Sacred Animals of Hekate
Sacred Animals of Hekate
Sacred Animals of Hekate
Dog - Underworld hounds are white with red ears, they hunt and punish the guilty, they represent tracking skills and companionship as well as Loving protection. Goddess-company, we trail the truth. Understand our night cries! We guide and protect her children. Heed our warnings! We sing to the Moon to show you the way To ancient Moon magicks! We stand at the gates between the worlds. Follow us! Dragon (lizards) - Wealth, raw powers of nature, the treasures of the unconscious mind. Dragons strong and dragons bright, Dragons full of wisdom old, Teach to me the spiritual light. Let me walk with knowledge bold. Dragon fire lift me higher! Horse - Stamina, endurance, and faithfulness, the horse was a faithful guide to the otherworlds. Poundin hooves, tossing mane, Take me swiftly on my lifes journey. Loyal friend, carry me to a place of safety. Lift me over the obstacles in my path
Owl - Teaches us to silently observe life, and gather information to gain understanding. Clairvoyance, magickal Eyes of night, Silent flier through dark skies, Lend me your vision that I might Find my way to secret knowledge. Teach me to listen that I might Hear wisdom when it moves in the world. Unite my heart and my mind, And let me feel your wings opening in my life. Snakes - Wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. If you see a snake while vision questing, be prepared for the power of transformation to enter your life. The snake represents the life-deathrebirth cycle. Coiling, turning, deep knowledge burning Sacred Serpent lead me on. To the initiates fire on planes much higher I yearn to grow, O Goddess-One Toad- symbolic of re-creation, or as keepers of the secrets of life after death, used in aphrodisiacs to aid impotence and boost fertility Toad, that under cold stone Days and nights has thirty-one Swelter'd venom sleeping got, Boil thou first i' the charmed pot Wolf - Loyalty, thirst for knowledge, solitary, perseverance, ruled by the Moon. Let me befriend the wolf within, the wild energy of my own life force. Let me lope with the wolf, for life is an adventure, and we must make tracks across the snow.