Hispanic Heritage

How to Draw Moon and Sun - Mexican Folk Art for KIDS #mrschuettesart
(13) How to Draw Moon and Sun - Mexican Folk Art for KIDS #mrschuettesart - YouTube
Oaxacan Animals with Foil and Cardboard
Oaxacan Animals with Foil, glue and Cardboard, step by step with lots of photos!
Las Guitarras de Paracho (3rd/4th)
‪As part of our 'Art from Around the World' topic Yr 1/2 made Mexican folk art mirrors showing radial symmetry.‬
Mexican Mirrors
Art Projects for Kids | Art Lesson Plans | Crafts for Kids | Folk Art Lessons | Mexican Mirrors | Mexican Art | Painted Paper Art
1st Grade Mexican Mirrors
WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE ART ROOM??: 1st Grade Mexican Mirrors