Can The Bad Debt Expense Be
Can The Bad Debt Expense Be
Can The Bad Debt Expense Be
If you are writing off uncollectible accounts receivable as they occur (the direct charge-off method), then there will be times when a customer unexpectedly pays an invoice after you have written it off. In such a case you reverse the write-off, which will yield a negative bad debtexpense if the original write-off occurs in a month earlier than the reversal. On the other hand, if you are using the allowance method and charging an estimated amount to bad debt expense each month, an unexpected customer payment may not result in a reversal of the original bad debt expense. Instead, since the assumption behind the allowance method is thatsome receivable will not be collectible (we just don't know which one), you would normally not reduce the balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts. Thus, the method you are using to record bad debts will be the key determining factor in whether or not you will ever experience a negative bad debt expense.
In auditing accounts receivable and related revenue balances, several potential problems exist that could create material misstatements. Some of these would be errors whereas others would indicate fraud. A set of basic internal control should be in place to prevent such erroneous or frauds from happening and a serial of substantive test to be conducted by auditors to make sure the accounts receivables balances are free of misstatement.
Since asset is being transferred, shipping department should verify description and quantity against sales order form. Condition of goods should also be checked. Shipping then signs and returns a copy of sales order which is kept by warehouse as a receipt to prove that transfer was made. Shipping department sends goods to customer and prepares a shipping document, often known as a bill of lading. One copy goes with merchandise and a second copy is sent directly to customer. Copy of bill of lading [or air way bill] sent to inventory accounting department which should maintain a perpetual listing of all inventory. An entry is made to remove item from records. Entries are accumulated and forwarded to general accounting department for posting of the overall reduction of Inventory account. Copies of all documents go to billings department. Comparison is made of quantity and description. If all information agrees, a sales invoice is prepared and sent to client. It is also recorded in sales journal. Summary of sales journal is forwarded to general accounting for recording. Copy of sales invoice is sent to accounts receivable department. Amount is recorded in accounts receivable master file by customer name. Periodically, an aged accounts receivable trial balance is prepared which lists each account by age. Old accounts are turned over to a collection department. If balance still proves to be uncollectible, both collection and accounts receivable departments file documentation to indicate actions taken. Independent party reviews information before final write-off of balance is approved.
Vouch one or more entries in the T-account back through system to see if there is adequate support. Whenever auditor starts with a reported balance and seeks corroboration, the existence assertion is being tested.
Check math and accuracy of client work where applicable. Re-add accounts receivable master file and compare it to the general ledger account. Verify that aged accounts receivable trial balance is added correctly and individual amounts agree with master file.
For three to four days before and three to four days after year-end, verify client cut-off procedures to make sure transactions were recorded in correct period. Use the bill of lading and sales invoice to determine when receivable and sale should be recorded. Cash receipts listing provides date for removal of receivable.
Auditor reviews any evidence generated in subsequent period (the time from the balance sheet date until the end of fieldwork). For example, cash collections prove the balance and collectibility of a receivable and sales return should be matched with sales, and bad debts written off may have been uncollectible at years end.
Look for related party transactions that have to be disclosed. For example, the representation letter asks about their existence. Confirm balances directly with customers to prove existence assertion. Usually done early in audit unless inherent and/or control risks are high. In that case, confirmation is carried out closer to years end. All confirmations are signed by client but controlled, mailed, and responses received by auditor. Negative confirmations ask customer for a response only if reported balance is wrong. It is less costly but provides a poorer quality of evidence since nothing tangible is received unless a problem exists. Normally used for small balances, balances that are not old, and where risk appears low.
Positive confirmations ask for response from customer whether balance is correct or incorrect. Because an actual response should be received in all cases, this is viewed as a better technique. Normally used for old balances, large balances, or where risk is high.
If no response to positive request is received, a second confirmation can be sent or a direct call made. If auditor still does not get a response, alternative testing must be expanded. All documents should be compared and cash receipts should be reviewed for subsequent payment. In either type of confirmation, reported discrepancies should be investigated to determine whether a problem exists.
Accounts which have been written off or which have a zero balance can be confirmed just to make certain that reported facts are accurate. If a confirmation is returned by e-mail or by fax, the auditor may need to call the customer or request that the confirmation be mailed to the auditor in order to get adequate support.
Method of estimating bad debt expense should be examined. Auditor wants to make sure that no evidence exists to indicate that clients estimation is not justified. Auditor must be aware of changes that may affect clients previous experience.
Auditor must ensure balance sheet presentation and disclosure is appropriate. For example, pledged accounts must be noted.