
65 Pins
What I want in life: ◦ Go for walks often maybe even some runs. Go with Jameson it’s good quality time together without phones. ◦ Make sure Pickles is living a good healthy life. Take him more places. Let him see the world. ◦ Have frequent date nights(especially without cellphone use) Do fun things like a trampoline park or arcades and at home date nights! ◦ Bake more often. Practice makes perfect! ◦ Get a new car. ◦ Host more family nights. Game nights. Holidays. Dinner nights. Spend more time with family! ◦ Go to F45 5x a week. Get a good workout in! ◦ Read more books! It will make you smarter and will get you off your phone! ◦ Keep growing out hair and dye it dirty blonde. Take care of it and do hair masks! ◦ Be more outdoorsy, active, and adventurous. Go to more nature trai
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