Evaluation Sheet GCSE

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Competent (9-12)

GCSE ART Interim Evaluation Sheet (New Spec)

Name: ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Form: Project: Date:

Confident (13-16)



HOW TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE Annotate your images to explain why you chose them what interests you about them and what ideas do they give you? Analyse the work of other artists their use of formal visual elements (line, tone, texture, colour composition) and content, mood and process. Choose appropriate resources to work from and try different media to help you develop your ideas. Make sure you annotate to explain your ideas and to clarify them for yourself. Explore your ideas by using different materials and techniques. Try to show your skills and be imaginative.


Develop your initial ideas through investigations into other artists work, demonstrating an analytical and contextual understanding


Refine your ideas by selecting appropriate resources and experimentation, using different media, materials and techniques


Collect pictures that relate to the theme, include work by other artists. Record opinions, ideas, and observations, relevant to your intentions in visual and other Take your own photographs and make your own drawings from forms observation. (Firsthand observation with your own eyes!)


Present a personal response which realises intentions and makes connections with previous research and experimentation

Try different ways of putting the important elements together to help you create a final design. Make sure your final piece relates or links to your research and the work you developed previously.



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