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Take your skills to the next level. Our courses, assessments and guides help you measure your skills, build proficiency in the technologies that matter most and solve problems faster.

Skill up with expert-led
coursesTackle top technologies with a free library of 50+ courses in software development, IT ops, data and more.

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stand with Skill IQTake a quick assessment to easily identify knowledge gaps and strengths, and get recommendations on what to learn next to keep building your expertise.

Grow in your role
with Role IQSee if you have the skills you need to succeed at your job, and get recommendations on what to work on to get to the next level.

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guidesSolve technical challenges quickly and reliably with searchable articles written by industry experts.
Pluralsight IQ
Don’t just guess where your skills stand—know
With Skill IQ and Role IQ you can benchmark your skills and get recommendations on where to keep learning. Take one of our 200+ free skill assessments to get an accurate measurement of your proficiency and understand how to grow in your career.