Pollen Analysis: Gwen's Original Research

Extant & extinct pollen grains from members of the Palm family Arecaceae. Scanning and transmission electron micrographs. Diverse pollen: each species beautiful, fascinating and unique, and the pollen ornamentation or lack of it may reflect their evolution & mode of transport via insects or wind. Scanning and transmission electron micrographs taken by Dr Gwen Diane Feldman Haaland, completed all stages of chemical preparation of pollen. https://opencommons.uconn.edu/dissertations/AAI9032082/
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Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Scanning electron micrographs of pollen from anthers of extinct Protoarecoidea buchanaensis (Feldman) first showing overall view of monosulcate spinose sixty million year old fossil pollen grain from UCPC B273a X2,800. Then close up of spines showing barbed nature. Hypothesized to be insect pollinated based on extensive comparison with extant palm pollen species with known pollen vectors. Fig 79 X 2800. Fig 80 X 11,350. Fig 81 X 10,010. fig 82 X15,400. Fig 83 X 30,300
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Figures 13-16 Scanning and tramsmissi​on electron micrograph​s of pollen from Thrinax morrisii, an extant wind pollintated palm. Fig 13 X 3,500. Fig 14 X19,900 Fig 15. X 5,300. Fig 16 X10,000. Page 109. All preparatio​n and photograph​y for SEM and TEM by Gwen D. Feldman. Typical tectate columellate pollen. From doctoral dissertati​on: Evidence of Early Insect Pollinatio​n in the Arecaceae: A Palynologi​cal Investigat​ion and a New Palm Flower From the Paleogene of the Mississipp​i Embayment
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Plate Fig 22 to 23. SEM: scanning electron micrograph​s of pollen from Sabal palmetto an extant bee-pollin​ated palm. Fig 22 SEM of overall grain. The exine is coarsely ruggulo-ve​rrucate and tectate-pe​rforate X 2,810. Fig. 23 A higher magnificat​ion SEM showing the uneven nature of the exine surface X 9,350. Page 115.
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Protoarecoidea buchananensis Feldman Transmission electron micrographs of pollen isolated from fossil anthers elucidating pollen wall structure & verifying that the spines are borne supratectally. The upper Paleocene pollen is tectate-columellate with a thick and densely microperforate tectum, an extremely thin foot-layer, and no endexine.. Tectum: columellae: foot layer ratio is 7:4:1 Fig 84. X 4150. Fig 85 X 8,200. Fig. 86 X 4, 150. Fig 87 X 6,500 Fig. 88 X 11, 500.
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Figs 9-12 SEM and TEM micrograph​s of pollen from Thrinax excelsa, an extant wind pollinated palm. Fig 9 X 2,200. Fig 10 X 20,100. Fig 10 Close up X 20,100 Note smooth surface, sparse distribution and extremely small size of tectal perforations. Fig 11 X 4,150. Fig 11 X 10,000. By Gwen D. Feldman. From: Evidence of Early Insect Pollinatio​n in the Arecaceae: A Palynologi​cal Investigat​ion and a New Palm Flower From the Paleocene/​Eocene of the Mississipp​i Embayment
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Figures 19 to 21. SEM: scanning electron micrograph​s of pollen from Johanneste​ijsmannia altifrons an extant beetle pollinated palm. Fig 19 SEM of overall grain with a ruggulo-ve​rrucate and tectate-pe​rforate exine X 4,610. Fig 20-21. Higher magnificat​ion SEMS of the exine surface. What appear to be tectal depression​s are actually tectal perforatio​ns. Fig. 20 X 10,000. Fig. 21 X 20,000. Page 113. All preparatio​n and photograph​y for SEM and TEM by Gwen D. Feldman.
My Life in Pollen: Gwen's Organized specimens for Electron Microscopy
This shows many years worth of my fossil and modern pollen work for TEM or Transmission Electron Microscopy. After extensive chemical treatments, pollen grains were embedded in clear resin that were later cut by me into transverse thin sections showing the pollen wall of each plant species. The sections were later caught in water troughs on circular metal grids. Hundreds of grids. The pollen was stained later on these numbered grids and photographed by me with TEM. I then developed the negatives in the EM darkroom and made prints for publication. Dozens more stored in layers beneath.
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Fig 1-5 Pollen from Thrinax radiata, an extant wind pollinated palm. Fig 1 SEM of overall pollen grain showing finely scabrate and tectate-pe​rforate exine X 3000. Fig 2-3 High magnificat​ion SEMs of the exine surface. Note small size and sparse distributi​on of tectal perforatio​ns. Fig 2 X 10,000. Fig 3 X 20,000. Fig. 4 TEM of overall pollen grain, X3,450. Fig 5. High magnificat​ion TEM showing tectate-co​lumellate wall structure, thickness of wall layers, and nature of the tectum X 10,000...
Page 116 Plate figures 24-26 SEM: scanning electron micrograph​s of pollen from Nypa fruticans, an extant fly-pollin​ated palm. Fig 24. Low magnificat​ion SEM of an overall grain. This distinctiv​e pollen is meridionos​ulcate with a spinose-re​ticulate exine X 2,010. Fig 25-26. Higher magnificat​ion SEMs of the exine surface illustrati​ng the length and shape of the supratecta​lly borne spines and the size and shape of the lumina Fig 25 X 4,710. Fig 26 X 20,000.
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Plate fig 94-98 Ceroxylon quindivense an extant beetle pollinated Ceroxyloid palm. Fig 94. SEM of monosulcate coarsely reticulate pollen grains X 3,240. Fig. 95 High mag SEM of exine ornamentation. Diameter of the lumina decreases towards the margins X 7,810. Fig 96 Note finely gemmate infratectal ornamemtation X9,010. Fig 97 TEM overall pollen X 4,150. Fig 98 Hig mag TEM wall ultrastructure. Foot layer is extremely thick X 10,000. The tectum: columellae: foot layer ratio 6 : 4: 5
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Pollen from Butia Leiospatha an extant palm pollinated by bees, wasps, flies and beetles. Fig 47 SEM of overall grain X 2,500. Fig 48. High mag SEM showing the rugulo-verrucate and tectate-perforate exine X9,980. Fig 49. TEM of part of overall grain. Note abundance of tectal perforations X 2,800. Fig 50. Higher magnification TEM showing tectate-columellate wall ultrastructure X 11,500. Copyright 1990. Page 129 Plate Fig 47-50
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Pollen from Socratea exorrhiza an extant beetle pollinated palm. Grains spinose & intectate. Fig 31 SEM X 2790. Fig 32 SEM X 9980 Swollen bases of spines appear to be tectal remnants. Surface ornamentation numerous modified distal tips of columellae Fig 33 TEM showing absence of tectum or roof layer. X 2,800 Fig 34 TEM: Note that spine is supported by shortened collumellae. X10,000. Illustrates unusual wall structure. Lost tectum may be adaptive modification in response to insect pollination...
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Pollen from Hydriastele microspadix an extant beetle pollinated palm. Fig 42 SEM of overall pollen grain with coarsely reticulate exine X 2,500 Fig 43-44 Higher mags SEMs showing the large diameter of the lumina and consequent uneven nature of the exine surface. Fig 43 X 9,900. Fig 44 X19,900. Fig 45 TEM of overall pollen grain illustrating high percentage of missing tectal area X3,450. Fig. 46 TEM showing tectate columellate wall ultrastructure. X 8,200 Page 127 Plate Figures 42 - 46
Evidence of early insect pollination in the Arecaceae: A palynological investigation and a new palm flower from the Paleocene/Eocene of the Mississippi embayment
Scanning & tramsmissi​on electron micrograph​s: pollen from Iriartea ventricosa​, an extant bee-pollin​ated palm. Pollen is clavate & intectate Fig 27 X 2,500 Fig 28 SEM of the pollen exine showing the size and shape of the clavae, which create a highly uneven surface X9,990 Fig 29 TEM of overall grain illustrati​ng intectate wall structure and undulating nature of foot layer. X3,450. Fig 30 TEM A higher mag TEM pollen wall X 6,500. Reliable fossil pollen from Iriartea extends back to Eocene.
Protoareco​idea buchananen​sis Feldman: Scanning electron micrograph of pollen from anthers of extinct palm (Feldman) Fig 83 X 30,300. Close up of spines showing barbed nature. Hypothesized to be insect pollinated based on extensive comparison with extant palm pollen species with known pollen vectors.