Run! Little red fox! Run from your safe, warm den. Where you may lay and the hound may not reach you. Run! Little red fox! To the wild, open prairie. Run to where the wind blows the grass flat and rattles the wild poppy on its stem, Where the swallow sings his sad song, Where you have space to run and the hound may not catch you. Run! Little red fox! to the gently gurgling stream. Run where the cat-tails grow tall and the willows whisper in the wind, .
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Füchse können durch 8 cm kleine Löcher kriechen. Sie springen 5 m weit und 2 m hoch.
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Taking a rest
If fox shows up in your life it is a sign that you are to be aware of the actions of the world around you. The world is shape shifting and growing into new patterns all the time. Use the art of camouflage and keep cunningly silent about who and what you are observing. After observing for a while you will become aware of certain patterns of predictability in situations and you will know what to do. Fox's medicine of camouflage teaches Oneness with all.