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Wish someone special a Happy Birthday with a hand-made card by you using the Your Day Creative Die by Penny Black. The die is compatible with most die cutting machines sold separately. There is one 2.25" x 3.25" die included in the package.
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Wish someone special a Happy Birthday with a hand-made card by you using the Your Day Creative Die by Penny Black. The die is compatible with most die cutting machines sold separately. There is one 2.25" x 3.25" die included in the package.
The die is a great size, it is easy to use because it is all joined together with no extra pieces (like the dot on the "i", and it will be great for all the birthday cards I need to make!
I like this happy birthday set of letters. I like the lower case of the letters and I like the style of the fonts. The letters seem to be dancing with celebration, which lends life and action to them. I like that aspect of this die.
This is the perfect die -- I used it for a 14 yr old bday -- the cut was easy on my cuttlebug -- I love the size -- I love that the words are together and there is no piecing them
For the Penny Black die, Happy Birthday, it says it's approximately 2.25 x 3.25. Is this correct? That whole die is 2.25 x 3.25?
By: User(04-Mar-19)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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I don’t seem to be able to find this die, but I would assume those measurements are correct.
By: 08stampster(05-Mar-19)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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The product doesn't seem to match the projects shown. Are the projects on the wrong die?
By: Granny4eight(24-Jun-20)Helpful Question? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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Those two pink house mouse cards do not use the PB die shown above. The HB used on the mouse cards is from celebrations 51-028. The HB die is your day 51-431. The Your Day die is about 2.25 X 3.25 and is one die that stays connected. The Celebration die is one die that separates the two words when it cuts them. Both are nice and are different styles.
By: BeverlyBL(25-Jun-20)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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The two cards shown use the die. However, the video does not.
By: Rueth(25-Jun-20)Helpful Answer? Yes | NoThank you!Report Inappropriate
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