***So. Much. Truth***

260 Pins
Children are not pawns; do not use them as weapons in your petty immature adult tantrums! Grow up the kids are more adult than you are!
Inspirational Quote: It's Unfair To Yourself To Keep Trying To Justify Why You're Holding On To Toxicity...
Judicial Accountability for Court Ordered Parental Alienation
The Long Term Effects of Parental Alienation
PA-know facts Men's Value T-Shirt PA-know facts T-Shirt | CafePress
Spammers, Stalkers, and Trolls – Part 2 (or possibly Part 947 :::rolls eyes::: )
Your complete lack of responsibility for a situation you created, leads me to believe you might be mentally unhinged.
You deserve every bit of Karma that comes your way, and when it hits you, and I know it will, picture my face with a big huge smile on it. Have a nice day!