Aikido Lineage Chart

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Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba 1883-1969

Yoichiro Inoue
1902-1994 Nephew of Founder, est. Shinei Taido

Kaoru Funahashi
c1911-unknown Kobukan uchideshi from Omoto family

Seigo Yamaguchi
1924-1996 Senior Aikikai shihan, active internationally

Mitsugi Saotome

Postwar uchideshi to USA 1975, est. Aikido Schools of Ueshiba

Seikyo Asano
1867-1945 Vice-admiral who introduced Founder to Takeshita

Kenzo Futaki
1873-1966 Famous epidemiologist known as Dr. Brown Rice

Michio Hikitsuchi

1923-2004 Kumano dojo-cho, awarded oral 10th dan in 1969

Terry Dobson
1937-1992 Early American shidoin at Aikikai and later author

Isamu Takeshita
1869-1949 Admiral and patron-student of Founder in Tokyo

Shigemi Yonekawa
1910-2005 Kobukan uchideshi, appears in Noma dojo photos

Second Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba 1921-1999

Shoji Nishio
1927-2005 Aikikai 8th dan, active internationally

Minoru Kurita
1943Last postwar uchideshi, est. Aikido Seikikai

Kenji Tomiki
1900-1979 Waseda judoka and scholar, est. Tomiki Aikido

Rinjiro Shirata
1912-1993 Kobukan uchideshi and senior shihan in Yamagata

Fukiko Sunadomari
1914-2006 Naginata adept and Aikikai Fujin Bucho

1940-2001 Aikikai shidoin, and later Aikikai Hombu shihan

Norihiko Ichihashi *

Kosaburo Gejo
c1862-unknown Navy Commander and Yagyu Shinkage-ryu expert

Takako Kunigoshi
1911-c2000 Art student and illustrator of Budo Renshu

Nobuyoshi Tamura
1933-2010 Postwar Aikikai uchideshi to France in 1964

Kenji Shimizu
1940Aikikai shidoin, est. Tendokan Aikido

Makoto Miura
1875-unknown Major General and patron-student of Founder

Kiyoshi Nakakura
Famous kendoka and adopted son of Founder


Present Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba 1951-

Seiseki Abe
1915-2011 Master calligrapher, teacher and Osaka dojo-cho

1938Aikikai shidoin to New York 1975, est. Shin Budo Kai

Shizuo Imaizumi *

Hisao Kamada
1911-1986 Omoto believer and early Tokyo uchideshi

Tsutomu Yukawa
c1911-1942 Kobukan uchideshi and Osaka dojo-cho

Masamichi Noro

Kisaburo Osawa
1911-1991 Senior Aikikai shihan, dojo-cho and assistant to

1935Postwar uchideshi to France in 1961, est. Kinomichi

Seishiro Endo
1942Aikikai shidoin, presently Aikikai Hombu shihan

Hajime Iwata
1909-2003 Early Tokyo uchideshi and Waseda law graduate

Gozo Shioda
1915-1994 Kobukan uchideshi, est. Yoshinkan Aikido

Yoshio Kuroiwa
1932-2010 Former boxer, Aikikai student and writer on aikido

Morito Suganuma
1942Aikikai shidoin to Fukuoka, Kyushu 1970

Minoru Mochizuki
1907-2003 Competitive judoka, est. Yoseikan Aikido

Yoshio Sugino
1904-1998 Early competitive judoka and Katori Shinto-ryu expert

Kanshu Sunadomari
1923-2010 Kobukan wartime uchideshi, est. Manseikan Aikido

Masando Sasaki
1929Aikikai Hombu shihan and Shinto priest

Koretoshi Maruyama
1936Aikikai shidoin, joined Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido

Aritoshi Murashige
1895-1964 Judoka who later taught in Burma and Belgium

Zenzaburo Akazawa
1919-2007 Kobukan uchideshi active in Omotos Budo Senyokai

Tadashi Abe
1926-1984 Wartime uchideshi in Iwama to France in 1952

Masatake Fujita
1937Aikikai shihan and General Affairs Director

Takuma Hisa

Morihiro Saito
1928-2002 Postwar Iwama student and guardian of Aiki Shrine

Katsuaki Asai
1942Aikikai shidoin to Germany in 1965

Seiichi Sugano
Aikikai uchideshi to Australia 1965, then to Belgium and New York

This chart presents the major disciples of Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba during his teaching career which spanned the period of 1920 to 1969. Ueshiba rst began teaching Daito-ryu aikijujutsu in Ayabe in 1920, and then relocated to Tokyo in 1927. His art was known as Aiki Budo during the 1930s before the creation of modern aikido in postwar Iwama. The Founder made regular trips to the Kansai area including Osaka, his native Tanabe and Shingu in Wakayama Prefecture. Individuals are listed approximately in chronological order according to the decade of their rst instruction from the Founder. Those names denoted with an asterisk (*) rst started training at an earlier date before their main study under the Founder. Some of the persons listed were included primarily due to their prominent roles in the dissemination of aikido rather than duration of training under the Founder. Responsibility for this selection rests entirely with me. Feedback concerning any errors or omissions to this chart are welcome. The chart should be construed as an ongoing project. Stanley Pranin Editor, Aiki News/Aikido Journal February 2001


1895-1979 Osaka Asahi News dojocho and later Daito-ryu


Kenji Tomita
1897-1977 Osaka Police Chief and patron-student of Founder

Hirokazu Kobayashi
1929-1998 Osaka dojo-cho and disseminator of aikido in Europe

Yasuo Kobayashi
1936Postwar Aikikai uchideshi, est. Kobayashi Dojos

Shuji Maruyama
1940Aikikai uchideshi to USA 1966, est. Aikido Kokikai

Bansen Tanaka
1912-1988 Osaka prewar student, operated Aikikai dojo

Sadateru Arikawa
1930-2003 Senior Aikikai shihan and martial arts scholar

Andre Nocquet
1913-1999 French judoka trained at Aikikai 1955-1957

Mitsunari Kanai
1939-2004 Postwar uchideshi to Boston, USA 1966

Shigenobu Okumura
1922-2008 Began study in Manchuria, Aikikai senior shihan

Hiroshi Isoyama
Postwar Iwama deshi and Air Self-Defense Force instructor


Akira Tohei
1929-1999 Aikikai shihan to Chicago, USA in 1972

Nobuyuki Watanabe
1930Postwar Aikikai uchideshi, presently Hombu shihan

Koichi Tohei
1920-2011 Aikikai Shihan Bucho, later est. Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido

Hiroshi Tada
1929Senior Aikikai shihan to Italy from 1964-1971

Yoshimitsu Yamada
1938Postwar Aikikai uchideshi to New York in 1964

Yutaka Kurita
1940Postwar Aikikai uchideshi to Mexico in 1979

Saburo Wakuta
1903-1989 Famous sumo wrestler known as Tenryu

Seijuro Masuda
1936Aikikai shidoin, presently Aikikai Hombu shihan

Minoru Hirai
1903-1998 Kobukan General Affairs Director, est. Korindo Aikido

Kazuo Chiba
1940Postwar uchideshi to UK 1965, now in San Diego,

Copyright 2011 by Aikido Journal

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