
14 Pins
Riding skirt with zipper and cuffs.
Inspirations on INSTAGRAM: @lindasladen This classic softshell riding skirt is particularly suitable for winter, as it is water- and wind-repellent and keeps rider and horse warm. Softshell is a fleece fabric that is welded to a windproof and water-repellent membrane. So it is warm, windproof and water-repellent. At the waist, the skirt has a wide waistband that can be adjusted in width with a Velcro strap and belt and thus fits wonderfully perfectly. On the sides, inside, there are loops for th
Product Review: The Outlander Wool Riding Skirt by Arctic Horse - Eventing Nation - Three-Day Eventing News, Results, Videos, and Commentary
Sattelzwang ade! So wirst du tiefsitzende Probleme deines Pferdes "wieder los"
Reitrock, Softshell, Winter, Rock, Reiten, Pferd, individuelle Bestickung, Massanfertigung