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Tata Crucible Questions 2012 - Manipal Campus

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Tata Crucible Questions Manipal Campus 2012


Tata Crucible Questions 2012 Manipal Campus

Questions from all the cities of the 2012 Campus Edition here

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Review and Tata Crucible Questions by Harjot Singh Parmar

Manipal is positioned as an educational destination in this country. True to its reputation, Manipal turned out to be an absorbing battle of teams from varied verticals. From aspiring media professionals, to techies to management grads they were all there battling for the Manipal honours NITK represented by Chaitanya and Samarth won the Quiz ( Review , image and info from the official TC website : tatacrucible.com)

Tata Crucible Questions Manipal Campus 2012



ANS STEPNY ( SPARE TIRE) 4.WHICH COMPANY OWNS A CALL CENTRE NAMED EUROABLE? ANS EUREKA PHOBES 5.WHAT PROCTER AND GAMBLE SELL TO DIAMOND FOOD IN 2011? ANS PRINGLES 6. IN 2010 THIS INDIAN BECAME THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL RECIEPIENT WHO HAD AN APPERANCE IN ICAEW ENGLAND AND WHALES FOR FINANCE ACOUNTING RESTRUCTURING? ANS DEEPAK PAREKH ROUND 2 Q. IDENTIFY THE CURRENCY http://tofocus.info/images/currencies/Bhutan-currency.gif ANS NGULTRUM Q. http://www.neubauplan.com/images/HP.jpg IDENTIFY THE BRAND? Q.http://goo.gl/40QpX? WHO? ANS GD BIRLA Q.http://images02.olx.in/ui/11/71/53/1302184063_185356853_1-Pictures-ofTIKONA-DIGITALNETWORKS-PVT-LTD.jpg IDENTIFY? Q.http://www.randomthoughtz.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Cartoonist-Mario-Miranda.jpg IDENTIFY? Q.http://www.businessworld.in/businessworld/businessworld/system/files/field/image/SanjayGaikwad_lrg_0.jpg IDENTIFY THE CLUB ASSCOCIATED ROUND 3 Q WHAT IS NIRVAN PRODUCT ASSOCIATED WITH PERFUME, SOAP , DETERGENT? ANS PERFUME Q. INDIA FAVOURITE IN COOPERATE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES , INCLUDE BAZZAR IN THE NAME ? ANS: STARBAZAAR Q. CHAIRMAN OF TIDCO ? ANS BHASKAR BHAT ROUND 4 Q . FIND THE LINK : ANGELINA JOLIE , AMERICAN CUP SERIES , SEPHERA .?? ANS; LUIS VOUTTON Q. FIND THE LINK : PATHSHALA , DOTEX, VIJAY KELKAR. ANS: NIFTY Q.http://www.google.co.in/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1092&bih=533&tbm=isch& tbnid=vZ2ilUF8TnwRCM:&imgrefurl=http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/government-held-guiltyfor-death-of-rajan-pillai-in-tiharjail/1/138162.html&docid=drZaUZCCr3sSHM&imgurl=http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/ stories/pillai_398_051411033427.jpg&w=398&h=209&ei=6gJWT6qDNtHyrQeJ74GIBw&zoom=1&i act=hc&vpx=174&vpy=200&dur=335&hovh=163&hovw=310&tx=160&ty=84&sig=102291214293 388461559&page=1&tbnh=91&tbnw=174&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,TIGER .ZINDAGI MEIN LIFE.?? ANS : BRITANNIA

Q.SEA TOWN, MERLION (SINGAPORE), INVESTMENT COMPANY? ANS : ROUND 5 (FASTER WORLD); Q CLUE 1; FOUNDER WELLS FARGO. Q CLUE 2;COMPANY STARTED AS EXPRESS SERVICE MAIL. Q CLUE 3: INTRODUCED TRAVELLERS CHEQUE ANS AMERICAN EXPRESS Q.2 ORGANISATION OWNED BY WARNOCK AND CHARLES GESCHELE ANS:ADOBE Q.3LEONARD BOSACH OWNS THIS COMPANY? ANS CISCO Q.TIE BREAKER: I AM A NATIONAL BIRD NAMED QUETZAL ..NAME THE COUNTRY? ANS: GUETAMALA Definitely clear that a lot of content is from the past Pickbrain/ Crucible archives and we strongly believe that you will do well if you dig into the previous years Crucible quizzes and some Current Affairs!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible Questions Coimbatore Campus 2012


Tata Crucible Questions 2012- Coimbatore Campus

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EXCLUSIVE: Coimbatore FINALISTS say participating in QuizWorks quizzes helped them. Around 10 questions asked in the Coimby edition was seen by them previously! Questions from all the cities of the 2012 Campus Edition here Akshay Jyotishi shares with us the questions from the Coimbatore edition of the Tata Crucible Campus 2012

Review and Tata Crucible Questions by Akshay Jyotishi

Coimbatore produced one of the best Campus Crucibles so far as teams displayed amazing aptitude and fighting spirit resulting in edge of the seat entertainment and brought the city to life on a Sunday afternoon. Earlier in the day, over 120 teams took the prelim from which the following six teams made it to the final.

IIMK represented by Madanish and Siddhartha won the Quiz ( Review , image and info from the official TC website : tatacrucible.com)

Tata Crucible Questions Coimbatore Campus 2012

As usual there were twenty questions. Please find the prelims questions below. 1) Thomas rented out horses in the seventeenth century in cambridge. When hiring out of

cambridge , he would do so in his particular order. What common phrase was derived from this related to choices. Ans:-Hobsons Choice . His name was thomas hobson. 2) This companys name translates to All Lion in italian. Its former name was Manz Wear Pvt.

Ltd. (Hint: It is part of the future group) Ans: Pantaloon 3) Identify

Ans:- Burger King


In the movie rain man , Dustin Hoffman says _________ never crashed and refuses to

board any other airline. What airline is he referring to? Ans:- Qantas

5) _________ coefficient is a measure of equality. At 0 it means absolute equality and 1 is gross inequality. Ans:- GINI coefficient


This product was first launched as Mum in 1888. Its tagline was A girls best friend is her

mum. What product is this? Ans:- Deodorant 7)

Identify the man who founded this group . (Hint: Tamil origin, controversial) Ans:- Raj Rajratnam


The Bali Brassiere Company was founded by Sam and Sara Stein in 1927, originally called the

FayeMiss Lingerie Company. The companys best-known product has been the ________ . (Hint: Its a wonderful product.) Ans:- Wonderbra 9) The Jain Family headed by Mr. D.K. Jain started Siddhomal and Sons, a paper and newsprint

trading organization in 1923. They revolutionised movie viewing in India. They are a big name in the multiplex industry. Ans:- INOX 10) This company is more known for their pain relief product . They acquired fruitnik which is a fruit drink in 2011. Which company. Ans:- Amrutanjan 11) Lasalgaon and Pimpalgaon in maharashtra produce a commodity that could affect election results and is kept under observation during elections. Which commodity? Ans:- Onion 12) Identify the product.

Ans:- Brylcreem 13) Venture capital firm whos name has a tamil root. They funded Hector Beverages,SKS Microfinance,Manipal Universal Learning,and Ace Creative Learning. It is run by a very well respected indian . Identify the person or the firm. Ans:- N.R. Narayana Murthy / Catamaran 14) This hotel group runs Cortyard hotels .. (Choices Hilton/ Marriot/ Hyatt) Ans:- Marriot 15) __________ originated via the partnership of scientist Samuel Ruben and businessman Philip Rogers Mallory, who met during the 1920s. This cell was made on the premise that it lasts longer. Ans:- Duracell 16) It was created by a merger of two British insurance firms, Norwich Union and CGU plc. It means spring or revival in hebrew. What? Ans:- Aviva 17) Connect Skoda to the abominable snowman. Ans:- Yeti

18) The RBI building in Delhi is guarded by Yaksha and Yakshini . They are the assistants of which god in Indian mythology? Ans:- Kuber 19) The _______ saga is a book about the collapse of which company. It has a foreword by Kiran Karnik. Ans:- Satyam 20) Identify

Ans: Adam Smith

Definitely clear that a lot of content is from the past Pickbrain/ Crucible archives and we strongly believe that you will do well if you dig into the previous years Crucible quizzes and some Current Affairs!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible Questions Trichy Campus 2012


Tata Crucible Questions 2012- Trichy Campus

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Questions from all the cities of the 2012 Campus Edition here Anand Babu, one of the finest quizzers in the country and a Quizzing.in patron for ages reviews and shares questions from the Trichy Edition. We would also like to congratulate Anand as he and his teammates successfully won the Trichy Edition and are now all ready to win the Grand Prize of Rs 4 lakhs!

Review and Tata Crucible Questions by Anand Babu

The Second edition of Tata Crucible, Trichy was held today. We were amazed to see the large number of teams that turned out(Pickbrain mentioned that the count was 192 and it was more than double the count of last year). It was so large that we did not get seats in the hall. We were then made to sit on the dias on the chairs where the finalists were supposed to sit. At that time, we dint know it was a harbinger for what was going to happen later in the day.

Tata Crucible Questions Trichy Campus 2012

As usual there were twenty questions. Please find the prelims questions below. 1) On 31 December 1600, the Queen granted a Royal Charter to George, Earl of Cumberland,

and 215 Knights, Aldermen, and Burgesses to start a company. Which one? 2) 3) What was developed by TL Williams inspired by his sister Maybel ? Identify the automobile brand from the logo given. (Italian)


Which popular TV actress produced TV serials in 1990s through her production house named

Saraswati Audio Visuals? (Pickbrain gave a clue saying her husband also belongs to the film industry ). 5) 6) Which company consumes 80% of the vanilla produced in the world? Who company is associated with the Bombay Burma Trading Company some 141 years

back? (As given)Options given were Aditya Birla group, Wadia group, Reliance group 7) Who authored the book Idea Man in memoir of his famous friend? (Pickbrain gave a clue

saying it is related to the IT industry ). 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) What packaging innovation has Sundrop done for its product named Slimlite? Which company was originally started as Anglo-Persian oil company in 1909? Which two Pakistani cricketers have started restaurant in dubai named Meat One? Which is the first product from Dabur that was labeled an ayurvedic medicine? An print ad for a brand. This guys pic was there.


To which country does ETESCA telecom company

belong to? The telecom operations were started there only in 2008. 14) 15) Which famous painter designed the Ash Tray in Air India? He signed in it as SD. What is the name given to the middlemen involved in the defense deals(especially in the

navy)? 16) Identify the person or company to which he belongs to. He is the heir to a very big

conglomerate.His company entered formula one through the Indian Grand Prix. 17) 18) Which famous business man was the Treasurer of Indian National Congress in 1933? A very famous ad featured the following personalities Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin

Luther King, Jr., Richard Branson, John Lennon, Buckminster Fuller, Thomas Edison, Muhammad Ali, Ted Turner, Maria Callas, Mahatma Gandhi, Amelia Earhart, Alfred Hitchcock, Martha Graham, Jim Henson, Frank Lloyd Wright and Pablo Picasso. Which ad? 19) Which car was used as the Intervention vehicle in Indian Grand prix?

20) He was the former head of IDBI. He is more famous for his book named The immortals of Meluha. Who is he? Tata Crucible Questions Trichy ANSWERS : 1) British East India Company 2) Maybelline 3) FIAT ( was tricky) 4) Jaya

Bachchan(Many wrote Hememalini) 5) Coca Cola 10) 6) Wadia Group 7) Paul Allen 8) Cooking Spray 9) British

Petroleum 11)

Saeed Anwar and Inzy Gilette 13) Cuba 14) Salvador Dali 15) Sharks 16) Jaypee

Dabur Hajmola 12) 17)

Group 18)

Jamanlal Bajaj 19) Mahindra Scorpio 20) Amish Tripathi


After this, 6 teams were called on to the stage for the Heats(tribute to olympics). The teams included 2 sastra teams, NIT, Our team(BIM) and 2 others. There were 6 questions on tie-breaker. They were relatively much simpler. Some of them were: 1) 2) 3) French Connection period who is it associated with? How do we better know the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development? What was unique about Ford until 1925?

At the end, We and Sastra team 1 qualified for the finals. The defending runners-up made a blunder in the last Q and had to go out. Then the top four teams were announced. We were in for a shock because the defending champions from Sastra were not there in the list. Anyways, the final six teams were:

BIM, SASTRA 1,IIM Trichy, NIT and SASTRA 2 Some of the questions from the finals: 1) Katan, Cora, Georgette and Shattir: Connect these with something in India that is soon

going to get a Geographical Indication. 2) In the early 1900s, Wilbur Chapman, impressed by Missionaries of Charity sermon about

Lepers, wanted to help them. He sold his pet named Pete and donated the amount. This catched up among the people and something started. What are we talking about? 3) Connect: a student who has completed the third year of the mathematical tripos with first-

class honours, a car of Chrysler, a profession of handling animals, especially horses and cattle. 4) Which legend in 1992 donated $100,000 to the university of California to popularize a

course on censorship in cinema and videography? 5) india. 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Which brand of toothpaste did Anchor buy from John Oak Remedies in 2007? What is the name of the longest train in india from Cochin to Dibrugar? With which legendary cartoonist would you connect Laugh-o-gram? Identify this Indian settled abroad. He is going to inherit a huge sum from his father. The person in the image below is Frederick August Bartoli. What is he famous for? Identify this person who has revolutionized a sector in India. Identify her Connect: ASDA, SEITYU etc Connect: For which brand of watch does Dhoni appear in advertisements? Who is the author of the book A Fist full of Rice. He is the face of a particular industry in

ANSWERS for Finals Questions: 1) Akula 7) Banaras Saris 6) 2) Piggy Bank 3) Wrangler 4) Hugh Hefner 5) Vikram

Forhans Walt Disney 9) Vanu Bose, son of Amar Bose 10) Statue of

Viveka Express 8)

Liberty 11) VG Siddartha of CCD 12) Christine Lagarde 13) Walmart 14) Nestle Kitkat 15) Titan

Sonata It was a very closely-fought quiz with three teams having a chance to win championship. We(Anand Babu and Vignesh from BIM) came out on top in the end. NITians were the runners-up. For a fledgling quizzing city like Trichy to have close to 200 teams was an achievement in itself. Pickbrain was quite pleased with it as well. All the best!!! Definitely clear that a lot of content is from the past Pickbrain/ Crucible archives and we strongly believe that you will do well if you dig into the previous years Crucible quizzes and some Current Affairs!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below

The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible 2012 | Campus Edition

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Update 1: You can now Practice for the Tata Crucible Quizzes here. Were uploading a new set everyday! Participate and learn everyday

Update 2: Quizzing.in is now offering a Rs 300 cash voucher for every Tata Crucible(Campus 2012) review with questions sent to us . So, if you wish to review one of the upcoming cities, register with us now. Email us at [email protected]

Tata Crucible 2012

The biggest Business Quiz for Students is back! 24 cities 24 champions 1 National Champion. Not only is the Tata Crucible a chance to be crowned the Best Business Quizzers in the country but also a fantastic platform to monetize your year long preparations. The Tata Crucible Campus Edition , now in its 8th year, will be hosted by quizmaster Giri Pickbrain Balasubramaniam and will be spread over 50 days! Rules for the year remain almost the same as the previous years with clearer indications for teams from colleges where there are no centres (participate in the closest centre by geographical distance and all teams from the same college must participate at one centre) But as usual what surprises us is no action being taken on Professional courses like ICAI and ICWA. Its just unfair to the students of ICAI that they have to hear the brickbats of a 1000 students!! Coming to the more important details-

19-Feb-12 : Jamshedpur Ankit & Deepanjab from XLRI . Tata Crucible Campus Jamshedpur Review and Questions here 23-Feb-12 :Nagpur Ashik and Vikram from VNIT win the Nagpur Round 25-Feb-12 : Trichy Anand Babu & Vignesh from BIM Trichy. Tata Crucible Campus Trichy Review and Questions here 26-Feb-12: Coimbatore: Madanish & Siddhartha from IIM-K. Tata Crucible Campus Coimbatore Review and Questions here 28-Feb-12 : Friday : Hyderabad 2pm Taj Deccan Road No.1, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 1-Mar-12 : Thursday : Bhubaneswar 2pm May Fair Convention Centre Jaydev Vihar, Bhubaneswar 3-Mar-12 : Saturday: Bangalore 2pm NIMHANS Hosur Road, Bangalore 4-Mar-12: Sunday: Chennai 1pm Vivanta by Taj Connemara Binny Road, Chennai. 6-Mar-12 : Manipal : Chaitanya and Samarth from NIT-Surathkal . Tata Crucible Review and Questions from Manipal here 09-Mar-12: Friday : Cochin 1.30pm The Gateway Hotel Marine Drive, Ernakulam 13-Mar-12 : Tuesday : Amritsar 2pm onwards Art Gallery M M Malviya Road, Amritsar 14-Mar-12 :Wednesday : Chandigarh 2pm Punjab University Law College Auditorium 15-Mar-12 : Thursday : Rohtak 2pm Tagore Auditorium MDU Campus, Rohtak

18-Mar-12: Sunday : Guwhati 2pm Indian Institute of Technology IIT Campus Guwahati 781 039. 20-Mar-12 : Tuesday: Jaipur 2pm Vidyashram (Maharana Pratap Auditorium), Opp.Daini Bhaskar, Malaviya Nagar 23-Mar-12- Friday : Goa 2pm National Institute of Oceanography, Cardium Auditorium Dona Paula, Goa 24-Mar-12 Saturday : Mumbai 2pm Y B Chavan Auditorium Nariman Point, Mumbai 25-Mar-12 Sunday : Pune 2pm Balaji Institute of Management Wakad, Pune 27-Mar-12 Tuesday :Indore 2pm University Campus DAVV Auditorium, Khandwa Road, Indore 29-Mar-12 Thursday : Ahmedabad 4pm IIM Indian Institute of Management (Ravi Mathai Hall), IIMA 31-Mar-12 Saturday : Delhi 1pm Taj Mahal Palace Sardar Patel Marg, Diplomatic Enclave, New Delhi. 1-Apr-12 Sunday : Lucknow 2pm Taj Residency Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 2-Apr-12 Monday : Patna 2pm Bharatiya Nritya Kala Mandir 6-Apr-12 Friday : Kolkata 4pm Kala Mandir 48, Theatre Road, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata 700017 But worried you arent prepared yet? Participate in some of the older Tata Crucible quizzesand find out how you do here. Or browse through the Question Bank of Questions from the last 6 years of Tata Crucible here!

Some questions from last few years Tata Crucible quizzes:

1. Which financial giant owns majority stake in LEGOLAND under its Merlin Entertainment brand? Ans- Black stone 2. Famous Slogan by American criminal GARY GILMORE before he was executed in1977? Ans- Just Do It 3. HARD ROCK caf motto love all serve all is based on whom? Ans- Satya Sai Baba 4. Blue print of Indian budget is called what? (White paper/blue sheet/red sheet) Ans-Blue sheet 5-SIMPLY FLY written by whom? Ans- Captain Gopinath 6- He is credited with the modernization and computerization of Indian Railways. Name the personality? Launched Shatabdi Express too! Ans- Madhav Rao Scindia 7-SoundJam which was acquired by Apple was relaunched as what? Ans- iTunes 8- Elizabeth Hurley is associated with which cosmetics brand that awarded her the first modeling job at the age of 29? Ans- Estee Lauder 9- From where (city) was the first FM radio Service started in India?

10- Blyk is a mobile messaging media service targeted at the youth. Which cellular operator provides the service in India? 11- Sure in UK, Shield in SouthAfrica, Reward in Nigeria. How do we know it in India? 12- What was unveiled by Steve Ballmer on May 28, 2009 at the All things digital Conference in San Diegeo? 13- Who owns Instone nutritional supplements & also editor of the mens magazine Sly? 14- Small car manufacturer Daihatsu is owned by which company? 15- Which business house based in Kerala was started by Ninan Mathai & M. George in 1887? 16- Which Malaysia based airliner headed by Tony Fernandes is Asias largest low-cost no frills carrier? 17 - Founded in 1783 in Geneva & named after its founder who was a jeweler & amateur scientist. He invented the Geneva system for producing pure bottled water through Carbonization. Identify the brand. 18 - Which venture started as Indian Ahoy a site which is still used to attract high leisure travelers from overseas? But later it was rechristened to better suit the Indian market.

New to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible here

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Tata Crucible Questions Jamshedpur Campus 2012

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Tata Crucible Questions 2012- Jamshedpur Campus

Krishan Kumar from Jamshedpur reviews the Jamshedpur Tata Crucible Campus 2012 The 2012 Campus Edition of the Tata Crucible Quiz kicked off in Jamshedpur with around 90 teams participating in the prelims. The top 4 teams were selected directly from the prelims while the 5th and 6th team were selected from the Wild Card entry. XLRI had a monopolistic rule here as all 6 teams were from the same college and only two teams could go through to the Regional final. The Wild Card questions were basically content asked in the previous editions Tata Crucible Questions After the prelims and wild card questions, the Top six teams on stage were: 1 Chinmay and Sanchit from XLRI 2 Partha and Abhishek from NIT ROURKELA 3 Debjit Roy and Pranshu from BIT MESRA 4 Ankit and Deepanjan from XLRI 5 Sumit and Deepak from NIT JAMSHEDPUR 6 Mrityunjay and Ulaganath from XLRI In the end, Ankit & Deepanjan from XLRI won the Jamshedpur Edition of the Tata Crucible Campus 2012 with a huge margin while a question on Dimple Kapadia decided the tiebreaker between XLRI team 2 and BIT Mesra which was won by Mrityunjan & Ulag from XLRI.. Below find the prelims questions and some of the questions asked in the finals We will update the Crucible winners and Tata Crucible Questions from various cities here, so dont forget to bookmark this link But for now, Tata Crucible Questions from Jamshedpur Campus 2012 1. What term was popularized by an Intel lawyer to make a to define companies who were trying

lot of money off a patent that they were not practicing and had no

intention of practicing in future as well. Ans: PAYROLL from Patentroll 2. Ho Re Ca is a market segment in a certain industry. What does the term Ho Re Ca stand for? Ans: HOTELS RESTAURANTS AND CATERING 3. Visual of a management guru.

Ans: MICHAEL PORTER 4. Which Indian businessman founded the venture capital OF INDIA in 1937? Ans: JRD TATA 5. Which Pepsico brands logo bears a face Benjamin franklin? Ans: QUAKEROATS 6. What began as a toy balloon manufacturing unit from a small shed in Tiruvolluyur, an industrial suburb north of Chennai in 1946? Ans: MRF 7. visual clip of a stock certificate of the INTERNATIONAL MERCENTILE MARINE CO. THIS FIRM IS KNOWN FOR FOR THE TITANIC 8. What does I in CIVETS STAND FOR? Ans: INDONESIA 9. Which Indian airline would you associate the frequent flyer programme flying returns? Ans: AIRINDIA 10. The initial idea to set up this bank was floated in 1870 by Adelbert Delbuick and Ludwig Bamberger.. Which bank? Ans:DEUTSHE BANK 11. This French company dropped the alphabet h from its name in 2007 languages as x followed by h was difficult 12. Who holds the copyright for in certain INVESTING IN SOMETHING FAMOUS . WHAT? Ans: RAISED FUNDS that is believed to have a similarity to firm INVESTMENT CORPORATION

to pronounce.. Which firm? Ans: SODEXO

an inconvenient truth? Ans: Al Gore as European Management Forum? Ans: WORLD ECONOMIC

13. What was formed in 1971 FORUM

14. How do we know the hyperintelligent , superconnected pack of serial entrepreneurs who left Paypal after its initial days and are Valley? Ans: PAYPAL MAFIA 15. Which companys secret formula would you associate with COCA COLA 16. Identify the media giant 17. with which shoe company would you associate the city Zlin? Ans: Bata the Stepan company? Ans: now a powerful group in the Silicon

18. In keeping with

the global philosophy of

continuos development of community , launched its education


company in association with SONY ENT TELEVISION SHIKSHA? Ans: PROCTOR & GAMBLE


19. With which brand would you associate Maryland born Edmund Mcllenny? Ans: TABASCO 20. visual of Gary Kasparov playing chess with a computer.. Name the firm and the computer? IBM N DEEP BLUE Tata Crucible Questions Jamshedpur Wild Card 1.Namhu odaya and Kusakahora founded which company a)Haier b)Osaka c)Hitachi Ans: Hitachi 2. Who owns the brand Duracell? Ans: Proctor & Gamble 3. With which group would you associate Rajvillas? Ans: THE OBEROI GROUP 4.Josephin Dixon in 1921 invented what the kitchen? Ans: BANDAID 5. Ambipure is owned by whom? for his wife who had regular cuts and burns in


Tata Crucible Questions from Jamshedpur Finals The finals consisted of five rounds. All rounds had simple scorings without the previous edition hassles of Powerplays and other such stuff. PICKBRAIN mentioned that forms that had it was the insistence of the students from their feedback

forced them to keep things simple and as we read it It Just dint work!!.

The rounds were as follows 1. SMARTER WORLD ROUND: +10 for direct and pass; No negatives Dry Questions 2. SHARPER WORLD ROUND: +10 for direct and pass Mainly Image questions 3. TATA WORLD: 4 questions about the Tatas 4. LATERAL WORLD: World famous Connect round! 5. FASTER WORLD: 3 clue round with +15, +10, +5 and same negatives! Some of the Questions from the Finals are inline: 1.This as created in 1982 in new delhi and was inaugurated by Mr Rajeev Gandhi in 1984..it was a multicrore brand and was shut a few years ago..identify this symbolic representation of india ANS: APPUGARH

2. The darpa project funded a project ADAPTIVE DATA RETRIEVAL and this led to CALO. How is CALO better known in india? ANS: APPLE 4S I SIRI PROJECT

3.ROHIT SURFACTANTS started off with humble beginnings. today it holds a 2400 crore conglomerate business..which is its most famous product ANS: GHADI DETERGENT

4.What was started in 1918 by WALTER when he asked for 12 ford model T s IN EUROPE? ANS: HERTZ CAR RENTAL

5. Which Indian company sued suhel seth for dematory tweets against it? ANS: ITC

6.Who is defined by THE UNIVERSAL EXPORTS COMPANY as their most n proficient field leg ANS: JAMES BOND (universal exports is a fictional co)

Definitely clear that a lot of content is from the past Pickbrain/ Crucible archives and we strongly believe that you will do well if you dig into the previous years Crucible quizzes and some Current Affairs!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE!

TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible UK Edition 2011


Tata Crucible UK Edition 2011

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The UK edition of the quiz is a single location event open to participants, in teams of two each from the same college/university and they register online for the same. The desirous teams then assemble at a common venue and all the teams will be subjected to a written elimination round of 20-25 questions at the start. Out of these, 8 top teams will be then invited on the stage (normally 6 top scoring teams and 2 teams from a quick wild card round) for 5 to 6 rounds of live quiz on stage from which the winners will be crowned. The rounds will consist of questions from the world of international business and economy, including corporates, personalities, brands, markets, etc. The emphasis in the questions is not on the obvious, but lateral thinking and associations. Win up to 4000 CASH PRIZE and an ALL EXPENSE PAID trip to India for the International Finals. Date Sunday, 20th November 2011 Venue IET London: Savoy Place 2 Savoy Place London, WC2R OBL For questions from previous Tata Crucible Quizzes, visit TC Quizzing.in

Tata Crucible UK Details

Please check http://www.tatacrucible.com/uk for Registration and more info on Tata Crucible UK

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Tata Crucible 2011 : Corporate Edition



Tata Crucible 2011 Updates

Kochi 2011 : Malayala Manorama won the quiz followed by Swadisht Foods. Questions from Tata Crucible Kochi Prelimsand Kochi Finals Coimbatore 2011: Chennai Silks won the quiz making it their Hattrick year. Review and Questions from Crucible Coimbatore here Nagpur 2011: Bhilai Steel Plant won the quiz followed by Think. Review and Questions fromNagpur 2011 Crucible here Hyderabad 2011 : Infosys represented by Sridhar & Surendra Reddy won the Hyderabad 2011 Crucible Round by beating IBM. Bhubaneshwar: Previous National Champions Vizag Steel representated by Sabyasachi Pani and Santanu Dey claim their spot in the 2011 Finals. Find the Bhubaneshwar Review and Questions here. Ranchi : SS Panda and Sampad Mishra from SAIL, Rourkela Plant will represent Ranchi in the National Final. Read the Review, Prelims and Finals questions here! Jamshedpur: Tata Steel ruled the roost with Siddharth Mishra and Amit Agrawal winning the quiz. Read the complete TC Jamshedpur Quiz review, prelims questions and finals here Kolkata: mJunction retains their title by beating last years runners up TCS, Kolkata Questions and review here Delhi: Serial Winners Accenture romped home yet again this year. Catch the Review & questions from the Delhi Edition now

Chandigarh: Two doctors from the Armed Forces captivated the Chandigarh Crowd with their answers and fabulous victory The Tata Crucible Corporate 2011 Edition now comes to a resounding end! But worried you arent prepared yet? Participate in some of the older Tata Crucible quizzesand find out how you do here. Or browse through the Question Bank of Questions from the last 6 years of Tata Crucible here!




Track Tata + Non Tata Track Tata + Non Tata Track Tata +




Address Contact Person Tapovan Hall, # 2, 13th Avenue, Harrington Road, Chinmaya Chetpet, Chennai Mr.Giridharan 2.00 PM Heritage Centre 600 031 Ph: 98411 67685 Sadashiv Peth, Pune Nariman Point, Mr.Amit Ph: 93705 05040 Mr.Mervyn



17-Sep-11 18-Sep-11

Saturday Sunday

Pune Mumbai

2.00 PM Tilak Samarak 2.00 PM Y B Chavan

Non Tata Track Non Tata Ahmedabad Track


Mumbai 400 021 DSouza Ph: 98709 21814 (Ravi Mathai Hall), Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 Ms.Nikky 015. Ph: 98986 19221





25-Sep-11 26-Sep-11 02-Oct-11

Non Tata Thursday Panaji Track Tata + Non Tata Saturday Lucknow Track Tata + Non Tata Sunday Delhi Track Non Tata Monday Chandigarh Track Sunday National Finals

IIM Indian Institute of 5.00 PM Management National Institute of Oceanography, Cardium 5.00 PM Auditorium

Dona Paula, Goa Mr.Ashish Rane 403 004 Ph: 98231 10601

Vipin khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Mr Abhishek 1.00 PM Taj Residency 226 010. Ph: 98397 72400 2, Sardar Patel marg, Diplomatic Enclave, New Delhi Mr.Harish Vats 1.00 PM Taj Palace Hotel 110 021 Ph: 99104 47784 Block No. 9, Sector 17-A, Chandigarh Mr.Sunil 5.00 PM Taj Chandigarh 160 017. Ph: 98150 01654 Appolo Bunder, Taj Mahal Palace Colaba, Mumbai and Towers 400 001

Some questions from this years quizzes:

1. Which financial giant owns majority stake in LEGOLAND under its Merlin Entertainment brand?

Ans- Black stone

2. Famous Slogan by American criminal GARY GILMORE before he was executed in1977?

Ans- Just Do It

3. HARD ROCK caf motto love all serve all is based on whom?

Ans- Satya Sai Baba

4. Blue print of Indian budget is called what? (White paper/blue sheet/red sheet)

Ans-Blue sheet

5-SIMPLY FLY written by whom?

Ans- Captain Gopinath

6- He is credited with the modernization and computerization of Indian Railways. Name the personality? Launched Shatabdi Express too!

Ans- Madhav Rao Scindia

7-SoundJam which was acquired by Apple was relaunched as what?

Ans- iTunes

8- Elizabeth Hurley is associated with which cosmetics brand that awarded her the first modeling job at the age of 29?

Ans- Estee Lauder

New to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible here

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Tata Crucible Questions Chandigarh Corporate 2011


Tata Crucible Questions 2011 Chandigarh Edition

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And the Corporate Edition of the Tata Crucible 2011 came to an end with a fantastic performance at Chandigarh. Two doctors from the Armed Forces gave some mindblowing answers to win the Chandigarh edition of Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate. Although Infosys, Quadrant and Transfast started on fire, the Armed Forces team made the Quiz look like a battle for second place in due course. In the end, Dr Anurakshat Gupta and Dr Bhattacharya won the quiz followed by Manu Chugh and Ashish Singh from Infosys. Nagesh Mittal, one of the finalists representing BPCL at Chandigarh has been extremely kind and shared the questions of the prelims. Thanks a lot Nagesh and wish you the best for next years Crucible! Weve covered most cities from the Tata Crucible 2011 Season and you can have a look at the reviews and Questions of all the cities here!!

But for now,

Tata Crucible Questions from Chandigarh Corporate 2011

1. What brand was started in backyard of her house at ludhiana ,ice cream & confectionary 2. This bank was started in amritsar by majitha & 2 others 3. Which airlines started skycouches? 4. Logo of gujrat tourism

5. Tour de france,31,Which watch? 6. Bankers to delhi cwg 7. Japanese founders.sound specialists in cars 8. Photo of u.k.sinha 9. Bank.started to promote agriculture 10. First sponsor of glasgow cwg 11. What is double baked in greek 12. Two founders on time cover shown (twitter) 13. Gsk took this brand from jagatjit industries 14. Which bank started at mangalore has small boy as mascot 15. Logo of carrefour 16. Travel company prince & princesses 17. Entertainment company started bowling alley bluo 18. Mr. Gupta founded this newspaper 19. Logo of double tree Some Questions from the Finals 1. 2. What is equitorial banking one dollar coin of which country showing the bird loonie

3. 4.

A 10 rupee indian coin show. Why was it in controversy A very old still ad shown depicting a saree clad woman with a european

man.which brand 5. 6. Cover of first issue of a magazine shown.which magazine A car of volksewagen shown with a rear seat in form of a raised glass box.what

is special. 7. An ad showing two symbols for males one with a limping arrow & another with a

straight arrow.which brand 8. 9. Connect.jfk,american flag,hasbro logo & one more Connect.luxxotica,bausch & lomb,logo of us defence forces & one more logo.

10. Connect.seyui,asda,star & one more. 11. Connect.logo of french open,one brand of bottled water & two more. 12. Photo of a person ( he was responsible for making bse bull sculpture)

After a rollercoaster 2 months (Almost) the Tata Crucible has finally come to an end and we hope that each and everyone of you enjoyed the Quizzing experience . We tried our best to cover as many questions from multiple cities as we could. I guess the preparation for next year starts right away; So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! And if you are participating in another city, heres the Tata Crucible 2011 Schedule with venues and other details If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible Questions Jamshedpur Corporate 2011


Tata Crucible Questions 2011- Jamshedpur Corporate

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Sneha from Tata Steel updates about the Jamshedpur Tata Crucible happenings! With a participation of around 120 teams, the onstage finals saw 1 team from JUSCO, 1 from Tata Motors and 4 teams from Tata Steel. Juso and Tata Motors got a great start while the buzzers tilted the competition towards the Steel teams. While the defending champions EG Khan and Sourav struggled a bit, they were usurped by the other teams from Tata Steel with the consistency of Siddharth Mishra and Amit Agrawal proving too difficult to beat. The Siddharth-Amit team from Tata Steel won the quiz with Mohit and Nirmal following in as runners up Below find the prelims questions and attached link will provide you the complete finals questions too! And as we are on the Tata Crucible, check the updates! We traversed Kochi with the Kochi prelimsand Kochi Finals questions and then move to Coimbatore where Chennai Silks won. And then followed BSP win the Nagpur Edition

quite comfortably. And for the updated list of results, reviews and questions just click on this link : Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Results But for now,

Tata Crucible Questions from Jamshedpur Corporate 2011

1) X set up Vidya Bharati Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, an educational institute which runs a chain of schools and colleges in Western India.Which female Indian citizen? Ans: Pratibha Patil 2) Which brand has launched a merchandise called SUBSTORE? Ans: Subway 3) With which company would you associate ANTRIX (controversial in the last year)? Ans:ISRO 4) Logo? Ans: Android 5)For which entity is ANAND famous? Ans: Amul 6)Which brand of shoes was common for Pele,Lothat Matheus,Diego Maradona? Ans: Puma 7) What was introduced by French engineer Louis Rard and fashion designer Jacques Heim in Paris in 1946?Named after an Island. Ans: Bikini

Identify Ans: Ingvar Kamprad 9) An Italian brand of scooter manufactured by Piaggio.It has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italyto a full line of scooters and one of seven companies today owned by Piaggionow Europes largest manufacturer of twowheeled vehicles and the worlds fourth largest motorcycle manufacturer by unit sales? Ans: Vespa 10)Which metal gets its name from the roman God of trade? Ans: Mercury

11)What analysis was named after this Italian gentleman? 12) Which game means number place ? Ans: Sudoko


13) Ownership has changed many times, past owners including the Scottish publisher A & C Black, Horace Everett Hooper,Sears Roebuck and William Benton. The present owner of this Encyclopdia. is Jacqui Safra, a Swiss billionaire and actor.Ans:Britannica 14)Who is psephologist? Ans: Election Results analyser 15) Yahoo mail logo. 16)What is a Japanese for FAIL SAFE? Ans: Pokayoke

17)Tiger Airlines is a part of which airlines? Ans: Singapore Airlines 18)He was a Scottish-American industrialist, businessman, and entrepreneur who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the most important philanthropists of his era. Ans: Andrew Carnegie

19) Google doodle for what? Ans: Jules Verne

And for the entire list of Questions from the finals of the Tata Crucible Jamshedpur Edition Definitely easier than last years edition but we are sure that a good dig into theprevious years Crucible quizzes would have given you a good Headstart!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible Questions Ranchi Corporate 2011


Tata Crucible Questions 2011- Ranchi Corporate

Crucible Edition held there recently.

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SS Panda sir from SAIL, Rourkela plant updates from Ranchi about the wonderful Tata

With a good participation, the onstage finals was exciting as the final line up had all the major steel giants represented!! 2 teams from Bokaro Steel and Rourkela Steel were joined by teams from Berickson and SAIL Ranchi. After a high voltage start, the teams from Rourkela and SAIL made it look like a three way match but a smart and diligent Rourkela Steel represented by SS Panda and Sampad Mishra took home the Ranchi laurels! Panda ji, thank you very much for sharing the questions with Quizzing.in and we wish you the very very best for the National Finals!! Have you been following the Crucible? Weve covered the questions from all the previous editions and you can catch them too. We traversed Kochi with the Kochi prelimsand Kochi Finals questions and then move to Coimbatore where Chennai Silks won. And then followed BSP win the Nagpur Edition quite comfortably. And for the updated list of results, reviews and questions just click on this link : Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Results But for now,

Tata Crucible Questions from Ranchi Corporate 2011

1. It was set up in 1906 by the great Indian patriot, Bal Gangadhar Tilak along with eminent businessman Munmohandas Ramji. The launch of the store set standards for the swadeshi movement through an elegant, classy retail outlet. Retail outlets ,still in business today. Ans:Bombay Stores 2. The term was coined in 2000 by Luis von Ahn, Manuel Blum, Nicholas J. Hopper, and John Langford (all of Carnegie Mellon University). It is an acronym to tell Computers and Humans Apart. Carnegie Mellon University attempted to trademark the term, but the trademark application was abandoned on 21 April 2008..Ans:Captcha 3.Established by VSS Mani a CA, gaining popularity now-a days.Ans:Justdial.com

4. Logo of Online retail Co.

Ans:Flipkart.com 5. Origin History,French Chemist ,Auerole.Ans:Loreal 6 .Hero Honda logo,Tata Group logo,same ad agency, Identify. Ans:Wolf Ollins 7. Which RCB player endorses Fast Track &Herbalife brands. Ans:Virat Kohli 8. Photo of new Infosys CEO. Ans:Shibulal 9. Book The Goal, Published 1984.Popular theory ,important for engineers, with a Mouse character. Theory of ___.Ans:Theory of Constraints 10. Identify this Brand of long lasting battey owned by P &G. Ans:Duracell 11. Maple Tree in logo.Which Airline. Ans:Air Canada 12. Photo of Oliver Toscani, made controversial ads for which clothing Company. Ans:United Colors of Benetton 13. The acquisition of another company using a significant amount of borrowed money (bonds or loans) to meet the cost of acquisition. Often, the assets of the company being acquired are used as collateral for the loans in addition to the assets of the acquiring company..Ans:Leveraged Buy Out 14. Combo of German word for Water & Greek for Oil(elaion),used in winter season. Ans:Vaseline 15. Photo of Francis DSouza.CEO of which IT company. Ans:Cognizant 16.Logo of a Pakistan TV Channel. Identify. Ans:Geo TV 17. Very Successful manufacturers of Swords,locks,knives in past. Now Razor blades. Which co.? Ans:Wilkinson 18. Which company supplied ballot boxes for Ist General elections. Ans:Godrej 19. In 2010 Time Magazine published a list of persons who abused power while in office. President Nixon was no.1.Who was no.2.Ans:A.RAJA 20. Photo of Gitanjali Kirloskar And for the entire list of Questions from the finals of the Tata Crucible Ranchi Edition Definitely good questions for a Ranchi edition but we are sure that a good dig into theprevious years Crucible quizzes would have given you a good Headstart!! So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups.

A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE!

TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Tata Crucible Questions Kolkata Corporate 2011


Tata Crucible Questions 2011 Kolkata Edition

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A dear friend, well wisher and Quizzing.in Brand Content Write KK updates about the Tata Crucible Edition held in Kolkata. The Crystal Room at Taj Bengal was home to an exciting quiz with MJunction team defending their title while the TCS team defended their runners-up position too, quite unfortunately though! J And if you havent followed the Crucible yet, heres a snapshot The Tata Crucible traversed Kochi and weve covered the quiz with the Kochi prelimsand Kochi Finals questions and then moved on to Coimbatore where Chennai Silks won. And then followed BSP win the Nagpur Edition quite comfortably. Hyderabad won by Infosys and Vizag Steel winning Bhubaneshwar But for now,

Tata Crucible Questions from Kolkata Corporate 2011

1. Which premier production unit of Indian Railway is named after a prominent patriot who defended Sir Aurobindo Ghosh in Alipore Bomb Case? Chittaranjan locomotive Works 2. In which magazine did a picture of Coco Chanels Little Black Dress first appeared? Vogue 3. Exceptions of the Theory of Golden Arches (MacDonalds Theory), propounded by Thomas L friedman in The World is Flat. 4. Rajendra Powar has taken over as the CM of which organization? NASSCOM 5. Former adman with Clarion-MacCann; also served as the director of Publicity of Air India (197081); designs clothes along with his wife under the label Kotwara? Muzaffar Ali 6. Which Indian Sporting celeb is the MD of Big Daddy Productions? Mahesh Bhupaty 7. Junior, Standard, AP and Super are models of _______ from Porsche? Tractors 8. RED (Real Estate Development) is whose initiative? HDFC 9. Which auto brand was renamed to a name ending in O in-line with company policy of naming its brands with words ending in O? Logan, renamed to Verito (Is this even true?? ) 10. Management Guru responsible for changing the rule of baseball so Pitchers threw overarm rather than underarm? Frederick Taylor 11. this was founded in 1923 in gorakhpur by Jaya Dayal Goyandka to publish hindu religious texts ? Gita Press 12. An animated character Horatio (voiced by Owen Wilson) is set to guided the passenger of? Hertz 13. Facts about Armani Casa. What does Casa means in Italian? Home

14. Japanese company that began selling and distributing dutch company Oces printing products in India and owns 90% in it. Canon 15. This company launched an online naming competition The Name Game inviting customer to name their new logo. Hug and Curve was voted out. What was chosen? Wave (Airtels new logo) 16. Dhoni and yuvraj were shown holding two trophies. Which company designed them? Swarovski 17. Facts about Traf-O-Data. the cofounders? Bill Gates and Paul Allen 18. This beer changed its logo from Probably the best beer in the world to That goes for a ______ Carlsberg. 19. Earl ____, a former DuPont employee founded what? Tupperware. 20. Visual of Seth Godin

21 Who in Latin America refer themselves as Harlistas? Harley Davidson riders. 22 This TV personality ventured into vodka business which failed and he replied by saying My vodka got fired Donald Trump 23 Tenvic, a tata venture for promoting sports education and training is headed by? Anil Kumble 24 Divya Yog Mandir and Patanjili trust have started Science campus under guidance of ? Baba Ramdev 25 Facts about Mumbai Based Prosearch conslting. Headed by whom? Anita and Harsh Bhogle. Personally, the questions from the Kolkata leg has been mediocre considering the potential of quizzers here and to add to the Quizzing.in readers delight, you will notice a large number of questions coming from the Brand History Section includingTupperware etc. So, dont forget to go through the archives and Be Prepared for the next quiz! And if you are participating in another city, heres the Tata Crucible 2011 Schedule with venues and other details If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups.

A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Quiz Updates , Reviews and Questions!


Quiz Updates

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Malayala Manorama won the quiz followed by Swadisht Foods. Questions from Tata Crucible Kochi Prelimsand Kochi Finals

Coimbatore 2011: Chennai Silks won the quiz making it their Hattrick year. Review and Questions from Crucible Coimbatore here Nagpur 2011: Bhilai Steel Plant won the quiz followed by Think. Review and Questions fromNagpur 2011 Crucible here Hyderabad: Infosys then went on to win Tata Crucible Hyderabad by closely beating IBM. Bhubaneshwar: Previous National Champions Vizag Steel representated by Sabyasachi Pani and Santanu Dey claim their spot in the 2011 Finals. Find the Bhubaneshwar Review and Questions here 19 cities this year.. Are you Ready for the Tata Crucible 2011?? National winners take home Rs 4 lakhs!! But worried you arent prepared yet? Participate in some of the older Tata Crucible quizzes and find out how you do here.

Upcoming Quiz zes

Chennai Heroes awaiting the annual Landmark Quiz , get ready as the action is almost here. And worry not if you are not in Chennai as you can celebrate Independence Day with Quizzicus Indica at Bhubaneshwar. And for the online junkies, B-Quizzed @ SIBM kicks off on 15th August through multi day online quizzes. Mumbaikars get ready for iQuiz 2011 one of the first Business Quizzes of the quizzing season on 28th August! Students across Std 8 through 12 get ready to entertain yourself on Italian trivia as QuizItalia 2011 arrives to excite your brain cells This is ofcourse to add to the Tata Crucible for Corporates , TCS IT Wiz for Schools and the Mahindra Auto Quiz for Campus Students Quiz : Brand Trivia Do you know who is the Worlds largest Tyre maker? So, youve heard of Matchbox- now read more about Hot Wheels Who has patented the Burping Seal sound? Which cosmetics brand was founded by T.L Williams and named it by dedicating it to his sister? Which companys NYSE Ticker is DBD ? Karl Esners company is named his company after his mother and the French for steel. Which company? Do you remember the Sehwag ki Maa ad? Watch it again now! What did Facebook acquire from the American Farm Bureau in 2010 for around $8 mn? So which is the bigger company? Office Depot or Staples ? Log on to our Facebook Page for more active updates and entertaining Quiz trivia!!

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Tata Crucible Questions Nagpur Corporate 2011


Tata Crucible Questions 2011 Nagpur Corporate

the Nagpur Edition. Thanks a lot guys!!

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Akshay & Kunal Deshmukh from QuizQuest share with us the questions from the prelims of

The finals , in the beginning, looked like a complete Bhilai Steel Plant affair with three teams on stage accompanied by Think Consultants, Infocepts & Persisitent finishing the line up. Although Think Consultants were leading in the first few rounds, BSP really caught up as the Buzzers got into action and SPS Jaggi and Changrashekar (AIMA quiz hosts) from BSP sealed the quiz with some great answers to make it to the National Final, followed by Think Consultants

Have you been following the Crucible? Weve covered the questions from all the previous editions and you can catch them too. We traversed Kochi with the Kochi prelims and Kochi Finals questions and then move to Coimbatore where Chennai Silks won. But for now,

Tata Crucible questions from Nagpur Corporate 2011

1. This term is derived from Latin words com meaning together and merx meaning goods. Commerce 2. A type of buyout wherein an investor, typically financial sponsor, acquires a controlling interest in a companys equity and where a significant percentage of the purchase price is financed through borrowing. Leveraged Buyout 3. Which bank was instrumental in starting the Pratham Grameen Bank. An initiative to spread banking to rural India. Syndicate Bank 4. Print ad with caption Every supermodels favourite airline (The hint given was the text font) Indigo 5. What was started in 1834 at Londons East End by Charles Henry with initial emphasis on tea. Harrods 6. Which organisation started the game Moon Base Alpha to teach small children more about the moon. NASA 7. Which famous politician was associated with Vedanta Resources before joining the cabinet in 2004. P. Chidambaram

8. Photo Identify.

- Urusula Burns of Xerox

9. What started in India after a noted silver shortage after World War I which is been followed even today. Introduction of Currency Notes 10. Who invented the carbon microphone along with Alexander Graham Bell specifically being mentioned for his other prominent inventions. Thomas Alva Edison 11. What did Father de Cruz bought from China in the early sixteenth century and introduced to the entire Europe. Tea 12. Picture identify Muthuraman of Tata Steel 13. A branch of mathematics deriving its name from the fact that it was specifically used within the state. Statistics 14. What did Reuben H. Donnelly start which is now widely being used in almost all the homes and offices. Yellow Pages 15. Come out and play is the tagline for which sporting event occurred in 2010. Commonwealth Games 16. Which Padmashree award winner wrote the book How I taught my Grandmother to teach and other stories - Sudha Murthi 17. What does NEFT stand for National Electronic Fund Transfer 18. What did Kailash and Sanjai Katkar started which is now one of the most widely used security measures. Quickheal

19. In Danish this means Krating Daeng . Which syrup is been referred to which was initially used as a medicine. Red Bull 20. Stamp commemorating what. 100 years of Darjeeling Toy Train

If you are participating in any other cities, were sure these questions will give you a heads up on the preparation required. For those who want to have a look at the previous years questions, follow the links below The format of Tata Crucible Questions has been simple throughout a mixture of current affairs dry questions, visuals, heads of companies, trivia from old sites/blogs/quiz groups. A thorough read through previous editions Tata Crucible Questions will definitely give participants a good direction to prepare for their city finals. And if you are not looking just for Tata Crucible questions but a good guide to Prepare for Tata Crucible and other business quizzes, you must read the 20,000+ downloads famous A Definitive guide to prepare for Tata Crucible You can attempt Tata Crucible Questions from the Student Edition 2011 on a brand new customized platform. Dont just read, PARTICIPATE! TATA CRUCIBLE QUESTIONS from the previous years

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Weekly Wrap-Up: Buick, Zippo, Tata Crucible, Harry Potter and how Quiz Works!
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This week at Quizzing.in , we checked the History and Trivia of 5 different brands and detailed 4 upcoming quizzes As part of the Brand History & Triviasection, we discuss the History of Buickand wonder if Tiger Woods was discontinued as the brand ambassador, post his scandal. We later wonder if Macys logo always had a star in it? Have you wondered why and how companies change their logos? Find out why Opel made all these changes.. Ever wondered why the Zippo is such a cult phenomenon and how they provide Lifetime warranty for all their products? Did you know that T.E.Stockholm and jack COhens (the founders) names gives rise to thebrand TESCO -One of the worlds largest retailers!! In the live Quizzing scene, we updated details of the Tata Crucible 2011 Corporate Edition, which kicks off with Kochi on 22nd July .. Crucible Followers might already know that Quizzing.in has the largest collection of previous Crucible questions and we have now made a single post with all the details. You can refer the previous Tata Crucible Questionshere And we move into the school Quizzing, where the Limca Book of Records 2011 edition has kicked off and weve added details of the latest cities in action too! You can even check the questions from the Goa Edition of the LBR here And as the Harry Potter rage kicks in with the final movie , our special Harry Potter Online Quiz comes to an end while Delhi celebrates with a live Quiz event called PottermaniaQs And to add to all the fun, the Quizzing.in Facebook page is raging with activity. Moderators and quizzers are pouring in with questions from previous Quizzes varying from Tata Crucible & BEQ to the latest Business and General Quizzes. Come join the 3200+ strong group and feel the action!! And while all this happens Quizzing.in Editor-in-Chief Rohit Nair talks to Rodinhood about Quizzing in India and how Quiz Works for him..

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Tata Crucible Indore 2011 Campus Edition Questions

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Just like we started with the World Quizzing Championships, our aim to interactify all quizzes continues and we start with the Campus favourite the Tata Crucible. Find here , the link to the Campus Edition of the Tata Crucible Indore Prelims 2011 -Campus 20 We will continue to power over 2 quizzes a week into this format and make it interactive for all quizzers to stay on Quizzing.in and have the best Quizzing experience ever!! Tata Crucible Indore Campus 2011 Prelims :http://quizzing.in/onlinequiz/mod/quiz/view.php?id=63 Tata Crucible Chennai Campus 2011 Prelims: http://quizzing.in/onlinequiz/mod/quiz/view.php?id=62

Also requesting viewers to share questions from various quizzes, so we can make this more FUN for you. Mail us: [email protected] Stop learning for Quizzes. Participate to Learn!!

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Tata Crucible Quizzes Now Interactively Online!!

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Just like we started with the World Quizzing Championships, our aim to interactify all quizzes continues and we start with the Campus favourite the Tata Crucible. Find here , the link to the Campus Edition of the Tata Crucible Chennai Prelims 2011 . We will continue to power over 2 quizzes a week into this format and make it interactive for all quizzers to stay on Quizzing.in and have the best Quizzing experience ever!! Tata Crucible Chennai Campus 2011 Prelims:http://quizzing.in/onlinequiz/mod/quiz/view.php?id=62 Also requesting viewers to share questions from various quizzes, so we can make this more FUN for you. Mail us: [email protected] Stop learning for Quizzes. Participate to Learn!!

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Tata Crucible Campus 2011 Chennai Edition

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Three pronged race between GLIM, SVCE and Vivekanandha with Priyambad and Ayyapanfrom Great Lakes Institute of Management pushed hard in the Tata Round to leave the rest behind and book their seat in the National Final. One of Quizzing.in s most avid supporters Jayakumar G.B has provided us with the prelims questions from Tata Crucible Chennai Campus Edition . You can download the same here Tata Crucible Campus Chennai Quiz 2011 Some questions from the prelim 1. From where (city) was the first FM radio Service started in India? Chennai 2. Which venture started as Indian Ahoy a site which is still used to attract high leisure travelers from overseas? But later it was rechristened to better suit the Indian market.Makemytip.com 3. Bada is a mobile OS which derives its name from Korean word for Ocean. Which company developed it? Samsung 5. Which company derives its name from the Latin word that translates to bind together a name chosen to reflect the integrated nature of services the company offer. (Options Given: Novartis / Religare) Religare 6. Ergo was an Indian newspaper published in the Tabloid format & distributed free of cost to IT professionals in Software corridor of Chennai during 2007-09. However it ceased in Aug 2009 from physical format & continued to be published in online format. Which company publishes the Ergo? The Hindu One of Quizzing.in s most avid supporters - Jayakumar G.B has provided us with the prelims questions from Tata Crucible Chennai Campus Edition . You can download the same here - Tata Crucible Campus Chennai Quiz 2011 First time to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible from the free Quizzing.in ebook Download Here Questions from the various editions of Tata Crucible (last five years) available here

The venues & timings can be found here

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Tata Crucible Campus 2011 Kochi Edition

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The Tata Crucible 2011 Campus Cochin Edition was a great quiz with a nail biting finish. CUSAT was leading the quiz towards the end of the quiz but a last question answer from College of Engineering, Trivandrum took the duo of Sudarshan and Unnikrishnan to the National Final. Should note this is the same team that gave the Corporates a run for their money at RCBS Inflore 2010 finally coming second. Our dear reader Viswas Viswam has been kind to share the questions from the show. You can download the entire set of Kochi questions here TATA Campus edition 2011-Cochin Some of the questions asked at the Crucible Kochi Edition as follow: 1.Harpal Singh became the first owner-Maruti 800 2.Expand XP in Windows XP- Experience 3.Chandrika soap logo 4.The city which has the most number of off set printing presses-Shivakashi 5. blue point German-Blaupunkt Our dear reader Viswas Viswam has been kind to share the questions from the show. You can download the entire set of Kochi questions here TATA Campus edition 2011-Cochin First time to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible from the free Quizzing.in ebook Download Here Questions from the various editions of Tata Crucible (last five years) available here The venues & timings can be found here

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Tata Crucible Campus 2011 Schedule

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A 24 city Tata Crucible this year to reach out to a far greater student audience!! . Most new locations seem to be cities that have new IIMs/IITs . This is a great initiative by Tata Crucible to take Business Quizzing to the masses. Have a look at the dates below. Updates questions and results as and when they happen. First time to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible from the free Quizzing.in ebook Download Here Questions from the various editions of Tata Crucible (last five years) available here The venues & timings can be found here 12th Feb Trichy 13th Feb Coimbatore 15th Feb Manipal 16th Feb Goa 25th Feb Bhubaneshwar 26th Feb Jamshedpur 28th Feb Guwahati 4th Mar Lucknow 5th Mar Kolkata 6th Mar Hyderabad 7th Mar Nagpur 8th Mar Indore 11th Mar- Amritsar

12th Mar Chandigarh 13th Mar Delhi 14th Mar Rohtak 15th Mar Ahmedabad 16th Mar Jaipur 17th Mar Bangalore 19th Mar Review & Questions from TC Chennai here GLIM, Chennai winners 22nd Mar Review & Questions of TC Cochin Here CoE, Tvm winners 27th Mar Mumbai 28th Mar Varanasi 31st Mar Pune National & International Final TBA The official Tata Crucible 2011 Campus Site here First time to Tata Crucible?? Learn How to Prepare for Tata Crucible from the free Quizzing.in e-book Download Here Questions from the various editions of Tata Crucible (last five years) available here

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Tata Crucible 2010 Singapore Edition

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Tata Crucible Singapore Edition 2010 Date: 29th October 2010 Venue: Rock Auditorium, Suntec City Mall Teams of 2 from the same college/university (18 years and above) For rules and regulations: www.tatacrucible.com/sg Find the stories from other cities of Tata Crucible 2010 here Questions from the previous years Wondering how to Prepare for Tata Crucible?? Download the free ebook on How To Prepare for Tata Cruciblehere

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