Eli Resume 071612

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Eli Shell

971.279.3593 www.elishell.com [email protected] Job History Quarter Orange LLC Executive Producer/Director/Editor 2008 - Present Formed local creative video production company with a group of talented filmmakers. We have produced commercial work for clients in the Portland area from local distilleries to universities and non profit organizations. We have also produced and directed music videos, narrative shorts and narrative features (see projects below). Self-Employed Freelance Contractor 2005 - Present Contracted in a variety of positions including Video editing, Sound Design, Color Correction, Production Audio, Production Assistant, Live event videography, Producer of promotional/corporate videos, Live event lighting technician. Bent Image Lab Office Production Assistant 2009 - 2011 Assisted with general office duties including running errands preparing shipments, answering the phones, graphic design work, internet research and production assistance both on and off site. Projects Broadcast Fright Town Television Commercial 2011 Directed, Edited and Sound Designed Fright Towns newest commercial for their annual haunted house. OMSI Game On 2.0 campaign 2011 Produced, Directed and Edited a commercial for OMSIs video game exhibit Game On 2.0 to be broadcast on local television networks. Yeyo Tequila campaign 2009 Produced, Directed, Edited and Sound Designed (including original music) a series of commercials for both the web and broadcast television. Web Viewpoint Software Interactive Video 2012 Produced a series of videos to be used in an interactive video educating viewers on the benefits of Viewpoint's software. Xenium Business Profile Video 2012 Edited a business profile video for a national HR outsourcing company located in Portland, educating potential customers on the benefits of this new business model. POWfest Promotional Video 2012 Edited a fast paced promotional video for the Portland Oregon Women's Film Festival showcasing the exciting environment that is POWfest. OMSI Gala videos 2011, 2012 Produced and edited a promotional video for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's annual fundraising gala. I want more Alchol (It makes me sadder)

Music Video 2012 Assitant Directed a music video involving multiple locations, costumes and actors. OMSI Sponsorship Videos 2011 Produced, Directed and Edited a series of commercials displayed at the Oregon Museum of Science and Inustry's original Brainstorm Exhibit featuring the sponsors of the exhibit. Lewis and Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling recruitment videos 2011 Produced, Directed, Edited and Sound Designed a series of videos for the graduate schools website, for recruitment purposes. OMSI Design Zone Videos 2011 Produced, Directed and Edited two videos for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industrys original Design Zone exhibit. Ron Rogers and the Wailing Wind Alabama Chrome Music Video 2011 Assistant Directed this music video involving multiple locations a large production and post production crew. Stand For Children fundraising videos 2010, 2011 Produced, Directed, Edited and Sound Designed a series of documentaries for the Oregon chapter of Stand For Children, for two consecutive years. Feature Films Evidence of the Sasquatch 2010 Co-wrote, Produced, Sound Designed, co-edited and starred in a horror film set at the base of Mt. Hood, official selection of Northern California's Shockerfest. Forge 2009 Assistant Directed a micro budget independent feature film, including keeping schedule, taking production notes, and troubleshooting technical solutions on set. Education and Internships Art Institute of Portland Leverage, Season 2 Picture This Production Studio B. S. Digital Film and Video Production Office Intern Equipment Intern 2006 - 2009 2009 2008

References Available upon request.

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