
48 Pins
Skye Clark on Instagram: "Just sharing this for anyone who doesn’t know. NEVER touch it without gloves on. We spray it or dog it up and burn it. . Do you have this in your part of the country? I’m curious. . #poisionousplants #waterhemlock #ranchlife"
Anja 🌱 Gardening, Meals, Homestead on Instagram: "Let’s make homemade fertilizer! It’s super easy and only takes two ingredients! #diy #fertilizer #garden #gardening #gardenhacks #homesteading"
Daniel Sloan on Instagram: "If You Want to Redo Your Pathway, THIS Product is for You… Check out this company: @romexhardscapes @romex.marc Sign up for our weekly email here or click our Bio: @romexhardscapes @romex.marc"
Martha Swales on Instagram: "When I started sharing my garden on Instagram, I did it because I am obsessed, but now nearly two years later what I am most proud of is when someone says, they saw a video and it made them have a go at growing something. Ironically making posts about my garden takes far more time than actually creating and tending to it. But it is worth it, to think that it might get someone else to have a go. When people hear the word ‘gardening’ I think they think of something stale and boring and full of rules, but I think gardening can be life changing, transformative and creative. It can sooth us, fill us with joy and remind us to be in the moment. The seasons sweep along and a garden can carry and hold you through them. #garden #growfood #transformation"
Collins Country on Instagram: "How to prevent Blossom End Rot for FREE: It works! 👏 It’s that simple. I have been doing this for 5 years and have never experienced blossom end rot on our farm and we have horrible soil!!!! It really does work. An old farmer told me this trick:) Eggshells are roughly 40% calcium by weight. This makes eggshells one of the largest sources of calcium. Also, half an eggshell can provide enough calcium to meet an adult’s daily requirement of 1,000 milligrams. Calcium prevents blossom end rot by helping to create a strong cellular structure in the fruit. Blossom end rot is a physiological disease caused by a calcium deficiency in the fruit, particularly in the cells at the blossom end of young fruit. When calcium is deficient, cell membranes become less permea
Salty Acres on Instagram: "When to prune your blackberry bush @purelychickens #blackberry #fruit #garden #growyourownfood #berry #berries #gardening #homestead #harvest #maintenance #farm"
Nicole Johnsey Burke on Instagram: "Comment NATURE to learn how to protect your garden naturally 🌿 Have you tried this with green onions? It’s one of the groceries you can FOR SURE replace with the garden. And these are one of my favorite ways to protect the garden from pests. Green onions produce from the root again and again once planted so you get harvests and you get pest protection. 🙌🏼 Comment NATURE and I’ll send you my Pest Control Guide where you’ll learn everything you need to know to protect your own garden from pests naturally"
Megan on Instagram: "My only regret is not making one sooner 🤌 No more dragging dirty fruit and vegetables into the house. Everything will get washed and prepped right here 🥦🥒🥕🥬 Will also be used as a potting bench, a space to make cut flower arrangements and the hardware cloth top will make for a perfect curing table for my onions and garlic when that time rolls around. There isn’t much to this multipurpose garden wash table. It took me about 30-45 minutes to throw together. I purchased the wood because I’m an impatient person and wanted to start using this asap - but had I taken more time I probably would have ripped down a couple skids to save money like other projects I’ve done in the past. ** I bought ** 2 - 4x4x8 for the legs 4 - 2x4x8 for the table top. I found a stainl
Kenny Simpson San Diego Loan Officer on Instagram: "Do you have dogs? You can also do this! CTTO: @therenodad ORIGINAL VIDEO: #DIY #diyproject #doityourself #dog #doglover #doggate"
Home With Foxx on Instagram: "How to Make a DIY Rain Barrel | The Easiest Way to collect Rain Water for your Garden! . . #diy #diyrainbarrel #rainbarrel #rainwater #gardenwatch #garden #gardening #gardeninglove #wateringplants"
Salty Acres on Instagram: "When to pick your blackberries! #berry #berries #blackberry #fruit #harvest #garden #gardening #homestead #gardentips #nc"
Nate Muri on Instagram: "Get Unlimited Onions From One Onion Onions are a biennial which means they produce vegetative production their first year then in the second year they focus on seed production. By planting a few of your best storing onions from the previous year you’ll be able to harvest seeds for the following year…. Year after year. Visit my YouTube channel for a full tutorial on how to grow onions from seed. #Naturelovers #garden #organic #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #homegrown #houseplants #mygarden #growyourown #growyourownfood #gardens #plantlover #gardensofinstagram #gardenersofinstagram #gardenlife #gardeningtips #gardeningisfun #gardeninglove #gardeningismythearapy #gardeningmakesmehappy #plantlife #plantdad #jadam #beyondorganic #naturalfarming #gardenlikeaviking #t
Collins Country on Instagram: "How To Grow Potatoes If You Have BAD SOIL! 🥔 I still can’t believe this method works! When I tried it for the first time 3 years ago I fully expected it to be a failure but it was a huge success! It’s such a great way to grow potatoes if you have hard clay soil like we do. It’s also cheap because a bale of hay is usually around $5! But for us it’s free because we do our own hay every year:) Plus it doesn’t take a lot of hay. I did all of this with one square bale. This hay method is way cheaper than getting topsoil or manure delivered! Happy homesteading! #potatoes #potato #gardening #garden #gardeningforbeginners #gardeningtips #gardeningideas #hay #soil #gardeninghacks #tipsandtricks #moneysavingtips #homestead #growyourownfood #selfsufficientliving #h
Alexander Johnson on Instagram: "*anzeige* Wie genial ist bitte dieser Umbau? 🤩 endlich hat das Chaos auf der Terrasse ein Ende! 🎉 Falls ihr aktuell Werkzeuge von @boschdiyandgarden benötigt, dann spart ihr 20% auf alle Geräte mit dem Code: ALEX20 (gültig bis 30.06). Aktuell gibt es sogar noch eine coole Aktion, bei der ihr einen 18V Akku, welchen ihr für alle Geräte nutzen könnt, zu jedem Gerät geschenkt bekommt. Ein ausführlicheres Video mit genauer Erklärung findet ihr wie immer auf meinem Youtube Kanal. 🤩Inspiriert hat mich dabei: @hagalo_en_casa #DIY #diywithbosch #ikeahack #ikeahacks #diyideas #diycrafts #crafts #balkon #terrasse #interior #interiordesign"