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Some of the best words literally ever: Bamboozled Discombobulated Cattywampus Malarkey Brouhaha Skedaddle Doohickey Persnickety Whatnot Gobsmacked Flibbertigibbet Tenterhooks Poppycock Whippersnapper Flabbergasted Shenanigans Lollygag Kerfuffle Nincompoop Pumpernickel Thingamajig Whatsit Whatchamacallit Flummoxed Dingleberry Gobbledygook Canoodle Codswallop - iFunny
L'anglais de A à Z: Grammaire, conjugaison et difficultés
Chapter 23: Everyone but Atticus is worried about Bob Ewell wanting to get even for making him look like a fool in court. Scout, is now furious because of Aunt Alexsandras reaction to her wanting to invite a Cunningham over, to calm her down Jem shows her his chest hair that is hardly visible. Tom is moved to another prison, Atticus in confident about Tom winning.