
21 Pins
I just LOVE Holly Ready's work and how she uses light. I wish I had a zillion dollars to commission a whole wall of my mansion to be painted like this!!!
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16" by 20" - Seascape - Seawave - Nr.108 - Museum Quality Oil Painting on Canvas Art by Artseasy on Etsy
"Early Morning, Portland Harbor," by Holly Ready. Oil, 16" x 16," available at Maine Art Paintings and Sculpture.
"Dawn in Blue" by Holly Ready. People's Choice #2. 16" x 16" Oil on Linen. Available at Maine Art Paintings & Sculpture.
Rainy sky - A watercolor by Erik Lundgren
The Crow. A watercolor painting by Erik Lundgren - YouTube
"Sunset ii", watercolour painting by Sharon Lynn Williams
Inspiration of a sky so awesome to witness<3 {<3JosephRestored2meDaresay<3Meant2be<3} #SanLuisObispo #SLO #LebaneseMy<3