, or so he thinks; as Papa Legba is the master of trickery. Eshu in this aspect is viewed as el Diablo, the Devil, and is known by many names such as Lucerito, Lucero del Amanecer, Kadiempembe Echu, Echu Rei, and Olosi. The image of Saint Michael banishing Lucifer ."Satan" into the pits of hell is also symbolic of us as humans always battling our inner demons, and having control, domination and the upper hand of those very demons and earth bound spirits that can easily leeds us astray from the mission of the elevation of our Spirit. Eshu in his aspect of Lucifer is known as the messenger of the morning star, or the Light bringer or as Luciel which means God's Light. As the Legba close and open doors for opportunities, Belie Belcan is the one who opens and closes chapters and cycles within our lives. He is the one who leads us through the circle of life, he starts us in one point of direction and can lead us around until we reach the finishing line, which is often the starting point. This is symbolized as an infant growing to adulthood then old age, in the beginning and in the end we are very dependent of the help of others, while in the middle we are more independent of ourselves. In his aspect as a Legba Misterio, Belie Belcan watches the entrance of the doorways. A blessed image or photo is placed above the doorways of the home, so that he may open the doorways of opportunities, while at the same time protecting those who live within the home, from malignant forces. He is a persons personal guard, and watchman. Unlike the Orisha Eleggua that is placed on the floor behind a doorway, Belie Belcan is placed above the door. A horse shoe can also be placed above the doorways as a symbol of Belie Belcan's quickness and strength to protect. This amulet shows his aspect as both an Ogun Misterio and a Legba Misterio. Horses are also sacred to many Lwa and Orisha, including Belie Belcan, who calls those he mounts as, "el Caballo", the horse. A blessed palm frond can be placed tangled within the Horse Shoe as a symbol that he is of the Rada nation, or weaved into a cross which shows that Belie Belcan watches over every direction, and brings the light of Gran Solier.


BLUE SWORD: He uses it to defend against the dark forces and any condition other than the Truth, and to break ties and negative influences. BLUE LIGHTNING: Used to destroy and kill all negative or destructive situation. The blue lightning is

often symbolized as Saint Michael's spear or lance. "Whosoever possess this Spear and understands the powers it serves holds in his hands the destiny of the world for good or evil." The Spear or lance is viewed as the Blue Lightning bolt coming from the heavens and hitting its mark on earth. "The spear or lance of Destiny of the Lord's wrath against the enemies of Israel was so fierce that it terrified even the sun and the moon" (Hab 3:11) BLUE SHIELD: To protect and shield, Belie Belcan uses his shield to guard and hide his followers from the snares of demons. THE SCALE: Is symbolic of both Belie Belcan role with divine justice and his abilities to weigh the souls of the dead, in order to see if they may progress into a higher state of existence. The scale is also the symbol of balance, in order for one to know good, one must know evil, in order for one to appreciate happiness, one must suffer through sadness, the scale is a symbol that we as humans must keep these things in perfect balance. THE WOODEN CANE: Symbolizes that he is both an ancient Lwa as old as time, and one of Papa Buen Dio's first created, and his authority over magic and that he is a part of the Legba Division. THE CHAINS: He uses the chains to bind demons to hell and Earth Bound tormented souls or Lone Souls in Purgatory.

Plegaria Saint Michael / Belie Belcan

Prince of Archangels. Owner of the first rays which are seen as blue flashes of light. He who destroy the evil forces of the universe. Amongst your kind you are the mightiest. Protector and defender of the cosmic fires of the universe. Ambassador of the sun, here on earth. Head Jefe Chief of the Celestial Court. He who holds the lance of Phinehas which guards the Tree of Life. Representative of the Power and Dignity of God. Director of the third season of the year, autumn. He who rescued Daniel from the lion's den. You who stopped Abraham from sacrificing Issac his only son. You who guards the garden of Eden. You who was chosen to announce the death of the Virgin Mary. We praise you director and

chief of all the Archangels. For you are the one who is closest and guards the throne of God. Owner of the divine power to alienate the legions of evil and demonic forces. Sovereignty over Seraphims, Cherubims, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. You helped to defeat the French army against injustice, and favored our lady Joan of Arc and the poor Patron Saint of the knights of medieval times, and those in war who fight for the justice of all mankind. Your name means "He who is like God" and has been nominated protector and defender of the Cristian Church. But still you remain a faithful friend and defender to the Jewish people. You were sent by God to appear before Moses and lighted the burning bush. We all praise and honor you, on your holy days, September 29th and November 8th. Oh Single entity listed as an archangel in the Bible, with your brothers Gabriel and Raphael. Protector of the fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You were appointed the greatest celestial spirits. Protector of the sun, symbol of life, maximum energy of the universe. You have the ability to improve the lives of everyone here on earth and to defend us from psychic attacks, the snarls of the devil, the attack of an enemy and witchcraft and black magic.. It is written, Archangel Michael, as commander in chief of God's army will appear when the world is in grave danger, and will lead Christ against the Anti Christ and the Devil, we pray your divine presence and ask that you pray for us.

Communicating with Belie Belcan in Sanse

Although many traditions have the ability to mount Lwa and Orisha, this is not the case within Sanse. In Sanse we often mount the Messengers of the Lwa as we view the Misterios as highly elevated spirits. It is not that in Sanse, a Sancista can not mount a Misterio, it is that less energy is required to call on their messengers which we call Emisarios, Corrientes or Sanse. In Sanse we communicate with the Misterios as any Catholic communicates with their Patron Saint for help and guidance. First the Sancista always recites a Padre Nuestro and Ave Maria, in honor of Papa Buen Dios, because in Sanse God is always honored and prayed to first. Before any Ancestor, before any Dead, before any Misterio God is called on first. Then we knock on the altar 3 times and call on Papa Legba to open the doors, but since an aspect of Belie Belcan is a vuelta of Legba this is not necessary but because of tradition always done. We often begin by praying any prayer of protection to Saint Michael. There are many, and any will do. Then we begin by placing white and blue flowers in a vase and place it before Saint Michael's image. We then place a Fuente Espiritual filled with ice water and indigo balls within it, with a splash of Holy water, Kolonoa 1800, Colonia Pompeya, many add Alcholado Superior 70, or Alcoholado Sana. " Trust me Florida Water is not the only thing we work with." On either side of the Fuente we place a red candle and a blue candle anointed with a holy oil or pure virgin olive oil. In front of the

Fuente we place a white candle that has been anointed with holy oil or olive oil. You can at this moment light an incense stick, or light an incense charcoal "with wooden matches" and add frankincense and myrrh and wave it around the image of Saint Michael " Belie Belcan" and around the fuente and candles. If you practice Dominican 21 Division, you can offer him a cigar and a glass of whisky or rum. In Sanse we do not traditionally offer the Misterios material offerings with the exception of Candles, water, flowers, and incense. This may sound confusing, but the liquor and tobacco can be offered to the Emisarios that work for Belie Belcan on the altar where the Fuente, candles.and flowers are placed. If you are calling on Belie Belcan, use an altar bell, if the Emisario was black in life, use a chekere, if the Emisario was Indian, use a Maraca, or simply use the altar bell to chant your prayers and place yourself in a state of listening and receiving messages. Now cleanse your head with Holy water or Florida Water and begin to quietly pray and meditate to Belie Belcan. Call him with your mind, because it is through your mind that the Misterios hear you. What good is it if you are reciting a prayer and thinking of something else. Place all your thoughts on your desire, wish and petitions. Talking in your mind and listen to your sub conscience voice, your inner voice, this is where ones Centinela.or ones Guia Principal work as messengers to the Mistsrios. It is through ones mind that they will contact you. The voice of the Lwa Misterios within the Puerto Rican Sanse tradition is not a material voice, it is not the way one would listen to a living being or a spirit that has mounted in a Sesion. You might hear voices, you might see visions that pertain to your question, respectfully copy them down in a note book. When you receive your message, bow down before the altar, and thank Papa Buen Dios for his Misericordia. Leave the candles lit and offerings there until the flowers begin to decay, and bring them to a park on a hill and place them their with an offering of coins and liquor to the messengers of Belie Belcan for helping you in giving you an answer to your question. During the time that the candles are lit, on a daily basis offer more incense, and pay close attention to your dreams, as the answers may come to you in dreams.

Goat Meat as an Offering to Belie Belcan

Goat Meat is a staple food within many Caribbean foods and has been assigned as a favorite offering dish to Belie Belcan. This offering could have its origins from the image of Saint Michael dominating the Goat Like Satan. which has its tradition in early Christians assigning Pagan Gods as Demons, as such is the fate of both Pan and Baphomet.

Revocation Saint Michael

Items needed 1. Reverse candle Black and Red 2. Goblet 3. White Plate 4. Holy Water & Vinegar 5. Olive Oil 6. Pen & Paper 7. Statue or Image of Saint Michael 8. Candle to Saint Michael 9. Four white candles 10. Sea Salt 11. Brown paper bag 12. Ashes from a cigar. There are many versions of this Revocation to Saint Michael, some requiring hard to find objects, and others just a candle. This is the simple one that I have used and it has worked for me and clients that have come to me. Before the image of Saint Michael " Belie Belcan" I place all my items. On the reverse black and red candle that can be found in any Botanica I pull out the candle and with a sharp object carve the name of the person causing harm, with birth date if possible or symbol of zodiac sign, if I do not know the name I carve "Enemy or Enemies". Then I carefully carve the wick from the opposite side making sure I get a wick to point out of it. I then anoint the candle with the olive oil to the candle, beginning in the middle of the candle I anoint away from me. Then I turn the candle and do the same, anointing oil away from me and then I replace the candle back into the glass container. I then take olive oil and anoint each one starting with the Saint Michael candle then the four other white candles, as I did with the reverse candle. On a piece of paper I write the name of the enemy and sprinkle ashes, from a cigar, and fold the paper three times away from me and place it under the image of Saint Michael. I take the glass and fill it with Holy water, and add a few drops of vinegar and sprinkle salt, and then I place the piece of paper into the glass of holy water, and sprinkle salt and a drop of oil. I then place the white plate over it and cover it, and carefully flip it over making sure not to spill the water. I place the Reverse candle on top of the glass, which is set before the image of Saint Michael, and then

place the Saint Michael Candle in front of Saint Michael and each of the white candles around it. I light all the candles, starting with the reversible one which is on top of the glass, then the Saint Michael and counter clock wise I light the others. Each night at the same time, usually 12 in the evening or 12 midnight I go before the candles and recite the Revocation prayer. When all the candles have died out. I take each candle glass and place them within a brown bag and I place the paper with the name. I pass the bag around my body, and then I throw the remainder of the water away from my house. I bring the bag to the forest and find a dead tree, that has been hit by lightning or is naturally dying tree and place the bag there, never looking back and always taking a different route home. When you arrive home take a bath with Castile Soap and Sea Salts to cleanse yourself. (Note for stronger enemies and if you are 21 years and older, instead of Holy Water or Vinegar, I add Whisky or Rum)

Revocation Saint Michael Prayer

Oh great Saint Michael Archangel Belie Belcan, as you are the Angel in charge of all the works in the world, I implore you at this solemn hour and this sacred day, to seize any witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment, or black magic done against me. I implore that you take this time so that you will see the light, candle, and work I have done in your honor. Come sorcery, evil spirit, demon and corruption and revoke it away from my body. Let the flesh and blood of my enemies treat me well. Let my enemies suffer as our Lord Jesus Christ suffered on the Cross, bitterness, torment, kicks and slaps. Let them go into a desolate world. Let them take the three falls that Jesus took, until they comes to my home asking forgiveness for their sins against me. As Ponchos Pilot, let them either wash their hands of me, or pay the debts to karma. Let the Sun, Moon and Stars in Heaven bear witness to my pleas. So be it. Amen


A resguardo is what is termed in Hoodoo and Voodoo as a Gris Gris Bag or Mojo bag and is used as an amulet to call on the protective powers of a Saint or a Spirit from one of the Conisiones. They are amulets and charms that are placed in a bag and blessed and given the energies of the elements, and kept close to the person who it is prepared for. Here are the items that go within a resguardo to Belie Belcan. 1. Red cloth bag, small enough to fit in a pocket or kept in a purse. 2. Blue or Green yarn 3. Espada de San Miguel amulet. 4. Amulet of Saint Michael 5. 1 Loadstone 6. 1 Quarts Crystal 7. 1 Tiger's Eye stone 8. 1 small Thunder stone 9. Piece of Paper with person's name 10. Saint Michael oil 11. 3 Job's tears 12. 3 Peonia Seeds 13. Large Glass 14. 7 Espadas de San Miguel Candle 15. Precipitado Rojo 16. Azabache Stone

Place all items on a white plate in front of an image of Saint Michael, and take Saint Michael's oil and sprinkle over every item then sprinkle the Precipitado rojo. One by one place each item that has been asasonado "seasoned" with the oil and Precipitado rojo into the bag starting with the Espada de San Miguel amulet and then the rest of the items. On a piece of paper write the name of the person for who the resguardo is made for. Then place in bag and tie it shut with blue or green yard. Place on top of plate and glass on top of of resguardo to seal it shut. Then anoint the 7 Espada de San Miguel candle with the oil and place on top of glass and light it. Leave in a window sill where the rays of the moon and sun will hit it, until candle dies out, usually Seven days. (NEVER LEAVE CANDLES UNATTENDED). After this the resguardo is charged and ready to use. Instruct person to recharge Resguardo once a month on the night of the Full Moon by sprinkling a little oil on the Resguardo and leaving it in an area where the moon and sun rays will get at it for a full day.

Prayer to St. Michael

O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in His own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan. Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in Heaven. That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be. Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God,

and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen.

Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered the root of David. Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord. As we have hoped in Thee. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come unto Thee. Let us pray. O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy holy Name, and as supplicants, we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin Immaculate and our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen

Chaplet of Saint Michael

O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Say one Our Father and three Hail Marys) By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim may the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim may the Lord grant us the grace to leave the ways of sin and run in the paths of Christian perfection. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominions may the Lord give us grace to govern our senses and overcome any unruly passions. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord protect our souls

against the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues may the Lord preserve us from evil and falling into temptation. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give us perseverance in faith and in all good works in order that we may attain the glory of Heaven. Amen. By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted in the life to come to Heaven. Amen. (Say one Our Father in honor of each of the following leading Angels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael and our Guardian Angel.) O glorious prince St. Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil, who turn to you with confidence and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ, that we may be made worthy of His promises. Almighty and Everlasting God, Who, by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, has appointed the most glorious Archangel St. Michael Prince of Your Church, make us worthy, we ask You, to be delivered from all our enemies, that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into Your Presence. This we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Queen of the Angels, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Most glorious attendant of the Triune Divinity, pray for us. Standing at the right of the Altar of Incense, pray for us. Ambassador of Paradise, pray for us. Glorious Prince of the heavenly armies, pray for us. Leader of the angelic hosts, pray for us. Warrior who thrust Satan into Hell, pray for us. Defender against the wickedness and snares of the devil, pray for us. Standard-bearer of Gods armies, pray for us. Defender of divine glory, pray for us. First defender of the Kingship of Christ, pray for us. Strength of God, pray for us. Invincible prince and warrior, pray for us. Angel of peace, pray for us. Guardian of the Christian Faith, pray for us. Guardian of the Legion of St. Michael, pray for us. Champion of Gods people, pray for us.

Champion of the Legion of St. Michael, pray for us. Guardian angel of the Eucharist, pray for us. Defender of the Church, pray for us. Defender of the Legion of St. Michael, pray for us. Protector of the Sovereign Pontiff, pray for us. Protector of the Legion of St. Michael, pray for us. Angel of Catholic Action, pray for us. Powerful intercessor of Christians, pray for us. Bravest defender of those who hope in God, pray for us. Guardian of our souls and bodies, pray for us. Healer of the sick, pray for us. Help of those in their agony, pray for us. Consoler of the souls in Purgatory, pray for us. Gods messenger for the souls of the just, pray for us. Terror of the evil spirits, pray for us. Victorious in battle against evil, pray for us. Guardian and Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us. Guardian and Patron of the Legion of St. Michael, pray for us. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let Us Pray Sanctify us, we beseech You, O Lord, with Your holy blessing, and grant us, by the intercession of St. Michael, that wisdom which teaches us to lay up treasures in Heaven by exchanging the goods of this world for those of eternity, You Who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen. Relying, O Lord, upon the intercession of Your blessed Archangel Michael, we humbly beg of You, that the Holy Eucharist in whose presence we kneel, may make our soul holy and pleasing to You. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


RECITE STANDING: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Let GOD arise and let His enemies be scattered: and let them that hate Him flee from before His Face! As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the Presence of GOD (Ps 67:1-2). Judge Thou, O' Lord, them that wrong me: overthrow them that fight against me. Let them be confounded and ashamed that seek after my soul. Let them be turned back and be confounded that devise evil against me. Let them become as dust before the wind: and let the Angel of the Lord straighten them. Let their way become dark and slippery: and let the Angel of the Lord pursue them. For without cause they have hidden their net for me unto destruction: without cause they have upbraided my soul. Let the snare which he knoweth not, come upon him: and let the net which he hath hidden, catch him: and into that very snare let him fall. But my soul shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall be delighted in His Salvation (Ps 34:1, 4-9).

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen. O' Most Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in our wrestling against principalities and powers against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places (Ephes 6:12). Come to the aid of men, whom GOD created incorruptible, and to the Image of His own Likeness He made him (Wis 2:23); and from the tyranny of the devil He bought him at a great price (Cor 7:23). Fight the battles of the Lord today with the Army of the Blessed Angels, as once thou didst fight against lucifer, the leader of pride, and his apostate angels; and they prevailed not: neither was their place found anymore in Heaven. But that great dragon was cast out, the old serpent, who is called the devil and satan, who seduceth the whole world. And he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him (Apoc 12:8-9). Behold, the ancient enemy and murderer strongly raises his head! Transformed into an angel of light, with the entire horde of wicked spirits he goes about everywhere and takes possession of the earth, so that therein he may blot out the Name of GOD and of His Christ and steal away, afflict and ruin into everlasting destruction the souls destined for a Crown of Eternal Glory. On men depraved in mind and corrupt in heart the wicked dragon pours out like a most foul river, the poison of his villany, a spirit of lying, impiety and blasphemy; and the deadly breath of lust and of all iniquities and vices. Her most crafty enemies have engulfed the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, with sorrows, they have drenched her with wormwood; on all her desirable things they have laid their wicked hands. Where the See of the Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck, they may also be able to scatter the flock. Therefore, O' thou unconquerable Leader, be present with the people of GOD and against the spiritual wickedness which are bursting in upon them; and bring them the victory. The Holy Church venerates thee as its Guardian and Patron; and it glories in the fact that thou art its Defender against the wicked powers of earth and hell. To thee the Lord has assigned the souls of the redeemed to be placed in Heavenly bliss. Beseech the GOD of Peace to crush satan under our feet, that he may no more be able to hold men captive and to harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that the mercies of the Lord may quickly come to our aid, that thou mayest seize the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and satan and that having bound him, thou mayest cast him into the bottomless pit, so that he may no more seduce the nations (Apoc 20:3). Hence confiding in thy protection and guardianship, by the sacred authority of our ministry, we confidently and securely begin the task in the Name of Jesus Christ our GOD and Lord, of driving away the attacks of diabolical deceit.

LEADER: Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee away ye hostile forces. ALL: The lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David hath conquered LEADER: May Thy mercy, O' Lord, be upon us. ALL: Since we have hoped in Thee. LEADER: O' Lord, hear my prayer. ALL: And let my cry come unto Thee. LEADER: The Lord be with you, ALL: And with thy spirit. LEADER: LET US PRAY: O' GOD and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we invoke Thy Holy Name, and we humbly implore Thy mercy, that by the intercession of the Mother of GOD Mary Immaculate Ever Virgin, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of Blessed Joseph the Spouse of the same Blessed Virgin, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul and of all the Saints, Thou wouldst deign to afford us help against satan and all the other unclean spirits and against whatever wanders throughout the world to do harm to the human race and to ruin souls, through the same Christ Our Lord, Amen. We exorcise thee, O' every unclean spirit, satanic power, infernal invader, wicked legion, assembly and sect; in the Name and by the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ (+); may thou be snatched away and driven from the Church of GOD and from the souls made to the Image and Likeness of GOD and redeemed by the Precious Blood of the Divine Lamb (+). Most cunning serpent, thou shalt no more dare to deceive the human race, persecute the Church, torment GOD's elect and sift them as wheat (+). The Most High GOD commands thee (+). He with whom in your great insolence, thou still claimest to be equal; He who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth (1 Tim 2:4). GOD the Father commands thee (+), GOD the Son commands thee (+), GOD the Holy Spirit commands thee (+). The Majesty of Christ, the Eternal Word of GOD made flesh, commands thee (+); He Who to save our race outdone through thy envy, "humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death" (Phil 2:8). He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of hell shall never prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her "all days even to the end of the world" (Mat 28:20). The Sacred Sign of the Cross commands thee (+), as does also the power of the Mysteries of the Christian Faith (+), the Glorious Mother of GOD, the Virgin Mary, commands thee (+); She who by Her humility and from the first moment of Her Immaculate Conception, crushed thy proud head. The faith of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and of the other Apostles command thee (+). The Blood of

the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command thee (+). Thus, cursed dragon and thee diabolical legion, we adjure thee by the Living GOD (+), by the True GOD (+), by the Holy GOD (+), by the GOD "who so loved the world that He gave up His Only Son, that every soul believing in Him might not perish but have life everlasting" (John 17:1-3); stop deceiving human creatures and pouring out to them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and ensnaring her liberty. BEGONE, Satan, inventor and master of all deceit, enemy of man's salvation. Give place to Christ in whom thou hast found none of your works; give place to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church acquired by Christ at the price of His Blood. Stoop beneath the powerful Hand of GOD; tremble and flee when we invoke the Holy and terrible Name of Jesus, this Name which cause hell to tremble, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of Heaven are humbly submissive, this Name to which the Virtues, Powers and Dominations of Heaven are humbly submissive, this Name which the Cherubim and Seraphim praise unceasingly repeating: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, the GOD of Armies! LEADER: O' Lord, hear my prayer, ALL: And let my cry come unto Thee LEADER: May the Lord be with thee, ALL: And with thy spirit. LEADER: LET US PRAY: GOD of Heaven, GOD of Earth, GOD of Angels, GOD of Archangels, GOD of Patriarchs, GOD of Prophets, GOD of Apostles, GOD of Martyrs, GOD of Confessors, GOD of Virgins, GOD Who has power to give life after death and rest after work, because there is no other GOD than Thee and there can be no other, for Thou art the Creator of all things, visible and invisible, of whose Reign there shall be no end. We humbly prostrate ourselves before Thy Glorious Majesty and we beseech Thee to deliver us by Thy Power from all the tyranny of the infernal spirits, from their snares, their lies and their furious wickedness; deign, O' Lord, to grant us Thy powerful protection and to keep us safe and sound. We beseech Thee through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen. LEADER: From the snares of the devil, ALL: Deliver us O' Lord. LEADER: Grant that Thy Church may serve Thee in secure liberty, ALL We beseech Thee, hear us.

LEADER: Deign to crush down the enemies of the Holy Church, ALL: We beseech Thee, hear us. LEADER: Holy Water is sprinkled in the place where he may be. ALL: St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle; be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May GOD rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou, O' Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of GOD, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls, Amen. LEADER: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, ALL: Have mercy on us. NOTE: (+) denotes that the Sign of the Cross is to be made: "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen," between the prayer, as indicated. BELIE BELCAN! Sanse / 21 Division Tradition


Saint Martha th Dominator, do not allow the serpent to desend apon me now.

All Hail the brunette. All Hail, the brown skinned one. God Save the brunette, God Save the brown skinned one, Santa Martha the Dominatrix.

Santa Marta la Dominadora is a complicated Loa, a Misterio that pertains to various Nations of Loa. She is a Ghuede or Ghuedesa, as she works closely within the Cemetery, protects sacred burial grounds and ushers the Spirits of the Dead, she is a Metresa, which are female Loases that govern over human emotions such as Love, desire and passion, she is a Rada Loa as ancient as time immortal, but in the new world she is a Petro Loa, because of her fierce and fiery nature, and lastly she works with the Simbi Loa family, which are the spirits of ancient life and are symbolized as serpent Spirits that pertain to the first cells that created life on earth and govern over sorcery and magic. Santa Marta la Dominadora or Saint Martha the Dominator as she is known in English is an unpredictable Loa that is known as a Saint, a Sorceress, a witch, a healer and even a Demon. She is like the serpent that embodies her essence, when left alone she can be a docile and beautiful creature, but tampered or disrespected she can be dangerous and deadly. She is as the Simbi loa, such as Gran Simbi, Simbi D'l'eau, Dambalah, Oshumare, and Ayida Wedo, because she slithers like a snake, and does not communicate through her voice, but telepathically, and the sounds she does make are the hisses of serpents and snakes. Her eyes are said to be so piercing and so dominating, that even the most powerful Demons from hell would freeze and cower back. There is a Spanish proverb that says. 'Con los Santos no se Juega!". "With the Saints, one should not Play!". If this is to be true of any Saint, then with no other would it apply to as much as it would with Santa Marta la Dominadora. To play or "work" Santa Marta la Dominadora with no proper knowledge or complete reverence is like playing alone in a dessert with a rattle snake. My advice, do not disturb La Culebra "the snake' because quite frankly it is not as easy as most people think. As Santa Marta la Dominadora is a powerful Sorceress many people petition her in magic often to dominate others, love magic, or controlling others. As she is powerful, often times she gives that which we ask, but with a high price. She slithers, drags and unleashes her wanga and bilongo magic, but it comes as a double edged sword, at any moment it can come back and strike you dead, or take away that which you value the most. When it comes to Santa Marta La Dominadora, the saying, "be careful what you wish for" is of great importance. As the Petro.Loa are fierce, imagine adding Guede, and Simbi into the recipe and one will get a Loa that is as unpredictable and as complicated as they come. She is like the Medusa of Greek mythology, beautiful to look at her reflection, but one glance into her fiery red eyes would transform even the Sun itself into a cold piece of stone. Although she is a Petro Loa she is also considered a Rada Loa, and as the Petro Loases, when angered or disrespected the Rada can harbor and unleash a fury that rivals that of any Petro Loa. As a Sancista it is my responsibility to inform you that many experienced individuals invoke Santa

Marta La Dominadora for black magic, sorcery, enchantments, evil intentions and unleashing evil spirits or demons on rivals. Again this reminds me of a Spanish proverb, Uno no puede tapar el cielo con solo un dedo. (One can not cover up the sky with one finger, or burying your head in the sand /ignoring the gravity of a situation, or wilfully ignore something.). Often these very individuals who work Santa Marta la Dominadora for these wicked intentions pay the high price, often illnesses reach them, early deaths fall upon their loved ones, they become mentally unstable, and paranoid. It is in this aspect that Santa Marta la Dominadora becomes like the ancient Ouroboros or Uroborus, the serpent or dragon that eats its own tail, until nothing, not even a carcass is left. It is my responsibility to advice in not using any Saint, Loa, or Orisha for personal gain, dominating or sorcery, especially Santa Marta la Dominadora. One should invoke her for protection from evil spirits and demons, or healing over black magic, protection or dominating occult enemies who only wish you harm, but again one must be very careful, and with good intentions. One can also invoke or venerate her for peace of the home, peace with family members, and within work and healing the damages caused by black magic. What is the point of getting even on an enemy, when all they desire is your misery. Petition her for strength, endurance, and stability, no vengeance is sweeter than that of knowing that your enemies have no power or control over you. Even this will enrage the strongest sorcerer and have him/her doubt his/her own abilities, it is through this that we should petition Santa Martha la Dominadora. In dominating our very own inner demons, greed, desires, trials and tribulations. Many individuals who often work or petition Santa Marta la Dominadora have no idea who she is or what she represents. They have no clue of her history, her origin or if in fact this Saint, as is with any Saint, makes up a part of ones Cuadro Espiritual. Many who petition her especially those outside of Dominican 21 Division, Puerto Rican Sanse or Haitian Vodou, do not know how she would act in sacred ceremonies, and still often those who do not understand her completely would confuse her for a tortured soul, earth bound spirit, intranquil spirit or demon, if in fact she even would make her pressense known. Since in fact she only works with her Servidores, because she as all Loa have little patience for games. Often Santa Marta la Dominadora who is a fiery spirit will often scare the living hell out of those who do not know her or have a history with her. Many people outside of those religions and traditions that properly respect and honor her, go to the internet, as you are reading this one now, and believe themselves to be experts of the Mysteries. This is far from the truth, because not even we who are the Servidores de los Misterios know the Mysteries completely, hence the word Mysteries. (Definition of Mystries : a religious truth that one can know only by revelation and cannot fully understand. A secret religious rite believed to impart enduring bliss to the initiate: a cult devoted to such rites: something not understood or beyond understanding: a private secret : the secret or specialized practices or ritual peculiar to an occupation or a body of people: profound, inexplicable, or secretive quality or character.) These very individuals read the prayers, light the candles, and even set up altars in ways that are not respectable, not just to Santa Marta la Dominadora, but to any Spirit, Loa, Misterio or Orisha or the religions that practice them. Many say, that the Loas or Orisha work for them, that they do not need to follow the traditions that have honored them with great respect. I say yes, they often do listen, but

darkness is a thresh hold that can so easily be crossed, and it is at this very thresh hold that the furies of these ancient spirits await. Often time the Misteries do comply, but again often times these individuals forget to give thanks, and agknowledge properly that which the Loa have given, and it is at these times when bitterness, tribulations and greater losses arise.


Santa Marta la Dominadora within the Puerto Rican Sanse tradition and Dominican 21 Division is known as one of el Baron del Cementerio's Nine daughters, her real name is Filomena Lubana. Traditional African folklore states that a young orphan boy was wondering at night through a

burial ground that was directly near a swamp. The orphan was honoring the anniverery of his mothers death, who was the eldest female buried on the grounds. (Barona / Baronesa) Filomena Lubana was also at the burial grounds that very night honoring her father's grave who as the orphan boy's, was one of the oldest of the graves, (Baron) but obviosly holding a male carcass. Suddenly the orphan boy was surrounded by serpents who began to encoil themselves around the young boy to squeeze the life out of him and swollow him whole. Filomena Lubana who was in deep silent prayer and meditation herd the struggle from a distance and ran to investigate. When she saw the attack on the small boy, and being of a fierce warrior lineage, she went and attacked the serpents that were about to eat the orphan. Filomena Lubana then asked the orphan where his father was, and he replied he had never known him. Filomena Lubana who was known as a fierce warrior and at the time was childless took pitty on the young boy and raised him as her own.


Many of the tradional prayers of Santa Marta have one thing in common, they are prayers of dominating a wayward or strayed lover. The following prayer falls also under that chategory, but it is an old Spanish prayer, rarerly if ever seen written in English. This prayers demonstrates that which people often ask of La Dominadora.

Martha, Martha, the one who raises the winds, the one that Demons lust over. The one that pours then serves the wine over the deceased, The one that pulls the teaths of the hangedman. The one that digs up the bones of those that are buried. The one who sits with Mistress Maria de Padilla to converse. The one that bore nine children, and nine she buried. As this is the truth I ask you to enter into the heart of (n.n.), and from him remove three drops of blood. Where ever he may be I ask that you bring him to me. Bring him walking, running but is a haist, bind and tame him and place love only for me within his heart. May he love me and in his every thoughts may I be pressent. May he not forget me, night nor day, and where ever he may be, may he only think of me, and with no other woman whatsoever may he find peace and comfort. May he not rest, nor work, walk, nor run with his mind on any other woman but me. This I humbly ask you Santa Marta la Dominadora.


Marta La Bruja


Before I go into the paths of Santa Marta la Dominadora which are known as vueltas, I would like to speak of Ezili Quenua, also spelled Sili Quenua or Sili Kenwa. In the Dominican Republic it is this Misterio that is sinchrenized and associated with the Biblical Saint Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus. To make matters more complicated as they are with those traditions that honor the Lwa, "Loa,, Loases", in Haiti the manifistation of Sili Kenwa is Erzulie Coeur Noir, or 'Black Hearted Esili". It is Sili Kenwa who is known as the ancient witch of the swamps, known also as Marta La Bruja, or Martha

the Witch. Sili Kenwa works wangas together with Marta la Dominadora, usually in dominating the five senses, not just of humans but of other Misterios and Demons alike. She holds a torch which demonstrates that she is a Petro Lwa, that is very hot tempered. In her hand she holds a Bible, which is the symbol of a Witches book of sorcery and magic and undernearth she holds a lantern which is the vessel she keeps the ingredients to her magic. At her feet behind her stands the Dragon known as Tarasque which is ofren associated with el Espiritu Dominante. Many people outside of Caribbean traditions associate the biblical Saint Martha with Lubana Filomena.

Filomena Lubana

The Misterio known as Lubana Filomena is the one who is always portrayed as the Snake Charmer. She is as Dominican as Merengue and Bachata. Legend has it that the name Lubana Filomena comes from a Folkloric Dominican Aftican Slave by the name of Juana Saltitopa who was

known as La Negra Filomena. Who was known as a Dominican Black woman who in the 1860s faught for the independence of her people. As with many African woman Juana Saltitopa's name was never recorded in historical texts, but her legend lived and lives on amongst the Afro Dominicans who venerate her as a Highly elevated ancestral spirit and is the base behind what is much of the folklore and legend of Lubana Filomena / Santa Marta la Dominadora Dominicana. She is also known as Marta La Colora, or Martha the Red haired one, who was a mulatta of brown skin and blood red hair. She in this aspect is often split into two avatars, Marta la Negra or Marta la Prieta, the more docile of the two and then Marta la Colora, the one who has a temperment that rivals that of the Furies of Hell. Marta la Colora is often associated with Santa Marta de la Bandera.


Marta Ghede

Marta Ghede or Marta Guede is the consort and companion of el Baron de Cementerio, in this aspect

she is not only viewed as the Serpent that lives within the cemetery but also as the serpent, rodants and insects that consumes the flesh of the dead when it begins to dicampose. In this aspect she symbolizes, that from death, life is sustained, and through life so shall death follow. In this avatar she is also know as Marta Guedelia, one of el Baron del Cementerio's most beloved children. Hear she is seen as Eve in the garden with the Serpent on the Tree of Good and Evil known as BIBI CEIBA.


Marta Mambo

Marta Mambo or Mambosa is the ancient mother of humanity, especially the black race. She is the first female womam, the dark skin beauty who knows all the knowledge of healing and herbology. She is a Curandera, a Hierbera and a Bruja. She is the one who instructs the first humans in the knowledge of herbology, through trial and error. Herbs can save life as easy as it can take a life. Mambosa is a stern, strict and often severe Loa, unapologetic and dangerous.

Marta Gunguna


Marta Gunguna is the daughter of the Loa known as Gunguna. In this aspect she is a priestess and healer, she heals all the ailmemts that aflict humanity. In this aspect she is also known as a Medium and bestows Mediumistic abilities on humans, it is in this vuelta that she is able to communicate with the Spirits of the dead. Marta Gunguna is synchrenized with the Biblical Witch Medium of Endor, Saul and the Witch of Endor in I Samuel chapter 28

Marta Pye


Marta Pye / Marta Pie pronounced Peeh Yeh is respected and venerated on the southern border that seperates Haiti from the Dominican Republic. Although the Pie Nation of Loa are not widely known outside of Haiti with the exception of Anaisa Pye. Marta Pye is fastly becoming a popular Loa outside of the island of Hispaola as her Haitian and Dominican followers and children migrate to Puerto Rico and the west coast of the United States. Although in Haitian Vodou she is of the fiery Petro Division and is seen as a dark skinned Loa, in the Dominican Republic she is part of the Airy Rada Division and is seen as having white skin. The image used to represent Marta Pye is that of Santa Marta de Betania.


Siguelia is a Simbi loa or the female serpent, the female snake, the one who slithers on her stomach and hisses when her servidores are possesed. She eats only raw eggs, and raw meat. In some Puntos and Sociedades she speaks while in others she hisses like a snake, while still in others she communicates telepathically. Although Siguelia or Sigueloa is viewed as female, in this aspect she has no sexual genetilia but the snake itself embodies the male penis, and the venom that comes from Siguelia's fangs represent the male sperm that not only can it bring life, but if abused can bring illness and death. In this aspect she reigns over the ground and earth. Siguelia lives within a snake pit which symbolizes the female vigina genetilia. Siguelia is always held up high by Metresa Loubana, and she symbolizes one having the upper hand in any given situation. While some say that Saint Martha the Dominator is the Serpent being held bu the snake charmer, others say that they are vueltas, the two snakes are named Siguelia and Sigueloa.


Mama Chimbi

Within Puerto Rican Sanse, Sance and Espiritismo Criolla tradition of the Mesa Blanca tradition, Santa Marta la Dominadora is known as Mama Chimbi, or Mami Simbi, and is the head of the Simbi division of Loa. Her husband or companion was Papa Guedeh who is synchrenized with Saint Expedite, but they seperated because of Papa Guedes fasination for human woman and infidelities. They are often seperated by El Baron del Cementerio who keeps order between them, because to have them placed togther would bring seperation, quarrels and even divorce within the home. Although Mami Chimbi is a powerful sorceress, she often suffers in matters of love, and infidelity. Her children are those woman who loose a husband to another woman, or withstand a relationship of lies and infidelities. In the Mami Chimbi avatar she speaks as does any other Misterio, while most Martas usually speak telepathically or hiss.

Madama Dambala


Traditionally within Sanse, Santeria and Espiritismo, las Madamas make up a Commision of Spirits of African priestesses that pracriced Espiritismo and Santeria. While Madama or Madame Dambala pertains to theMadamas, she is more the Spirit of the old Voodoo Queens of New Orleans long passed, who are slowly climbing the spiritual latter and becoming Loases such as Marie Lavoe. Madame Dambala is a Loa of the New Orleans, Louisianna Voodoo Tradition. She is dipicted as a Madama, and works her magic with rattle snakes, reptiles and swamp serpents. She is a Pitonisa in that she uses the cards to fortel future events and is an expert in venom and poisonous herbs. Her head dress is often larger than that of the Madamas of the Caribbean and it represents a coiled snake encircling her head, which is a symbol of her wisdom of Root magic, potions, divination and communicating with the dead. While Madame Dambala is seen as a Voodoo Queen, their is an aspect that resembles the Haitian Loa Ayizan, who is known as the Swamp Witch. Madame Dambala is said to be the wife of the New Orleans Voodoo Loa known as Blanc Dani.



In Haiti the image of Santa Marta la Dominadora is used to represent the ancient Rada Lwa known as Ayida Owedo, or Ayida Wedo known in Puerto Rican Sanse as Yida Guedo, or Eida Gwedo. Ayida Wedo is the first wife of Dambalah, and are viewed as the daulty of night and day, good and bad, ying and yang.



Mami Wata, Madre de Aguas, an ancient deity Loa from Central Africa is often dipicted with the statue of Santa Marta La Dominadora. Mami Wata in herself is as complex as time itself, and she is known to have more Caminos and Vueltas than any other Loa. To name a few. Mawu, Yemaya, la Sirne, Mamba Muntu, Maman Dlo, Mamy Wata, Mamadjo, Watramama, Owumiri, and Watermama just to name a few. Mami Wata is the serpent goddess of the sea, who in the ends of time will bring all humanity back to its base of origin, Africa. She is the Serpent Goddess who on her back brought the souls of the Slaves back to Africa where each would reign in Spirit as Kings and Queens.


The Vodou / Espiritismo / Santeria tradition of Maria Lionza from Venezuela is a mixture of African and Indegenous traditions with European Spiritism and folk magic and herbal lore. It is similar to Brazilian Umbanda and Puerto Rican Sanse, The central figure of this tradition is known as the Goddess known as Maria Lionza, or Maria de la Onza. Maria Lionza or Yara as she was known by the natives of Venezuela was an indigenous Cacica, daughter of the Cacique Yaracuy, and granddaughter of the Cacique Chilua and the greatgranddaughter of Cacique Yare. As legend has it, a great Shaman of the village predicted that a girl was to be born with strange Green eyes as green as the grass, that could turn as blue as the skies. This of course was an omen and unheard of within the indigenous people of Venezuela. The Shaman went on to say that the unborn child was to be sacrificed and offered to the Master of the Waters, the Great Anaconda, because if not it would lead to the ruin and extinction of the Nivar tribe. When Yara was born, she was born with the colored eyes that were only seen from the White man, but Cacique Yaracuy instantly feel in love with his daughter and could not find it in his heart to

sacrifice his daughter. So he decided to hide her within a cave that was guarded by 22 warriors to make sure she would not escape, in the hopes that the prophesize would not come to pass. One night when Yara was a young woman the magical rays of the blue moon shown upon the warriors and all 22 fell into a deep sleep. Yara escaped the cave and for the first time since her birth she wondered outside of the cave. Yara was captivated by the beauty of everything around her, the treas, the stars, the moon and the sky. Soon she came upon a lagoon and there under the rays of the moon Yara saw her reflection for the first time. Captivated by her own image, she was unable to move, but her presence awakened the Master of the Waters, the Great Anaconda, who emerged from the depths of the lagoon. The great anaconda fell in love with the girl, and drew closer to take her away. But Yara resisted the Master of the Water's advances. This enfuriated the anaconda and he swallowed the girl whole, taking with her the waters of the lagoon. But the great anaconda then began to swell and combusted, and the waters came out flooding the village below, and drowning all the inhabitants of the tribe within their sleep. With the regergitation of the lagoon came out Yara who reamerged as the goddess Maria Lionza, thus becoming the new owner of the lagoon, the river and the waters, and the protecter of the fish the plants the animals and all the hidden tribes that now made their homes around the lagoon.

Hindu Goddess Mexican Virgin

Manasa the Hindu Snake Serpent Goddess, and Naga Kanya the Hindu Goddess of Snakes Naga Kanya are but some of ancient Goddesses that are symbolized as Serpent Goddesses. Lastly with close inspection of the Virgen of Guadelupe known as the Goddess Tonantzin one will see that the ancient Mexican Goddess appears to be standing on the head of a serpent which makes up the lower half of her dress. To speak of Serpent Goddesses around the world, would take more than your patience will allow. So to end this I will talk about the basic fundamentals of Santa Marta La Dominadora.


Santa Marta la Dominadora and all her vueltas feast day fall on the 29th of July. Her day is either

Monday but preferably Tuesdays. Her Paos or Fulas are purple, red, black, green, and brown. Often the shades of her paos are of a dark color. In her Servicios Santa Marta La Dominadora will take candles but enjoys oil lamps with a mixture of snake oil carabanchel oil, and iguereta oil. In Sanse and 21 Division her offerings are always placed on the ground, and she enjoys Raw eggs on freshly ground expresso coffee grounds in which a raw egg is carefully placed on top, covered in honey or molasses and given Menthol cigarettes, cigars, dark expresso coffee, grape soda and Malta Goya or Malta India. Her associated numbers are 5 and 9. Santa Marta is associated with the element of earth and fire and these elements should be preasent with her servicios. She only eats raw eggs and is offended if the egg is cooked and will only drink expresso coffee, dont bother with the decafinated, again this is an offense to her and she will not consume of its energy. Her offerings are always acompanoed with a tin or metal cup of water, a tin or metal cup of blood red dried wine and a tin cup of brown spiced rum. The plates for her offerings can be of terra cotta, metal, woven fibers or gourds. She also enjoys rubber, plastic or wooden snakes around her offerings.

Her servicios are always placed on a metal mug, and plate and never on crystal or clear glass. She can be offered cake, corn cakes, various dark colored flowers, swords and knives, silver colored jewelry, beads, green altar cloths, kola nuts, squash, okra, money, coins and metal trinkets..


Martha of Bethany, also known as Saint. Martha, is a biblical figure in the Gospels of Luke and John. She is described to live in the village of Bethany with her siblings Lazarus and Mary, near Jerusalem and was a witness to Jesus' resurrection of Lazarus. In the Gospel of John, Martha and Mary are associated with two incidents: the raising from the dead of her brother Lazarus (John 11) and the anointing of Jesus at the home of Simon the Leper (John 12:3). In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus visits the home of two sisters named Mary and Martha. In Catholicism, Martha's sister Mary, is Mary Magdalene An old mythical legend tells the tale that Saint Martha sister of Lazarus and Mary left the holy land because of the persicution of the Cristian people in the Holy Land and migrated to the land of Gaul, which is modern day France. There she encountered an evil sea serpent that was part demon and part dragon which terrorized Gaul. The serpent dragon made its way from the ocean to the river where a village resided and used the water as often we do as a source of survival and the transportation of goods. The dragon was discribed as half beast and half fish which had teath as sharp and as long as swords, a horn on eather side of its head, which resembled that of a furotious lion. The dragon had the body of a crocodile, the tail of a serpent, claws as sharp as daggers, and on eather side, demonic wings, which he used to fly with. The Dragon was named Tarasque Tarasque was such a fierce dragon that no warrior nor knight could subdue the beast, for it is said that he was a strong as 12 Lions and 12 Bears. Although Tarasque lived within the murcy waters of the

lagoon, it is said that any ship that disturbed his slumber or any virgin maiden collecting waters for her house chores would pay the ultimate price. From the vowells of Tarasque's stomach came flames that smelled of Brimstone and sulfar, and could scortch and melt the strongest of swords, spears and shields. The pagan people of the villages had heard that a great female Cristian warrior resided amongst them, and they went to her and pleaded her to dominate and subdue the dragon that was causing havoc amongst the villages. Saint Martha agreed and went to the shore of the lagoon, where she found Tarasque feasting on human flesh. When Tarasque noticed her he instinctivly inhaled so that he could exhale his flames, but at that very moment Saint Martha sprayed Holy Water into his mouth which extinquished the flames within his stomach. Then she took out a Cross and showed it to the beast which rendired him motionless. At this Saint Martha with her own girdle and ribbons of red and white lace, binded his feet, arms, mouth and tail, and at this she dominated the Dragon, and killed it. And this is how Saint Martha dominated, and slayed the Dragon, saving a village and giving them back peace.

Novena to St. Martha (pray for 9 consecutive Tuesdays)

Saint Martha, I resort to thy aid and protection. As proof of my affection and faith, I offer thee this light, which I shall burn every Tuesday. Comfort me in all my difficulties and through the great favors thou didst enjoy when the Saviour was lodged in thy house, intercede for my family, that we be provided for in our necessities. I ask of thee, St. Martha, to overcome all difficulties as thou didst overcome the dragon which thou hadst at thy feet. Amen.


Holy Virgin Saint Martha , Who entered the mountain and tied Up the beast with your ribbons, I beg you to tie up and dominate [insert name of target]. Saint Martha, Let him/her not sit in a chair, Nor lie in a bed until he/she is at my feet. Holy Martha , hear me, Help Me for the love of God. Holy Virgin Martha , For the oil which you will consume today, For the oil which nourishes this lamp, For the wick which burns away all impurities, I dedicate this Lamp to you, So that you may relieve me Of all my Miseries And Help Me to Overcome all Difficulties. As You dominated the beast at your feet, Give me Health and Work So that I may provide for my needs. My Mother, Grant me that [insert target's name] May not live in Peace, Until he/she comes to stand

at my feet. In this way my Mother, For the Love of God Grant my Petition and Eliminate My Misery. Amen.


To name all the Misterios, Loas and Orisha that govern over or work within the cemetery, would take a book. But I will write about them in the fututre. Here are some. Mama Buyita, La Barona, La Baronesa, Guedelia, Oya, Yewa, Guedesa, Centella, LLekua, just to name a few of the many Spirits, Loa and Orisha that work the Cemetery.


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