title screens

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BAD TIMES DON’T LAST FOREVER ✊ Here’s the design from my latest reel. This was one of those graphics that just happens. I didn’t start the design with much of a plan, all I had was the type for the word ‘bad’, the rest just fell into place! 🫡 #posterunion #dopedesign #eyeondesign #collectgraphics #visualgraphic #digitalarchive #graphicindex #logowork #posterlabs #typegoodness #typographicposter #typematters #badtimesdontlastforever
«Resistance is Useless» Poster Design by Andrew Lin
Podonki works poster design (experimental graphics, collage, typography, tribal, illustration)
Through a Post-Colonial Lens, Cairo Studio 40MUSTAQEL Investigates the Aesthetics of ‘Arabfuturism’ in their Poster for Arab Cinema Week - TYPE01