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H Picotin Lock 18 Bag - Dark green
The bag is made from a top layer of genuine cowhide and features the iconic H Picotin Lock design. With its clean edges and a central seam, the Picotin bag has a naturally understated appearance. Thanks to its adjustable tab, Picotin adapts its opening to enable exploration. Under the watchful eye of its precious padlock, it opens and closes smoothly. The bag measures 18x6x16 cm and comes with a matching silk scarf and a pony (random color).
Bag Lust: My eye is on the adorable little Hermes Picotin bucket tote - My Women Stuff
hermes picotin
Ask BB: Hermes Picotin Bag Look for Less
The Hermes Picotin bag is a gorgeous handbag that retails for $2,200