Description: Tags: 20076004
Description: Tags: 20076004
Description: Tags: 20076004
May 2007
IES 2007-6004
Table of Contents
IES as a Whole………………………………………………………….....20
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Figure 1
IES Organization Chart
National Center
National Center for National Center for for Education National Center for
Education Research Education Statistics Evaluation and Special Education
Regional Research
● provide research-based technical assistance
ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF to educators and policymakers;
● support synthesis and wide dissemination of
National Center for Education the results of evaluation and research; and
Evaluation and Regional ● encourage the use of scientifically valid
Assistance education research and evaluation
throughout the United States.
The responsibility of NCEE for evaluating the
The mission of the National Center impact of programs administered by the U.S.
for Education Evaluation and Regional Department of Education is carried out using
methodologically rigorous designs applied to
Assistance (NCEE) is to
large samples of students and schools. Twenty-
● conduct evaluations of federal education four large evaluation studies are underway, as
programs administered by the Secretary; described in table 1.
Even Start Classroom Literacy Evaluate the effectiveness of two promising models that
Intervention and Outcomes (CLIO) integrate early childhood and parenting education on literacy
skills of Even Start children
Closing the Reading Gap Examine the effectiveness of remedial reading programs for
3rd and 5th grade students
Teacher Preparation Models Evaluate the effectiveness of different levels of intensity and
content of teacher preparation offered by traditional and
alternative routes of certification
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Preparation of Teachers in Scientifically Assess the preparation of new teachers by schools of education
Based Reading in teaching scientifically based reading
Professional Development in Middle School Evaluate the effectiveness of promising approaches to enhance
Math the content knowledge and pedagogical skills of middle school
teachers in mathematics
DC Opportunity Scholarship Program Evaluate the effectiveness of the scholarship program on student
achievement and other outcomes
Academic Instruction for After-School Evaluate the effectiveness of two promising after-school
Programs programs in reading and mathematics
English Language Acquisition Examine the effectiveness of high quality ELL models
of structured immersion, transitional, and two-way
bilingual education
Evaluation of Student Mentoring Programs Evaluate the effectiveness of U.S. Department of Education-
funded programs on school engagement, and on both positive
and negative behaviors
Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers Evaluate the quality, relevance, and usefulness of products and
services provided by the Centers
Mandatory Drug Testing Evaluate the effectiveness of mandatory drug testing programs
on reducing student drug use in high schools
Adult Education for ESL Students Evaluate the effectiveness of an enhanced version of adult
literacy instruction that is based on the principles of
scientifically based reading
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
The What Works Clearinghouse strongest studies, the result might have been
called the “Nothing Works Clearinghouse.”
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
synthesizes the best evidence of the The decision to try to extract valuable
effectiveness of education programs, policies, information from flawed studies necessitated
and practices and reports these findings a large investment by the WWC in the
through its website. development of technical standards and
procedures for separating wheat from chaff.
Questions about the effectiveness of programs Examples of vexing technical issues include:
in achieving desired outcomes are best when to accept and how to weight the results
addressed through randomized field trials in from so-called quasi-experiments (field trials
which a lottery is used to select participants. that did not use a lottery to form groups of
By comparing outcomes for those who participants and non-participants and thus
won the lottery with those who did not, cannot assure the equivalence of the groups);
researchers are assured that any differences when to accept and how to report results from
in outcomes are due to assignment to the studies that find differences between outcomes
program being evaluated. All other differences for participants and non-participants that are
between participants and non-participants are large enough to be educationally significant but
evened out due to the laws of chance. Other that are not statistically significant because the
methods for evaluating the effectiveness of study was too small; and how to handle studies
programs, such as comparing outcomes for that are well-designed but employ the wrong
participants who volunteer for a program statistical analysis in reporting results.
with outcomes for demographically similar
participants who do not volunteer, are fraught The research and development by the WWC
with interpretative challenges. For example, took time and resources, but it has paid off
researchers cannot be sure that volunteers in transparent, rule-based evidence standards,
are not more motivated to improve than rating schemes, and reporting systems.
demographically similar non-volunteers. The WWC is now providing the education
Thus any differences in outcomes favoring community with trusted information on
participants might be due to differences in the what works.
motivation of the two groups being compared
rather than the effects of participation in the ● To date, the WWC has produced and
program being evaluated. released 59 intervention reports across
the topics of beginning reading, character
In search of research in education that employs education, dropout prevention, early
randomized field trials, the WWC has had childhood education, English language
to grapple with a large number of studies on learning, and elementary and middle school
the effectiveness of education programs and mathematics. Of these 59 interventions, the
practices that have a variety of methodological WWC determined that 44 demonstrated
weaknesses. It has found only a very small positive or potentially positive effects on
number of studies that have the methodological student outcomes.
rigor and generalizability of the large-scale
evaluation studies that have been launched ● The results of the character education review
by IES (described in table 1). Had the WWC provide an example of the beginning and
chosen to ignore all but the methodologically end of the WWC review process:
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
The WWC identified experts to lead the ● The WWC has also generated much
character education review. They, in turn, discussion within the education and
developed a protocol to guide the search research communities and has become
of the literature, for example, by defining the leading authority on evidence-based
character education. practices in education.
The plan to review studies of character The WWC has been featured on
education was announced to the field, more than 75 high-traffic websites of
and developers and researchers were education agencies; by major education
invited to submit studies they believed organizations, national research
were relevant. organizations, schools of education,
education technical assistance providers,
Over 70 character education programs parenting organizations, education
were submitted to or identified by the developers and vendors; and in the media.
WWC. Forty-one school-based programs
met the WWC definition of character The number of visits to the WWC
education and were eligible for review. website in 2006 was approximately
7.5 million. Traffic to the website is
WWC collected 93 studies on these 41 increasing dramatically. According to
programs, with results displayed in figure 2. WebTrends, the WWC website had
517,373 page views in October 2005.
Figure 2
Thirteen programs had studies that met WWC standards with or without reservations.
A single program could have studies in both categories.
7 studies of 6 programs
met evidence standards
11 studies of 8 programs
met evidence standards
with reservations
For September 2006 that number had Now ERIC has digitized all of its holdings
more than doubled to 1,072,626. with the exception of about 340,000
documents that cannot be converted due
to the specific language of the permission
ERIC forms under which access to the documents
was originally granted. ERIC is contacting
ERIC, the Education Resources Information copyright holders for permission to
Center, is the world’s largest digital library disseminate the full text of these older ERIC
of education research and information. materials online.
ERIC provides free internet-based access to
bibliographic records of journal and non-journal
literature indexed from 1966 to the present.
IES initiated a substantial redesign of ERIC
when the contracts for the existing ERIC “The ERIC website reached
system expired in December 2003. The
redesign was intended to bring ERIC fully a new high in its customer
into the Internet age and to create efficiencies user base in 2006, with
and better service in a system that was
operating through 19 separate contracts and approximately 62 million
a far-flung system of 16 clearinghouses. Each separate searches.”
clearinghouse was working independently to
catalog and disseminate information and was
typically spending more than half its budget on
activities other than the electronic library.
At the time, the proposed redesign of ERIC ● In 2003, full text of indexed articles was
created considerable controversy. For example, seldom available. Now 100,000 full text
the Washington-based American Educational articles are available in PDF format at no
Research Association wrote that, “We have charge, and full text of most of the indexed
substantial concerns that the proposed ‘new’ materials published from 2004 forward is
ERIC will simply dismantle the system.” IES available through links to other sources,
responded by reiterating that its fundamental including publishers’ websites. A pilot project
goal for ERIC was to increase coverage and with 10 university libraries allows users at one
enhance access. Enough time has passed to take of those institutions to link to documents in
stock of ERIC. their own library through ERIC.
● In 2003, 350 journals were indexed in their ● The ERIC website reached a new high
entirety. Currently, about 500 journals are in its customer user base in 2006, with
indexed comprehensively. Another 150 approximately 62 million separate searches.
journals are indexed selectively.
● In 2003, there was typically a delay of six
● In 2003, ERIC materials such as microfiche
to nine months between information being
files and electronic databases were sold to
published and becoming available in the
libraries, for-profit vendors, and individuals.
ERIC system. As of mid-May 2003 none of
Now all ERIC materials and services are free.
the U.S. Department of Education’s 2003
● In 2003, a large portion of the ERIC publications was available in ERIC. Now the
library was available only on microfiche. latency between an article being published in
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
one of the journals indexed by ERIC and its Department of Education, created in 1867,
appearance in ERIC is about two months, was to “collect...such statistics and facts as
and the latency for U.S. Department of shall show the condition and progress of
Education publications is about one month. education in the several States and territories.”
While today’s education system and the task
● In 2002, usability tests conducted on of assessing its condition and progress are
the websites of the 16 separate ERIC much more complex, the National Center
clearinghouses documented user confusion. for Education Statistics (NCES) continues to
ERIC now sports a unified, highly functional carry out this core function. NCES collects
web design with advanced user functions. statistical data on all levels of education
● In 2003, IES spent $10.5 million on ERIC. from preprimary through graduate study,
In 2006, for $8.1 million, ERIC served including adult education. The education
many more users, provided comprehensive policy issues addressed by its data collections
indexing of 42 percent more content, are equally wide ranging, including enrollment
provided full-text access to virtually all trends, access to postsecondary education,
recent content, charged no fees, and the academic achievement of students, and
provided a unified highly functional web comparisons of the U.S. education system
interface to its collections. with those in other countries.
and use individual student data from public at approximately 1,400 postsecondary
schools. A second grant competition will institutions. Also included were about 11,000
result in awards to a substantial number of graduates and 1,000 first-professional students.
additional states in 2007. The study is one of the most important sources
of information about the cost of postsecondary
Longitudinal data systems enable states and education in the United States.
school districts to look at changes in student
achievement from year to year, or growth. A recent report from that study demonstrated
Without the ability to measure growth in a substantial divergence between what colleges
academic performance for individual students, say is the cost of attendance (often called the
districts and states can examine only static “sticker price”) and, given the availability of
aggregated data on performance at one point grants and loans, the price that students pay
in time. But two schools with identical average to attend a postsecondary institution for a year
achievement scores for their students at the (the “access” price).
end of a particular year may be dramatically
different in performance if one school served The total price of attendance (tuition plus
students with substantially lower academic room and board and other expenses) for full-
achievement than the other school at the time undergraduates in 2003-04 was $10,500
end of the previous year. One school will at public two-year institutions; $15,200 at
have engendered more growth in achievement public four-year institutions; and $28,300 at
than the other. The statewide longitudinal private, not-for-profit four-year institutions;
data systems grants are critical in enabling and $20,300 at private for-profit institutions.
states to collect and use such growth data for (See figure 3 on page 12.) But the access price
management, research, and reporting functions. of attending these schools was much lower:
After subtracting all financial aid (including
Many systems also include data on the loans), the average out-of-pocket access price
preparation and training of teachers and on of attendance for all full-time undergraduates
programs used in schools and classrooms. in 2003-04 was $7,400 at public two-year
These rich data will allow policymakers, institutions; $8,500 at public four-year
educators, and researchers to evaluate the institutions; $13,900 at private, not-for-profit
effectiveness of various initiatives and to use four-year institutions; and $10,100 at private,
data for teaching and learning. For example, for-profit institutions.
one state is using its longitudinal data system
to provide detailed feedback from statewide The “discount rate” was higher for low-
student assessments to teachers, principals, and income students: For full-time, low-income,
districts to support their instructional decisions. dependent undergraduates the average out-of-
Another state is using its system to examine the pocket net price of attendance was $6,000 at
effects of changes in promotion policies. public two-year institutions; $5,600 at public
four-year institutions; and $9,200 at private,
nonprofit four-year institutions.
How do Students Pay for
Postsecondary Education?
The High School Transcript Study
and NAEP Assessments at Grade 12
The most recent National Postsecondary
Student Aid Study (NPSAS) survey was
conducted in 2003-04 and included The National Assessment of Educational
approximately 80,000 undergraduates enrolled Progress (NAEP) High School Transcript Study
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Figure 3
Average Amount
$20,600 $17,400
$13,900 $10,100
10,000 $8,700 $8,500
Type of Institution Public 2–Year Public 4–Year Private Not-For- Private For-Profit
Profit 4–Year
Note: Full-time/full-year students were enrolled full time for 9 or more months from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. The
price of attendance includes tuition and fees charged by the institution and all other expenses related to enrollment
such as books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and other personal living expenses. Grants include any
grants, scholarships, or tuition waivers from federal, state, institutional, or private sources, including employers. Total aid
includes grants, loans, work-study, and other aid, including federal Parent Loans to Undergraduate Students (PLUS), but
not federal education tax benefits. Average amounts are for all students, including those who received no financial aid.
Estimates include postsecondary students in Puerto Rico.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2003-04. National Postsecondary
Student Aid Study (NPSAS:04).
provides information on course offerings and credits more than their counterparts in 1990.
course-taking patterns in the nation’s secondary Graduating seniors also earned more credits
schools and the relationship of student course- in each of four core course fields (English,
taking patterns to achievement at grade 12 as social studies, mathematics, and science) in
measured by NAEP. 2005 than in 1990. At the same time, they had
completed more challenging curriculum levels:
The 2005 High School Transcript Study reveals 68 percent of graduates in 2005 had completed
a pattern of increasing credits earned by high a curriculum at or above the standard
school graduates over the last 15 years. By level—an increase of 28 percentage points over
2005, graduating seniors had earned over three the graduates in 1990. Increases in students
completing at least this level of curriculum of students performing at or above the Basic
were seen for White, Black, Hispanic, and achievement level in mathematics. In 1990,
Asian students. 50 percent of the nation’s fourth-graders
performed at or above Basic. By 2005, 80
Despite these positive trends in credits earned percent of students in the fourth grade were
and the level of curriculum completed by performing at or above this level. (See figure 4.)
graduating seniors, results from the NAEP
assessments in reading and science have not Gains were seen between 2003 and 2005 for
shown comparable increases in the overall all racial/ethnic groups. For White, Black, and
performance of twelfth-graders. Average scores Hispanic students, these gains resulted in the
in reading were lower in 2005 than they highest average score since 1990. At the same
were in 1992. Twelfth-grade average scores in time, score gaps between White fourth-graders
science also declined between 1996 and 2005. and their Black and Hispanic peers were
narrowing. By 2005, the score gap between
White and Black students was narrower than
NAEP Mathematics Results at it had been in any previous assessment year.
Grades 4 and 8
Eighth-graders also demonstrated progress
Fourth-graders across the nation made between 2003 and 2005, posting their highest
gains on the NAEP mathematics assessment average score since 1990. The percentage
between 2003 and 2005, resulting in the of eighth-graders at or above Basic in
highest average score for fourth-graders since mathematics increased from 52 percent in
this assessment was first administered in 1990. 1990 to 69 percent in 2005. The disaggregated
Increases were also seen in the percentage data showed that gains were made by White,
Figure 4
32* 36
18* 21* 21* 24*
At or above Proficient
* Significantly different from 2005. At or above Basic
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Black, and Hispanic students. Each of these educated parents compared to the United
three student groups attained an average score States. The data also show that 9 percent
in 2005 that was higher than in any previous of U.S. 15-year-olds did not speak English
assessment year. (the language of the test) at home. Of the 19
other countries, 6 had a higher percentage of
15-year-olds who did not speak the language
The Poor Performance of U.S. Students of the test at home.
on International Assessments
In short, the cross-national comparisons of
student populations and their social and
International assessments of mathematics and economic contexts show that the mediocre
science have shown that U.S. 15-year-olds performance of U.S. students cannot be
are typically outperformed by most of their attributed primarily or exclusively to the fact that
international peers from Organization for the United States serves a more economically and
Economic Cooperation and Development culturally diverse student population.
(OECD)-member countries. For example, U.S.
15-year-olds had lower average mathematics
literacy scores than the OECD average and National Center for Special
lower scores than their peers in 20 of the other Education Research
28 OECD countries participating in 2003.
In December 2004, Congress reauthorized
A recent comparison of 2003 data from the
the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Program in International Student Assessment
Act (IDEA) and in doing so authorized
(PISA) explores the extent to which variations
the National Center for Special Education
in student backgrounds across countries are Research (NCSER) as part of IES. NCSER
associated with the reported outcomes of began operation on July 1, 2005.
international studies. The study focuses on data As specified in PL 108-446, the mission of
from 20 countries that are considered to be NCSER is to
the most developed (based on the World Bank
High Income Group). ● sponsor research to expand knowledge and
understanding of the needs of infants,
While the U.S. student population is more toddlers, and children with disabilities
diverse than student populations in certain in order to improve the developmental,
Asian countries such as Japan and Korea, educational, and transitional results of
the study found that student populations in such individuals;
other countries are often quite similar to the
● sponsor research to improve services provided
U.S. student population on the distribution
under, and support the implementation of,
of social and economic factors that might the Individuals with Disabilities Act (20
affect performance. For example, 48 percent U.S.C. 1400 et seq.); and
of 15-year-old students in the United States
reported having at least one parent who ● evaluate the implementation of the
had a college degree or a postsecondary effectiveness of the Individuals with
vocational qualification. Eleven of the 19 Disabilities Act in coordination with the
other countries in the study had a smaller National Center for Education Evaluation
percentage of students with postsecondary- and Regional Assistance.
Organizational Accomplishments investments in special education, increasing
the methodological standards for funded
In the short one and one-half years of its research, expanding the pool and capacity of
existence, NCSER has devoted considerable the research community that does research in
energy to organizing, staffing, and putting special education, creating strong links between
research in special education and research
the mechanisms in place to carry out its
in regular education, and collaborating with
responsibilities. The accomplishments include:
OSERS to ensure that their technical assistance
centers disseminate research findings that meet
● Staffing—
IES’s standards.
A commissioner of special education
research was recruited and seven staff
members were hired or transferred Longitudinal Studies
into NCSER.
NCSER managed two longitudinal studies
● Collaboration and Outreach— designed to examine at a national level the
Consistent with the statutory language experiences of children with disabilities and the
of PL 108-446, the Commissioner services they receive.
of NCSER developed and signed a
memorandum of agreement with the ● The National Longitudinal Transition
Assistant Secretary of the Office of Special Study-2 (NLTS2) is intended to provide
Education and Rehabilitative Services a national picture of the experiences
(OSERS) on research collaboration. and achievements of students in special
education during high school and as they
NCSER organized two large meetings for transition from high school to adult life.
representatives from more than 90 special NLTS2 involves a nationally representative
education or disability advocacy, policy, and sample of 11,276 students who were
research organizations to exchange views on 13 to 16 years old and receiving special
special education research. education services in December 2000, when
the study began. NLTS2 is designed with
● Grant Making— many of the same features of the original
National Longitudinal Transition Study
NCSER conducted grant competitions on 12 (NLTS, 1987-1993) in order to identify
different special education research topics in the nature and extent of changes in the
FY 2006 that produced 252 applications and special education services provided to high
resulted in awarding 28 grants. school students and in their post-school
achievement in the last decade. Significant
● Evaluations— recent findings include:
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
During this same time, the rate of NLTS2 sample, from 14 percent to 27
attendance in postsecondary education percent (depending on the subtest) scored
doubled from 14.6 percent in 1987 below 70. Scores were lowest in passage
to 31.9 percent in 2003. The greatest comprehension, and for students with
growth was observed in two-year mental retardation, multiple disabilities,
colleges, where the rate of attendance deaf-blindness, or autism.
increased almost sevenfold from 3.6
percent in 1987 to 20.8 percent in 2003. ● The Pre-Elementary Education
Longitudinal Study (PEELS) is a six-year
Students with disabilities still have study that examines the experiences and
significant deficits in academic services of a nationally representative
achievement. NLTS2 administered sample of 3,100 preschool children with
a student assessment that included disabilities receiving special education
subtests in language arts, mathematics,
services and follows them through the early
science, and social studies. On these
elementary school years. (See figure 5.)
subtests, a standard score of 70 is two
standard deviations below the mean,
indicating significantly sub-average Findings from PEELS include:
performance. Among the general student
population, approximately 2 percent Nearly half (46 percent) of preschoolers
scored 70 or lower. In contrast, among with disabilities were identified as having
the students with disabilities in the a speech or language impairment as their
Figure 5
2% 2% 1 %
3% (LD) (OI)
primary disability, and 28 percent were number of applications received increased
identified as having a developmental delay from 226 in FY 2002 to 459 in FY 2007.
as their primary disability. OERI, the predecessor organization to IES,
had 89 active grants funded in FY 2001.
Preschoolers identified with disabilities IES had 265 active grants funded from the
were disproportionately male, 70 percent. same funding line in FY 2006. The efficiency
Two-thirds (67 percent) were White, 22 of IES in managing its grant portfolio has
percent Hispanic, and 11 percent Black. increased even faster than the size of the
portfolio: OERI had 69 staff members
The vast majority of children with managing its grants in 2001. In 2006, IES
disabilities, ages three through five, had 13 staff members in NCER managing
who received special education services its grants. Thus each staff member in OERI
received speech or language therapy managed 1.3 grants, while each staff member
(93 percent). Other common services in IES managed 19.2 grants.
included special education in school
(42 percent), occupational therapy The quality of IES-funded research is quite
(34 percent), physical therapy (21 high: In 2006, 94 percent of funded grant
percent), and tutoring for learning applications received a score of excellent
problems (19 percent). from the panels of distinguished scientists
responsible for the peer review of grant
applications. And befitting IES’s emphasis
National Center for Education on applied research, in 2006, 74 percent of
Research the projects it funded were deemed to be
of high relevance to education practice as
The National Center for Education Research determined by an independent review panel
(NCER) supports research that contributes of experienced practitioners.
to improved academic achievement for
all students, and particularly for those
whose education prospects are hindered by Increasing the Nation’s Capacity
conditions associated with poverty, minority to Conduct High-Quality
status, family circumstance, and inadequate Education Research
education services. Although many conditions
may affect academic outcomes, NCER
supports research on those that are within Recognizing the significant capacity issues
the control of the education system, with the within the education research community,
aim of identifying, developing, and validating NCER established a program to fund
effective education programs and practices. interdisciplinary research training programs
in the education sciences at the graduate and
NCER primarily funds research conducted postdoctoral levels. Through its predoctoral
by individuals and teams of investigators program, NCER has made substantial grants
at universities and other nonprofit research to support graduate research training programs
organizations. NCER has developed focused at these 10 top research institutions:
research competitions that target topics that
are IES priorities. The number of research ● Carnegie Mellon University
competitions increased from three in fiscal
year (FY) 2002 to 11 in FY 2007; the ● Florida State University
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
● Northwestern University over the last 50 years about how people learn,
process, and remember information. NCER
● University of Chicago has worked effectively with the cognitive
● University of Miami science community to develop research projects
that address practical instructional problems
● University of Minnesota that bridge the gap between basic research
on learning and information processing
● University of Pennsylvania
and what happens in classrooms with real
● University of Virginia teachers and students. Two examples follow.
(More information on these and other related
● University of Wisconsin-Madison projects can be obtained online from a special
● Vanderbilt University issue of the American Psychological Society’s
Observer that highlighted IES-supported
research on cognition and learning: http://
The 10 interdisciplinary programs include
departments such as psychology, political getArticle.cfm?id=1949.)
science, economics, education, and
epidemiology and are providing intensive ● Temporal Spacing of Learning—
training in education research and statistics
to about 160 predoctoral graduate students.
Studies going back a century and more
In the short history of the program, students
have found that spacing learning episodes
have participated in nearly 200 research
presentations at conferences across the country. across time sometimes enhances memory.
The so-called spacing effect is the topic of
Funding provided to these institutions is hundreds of articles, and one might assume
enabling them to attract the best students. that we know all we need to know about it.
The average combined verbal and quantitative However, whether one looks at classrooms,
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores textbooks, or software, there is little sign
of students supported by the IES predoctoral that people are paying attention to temporal
programs is 1,341. By comparison, the average spacing of learning.
GRE scores for doctoral students in the schools
of education that house IES predoctoral In one of several studies on temporal spacing
training programs is 1,196. Thus the IES of instruction that has been conducted by
predoctoral training programs are attracting IES researchers, students learned how to
a much more qualified pool of graduate solve a permutation problem in mathematics
students than is attracted in general to doctoral and then worked two sets of practice
programs in education at the elite universities problems. One-week spacing separating the
that house the IES programs. practice sets drastically improved final test
performance (which involved problems not
previously encountered). In fact, when the
Using the Cognitive Sciences two practice sets were back-to-back, final
to Redesign Curriculum and performance was scarcely better than if
Instructional Practices the second study session had been deleted
altogether. Interestingly, most mathematics
Education has yet to wholeheartedly embrace textbooks follow precisely the approach that
what cognitive scientists have been learning this and other studies find so ineffective.
A brief lesson on a topic is followed by Researchers from the University of Michigan
a practice set containing virtually every observed that students who made the most
problem in the book relating to this topic. progress over the course of the year had
The findings from the IES-supported teachers who individualized instruction in very
research program suggest that it would be far specific ways. For example, children who began
more useful to intersperse practice problems first grade with weaker letter-word-recognition
over weeks and months of instruction. skills and received more teacher-managed
instruction that focused on decoding skills
● Test-Enhanced Learning— made greater progress. Children with stronger
vocabulary skills at the beginning of the year
Another team of IES researchers is exploring made more progress if they spent more time
the effect of frequent classroom testing engaged in child-managed, meaning-focused
on student learning. Many teachers and activities such as independent reading. The
administrators decry emphasis on testing in researchers developed an algorithm that
the schools, and some argue that classroom accurately predicted how much students
testing takes away valuable class time that learned in one year based on students’ fall
could be used for instruction or discussion. reading scores and the proportion of time
However, several studies by IES researchers spent in different types of instructional
have found that giving tests to students activities. Armed with this insight and a
after they have read the material produces a grant from NCER, this team, now from
greater benefit on a final test than do many Florida State University and the University of
additional readings of the material. Further, Michigan, developed a software program that
repeated testing boosts the testing effect, so uses students’ reading scores at the beginning
the positive effects of testing accumulate. of the year to develop an instructional profile
of the type, duration, and timing of instruction
that is recommended for each child and assigns
Improving Teacher Quality
children with similar profiles to reading groups
for classroom instruction. The instructional
Teachers use a variety of strategies to teach profile was designed so that teachers can apply
children to read. Reading instruction, for the recommended instructional profile to the
example, may focus on decoding skills or reading curriculum provided by their school in
comprehension. Activities may be teacher order to plan instructional activities for each
managed, such as when a teacher introduces reading group.
a list of vocabulary words to a class, or child-
managed, such as when children engage in In a randomized field trial, teachers were
independent reading. We have known for assigned by lottery to use the algorithm-guided
a while that some teachers are better able individualized reading instruction program
to individualize instruction and produce or to plan reading instruction in their usual
larger gains in reading achievement for their fashion. The evaluation included an ethnically
students relative to other teachers. We have and economically diverse sample of first-grade
not, however, been able to capitalize on this students in 10 schools. Relative to children
knowledge because we did not know the critical in the control classrooms, first-grade students
differences in instruction that produced the in the intervention group made greater gains
effect and how to help less effective teachers in reading comprehension. (See figure 6.) In
emulate more effective teachers. fact, there was about a two-month difference
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Figure 6
Treatment–High fidelity
Passage Comprehension W Score
Fall Spring
Research); and Dr. Phoebe Cottingham, an qualified individuals with an in-depth knowledge
economist (National Center for Education of the subject to be investigated, for reviewing
Evaluation and Regional Assistance). and evaluating all applications for grants and
cooperative agreements that exceed $100,000.
IES has a full-time staff complement of about Further, ESRA requires that all research,
185 and was responsible in FY 2006 for statistics, and evaluation reports conducted by,
roughly $567 million in annual expenditures or supported through, IES shall be subject to
on external grants and contracts through seven rigorous peer review before being published or
budget line items (research, development, and otherwise made available to the public.
dissemination; statistics; national assessment
of educational progress; statewide longitudinal Independent, high-quality peer review is
data systems; special education research; a fundamental mechanism of science. It
special education studies and evaluations; requires scientists to justify their methods
and regional educational labs), and through and conclusions to their peers, and thereby
evaluation and national activity set-asides assures that work that is funded or that is
in the budgets of other U.S. Department of
published has been subjected to and improved
Education programs. (See figure 7.) by informed criticism. Researchers who know
that their work will undergo quality peer
review learn to anticipate and handle likely
Scientific Peer Review Process objections before their work is submitted for
review. This lessens substantially the tendency
to plan or publish studies in which alternative
Under ESRA, the Director is required to points of view are not considered and
establish a peer-review system, involving highly alternative explanations for findings are not
Figure 7
Evaluation ($54.6)
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
addressed. It is the conduct of activities and reviews. Centers submit a report to the
the drawing of conclusions that can withstand standards and review office after they have
informed criticism that separates scientific conducted their own center-level review.
research from advocacy with numbers, Reports that present new analyses of data
which often parades as science. Thus, the are sent to external scientists for peer review.
importance of the Institute’s establishing Reports that contain only limited descriptive
high-quality processes for peer review of grant data are reviewed internally by standards and
applications and its own publications cannot review staff. Reports are revised as necessary
be overestimated. by their authors until they are approved by the
standards and review office. During fiscal year
IES has established a system for peer review (FY) 2005 and FY 2006, the standards and
for grant applications that is similar in many review office handled 168 reports. On average,
ways to the system of peer review at the the time between receipt of a manuscript and
National Institutes of Health. A key provision the generation of a disposition memo was
is intended to put distance between the
30 working days for external reviews and 8
program officers and administrators within
working days for internal reviews. By way
IES who administer grant programs, work
of comparison, the average turnaround time
with grantees, and disseminate the results of
between submission of a manuscript to leading
research on the one hand, and, on the other,
scientific journals and communication to the
those who are responsible for the peer review
authors of the results of peer review is typically
of applications for funding under those grant
programs. To that end, an office for standards two to three months.
and review was created and staffed within the
office of the deputy director for science of IES. As required by statute, the National Board
That office selects peer reviewers, determines for Education Sciences (Board) undertook a
review criteria, manages competitions, provides thorough review of IES’s peer-review processes.
feedback to applicants, and generates scores for Board members received grant reviews and
applications that determine scientific merit for multiple iterations of report reviews. Members
funding decisions. IES’s procedures and process also attended panel meetings and thus were
for peer review of grant applications have been able to assess the quality of the deliberations.
thoroughly documented ( Many of the Board members are researchers
director/doc/SRO_grant_peerreview.doc). who have received funding from the National
Science Foundation (NSF) and/or the National
Likewise, IES has established and documented Institutes of Health (NIH) and are familiar
a process for independent peer review of all with the processes of these federal research
research, evaluation, and statistical publications agencies. They were impressed with what IES
of IES ( had put in place and were able to validate that
peer_review/report_review.asp) that is very these processes would assure quality, objectivity,
similar to the process by which scientific validity, and integrity in scientific publications.
journals select and edit manuscripts for In addition, ex-officio members Arden
publication. The standards and review office Bement, the director of the National Science
carries out its work independent of any of Foundation, and Duane Alexander, director
IES’s four operating Centers. Action editors of the National Institute of Child Health and
within the standards and review office are Human Development, publicly acknowledged
senior staff members with years of experience that the approved procedures were of the
conducting research and carrying out scientific highest merit and comparable to those of their
agencies. In its annual report to Congress in
2006, the IES Board concluded that: Overview of IES Research Priorities
The Institute has implemented standards and By providing an independent, scientific base of
procedures for reviewing and approving grants evidence and promoting and enabling its use, the
and IES reports that are of the highest merit and Institute of Education Sciences (IES) aims to further
are comparable to those of the National Science the transformation of education into an evidence-based
field and thereby enable the nation to educate all of its
Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.
students effectively.
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
nation’s largest public school districts. Task Educational Effectiveness (SREE). For nearly
force duties include making recommendations a century now, the American Educational
of areas of research and data collections that are Research Association has been the main
not covered through existing programs; helping professional organization that has supported
IES’s leaders think about the design of large, and disseminated the work of education
cross-district research projects; and identifying researchers. While recognizing the great
and supporting greater collaboration between contribution that AERA has made and will
the research community and urban educators. continue to make to education, SREE was
Michael Casserly, executive director of the formed to provide a home for researchers who
Council of the Great City Schools, chairs have a commitment to using the procedural
the task force, which held its first meeting in
norms of science to investigate questions
Washington, D.C. on January 8, 2007.
of cause-and-effect critical for effective
educational practice. SREE held a very
As part of what IES anticipates will be a
long-term collaboration with the Council of successful initial conference in December of
the Great City Schools, IES has provided a 2006 that was standing-room-only. SREE’s
competitive grant to the Council to establish upcoming projects include a research journal
the Senior Urban Education Research slated to start in January 2008 and a handbook
Fellowship program. The fellowship program of research on educational effectiveness.
is designed to promote collaborative, high-
quality, rigorous research projects between
senior researchers and urban school districts. National Board for Education
National Conference of State IES is overseen by the National Board for
Legislatures Education Sciences—15 highly qualified
individuals, the majority with strong research
IES has made a competitive grant to the backgrounds, who are nominated by the
National Conference of State Legislatures to President and confirmed by the Senate. The
support a number of invitational institutes that initial members of the Board were confirmed
will allow distinguished researchers to inform by the Senate at the close of the 108th Congress.
state legislators of research related to pressing The Board held its first meeting in February
policy issues and to consider with legislators how 2005 and has held six meetings in total.
legislative initiatives can be designed to generate The Board’s initial activities focused on
data that can be used to evaluate and improve statutory responsibilities for considering and
programs. The initial institute on “What Works approving IES’s long-term priorities and
to Recruit and Retain Effective Teachers,” was procedures for peer review. With those two
held January 4-6, 2007, in San Diego. responsibilities accomplished through actions
of the Board by January 2006, the Board
turned its attention to receiving testimony
Society for Research on from practitioners and policymakers on needs
Educational Effectiveness that might be served by IES.
IES has made a competitive grant to support The Board made its first annual report to
the formation of the Society for Research on Congress in 2006, concluding that:
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
The vision Congress had when it created the is inarguable. For example, life expectancy at
Institute for Education Sciences is being realized, birth in the United States increased by 30 years
and the Board is privileged to serve during this from 1900 to 2000. Dramatic changes can also
important period of transformation. be expected from evidence-based education if
it receives appropriate support from Congress
The Board further concluded: and the American public.
The nation needs policymakers, educators, and
concerned citizens to see the value of rigorous
evidence, to turn to it when faced with difficult
decisions, and to insist that new policies that
cannot wait for evidence be tested as they are
implemented. That requires a transformation
in the way education is conducted. We must
become a learning society—a society that
plans and invests in learning how to improve
its education programs. IES is at the center
of that transformation because that is our
statutory mission and there is substantial,
bipartisan political support for evidence-based
education policy. IES has made substantial
progress in the last four years. It has established
the infrastructure that is necessary to support
rigorous and relevant research. Investments
through the infrastructure are beginning
to yield important results. And people gain
access to IES’s products widely and frequently
through its websites. Much work remains,
and many challenges lie ahead. As a point
of contrast, the transformation of medicine
from a field dominated by authority and
professional consensus to one dominated by
evidence arguably began in earnest in the
1930s and was not in full bloom until the early
1990s. The yield in health outcomes from that
transformation in medicine and public health
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
that are far-reaching in scope, have the potential Description: Cost Accounting for Student-Level
to have consequences unanticipated by policy- Resources – Currently school-level per-pupil
makers. The purpose of this study is to identify the expenditure data collapse expenditures across
unintended consequences associated with California’s students receiving different services. When these
class size reduction on the distribution of students data are associated with school-level student
across schools and households across neighborhoods. achievement scores, the data do not enable
The theory behind class size reduction policies is administrators to make informed decisions
that smaller classes will lead to lasting academic about the allocation of resources in ways that
improvements, especially in the areas of reading, are meaningfully linked to student learning. The
mathematics, and science. In 1996, California purpose of this project is to assist educators in
inaugurated a state-wide voluntary class reduction using existing resources to achieve instructional
policy aimed at reducing class sizes in the primary goals. The researchers are developing and field
grades from around 30 students to 20. This research testing a new cost accounting system and procedures
team hypothesizes that the policy created a domino that will allow schools and districts to track
effect in areas outside of the classroom that ultimately student-level resources in ways that will enable
had a negative impact on student achievement. administrators to make resource allocation decisions
Amount: $390,923 that are tied to student-level learning outcomes.
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/07 Amount: $1,104,161
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/08
● Name of Institution: National Bureau of
Economic Research
Principal Investigator: Thomas Kane
High School Reform
Co-Principal Investigators: Justine Hastings,
Douglas Staiger
● Name of Institution: The University
Description: Implementing Public School Choice
of Chicago
in Charlotte, NC: Impacts on Student Outcomes,
Competitiveness and Racial Segregation – Intradistrict Principal Investigator: Diane Schanzenbach
public school choice is a systemic school reform Description: Assessing the Effectiveness of Chicago’s
strategy focused on allowing parents the right to Small High School Initiative – There is a growing
choose which public school their child may attend consensus among policy makers, educators,
within their home school district. The goal of this parents, and future employers that American
study is to examine the impact of implementing high schools are in need of significant reform.
lottery-based public school choice in Charlotte, One of the most popular recent reforms is the
“small schools” movement. Small schools have
NC, on several outcomes: performance on
been associated in some settings with improved
standardized tests, student absences, disciplinary
student outcomes, especially among disadvantaged
problems, parental satisfaction, participation in
youth. Although prior research attempted to
after-school activities, school demand, and racial
isolate the impact of smaller schools, it is difficult
re-segregation in Charlotte. to completely disentangle the impact of small
Amount: $1,364,688 schools in the previous research from other
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/09 confounding factors correlated with school size
such as community factors, Catholic school effects,
and smaller classes. The research study will use a
● Name of Institution: Pennsylvania
rich longitudinal data set from the Chicago Public
State University Schools (CPS) and a variety of analytic models
Principal Investigator: William Hartman to attempt to ascertain the impact on student
Appendix A
achievement of CPS’s recent introduction of 21 schools: one to engage all students in traditional
small public high schools of choice. college preparatory work, and another to increase
Amount: $336,664 the difficulty of college preparatory curriculums.
This study provides an elaborate and sophisticated
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/08
examination of a series of curricular changes that
were phased in over the course of a decade in
● Name of Institution: University of Florida Chicago public high schools. The study looks at the
changes in course offerings, course requirements,
Principal Investigator: Damon Clark
instructions and student achievement scores.
Co-Principal Investigator: Francisco Martorell
Amount: $1,844,860
Description: The Impact of Exit Exam Performance
on High School and Post-Secondary Outcomes – Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/10
A growing number of states require students to
pass exit exams in order to graduate from high ● Name of Institution: University of North
school. However, a large and vocal group of testing Carolina at Greensboro
opponents worries that exit exams will harm
Principal Investigator: Julie Edmunds
students, especially disadvantaged students who
tend to do poorly on standardized tests. Critics Co-Principal Investigator: Lawrence Bernstein
argue that exit exams lower graduation rates by Description: Study of the Efficacy of North
denying diplomas to students who complete all Carolina’s Learn and Earn Early College High School
other requirements for a degree, and by inducing Model – Students in Early College High Schools
some students who fail the exam initially to are expected to graduate in four to five years with
drop out rather than try again. This research a high school diploma and an Associate’s degree or
will use data from Florida students to: (1) assess two years of transferable college credit. Yet Early
the generalizability of the Texas results; (2) see if College High Schools are a recent intervention
specific features of a testing policy (such as the with very little research on their impact. Therefore,
number of retest attempts) matter; (3) test whether this study aims to: (a) determine whether students
the impact varies by student characteristics; and (4) who attend Early College High Schools perform
conduct a longer follow-up than was possible in significantly better than students in traditional high
Texas to see if exit exam performance affects long- schools; (b) examine the extent to which effects on
term economic status. student outcomes vary by student characteristics;
Amount: $367,081 and (c) identify the extent to which specific Early
Period of Performance: 9/1/06-10/30/08 College High School components are associated
with positive student outcomes.
Amount: $2,871,016
● Name of Institution: The University
of Chicago Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/10
Principal Investigator: Elaine Allensworth
Co-Principal Investigator: Valerie Lee
Description: Comprehensive Evaluation of the Mathematics and Science
Effects of District-Wide High School Curriculum Education
Reform on Academic Achievement and Attainment
in Chicago – There is increasing recognition and ● Name of Institution: High/Scope Educational
concern in the U.S. that too few high school Research Foundation
students, especially those in urban areas, are
graduating with the skills needed for college and Principal Investigator: Ann Epstein
the workforce. Currently, there are two major Co-Principal Investigator: Marijata
curriculum reform movements at work in high Daniel-Echols
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
to teaching rational numbers and examining how inferences. The purpose of this project is to develop
teachers are able to use feedback from the system an assessment system to evaluate elementary and
to adapt instruction and the resulting impact on middle school students’ skills and understandings
student achievement. related to data modeling and statistical reasoning.
Amount: $527,077 Amount: $1,599,946
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/08 Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/10
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
designed to enhance preschool and kindergarten the investigators plan to create and evaluate
children’s early scientific literacy. The Scientific supplemental intelligent tutoring software (ITS)
Literacy Project intervention will have both a school for supporting student learning outcomes in
and a home component and will be built around Grade 6 mathematics. The AnimalWatch software
science topics and skills linked to state and national will integrate mathematics problem solving and
standards for preschool and kindergarten curricula. multimedia instruction with information about
environmental science and endangered species.
Amount: $1,490,693
Amount: $1,500,000
Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/31/08
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08
Appendix A
materials that help Latino students and English at risk for poor math achievement. Focused PreK
Language Learners develop important mathematics math interventions have been shown to improve
concepts and the academic language needed to student learning in math under limited conditions.
understand and reason about those concepts. Unfortunately, scaling up such interventions has
The investigators will address this problem by not been attempted. To work on addressing this
problem, these investigators plan to evaluate a large-
conducting an efficacy trial investigating the
scale implementation of the TRIAD mathematics
impact of the Math Pathways and Pitfalls (MPP) intervention in diverse geographical areas with diverse
lessons on English Language Learners’ (ELL) student populations.
mathematical achievement and the development of
Amount: $7,161,466
mathematics-related language.
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/10
Amount: $2,757,173
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/09
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
challenges in the education of gifted and talented community conditions (e.g., changing student
students in elementary and secondary schools demographics, resources) on education. The Center
and will engage in leadership and dissemination will utilize comprehensive education databases
activity with the education policy, practitioner, in Florida, Missouri, New York, North Carolina,
and research communities. One of the Center’s Texas, and Washington to disentangle the effects
areas of concentration is on assessment of gifted of different policies by location. The Center also
and talented students. In this area, the Center will expects to make significant technical contributions
develop and validate an assessment system for the to the field as it engages new, rich databases to help
identification of gifted and talented students and guide policymaking.
will construct outcome assessments in reading Amount: $10,000,000
and mathematics for gifted and talented students. Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/11
Another major activity of the Center is a rigorous
evaluation of education programs for gifted and
talented elementary school students. ● Name of Institution: Vanderbilt University
Principal Investigator: James Guthrie
Amount: $8,706,200
Co-Principal Investigator: Matthew Springer
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/11
Description: National Center on Teacher Performance
Incentives – The signature activity of the National
● Name of Institution: University of Virginia Center on Teacher Performance Incentives
Principal Investigator: Robert Pianta (Policy-NCTPI), one of two IES Policy Centers,
addresses a key issue in education, namely, a
Description: National Research Center on Early
possible misalignment between uniform salary
Childhood Education – The National Research
schedules applicable to virtually all teachers and
Center on Early Childhood Education will
the concept of providing financial rewards to
conduct research that contributes to the solution
classroom teachers who significantly elevate students’
of significant problems in early childhood
academic achievement. The Center will conduct two
education and will engage in leadership and
randomized field trials offering student achievement-
dissemination activities with the early childhood
related bonuses (ranging from $5,000 to $15,000)
policy, practitioner, and research communities. The
to teachers, one in Nashville (TN) concentrating
Center’s research will include work on inservice on 200 volunteer 5th- and 6th-grade mathematics
and preservice training of early childhood teachers, teachers and the other in another large school
early childhood curricula in literacy and language district to be determined. Participating teachers
development, and assessment of child outcomes in will be randomized into control and treatment
language and literacy. conditions for a three-year period. Experimental-
Amount: $9,959,200 group teachers will be eligible for an annual bonus,
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/11 contingent upon student achievement gains.
Control-group teachers will be compensated for
record-keeping and other study activities.
● Name of Institution: The Urban Institute Amount: $10,000,000
Principal Investigator: Jane Hannaway Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/11
Description: Center for Analysis of Longitudinal
Data in Education Research (CALDER) – National
Research and Development Center for Analysis ● Name of Institution: University of California,
of Longitudinal Data in Education Research Los Angeles
will address a variety of education policy Principal Investigator: Eva Baker
issues including teacher policies (e.g., hiring,
Co-Principal Investigator: Joan Herman
compensation, and certification), governance
policies (e.g., accountability, choice) and the Description: Center for Research on Evaluation,
ramifications of changing social and economic Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) – The
Appendix A
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
funded intervention studies. Participation in on- Education, and the new Pittsburgh Science of
going projects provides fellows with numerous Learning Center, in collaboration with Carnegie.
opportunities to collaborate with leading Amount: $637,900
methodologists and early intervention experts at
Period of Performance: 3/1/05-2/28/09
other institutions affiliated with the Purdue studies.
Amount: $327,248
● Name of Institution: Vanderbilt University
Period of Performance: 3/1/05-8/31/08
Principal Investigator: David Cordray
Description: Experimental Education Research
● Name of Institution: University of Training (ExpERT) – ExpERT is designed to train
California, Berkeley postdoctoral education scientists in conducting
Principal Investigator: Prentice Starkey randomized field experiments of theory-based
Description: Postdoctoral Training and Research in interventions and approaches to enhance student
Children’s Early Mathematical Training – This award learning in educational settings. ExpERT involves
supports a postdoctoral research training program. formal coursework in statistics, measurement, and
The training program’s theme is the socioeconomic design, as well as courses in educational policies
status (SES)-related gap in mathematical and practices, instruction, and learning. ExpERT
knowledge that appears early and widens during provides opportunities to design, execute, and
early childhood. The program will draw fellows analyze results of field experiments, and attend
summer workshops, a distinguished seminar series,
from child-focused graduate programs such as
and conferences.
developmental psychology, child and family
studies, language and literacy education, or special Amount: $615,460
education and provide crucial content knowledge Period of Performance: 3/1/05-2/28/09
in mathematical cognition, early childhood
education, and intervention research methods.
Preschool program partners include Oakland
Head Start, Berkeley-Albany YMCA Head Start, Predoctoral Research Training
Oakland Unified School District, the Berkeley
Unified School District, Sacramento Head Start, Program
and the San Juan Unified School District.
Amount: $313,280 ● Name of Institution: University of Chicago
Period of Performance: 3/1/05-2/28/09 Principal Investigator: Stephen Raudenbush
Description: Interdisciplinary Training in
● Name of Institution: University of Pittsburgh Educational Research Methods – Research being
conducted by core faculty includes methodological
Principal Investigator: Charles Perfetti
research on the design, analysis, and combination
Description: Postdoctoral Training in Reading of results from randomized experiments in
and Language Research – The program combines education, research designs for studies of scaling
research in classrooms and laboratories using a
up of educational interventions, the analysis
range of methods (e.g., eye tracking and ERP) to
of non-experimental studies, and the use of
study vocabulary learning and comprehension.
natural experiments in education. Substantive
Fellows will work on research with training
faculty from Psychology and Education in the research includes the social distribution of
Reading and Language Group (http://www.lrdc. academic achievement, the effectiveness of teacher at the Learning Research and development programs in middle school science,
Development Center (LRDC; http://www.lrdc. input effects on the development of language, ). Partners include the Departments mathematics, and spatial competence in preschool
of Psychology and Linguistics, the School of through elementary school.
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
education, with special attention to questions of lack of instructor preparation to teach reading and
causal inference. writing to low-skilled students; lack of instructional
Amount: $5,000,000 time; and limited connection of remedial reading
and writing instruction to discipline-area content
Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/31/10
knowledge. This study addresses these problems
by developing, testing, revising, and retesting an
intervention that provides guided practice and
transfer instruction in several reading and writing
Reading and Writing skills, contextualized in science content.
Amount: $1,168,758
● Name of Institution: California State University, Period of Performance: 6/1/06-5/31/09
Los Angeles
Principal Investigator: Anne Hafner
● Name of Institution: University of California,
Description: Using Growth Mixture Modeling
Santa Cruz
to Identify Patterns of Early Reading Development
and Teacher and Program Correlates for English Principal Investigator: Judith Scott
Learners – This project will use data from the Early Co-Principal Investigator: Katharine Samway
Childhood Longitudinal Study to examine the (San Jose State University)
development of English reading proficiency among Description: Vocabulary Development Through
English language learners. The purposes of this
Writing: A Key to Academic Success – A pattern of
project are to: (a) use growth mixture modeling
disparity is found for English language learners
to identify distinct reading growth patterns and
when compared with native English speakers.
trajectories in children from kindergarten to
Although many factors contribute to the
grade five in two different large-scale data sets; (b)
underperformance of low-income students and
compare English language learners’ reading growth
English language learners, research indicates that
with the growth of native English students; and
differences in students’ knowledge of academic
(c) examine the associations that exist between
language is a key element in academic achievement.
membership in reading proficiency classes for
English learners, and a variety of student SES The purpose of the proposed study is to develop
and background characteristics, as well as teacher, and obtain evidence of the potential impact of an
instructional, class, and programmatic conditions. academic register and vocabulary intervention for
improving the reading and writing achievement of
Amount: $88,179 fourth graders.
Period of Performance: 3/1/06-2/28/07 Amount: $1,402,553
Period of Performance: 3/1/06-2/28/09
● Name of Institution: Teachers College,
Columbia University
● Name of Institution: University of Texas Health
Principal Investigator: Dolores Perin
Sciences Center at Houston
Description: Postsecondary Content-Area Reading-
Principal Investigator: Dennis Ciancio
Writing Intervention: Development and Determination
of Potential Efficacy – Questions have been raised Description: Development of an Empirically Based
about the effectiveness of community college Vocabulary Curriculum for Kindergarten and First
developmental education. Failure and dropout rates Grade Students – The ability to read and write
are high, and literacy performance even among proficiently is critical to success in American
advanced remedial students is poor. The poor schools. However, according to recent national
outcomes may stem in part from inappropriate reports, there is a significant and increasing gap
instructional approaches, including: lack of direct, in reading and writing scores between students
explicit instruction in reading and writing skills; in economically advantaged and economically
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
behind that of students in many other industrialized computer simulations that provide perceptual
countries, especially in science and mathematics. support to students as they master abstract scientific
This project builds on earlier work on test-enhanced principles. At the conclusion of this research project,
learning, or the use of frequent quizzes as learning the team will have developed new curricula and
events. Test-enhanced learning has been shown to supporting materials for teaching complex systems
be highly effective in promoting student learning at the college and K-12 levels.
in laboratory situations. The purpose of this project Amount: $796,479
is to import the Test-Enhanced Learning Program
into school settings to examine its efficacy at two Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/31/08
different educational levels.
Amount: $2,964,770 ● Name of Institution: Kent State University
Period of Performance: 8/1/06-7/31/10 Principal Investigator: John Dunlosky
Co-Principal Investigator: Katherine Rawson
● Name of Institution: Fordham University Description: Supporting Efficient and Durable
Principal Investigator: William Whitten Student Learning – This research team is developing
and evaluating the effectiveness of a new method
Co-Principal Investigator: Mitchell Rabinowitz
of learning and study called retrieval-feedback-
Description: Guided Cognition of Unsupervised monitoring (RFM). This new method is inspired
Learning – Teachers generally assign homework to by two cognitive principles. First, research has
help students learn new information and procedures. demonstrated that the durability of learning
From the perspective of cognitive scientists, the can be improved by requiring learners to study
value of homework assignments for improving concepts systematically spaced over time instead of
student learning depends on how the assignments
trying to master many concepts in a single study
are structured. The purpose of this project is to
session (i.e., “cramming”). Second, study time can
test specific strategies for structuring homework
be used most efficiently when there is accurate
assignments in ways that will increase the likelihood
monitoring of what has been learned and what still
that homework will involve productive study of
new material. The overall goal is to determine the needs to be learned. The researchers hypothesize
conditions under which students adopt cognitive that computer-assisted studying based on these
strategies, such as summarizing, asking questions, principles will improve learning.
and considering divergent answers to questions, Amount: $868,864
when engaged in unsupervised study for which Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08
specific study tasks are not provided.
Amount: $623,390
● Name of Institution: Michigan State University
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08
Principal Investigator: Jon Star
Co-Principal Investigator: Bethany Rittle-
● Name of Institution: Indiana University
Johnson (Vanderbilt University)
Principal Investigator: Robert Goldstone
Description: Using Contrasting Examples to Support
Co-Principal Investigator: Linda Smith Procedural Flexibility and Conceptual Understanding
Description: Grounded and Transferable in Mathematics – The purpose of this research
Knowledge of Complex Systems Using Computer project is to develop and evaluate an instructional
Simulations – In determining how best to support approach that uses contrasting examples in order
the transfer of knowledge, this research project
to foster flexible mathematical problem solving.
examines the relation between the specific fact and
details through which a phenomenon is presented, Contrasting examples of solution procedures
and the abstraction of deeper scientific principles are presented during discussions in mathematics
underlying the phenomenon. These researchers classrooms. Students are asked to compare these
are developing perceptually based and interactive contrasting examples. This instructional approach
Appendix A
should foster students’ awareness of critical features scientist’s view of the same phenomenon. These
of the procedures and to abstract their common misconceptions are resistant to change. The
underlying structure. purpose of this project is to study the cognitive
origins of scientific misconceptions and to design
Amount: $1,014,175
interventions to correct them. At the conclusion
Period of Performance: 8/16/05-8/15/08 of this project, the researchers will have a set of
interventions that can be used to overcome scientific
misconceptions and improve science learning.
● Name of Institution: Northwestern University
Amount: $933,397
Principal Investigator: David Uttal
Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/08
Co-Principal Investigator: Judy DeLoache
(University of Virginia)
Description: Understanding and Facilitating ● Name of Institution: University of Chicago
Symbolic Learning – The ability to understand Principal Investigator: Sian Beilock
letters, numbers, and mathematical symbols is
Description: Improving the Assessment Capability
critically important to learning in school. To
of Standardized Tests: How High-Stakes Testing
facilitate the learning of educational symbol
Environments Compromise Performance – The
systems, teachers and parents often encourage
purpose of this project is twofold. First, these
children to play with a variety of concrete
researchers are examining how stereotype threat
symbolic objects. For example, teachers often use
undermines women’s expression of math skills
such objects, commonly called manipulatives, to
by examining how testing situations impact
facilitate children’s learning of mathematics. It
performance. Second, building on this set of
is generally assumed that these objects facilitate
findings, the researchers are developing and testing,
learning by helping children to understand
in an education delivery setting, new assessment
concepts before they can understand abstract,
tools that are designed to reduce the negative
symbolic representations. However, this
effects of stereotype threat. The results of this
assumption has never been adequately tested, and
project should be able to provide new guidance on
there are theoretical reasons to believe that merely
how standardized assessments can be developed that
interacting with an object that is intended to be a
accurately reflect all students’ abilities and potential.
symbol may actually be counterproductive. This
research team will develop and test interventions Amount: $427,786
designed to help parents and teachers use symbolic Period of Performance: 6/9/05-5/31/08
objects, such as manipulatives, more effectively.
Amount: $958,491
● Name of Institution: University of Memphis
Period of Performance: 9/15/05-9/14/08
Principal Investigator: Barry Gholson
Co-Principal Investigators: Arthur Graesser,
● Name of Institution: Ohio State University Wali Abdi
Principal Investigator: Andrew Heckler Description: An Implementation of Vicarious
Description: Scientific Misconceptions: From Learning with Deep-Level Reasoning Questions in
Cognitive Underpinning to Educational Treatment – Middle School and High School Classrooms – This
There is a growing need for research that examines research project will compare different versions
barriers to learning science and ways to facilitate of an intelligent tutoring system developed by
science learning. One known barrier to successful the research team in prior work, AutoTutor, to
science learning is scientific “pre-conceptions” or examine how best to support learning of course
“misconceptions.” A scientific misconception is content. For example, students will compare the
often defined as everyday beliefs about a natural use of AutoTutor in its typical interactive version
phenomenon, which are different from an expert to a vicarious condition where students listen to
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
and observe the AutoTutor agent presenting the to other estimation tasks, enhances arithmetic
same course content, but they do not physically learning, and can be scaled up to the classroom
interact with the source of the materials. This will level. At the conclusion of this project, the research
enable the research team to determine whether team will have validated both instructional
students are equally able to learn course content interventions for use in one-on-one settings and in
during interactive and vicarious learning. They are whole group instruction.
also examining whether mastery of course content
Amount: $851,346
can be improved by asking students to generate
reasoning questions during study (e.g., “Why is Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08
x important?”). The researchers are working with
school-aged students in the areas of computer
● Name of Institution: Duke University
literacy and Newtonian physics.
Principal Investigator: David Rabiner
Amount: $1,050,000
Description: A Randomized Trial of Two Promising
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08
Interventions for Students with Attention Problems –
Attention problems, even when not severe enough
● Name of Institution: University of to warrant a formal diagnosis of Attention Deficit
Southern California Hyperactivity Disorder, are strongly associated
with academic achievement difficulties and have
Principal Investigator: Carole Beal an adverse impact on school success for thousands
Description: Dynamically Modifying the Learning of students each year. Currently, there are no
Trajectories of Novices with Pedagogical Agents – The interventions that have been clearly established
challenge for science education is that once to enhance attention and achievement among
students settle on a strategy, they will often students with attention difficulties. The purpose
continue to use the same approach in the future, of this project is to conduct a rigorous, school-
even if the approach is not effective or efficient. based evaluation of two promising interventions
The purpose of this project is to develop an for inattentive students. Documenting the efficacy
intervention designed to help novice chemistry of either approach, or their combination, has
learners revise their strategy while solving chemistry important implications for helping students whose
problems. Building on prior research, this team academic achievement is significantly impaired by
is developing predictive models of problem inattentive behavior in the classroom.
solving and using them to provide individualized Amount: $1,150,719
instruction to novice chemistry learners. Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/08
Amount: $1,220,822
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/08 ● Name of Institution: Northern Illinois University
Principal Investigator: M. Anne Britt
● Name of Institution: Carnegie Mellon University Description: Creating a Usable Environment to
Principal Investigator: Robert Siegler Teach Argument Comprehension and Production
Skills – Argumentation is a central component
Description: Improving Children’s Pure Numerical of social and personal decision-making, as well
Estimation – The researchers have developed two as a fundamental skill required by many class
interventions-one for preschool children and assignments and by entrance exams to postsecondary
one for young elementary school children to education (e.g., SAT, LSAT, and GRE). While
support the acquisition of linear representations of our education system expects students to acquire
numerical magnitudes. The purpose of this research the ability to comprehend and produce written
project is to test whether learning produced by arguments, ensuring this outcome is not the purview
these interventions lasts over time, generalizes of any specific discipline. Not surprisingly, many
Appendix A
students leave high school unable to comprehend ● Name of Institution: LessonLab, Inc.
and write arguments. The purpose of this project is Principal Investigator: Nicole Kersting
to understand students’ argumentation strengths and
weaknesses and to develop and evaluate computer- Co-Principal Investigators: Rosella Santagata,
based instructional modules to improve their Karen Givvin
argument comprehension and production skills. Description: Using Video Clips of Classroom
These modules will be available online as stand-alone Instruction as Item Prompts to Measure Teacher
lessons and as a course presented in the context of Knowledge of Teaching Mathematics: Instrument
a simple role playing game. The final product will Development and Validation – Over the past two
include teacher support materials. decades researchers have developed teaching
Amount: $574,931 standards, detailing what teachers should know and
be able to do. However, many of the assessments
Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/31/08
of teacher knowledge currently available assess
low-level or marginally relevant knowledge, and
not teachers’ deep knowledge of subject matter
and actual teaching skills. In addition, many
Teacher Quality: Mathematics assessments of teacher knowledge have been
criticized for technical shortcomings relating to
and Science Education the instruments’ reliability, inter-rater reliability, or
validity, further underscoring the need for better
● Name of Institution: The Regents of the assessments. To address existing needs, this study
University of California will take a novel assessment approach to measure
Principal Investigator: Roland Tharp (University teachers’ knowledge of teaching mathematics.
of California, Berkeley) Following up on promising pilot data, this project
will develop video-analysis assessments for three
Co-Principal Investigator: Trish Stoddard pre-algebra topic areas: (1) fractions, (2) ratio and
(University of California, Santa Cruz) proportion, and (3) equations.
Description: Integrating Science and Diversity Amount: $1,413,121
Education: A Model of Pre-Service Elementary
Teacher Preparation – Using sociocultural Period of Performance: 9/1/06-8/31/10
theory and research, the Center for Research on
Education, Diversity and Excellence has identified
● Name of Institution: Allegheny Singer
Five Pedagogy Standards to teach students at risk
Research Institute
for educational failure: (1) joint productive activity
among teacher and students; (2) developing Principal Investigator: Erdosne Toth
language and literacy across the curriculum; (3) Description: Mentoring Teachers Through
connecting school to students’ lives; (4) teaching Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development –
complex thinking; and (5) engaging students High school life science teachers often lack
through dialogue, especially the instructional in-depth knowledge in specialized topics of life
conversation. The purpose of this project is to science. Researchers will develop and test the
implement and test an experimental model of potential efficacy of professional development
pre-service elementary science teacher education modules, including both content and pedagogy,
based on the Five Standards for Effective Pedagogy, to address this need. The study will focus on novel
in order to prepare elementary school teachers to science content––genetics and biotechnology, and
teach science to the increasingly diverse student their ethical implications; and how to turn novel
body in U.S. elementary schools. content knowledge into effective teaching and
improved student achievement. The project will
Amount: $1,473,522 explore models of long-term mentoring via face-to-
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/09 face and more distant on-line interaction.
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
Classrooms – This project will study the efficacy Pre-Service Teachers – Research suggests that good
of Teaching SMART®, a widely used professional early literacy instruction can dramatically improve
development program for elementary school student achievement. Despite the acknowledged
teachers, on improving teacher performance and importance of teachers, little research has directly
student learning in science education. The study focused on pre-service teacher education, or on
will also identify instructional methodologies and ways to enhance teacher’s problem-solving skills as
strategies that are effective in improving teacher they relate to the needs of children who struggle
performance and, in turn, student achievement. with literacy acquisition. In the current project,
the researchers plan to develop a set of multimedia
Amount: $2,408,168
materials that can be used in the context of pre-
Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/31/09 service language arts methods courses to enhance
pre-service teacher preparation.
Amount: $1,440,551
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/09
Teacher Quality: Reading
and Writing
● Name of Institution: The Regents of the
University of California
● Name of Institution: California State University Principal Investigator: Carol Olson (University of
Long Beach Foundation California, Irvine)
Principal Investigator: Claude Goldenberg Description: The Pathway Project: A Cognitive
Description: Standards-based Differentiated Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction
ELD Instruction to Improve English Language Arts for Teachers of Secondary English Language Learners –
Achievement for English Language Learners – A Research suggests that good early literacy instruction
critical piece in addressing the English literacy can dramatically improve student achievement.
development of English language learners lays in Despite the acknowledged importance of teachers,
professional development for teachers that gives little research has directly focused on pre-service
them: (1) a deeper understanding of how English teacher education, or on ways to enhance teacher’s
Language Development standards can be used problem-solving skills as they relate to the needs of
to support students’ acquisition of the English children who struggle with literacy acquisition. In
language arts standards; and (2) practical tools the current project, the researchers plan to develop
and techniques to help English language learners a set of multimedia materials that can be used in
achieve the standards. The purpose of this project is the context of pre-service language arts methods
to obtain preliminary evidence for the impact of a courses to enhance pre-service teacher preparation.
recently developed English Language Development Amount: $2,942,842
professional preparation program for in-service
teachers of English language learners. Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/10
Amount: $991,630
● Name of Institution: University of Pittsburgh
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/08
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Clare Matsamura
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
the country have responded to this challenge has professional development activities and coaching
been to hire additional, presumably more skilled, practices associated with Reading First efforts
teachers as “instructional coaches.” However, there that predict teacher and student outcomes. The
is no agreed upon definition of the coaching job, teacher outcomes of interest are knowledge of
and the actual tasks that coaches perform vary reading instruction and use of instructional
widely. This project will implement and study a practices congruent with research on reading.
structured coaching program that is designed to The student outcomes of interest are oral reading
improve reading comprehension instruction in the fluency, reading comprehension, and phonological
upper elementary grades. awareness skills.
Amount: $5,946,864 Amount: $500,000
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/10 Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/07
Appendix A
practices with the experiences and needs of social children will benefit from instruction. However,
studies teachers. little research has been conducted to rigorously
Amount: $1,498,530 evaluate the impact of different early literacy
professional development programs. The purpose
Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/08 of this project is to examine the efficacy of two
approaches to implementing empirically based
● Name of Institution: University of Texas at early literacy professional development, Literacy
San Antonio Environment Enrichment Program (LEEP), and
Technology-Enhanced LEEP (T-LEEP).
Principal Investigator: Misty Sailors
Amount: $2,834,272
Co-Principal Investigator: Janis Harmon
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/09
Description: Teaching Teachers to Teach Critical
Reading Strategies (CREST) Through an Intensive
Professional Development Model – The purpose ● Name of Institution: Regents of the University
of this development project is to develop and of Michigan
test a model of professional development that Principal Investigator: Joanne Carlisle
demonstrates the potential to change teacher
Co-Principal Investigator: Brian Rowan
behavior in teaching students to be strategic readers
and improving student reading achievement. The Description: Assessment of Pedagogical Knowledge of
Critical Reading Strategies (CREST) professional Teachers of Reading – This project will develop and
development intervention includes strategic validate measures of pedagogical content knowledge
reading behaviors that teachers will be taught: word in early reading and to investigate the relationship
identification and word knowledge strategies; and between elementary school teachers’ pedagogical
comprehension strategies for before, during, and content knowledge of reading, their instructional
after reading. In addition, teachers will be asked practices, and their students’ reading achievement.
to engage in professional journal writing, “critical Amount: $1,677,575
friends” networks, intensive support by an expert Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/09
in strategic reading, discussion about student
progress based on student work data, and creation
of new Webquests to support strategy instruction. ● Name of Institution: Utah State University
Amount: $926,814 Principal Investigator: D. Ray Reutzel
Period of Performance: 10/1/05-9/30/08 Co-Principal Investigator: Janice Dole
(University of Utah)
Description: Connecting Primary Grade Teacher
● Name of Institution: Education Development
Knowledge to Primary Grade Student Achievement:
Center, Inc.
Developing the Evidence-Based Reading/Writing
Principal Investigator: Nancy Clark-Chiarelli Teacher Knowledge Assessment System – The
Description: Examining the Efficacy of Two purpose of this assessment project is to develop
Models of Preschool Professional Development in a comprehensive, and practical primary-grade
Language and Literacy – Children who come from measure of teachers’ knowledge about effective,
homes where oral language interactions are sparse evidence-based reading and writing instruction and
enter school at a disadvantage from peers who validate the measure against students’ reading and
come from homes where the opposite is true. In writing achievement.
addition, many early childhood teachers lack a Amount: $926,814
solid foundation in early teaching and learning
Period of Performance: 10/1/05-9/30/08
pedagogy. Taken as a whole, these conditions
warrant providing teachers with early literacy
professional development to ensure that young
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix A
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
● Name of Institution: Sirius Thinking, LTD evaluating the impact of specific preschool
Principal Investigator: Daniel Shanahan curricula on child outcomes.
Description: Using Television to Expand the Amount: $6,086,996
Vocabulary of Beginning Readers – This project Period of Performance: 6/6/03-6/9/07
embeds vocabulary words inside episodes of a
popular children’s television program. Research
● Name of Organization: Research Triangle
will be conducted to test the efficacy of the
Institute (RTI)
intervention on students’ vocabulary.
Description: The purpose of this project is to
Amount: $500,000
improve the quality of preschool education. The
Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/07 approach is to collect and analyze comparable
outcome data across seven randomized trials
● Name of Institution: Tactus Technologies evaluating the impact of specific preschool
curricula on child outcomes.
Principal Investigator: Kevin Chugh
Amount: $7,668,706
Description: Applying Virtual Surgery Principles
to Dissection Simulation – This project develops a Period of Performance: 5/13/02-4/14/07
virtual frog dissection software. Research will be ● Name of Organization: Optimal Solutions
conducted to test the efficacy of the intervention Group, LLC
on students’ knowledge of anatomy and biological Description: Logistical and analytic support for IES.
Amount: $3,038,628
Amount: $500,000
Period of Performance: 8/4/05-8/3/08
Period of Performance: 8/16/05-8/15/07
Interagency Agreements
● Name of Organization: U.S. Army Medical
● Name of Organization: Mathematica Policy Research Acquisition Activity
Research, Inc.
Description: Interagency agreement for services
Description: The purpose of this project is to to contract for scientific peer review management
promote positive social and character development and administrative support for IES research
and reduce antisocial behavior in school. The competitions in 2006.
approach is to collect and analyze comparable
Amount: $2,588,000
outcome data across seven social and character
development intervention programs. Period of Performance: 5/9/06-5/8/07
Amount: $12,464,615
● Name of Organization: U.S. Army Medical
Period of Performance: 9/24/03-8/31/07
Research Acquisition Activity
Description: Interagency agreement for services
● Name of Organization: Mathematica Policy to contract for scientific peer review management
Research, Inc. and administrative support for IES research
Description: The purpose of this project is to competitions in 2005.
improve the quality of preschool education. The Amount: $2,500,000
approach is to collect and analyze comparable Period of Performance: 5/9/05-5/8/06
outcome data across six randomized trials
Appendix B
● Name of Organization: American Institutes for
NCES carries out activities of collecting, Research (AIR)
analyzing, and disseminating statistics Amount: $5,591,430
on the condition of education primarily Period of Performance: 5/10/02-5/9/07
through contracts.
● Name of Organization: American Institutes for
Assessment Division Research (AIR)
Amount: $5,691,195
National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL) – The Period of Performance: 9/25/03-9/25/08
NAAL provides nationally representative assessments
of English language literacy skills of American ● Name of Organization: Council of Chief State
adults. The NAAL seeks to: describe the status School Officers (CCSSO)
of adult literacy in the U.S., report on national Amount: $1,399,563
trends, and identify relationships between literacy
Period of Performance: 9/16/04-9/17/08
and selected characteristics of adults. NCES has
conducted adult literacy assessments since 1985.
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
Amount: $24,882,599
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
Period of Performance: 9/26/03-9/25/08
Amount: $19,497,197
Period of Performance: 4/1/01-8/1/07
● Name of Organization: Education Testing
Service (ETS)
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. Amount: $91,954,137
Amount: $14,316,804 Period of Performance: 9/17/02-4/16/08
Period of Performance: 9/29/05-9/28/10
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
● Name of Organization: American Institutes for Amount: $152,620,521
Research (AIR) Period of Performance: 9/16/02-9/15/07
Amount: $5,854,619
Period of Performance: 8/30/99-12/31/06 ● Name of Organization: NCS Pearson, Inc.
Amount: $83,996,769
Period of Performance: 9/16/02-9/15/07
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
● Name of Organization: Government Micro of two longitudinal studies: the Early Childhood
Resources, Inc. (GMRI) Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99
Amount: $12,752,686 (ECLS-K) and the Early Childhood Longitudinal
Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B). Combined, these
Period of Performance: 9/16/02-9/15/07
studies provide detailed information on children’s
health, early care and early school experiences. The
● Name of Organization: Hager Sharp ECLS-K began in fall of 1998 with a nationally
representative sample of approximately 21,000
Amount: $12,007,269
kindergartners from about 1,000 kindergarten
Period of Performance: 9/20/02-9/19/07 programs, both public and private. These children
will be followed longitudinally through the eighth
● Name of Organization: Human Resources grade, with data collections in the fall and spring of
Research Organization kindergarten and first grade, in the spring of third
and fifth grade, and follow-ups in eighth grade. The
Amount: $9,271,794
ECLS-B includes a nationally representative sample of
Period of Performance: 9/24/02-9/23/07 approximately 14,000 children born in the calendar
year 2001 who will be followed longitudinally from
birth through kindergarten entry, with data collected
● Name of Organization: Windwalker Corporation
from the child’s birth certificate and when the
Amount: $387,978 children were about 9 months of age, 2 years of age,
Period of Performance: 9/15/04-9/30/06 preschoolers, and kindergartners.
Appendix B
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
literacy, mathematics literacy, and science literacy. familiarity with information and communication
PISA 2006 data collection has been completed, technologies. ALL builds on the foundation of
with results to be released in December 2007. earlier studies of adult literacy.
In the United States, this age corresponds
largely to grade 9 and 10 students. PISA also
● Name of Organization: Statistics Canada
includes measures of general or cross-curricular
competencies such as learning strategies. PISA Amount: $405,000
emphasizes skills that students have acquired Period of Performance: 6/7/05-5/31/06
as they near the end of mandatory schooling.
PISA is currently being administered every three
years. PISA 2000 focused on reading literacy,
PISA 2003 focused on mathematics literacy, and Trends in International Mathematics and Science
in 2006, PISA focused on science literacy. In Study (TIMSS) – The Trends in International
addition, PISA 2003 reported on problem-solving Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides
skills. PISA is coordinated by the Organization reliable and timely data on the mathematics and
for Economic Cooperation and Development science achievement of U.S. students compared
(OECD), an intergovernmental organization of to that of students in other countries. TIMSS
industrialized countries. data has been collected in 1995, 1999, and 2003.
The United States will next collect TIMSS data in
● Name of Organization: Research Triangle spring 2007.
Institute (RTI)
Amount: $7,995,778 ● Name of Organization: International Association
Period of Performance: 8/25/04-8/29/09 for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)
Amount: $3,351,638
● Name of Organization: Organization for Period of Performance: 9/13/02-9/15/08
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Amount: $980,000 ● Name of Organization: Windwalker
Period of Performance: 8/28/05-8/27/06 Corporation
Amount: $5,179,025
● Name of Organization: Organization for Period of Performance: 9/30/05-9/29/09
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Amount: $1,000,000 ● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
Period of Performance: 6/24/06-6/23/07
Amount: $31,732,475
Period of Performance: 2/1/99-1/13/08
Appendix B
collection in 2005 consisted of three surveys: Adult ● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
Education, Early Childhood Program Participation, Description: Title I funding – Census produces
and After-School Programs and Activities. the small area estimates of poverty needed to
allocate Title I funding to school districts. Made
with funds from the Office of Elementary and
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. Secondary Education.
Amount: $11,600,000 Amount: $3,436,402
Period of Performance: 6/9/03-6/9/08 Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/06
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
for the blind and physically handicapped, and the are intended to enhance the ability of states to
State Center for the Book. efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, and
use education data, including individual student
records. The data systems developed with funds
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. from these grants should help states, districts,
Amount: $109,405 schools, and teachers make data-driven decisions
Period of Performance: 7/31/01-12/31/04 to improve student learning, as well as facilitate
research to increase student achievement and close
achievement gaps.
● Name of Organization: U.S. National
Commission on Libraries and Information Science
● Name of Organization: California Department
Amount: $200,000
of Education
Period of Performance: 7/15/05-9/30/05 Amount: $3,255,445
Period of Performance: 5/25/06-5/24/09
● Nameof Organization: U.S. National
Commission on Libraries and Information Science
● Name of Organization: Ohio Department
Amount: $150,000 of Education
Period of Performance: 6/30/06-9/30/06 Amount: $5,670,100
Period of Performance: 12/1/05-11/30/08
Common Core of Data (CCD) – The Common ● Name of Organization: Michigan Department
Core of Data (CCD) is a major NCES program of Education
that annually collects fiscal and non-fiscal data
Amount: $3,000,000
about all public schools, public school districts and
state education agencies in the United States. The Period of Performance: 2/1/06-1/31/09
data include information describing schools and
school districts, including name, address, and phone ● Name of Organization: South Carolina
number; descriptive information about students Department of Education
and staff, including demographics; and fiscal data,
including revenues and current expenditures. Amount: $5,795,603
Period of Performance: 1/9/06-1/8/09
Appendix B
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
organize cooperation with the states on issues private, and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools,
of education data collection and dissemination. including school districts, principals, teachers, and
To this end, the National Forum on Education school libraries.
Statistics was established in 1989 to create a
voluntary, democratic, participatory, federal-state
● Name of Organization: Child Trends
group to identify education data needs at the
national, state, and local levels. Amount: $300,000
Period of Performance: 2/22/05-3/21/06
● Name of Organization: Multiple awards–all 50
states, D.C., and Puerto Rico. ● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
Amount: $23,866,851 Amount: $1,137,709
Period of Performance: 8/28/2003 and Period of Performance: 1/1/05-6/30/05
9/29/2003- 2/1/07
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
Amount: $3,397,010
Private School Survey (PSS) – The purposes of this Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/06
data collection activity are (a) to generate biennial
data on the total number of private schools, ● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census–
teachers, and students; and (b) to build an accurate includes $99,950 contribution from the Office of
and complete list of private schools to serve as Indian Education
a sampling frame for NCES surveys of private
Amount: $5,710,050
schools. The PSS is conducted every two years with
the first collection during the 1989-90 school year Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/07
and again in 1991-92, 1993-94, 1995-96, 1997-
98, 1999-2000, 2001-02, 2003-04, and then every
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
two years thereafter.
Amount: $339,900
Period of Performance: 9/1/06-6/30/07
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
Amount: $432,239
Period of Performance: 1/1/05-6/30/05
School District Demographics System (SDDS) – The
SDDS Web site enables users to directly access
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census school district geographic and demographic data,
Amount: $2,102,987 and provides information about school district
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/06 demographic concepts, uses, and applications to
facilitate effective use of these information resources.
Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) – SASS is the ● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
largest survey of the characteristics and conditions
of the nation’s elementary and secondary schools. Amount: $450,000
SASS collects information on public, charter, Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/06
Appendix B
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
● Name of Organization: Research Triangle study designed to determine how students and their
Institute (RTI) families pay for postsecondary education, and to
Amount: $4,821,441 describe some demographic and other characteristics
of those enrolled. The study is based on a nationally
Period of Performance: 7/3/00-11/30/04 representative sample of students in postsecondary
education institutions, including undergraduate,
● Name of Organization: Decision Information graduate, and first-professional students. Students
Resources, Inc. attending all types and levels of institutions are
represented, including public and private not-for-
Amount: $769,902
profit and for-profit institutions, and less-than-two-
Period of Performance: 9/26/03-6/1/06 year institutions, community colleges, and four-
year colleges and universities. The NPSAS studies
● Name of Organization: Decision Information
are designed to address policy questions resulting
Resources, Inc. from the rapid growth of financial aid programs
and the succession of changes in financial aid
Amount: $475,533 program policies since 1986. The first NPSAS study
Period of Performance: 5/15/04-8/11/07 was conducted during the 1986-87 school year;
subsequent studies have been carried out during the
1989-90, 1992-93, 1995-96, and 1999-2000 school
● Name of Organization: Research Triangle
years (i.e., NPSAS:90, NPSAS:93, NPSAS:96, and
Institute (RTI)
Amount: $23,940,340
Period of Performance: 6/3/03-5/31/08
● Name of Organization: Research Triangle
Institute (RTI)
● Name of Organization: Macro International, Inc. Amount: $77,997,899
Amount: $400,000 Period of Performance: 9/9/05-9/8/10
Period of Performance: 7/11/05-7/10/06
Appendix B
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
for educational and labor force planners within the Office of the Commissioner
federal government and in academia.
General Programs
Amount: $675,000
Period of Performance: 6/2/05-6/1/06
● Name of Organization: Strategic Research Group
Description: NCES Customer Satisfaction
● Name of Organization: National Survey – To conduct the 2006 survey with an
Science Foundation option to conduct the 2008 survey.
Description: For SED transfer of funds in FY 2006 Amount: $500,000
Amount: $675,000 Period of Performance: 3/17/05-1/16/07
Period of Performance: 7/1/06-6/30/07 ● Name of Organization: National
Science Foundation
Description: American Educational Research
Association (AERA) Grants Program – Jointly
Office of the Deputy funded by the National Science Foundation
Commissioner and NCES, this training and research program
is administered by the AERA. The program has
four major elements: a research grants program,
Statistical Standards Program (SSP) – The SSP a dissertation grants program, a fellows program,
provides methodological and statistical support and a training institute. The program is intended
to the Center, as well as to federal and nonfederal to enhance the capability of the U.S. research
organizations that engage in statistical work in community to use large-scale data sets, specifically
support of the mission of NCES. This program those of the NSF and NCES, to conduct studies
develops standards for procedures to ensure the that are relevant to educational policy and
quality of statistical surveys, analyses, and products; practice, and to strengthen communications
consults and advises on the implementation of between the educational research community and
standards for all Center projects; coordinates government staff.
the NCES review process for publications and
Amount: $450,000
other Center products; leads the NCES Task
Force on Quality Systems; and coordinates the Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/06
revision of the NCES Statistical Standards.
The program also monitors and administers ● Name of Organization: National
confidentiality procedures and related restricted Science Foundation
use data licenses for Institute of Education Sciences
Description: AERA Grants Program- see National
(IES) data products. In addition to this set of
Science Foundation (in this section above).
ongoing activities, the SSP consults and advises
on emerging statistical issues, and initiates and Amount: $450,000
monitors or participates in long-term statistical and Period of Performance: 6/1/06-5/31/07
methodological research projects.
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census
● Name of Organization: Harbor Lane Description: To help support the Joint Program
Associates, Inc. in Survey Methodology (JPSM), the nation’s oldest
Amount: $1,016,237 and largest program offering graduate training
in the principles and practices of survey research.
Period of Performance: 4/17/03-4/16/08
Founded in 1993, it is sponsored by the Federal
Interagency Consortium on Statistical Policy and
located at the University of Maryland. To date, it
Appendix B
has 107 graduates working in government agencies, location for access to the full breadth of federal
academic settings, and private survey research statistical information.
firms. Its award-winning faculty is drawn from Amount: $100,000
the University of Maryland, the University of
Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/30/06 and
Michigan, Westat and other organizations.
Amount: $110,000
Period of Performance: 7/15/05-7/14/06
● Name of Organization: National
Science Foundation
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the Census Description: Jointly funded by contributions from
Description: For JPSM- see Bureau of the Census major federal statistical agencies, The National
(in this section above). Academies convenes the Committee on National
Amount: $115,000 Statistics (CNSTAT), a committee of prominent
researchers from universities and private research
Period of Performance: 4/19/06-4/18/07
organizations, to study statistical topics to improve
the effectiveness of the federal statistical system.
● Name of Organization: SAIC (EDNET task) CNSTAT monitors the statistical policy and
coordinating activities of the federal government,
Description: To provide technical and web
reviews the statistical programs of federal agencies
development support for the Web site and daily
and suggests improvements, reviews data-handling
operations of the Network hardware facility. As
and privacy and confidentiality policies and
part of the operation and in compliance with the
provides recommendations for best practices,
security plan, SAIC’s data must be backed up and
studies data gaps and recommends additions as
stored at an offsite backup storage facility.
necessary, and reviews extant methodologies and
Amount: $868,186 suggests improved statistical methods.
Period of Performance: 4/17/03-9/30/05 Amount: $150,000
● Name of Organization: Computer Period of Performance: 8/1/05-7/30/06 and
Science Corporation 8/1/06-7/31/07
Description: EDNET task- see SAIC (EDNET
task) (in this section above). ● Name of Organization: American Institutes
Amount: $512,294 for Research (AIR)
Period of Performance: 7/30/06-7/20/07 Description: Education Statistics Services Institute
(ESSI) – This contract conducts a wide range of
activities in support of NCES’s efforts to carry out
● Name of Organization: Bureau of the
a program of over 100 surveys, maintain a Web
Census–FedStats site used by three-quarters of a million customers
Description: FedStats, which has been available to monthly, and assist states and postsecondary
the public since 1997, provides access to the full institutions in building a solid infrastructure for
range of official statistical information produced accurate and timely statistics. The ESSI was created
by the federal government without having to know in 1995 to support NCES’s analytic, research and
in advance which federal agency produces which development activities. Recompeted in 2005.
particular statistic. With convenient searching Amount: $75,000,000
and linking capabilities to more than 100 agencies
Period of Performance: 9/30/05-12/31/09
that provide data and trend information on such
topics as economic and population trends, crime,
education, health care, aviation safety, energy use, ● Name of Organization: American Institutes for
farm production and more, FedStats is a single Research (AIR)
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix C
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
testing the relative effectiveness of early childhood ● Name of Organization: American Institutes for
education and parenting education interventions Research (AIR)
with preschool children and their parents in a Description: Evaluation of Conversion Magnet
sample of Even Start projects. Schools – This study will assess the feasibility
Amount: $33,072,060 of evaluating the relationship between magnet
school conversion, minority group isolation, and
Period of Performance: 9/28/01-3/31/07
student achievement at the elementary school
level. If feasible to conduct the evaluation, a
● Name of Organization: Abt Associates quasi-experimental design will be used to compare
approximately 50 magnet schools and 100
Description: Impact Evaluation of the Student
comparison schools for at least three years before
Mentoring Program – The evaluation will examine
and after schools’ conversion to magnet status.
the impact of student mentoring programs funded
by OSDFS on academic achievement, delinquent Amount: $495,279
behavior, interpersonal relationships, and social Period of Performance: 9/18/06-2/28/08
and personal responsibility.
Amount: $5,600,000 ● Name of Organization: Berkeley
Period of Performance: 3/24/05-9/23/08 Policy Associates
Description: This task order is assessing the
● Name of Organization: Abt Associates feasibility of designing a rigorous, random
assignment evaluation to test the “value added”
Description: Technical Assistance to Local Impact method of measuring teacher performance. A
Evaluations of Striving Readers Projects – To provide technical working group offered guidance on issues
technical assistance to the evaluators of the grants such as random assignment procedures, sample
awarded under the Striving Readers Program who design, data collection, and analysis methods.
are conducting random assignment evaluations.
Amount: $332,458
Amount: $1,214,186 Period of Performance: 9/16/05-12/29/06
Period of Performance: 8/4/06-8/3/11
● Name of Organization: Branch Associates Inc.
● Name of Organization: Abt Associates Description: Evaluation of the Comprehensive
Description: Impact Evaluation of Upward Bound’s Technical Assistance Centers – This evaluation will
Increased Focus on Higher-Risk Students – This evaluate how the Centers have expanded States’
randomized control trial will assess the impact of capacity to address the educational needs of LEAs
the Upward Bound program’s policy initiative to and schools.
target more funds to higher-risk students. Amount: $6,630,084
Amount: $4,999,027 Period of Performance: 8/15/06-8/14/10
Period of Performance: 9/15/06-9/30/11
● Name of Organization: SRI International
● Name of Organization: American Institutes for Description: National Study on Alternate
Research (AIR) Assessments – This study is addressing three sets
Description: Impact Evaluation Of Math Professional of questions that are crucial to understanding
Development – This evaluation will develop and test the development and use of alternate assessments
promising math professional development models to ensure that schools are accountable for the
that focus on content knowledge and pedagogical performance of students with disabilities. In
strategies in grades 4 and 7. particular, the study will evaluate the degree
to which states and schools provide alternate
Amount: $16,634,867 assessments based on grade-level, modified,
Period of Performance: 8/30/05-8/30/10 and alternate achievement standards as a means
Appendix C
for including students with disabilities in state ● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
accountability systems and improving their Description: Data Quality Initiative – To provide
educational outcomes. technical assistance to program offices and their
Amount: $4,410,960 grantees in the collection and analysis of program
Period of Performance: 9/27/05-8/30/09 outcome and impact data.
Amount: $1,980,000
● Name of Organization: RMC Research Period of Performance: 9/20/06-9/19/09
Description: Evaluation of the Impact of Mandatory-
Random Student Drug Testing – To evaluate the ● Name of Organization: Optimal Solutions
impact of mandatory random drug testing programs Group, LLC
on student drug use in high schools. Description: Study of Teacher Preparation in
Amount: $4,174,863 Early Reading Instruction – The study will collect
Period of Performance: 9/20/06-9/19/10 information in spring 2007 from a sample of 2,500
pre-service teachers in a nationally representative
sample of 100 institutions. It will include a pre-
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. service teacher survey regarding the content of their
Description: Design of the National Assessment programs as well as an assessment of pre-service
of Progress Under the Individuals with Disabilities teacher knowledge about the essential components
Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) – This project will of reading instruction.
design implementation and impact studies for the Amount: $4,999,643
evaluation mandated by Congress under Section Period of Performance: 8/25/05-2/25/08
664(b) of IDEA.
Amount: $597,399
● Name of Organization: MDRC
Period of Performance: 9/29/06-7/28/07
Description: An Evaluation of the Impact of
Supplemental Literacy Interventions in Freshman
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. Academies – This study will assess the impact of two
Description: Design of the Evaluation of the IDEA supplemental literacy programs for striving readers
Personnel Preparation Program (Part D) – This task in ninth grade smaller learning communities.
will prepare design options for an independent Amount: $6,496,953
evaluation of the Personnel Preparation Program.
Period of Performance: 9/30/04-9/30/09
The contractor shall review and summarize the
relevant research and program materials, seek the
advice of national experts, and prepare evaluation ● Name of Organization: Mathematica Policy
designs to address key study questions. Research, Inc.
Amount: $324,474 Description: Impact Evaluation of Teacher
Period of Performance: 8/24/06-4/20/07 Induction Programs – Evaluation of the impact
of high intensity teacher induction on teacher
retention, teacher practices, and student test scores.
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
Amount: $16,793,824
Description: Followup to the Even Start CLIO
Period of Performance: 9/30/04-9/29/09
Study – This study will assess the longer-
term impacts of the Even Start CLIO Study
interventions as the children complete kindergarten ● Name of Organization: Mathematica Policy
and first grade. Research, Inc.
Amount: $3,249,893 Description: Data Analyses Addressing Teacher
Period of Performance: 9/29/06-9/28/09 Compensation and Teacher Quality – This study will
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
assess the feasibility of using secondary data analyses and Improvement Practices Under the Individuals
to provide information about the effectiveness of with Disabilities Education Act – This study is
alternative teacher compensation strategies as well evaluating the effectiveness of state monitoring
as develop the design of a rigorous evaluation of an on key outcomes of Parts B and C of IDEA. As
alternative teacher compensation strategy. state monitoring of IDEA is an evaluation activity,
Amount: $322,146 this study is a meta-evaluation of state monitoring
evaluations; that is, it is an evaluation of states’
Period of Performance: 9/14/05-2/28/07
own evaluations. This study has three objectives:
(a) to describe the nature and extent of the various
● Name of Organization: Mathematica Policy monitoring activities implemented by states for Parts
Research, Inc. B and C of IDEA; (b) to assess the effectiveness
Description: Evaluation of Math Curricula – This of states’ monitoring efforts and to identify the
study will evaluate the impact of different commercially reasons for good and poor outcomes for children
available math curricula on student achievement in with disabilities; and (c) to identify and develop
early elementary school grades. recommendations for potential best practices in
monitoring that can be shared with states.
Amount: $20,009,692
Amount: $4,078,275
Period of Performance: 9/30/05-9/30/09
Period of Performance: 9/30/04-9/29/09
Description: Program Selection and Design for an Science, National Research Council
Evaluation of the Impact of Academically Focused Description: A Study of Teacher Preparation
Career and Technical Education – This study will Programs In The United States – The National
identify and support the refinement of up to three Academy of Science has formed an independent
academically focused vocational programs and to committee of experts to synthesize data and
develop the technical specifications to evaluate research on: (1) the academic preparation and
these programs. educational characteristics of candidates in pre-
Amount: $596,941 service, graduate, and alternative certification
programs; (2) the specific content and experiences
Period of Performance: 9/12/06-9/30/07
that are provided to candidates for degrees and
alternative certification in education; (3) the
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. consistency of the required coursework and
Description: Evaluation of the Impact of the experiences in reading and mathematics across
DC Choice Program – This is a congressionally teacher preparation programs; and (4) the degree
mandated evaluation of a federally funded private to which the content and experiences are based on
school voucher program for low-income residents converging scientific evidence.
of Washington, D.C. The evaluation will assess, Amount: $1,500,000
using a randomized control trial evaluation Period of Performance: 4/30/05-12/31/07
design, the impact of the program on academic
achievement, school safety, student and parent
satisfaction, and other outcomes.
Amount: $3,349,782 What Works Clearinghouse
Period of Performance: 7/21/04-7/20/09
● Name of Organization: American Institutes
● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc. for Research (AIR)
Description: An Evaluation of States’ Monitoring Principal Investigator: Rebecca Herman
Appendix C
● Name of Organization: Campbell Collaboration (ERIC) – ERIC Quality Assurance monitors and
Principal Investigator: Robert Boruch measures the performance of the online ERIC system.
Description: To provide educators, policymakers, Amount: $600,658
researchers, and the public with reviews of the best Period of Performance: 9/24/04-9/30/07
scientific evidence on the effectiveness of specific
interventions (programs, products, practices, and
policies) to improve important student outcomes.
The WWC gathers published and unpublished
studies, screens them for relevance to the topic and National Library of Education
validity of the outcome measures, assesses the causal
validity of randomized controlled trials and quasi- ● Name of Organization: Scientific and
experimental design studies, reviews the evidence Commercial Systems Corporation
of effectiveness of the interventions, and releases its
reports to the public through the WWC Web site. Description: Library Technical and Reference
Services – provides cataloging, government
Amount: $23,805,419
documents and collection management and
Period of Performance: 8/1/02-7/31/07 reference services.
Amount: $2,062,525
Period of Performance: 9/30/02-9/29/07
Education Resources
Information Center (ERIC)
Regional Educational
● Name of Organization: CSC/Professional Laboratories
Services Group
Description: Education Resources Information
Center (ERIC) – The mission of the new ERIC is to Ten Regional Educational Laboratories were funded
provide a comprehensive, easy-to-use, searchable, by the Institute of Education Sciences to bridge
Internet-based bibliographic and full-text database research, policy, and practice so as to serve state and
of education research and information for local education agencies, communities, and schools.
educators, researchers, and the general public. Under the guidance and direction of their governing
Amount: $34,613,434 boards, the laboratories conduct applied research
and development, disseminate knowledge about
Period of Performance: 3/12/04-3/11/09 best practice, and provide technical assistance. The
laboratories also assess the educational needs of their
● Name of Organization: CSC/Professional regions, provide opportunities for state and regional
Services Group gatherings on vital topics, and work jointly as a
Description: Education Resources Information laboratory network.
Center (ERIC) – Increase for the digitization of
about 340,000 full-text microfiche documents to
● Name of Organization: Mid-Continent
digital images.
Research for Education and Learning
Amount: $4,257,816
Description: Mid-Continent Research for Education
Period of Performance: 9/29/06-3/11/09 and Learning – States Served: Colorado, Kansas,
Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota,
● Name of Organization: Information
and Wyoming
International Associates, Inc. Amount: $27,361,014
Description: Education Resources Information Center Period of Performance: 12/13/00-12/12/05
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix C
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix C
Description: Evaluating the Efficacy of Read Description: Evaluation of the SOURCE (Student
Well Kindergarten – The goal of the study is to Outreach for College Enrollment) Program: An
experimentally evaluate the efficacy of a beginning Intervention to Promote College Application and
reading program, Read Well Kindergarten. Enrollment Among Urban Youth – This project
Amount: $1,403,531 is a random assignment impact evaluation of a
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08 relatively low-cost demonstration program that
seeks to increase college going among inner-city
youth in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
● Name of Institution: University of Virginia Amount: $1,495,657
Principal Investigator: Laura Justice
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/08
Description: Efficacy of Conversational
Responsiveness Preschool Language Intervention –
This is a rigorous randomized clinical trial to test ● Name of Institution: Indiana University
an innovative approach to improving instructional Principal Investigator: Jonathan Plucker
quality in preschoool classrooms to improve early
Description: An Experimental Design Evaluation of
language, literacy and social skills.
Full-Day Kindergarten – This project will conduct
Amount: $1,372,429 a randomized controlled trial comparing the
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08 academic development of students who attend
full-day kindergarten classes with those attending
half-day kindergarten classes.
● Name of Institution: University of Maryland
Amount: $802,421
Principal Investigator: Denise Gottfredson
Period of Performance: 7/1/05-6/30/08
Description: Effects of Enhanced After-
School Programs on Educational Outcomes: A
Randomized Trial – This study will provide ● Name of Institution: Vanderbilt University
evidence about whether an enhanced after-
school program can improve middle school Principal Investigator: Mark Lipsey
students’ academic performance. Description: Evaluation of Ohio’s School Conflict
Amount: $1,499,943 Management Program – This research addresses the
problem of aggressive behavior and interpersonal
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/08 conflict in middle schools by evaluating the Ohio
School Conflict Management Program.
● Name of Institution: University of Maryland Amount: $1,340,989
Principal Investigator: Sylvia Rosenfeld Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/08
Description: An Experimental Study of the
Effectiveness of Instructional Consultation
● Name of Institution: Chesapeake
Teams – The experiment is designed to learn
whether instructional consultation teams improve Research Associates
elementary school students’ achievement in reading Principal Investigator: Michael Puma
and math, reduce problem behavior, reduce the Description: An Evaluation of ‘Writing Wings’:
assignment of students to special education, and Writing Instruction for Disadvantaged Elementary
reduce retention in grade. School Children – This project evaluates an
Amount: $1,869,878 innovative writing program for 3rd, 4th, and
Period of Performance: 6/1/05-5/31/09 5th graders, called Writing Wings (developed
by the Success For All Foundation) that seeks to
enhance teachers’ skills through a combination of
● Name of Institution: Berkeley Policy Associates clear instructional goals, teacher modeling, and a
Principal Investigator: Tiffani Chin cooperative writing process.
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix D
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix D
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
Appendix D
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
in Foster Care – The purpose of Project Success ● Name of Institution: Idaho State University
is to implement the TAKE CHARGE model for Principal Investigator: Stephanie Peterson
enhancing the self-determination of foster youth
with disabilities and to systematically evaluate the Description: Concurrent Schedules of Reinforcement
efficacy of the model in improving educational and Adjusting Demand Requirements: Effects
outcomes. Statistics reveal that approximately on Communication, Compliance, and Problem
40 percent of foster care youth have a disability, Behavior – The purpose of this project is to develop
and that youth in foster care are three times more an intervention for escape-motivated problem
likely to be referred for special education services. behavior. The intervention will teach children to
Educators are frequently unaware of the unique request breaks from demanding tasks and to comply
issues facing special education students in foster with task requests. Although several interventions
care, and similarly, the disability status/special (e.g., extinction, differential reinforcement of
education needs of foster youth are unknown alternate behavior, functional communication
within the child welfare system. Furthermore, training, demand fading) for escape-motivated
research has confirmed that foster youth with problem behavior in individuals with disabilities
disabilities lag behind their peers in school, are already exist, each has weaknesses that can limit its
suffering educationally, and are at significant risk utility. An intervention strategy that capitalizes on
for academic failure. the strengths of these interventions, but minimizes
their weaknesses, is needed.
Amount: $1,816,782
Amount: $515,385
Period of Performance: 6/1/06-5/31/10
Period of Performance: 8/1/06-7/31/09
Appendix D
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress
kind of nonrandomized experiment, the single- synthesizing the research literature from single-case
subject design. These designs are widely used research designs including traditional literature
in educational research settings (Kazdin, 2003; reviews and meta-analyses.
Kratochwill & Levin, 1992), and are among the Amount: $600,000
strongest nonrandomized experiments (Shadish,
Cook & Campbell, 2002). Although meta-analysis Period of Performance: 10/1/06-9/30/09
has been applied comparatively rarely to these
designs, sufficient literature exists to believe that
the time is propitious for further development of
this approach. Contracts
Amount: $598,744
Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/08 ● Name of Organization: SRI International
Principal Investigator: Mary Wagner
● Name of Institution: University of Texas-Austin Description: The National Longitudinal Transition
Principal Investigator: S. Natasha Beretvas Study-2 (NLTS2) involves a large, nationally
representative sample of 11,276 special education
Description: Methodological Investigation of Effect students, ages 13 to 16 and in at least 7th grade
Size Estimates Used in Meta-Analyses of Single-Case at the outset of the study. The four age cohorts
Research Design Results – The purpose of this project will be followed over a nine-year period until the
is to (1) examine the methods utilized for single- oldest cohort of students is age 24. The purpose
case design meta-analyses to identify effective effect of the study is to provide a national picture of the
size (ES) descriptors, (2) conduct a meta-analytic experiences and achievements of students in special
study of school-based treatments for children education during high school and as they transition
with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and (3) from high school to adult life. Data are collected on
perform a Monte Carlo simulation to compare the students’ individual and household characteristics;
performance of ES estimates designed to describe characteristics of their schools, school programs,
a treatment’s effectiveness with interrupted time and classroom experiences; secondary school
series data from single-n AB designed studies. performance and outcomes; adult services and
Amount: $167,758 supports; and early adult outcomes in employment,
Period of Performance: 1/15/06-12/31/06 education, independence, and social domains.
NLTS2 is designed with many of the same features
of the original National Longitudinal Transition
● Name of Institution: University of Study (1987-93) in order to identify the nature and
Wisconsin-Madison extent of changes in the special education services
Principal Investigator: Thomas Kratochwill provided to high school students and in their post-
school achievement in the last decade.
Co-Principal Investigator: Joel Levin (University
of Arizona) Amount: $19,343,221
Description: Single-Case Research Design and Period of Performance: 1/2/01-12/31/07
Analysis: Applications in Educational Intervention
Research – The purpose of this project is to ● Name of Organization: Westat, Inc.
review the current state of single-case research
design and data analysis as applied to educational Principal Investigator: Elaine Carlson
intervention research. The review will culminate Description: Pre-Elementary Education
in recommendations to single-case researchers to Longitudinal Study (PEELS) involves a nationally
adopt more scientifically rigorous experimental representative sample of 3,100 children with
designs and statistical analyses, thereby enhancing disabilities who are receiving preschool special
the validity of the researchers’ conclusions. In education services in a variety of settings. This
addition, the researchers will consider methods for six-year study examines the preschool and
Appendix D
Toward a Learning Society: IES Biennial Report to Congress