Sharif handbags were characterized by their patchwork leather designs. This convertible clutch/shoulder bag is a good example of the work that made their bags so popular. It is constructed of various color leather and textures, as well as textured textiles - camel, black, striated camel/black stripes, accented with red - that allude to a tribal aesthetic. The closure flap incorporates all the colors and finishes with a long black leather fringe. Upon snapping open the bag, there is a black inter Leather Designs, Hot Bags, Stylish Handbags, Luxury Purses, Ladies Clutch, Fabric Bags, Leather Fringe, Bags Designer Fashion, Leather Design

Sharif Influence Convertible Clutch, Black

Sharif handbags were characterized by their patchwork leather designs. This convertible clutch/shoulder bag is a good example of the work that made their bags so popular. It is constructed of various color leather and textures, as well as textured textiles - camel, black, striated camel/black stripes, accented with red - that allude to a tribal aesthetic. The closure flap incorporates all the colors and finishes with a long black leather fringe. Upon snapping open the bag, there is a black…

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