Official UN Map: which was updated in August 1950 showing that Palestinians STILL OWN 94% of the lands
- Palestine's districts before Nakba-1948
- The MOST detailed mapping of Palestine via Google Maps (Google Earth version)
- Topography of Palestine
- Palestinian refugees' migration routes
- Population distribution per-district as of 1946
- Palestinian & Zionist land ownership per district as of 1945
- Palestine before and after Nakba (16 MB)
- IMPORTANT MAP showing the destruction of Palestine (English)
- Jewish owned land in Palestine as of 1947
- Palestine's main roads & railways
- Palestine's UN GA Partition Plan, Nov. 29th 1947
- Rare map of Palestine before al-Nakba (4 MB). Note the upper left corner; it was signed by the Moshe Dayan during armistice negotiations.
- Map of the great Khazarian Jewish Empire
- Israeli operations inside UN proposed Jewish State from Dec. 1947 To May 1948
- Israeli controlled areas as of May 14th 1948, prior to any Arab army entry to Palestine.
- Israeli operations outside UN Proposed Jewish State from Dec. 1947 To May 1948
- Israeli operations from May 15th-June 11th 1948
- Israeli operations During The Truce Of July 8th-18th 1948
- Israeli operations From July 18th-November 1948
- Palestinian concentration inside Israel & the borders of the Armistice Line as of March 1949
- Palestinian verses Jewish Israeli population distribution- 1997-98
- Israel's Urban population between 1990-1995
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Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, and his advisers saw that in order to have a purely Jewish State they were going to have to get rid of the Palestinian arabs. Ben-Gurion called the process by several different names but "transfer" was one of them. Ben-Gurion and his terrorists "occupied" 531 villages and eleven urban districts with great brutality, attacking peaceful villages in the middle of the night, shooting unarmed men, women, and children, rounding up the survivors, separating the men from the women and children, selecting certain men for immediate execution, raping some of the adolescent girls and women, and forcing the women and children to flee, leaving everything (including their jewelry) behind. What Ben-Gurion was afraid of was that unless Palestine were ethnically cleansed, the Palestinian arabs would object to Jewish authority over them.
The Israelis are carrying on Ben-Gurion's ethnic cleansing with their "settlements" in the West Bank. It is clear that the israelis will sooner or later demand the land east of the Jordan as well to create what they call "Eretz Israel". But, since Eretz Israel never existed, we might as well call it Ersatz Israel.
Peace will only come to Palestine when the ethnic cleansing is reversed and the Palestinian refugees are welcomed back, per UN Resolution 194.
A major obstacle for the Palestinians is the image, projected by the Israelis, of the Palestinians as suicide bombers rather than as people badly abused taking pitifully ineffective revenge against their tormentors. Now, however, there is hope for a new Palestinian image to emerge and that is in the form of the young singer, Mohammed Assaf. I hope he writes a new song--Next Year in Palestine!
If enough Americans can see the Palestinians as they really are, this dreadful, unfair, Israeli experiment can be brought to an end. read less
Let us pray that the thievery will stop soon.
Anyway, to the real problem - which you have hit in a nutshell. Jews and Palestinians are the same people. And, historically, Jews were not enemies of the Palestinians, until the Zionist movement made it quite clear that Palestine was to be a homeland for Jews, and you Palestinians can just bugger off somewhere else. What to do now? My strong belief is that Israel should just annex the West Bank (all that remains, anyway) and Gaza, and, being a truly democratic country, give them all the vote. No, wait a minute, that won't work will it? Too many of them. But what is the solution? Really. Because with the settlements, there can be no viable Palestinian state; the settlers won't budge unless forced, and that would provoke a civil war. So Israel has got itself into a real bind. Agree? (I note that you posted more than a month ago, and no hate speech.) read less
M7ammad, take a chill pill would you? Whether you like it or not, most palestinians are not ethnicly arab. Its a zionist lie actually. The arabs of the khaleej didnt even view us as arabs before 1948, many of them still dont. Do you think palestine was empty before the small amount of arabs came here some 1400 years ago? Get real and please leave the arabism as it didnt bring anything positive to our cause. As for the name john, the palestinian version of it is 7annah, generally used by christians and some of them use the english version of the name (john) instead. Its no big deal. As for marina, its a palestinian family name (both muslim and christian).
Roubin Saye7 / Nablus, Palestine read less
The Sumer did not speak Arabic, they spoke Sumerian. Anyways, Identity at the end is constructed, if you truly believe you are an Arab and solely an arab, and that the Greek, Roman, Jewish, Canaanite, Persian, Assyrian's, Babylonians, Achmedians, Copts, Mongolian, Kurdish, Turkish,… read more and other groups who established themselves in Palestine are not part of who you are, then, thats what you are. In fact, who am I to say that you are not. What John was saying and What I was saying is that traveling throughout the Mediterranean, I think Palestinians share a lot with Greeks, Italians, Spanish and as well as other Arab Mediterranean states we share a similar social structure, lifestyle and much more. I would argue in many instances more than Palestinians share with Yemenis or Saudis, or Omanis or other Gulf states.
The Palestinians are and remain more diverse either in their social structure, color pigmentation, or other variables to convince me that we are solely the descendants of Arab from Hijaz. Arab identity exists and will persist in Palestine, no one is denying that, but that does not mean, that being Palestinian only confines me to that.
As Mahmoud Darwish said, Palestine is the mother of all beginnings and ends, and our history does not start with Arab conquest. Jericho is 10,000 years old, Arab conquest is 1400 years old, I am not negating 9000 years of history and more.
Aboud read less
I am Palestinian from Ramallah, First, Mohammad, John is a widely used name among Palestinian Christians, therefore, his name is part and parcel of Palestinian landscape. Second, It is true Palestine is the mixture and fusion of all these different people, I think many in… read more Palestine believe that, my families blue eyes, and dark toned skin are but an example of that. In fact the gradations of colors, the looks are so varied that claiming Palestinians only come from Hijaz is absurd. Arabs are those who come from Arabia, and Palestinians of course have many who came from there, but we also have Kurdish blood that come with Salah El-Din, we Persian blood, we have Greek, Roman, Phoenician, Canaanite and other people's blood, including Egyptian and the list go on as well as Jewish blood. Our identity is not solely Arab, Although John I do agree with you, Even our national poet Mahmoud Darwish calls himself the 'poet of troy', wrote a poem for the Cananite gods and his famous poem rita is about his first love with an Israeli-Jewish girl. My point Mohammad is this, Palestinians are much more than just muslims or Arabs, and if you cant see that then you are blind to at least 10,000 years of history, which are part and parcel of who we are. Even the names of our villages like Kufr are not originally Arabic. We speak Arabic, and yes we have an Arab identity but we are much more than only Arabs. Thats John's. Palestine 10,000 years and more of history and the Arabs have only had a foot print here since 1,200 years, in fact until 1400 70% of Palestine was still Christian and like the Egyptians, more and more of the people took Islam as their religion, until in 1948 15% of the population was Christian, Thats why many Christains and muslims have the same family name.
My point is that know your history and Johns is as Palestinian as you are and as I am. So dont deny his Palestinianism because it does not fit your own point of view.
I have one disagreement with John, I wouldnt call the Arabs occupiers
Aboud read less
With all due respect, neither your first name nor your last name shows any Palestinianism, so spare us the BS and leave us the hell alone. If you think we, the Arab Palestinians are occupiers of our own country, then be it. If you think that the 100% of Palestinians who… read more identify themselves as Arabs are disillusioned, and have no idea who they really are, then again be it, just stay wherever you are and simply forget about us and our problem. I cannot believe that some people have no respect for where their parents come from, unless they are true anti-Palestine, anti-Arab and Ant-Muslims.
We are Arabs, and we will always be Arabs, if you do not like it, tough ! I do not care. read less
Talking history, eventhough I am a Palestinian born and raised in Acre till 1948. Historically speaking and this is not a secret, greater Syria was occupied by the Arabs, they… read more imposed their language and religion. These lands spoke Aramaic, Syriac and Greek, the language of Bezentium before the Arabs occupation to that part of the Middle East.
Before the Bezantines, the Greeks, the Romans, the Ottomans even the Persians ruled Palestine for hundreds of years. Now the Israelis, who knows who will come next.
We cannot claim we are Arabs either, our blood is an amalgam of all the above occupants. The Arabs used the converted people of those countries to fight their wars.
I have carried out studies on the spoken language in Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, I was surprised to find that the colloquial language is still full of Aramaic and Syriac words and expressions, the language spoken in Palestine and Syria before the Arabs occuptation. Even some suffixes and prefixes are still used in Arabic words.
In as much we consider Israel having occupied our country, we ought to consider the Arabs having also occupied our country as well.
Any comments please send me e-mail direct. read less
A common misperception is that the Jews were forced into the diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. and then, 1,800… read more years later, suddenly returned to Palestine demanding their country back. In reality, the Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years. A national language and a distinct civilization have been maintained.
The Jewish people base their claim to the land of Israel on at least four premises: 1) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham; 2) the Jewish people settled and developed the land; 3) the international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people and 4) the territory was captured in defensive wars.
The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century B.C., settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century A.D., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.
The Twelve Tribes of Israel formed the first constitutional monarchy in Palestine about 1000 B.C. The second king, David, first made Jerusalem the nation's capital. Although eventually Palestine was split into two separate kingdoms, Jewish independence there lasted for 212 years. This is almost as long as Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.
Even after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the beginning of the exile, Jewish life in Palestine continued and often flourished. Large communities were reestablished in Jerusalem and Tiberias by the ninth century. In the 11th century, Jewish communities grew in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea.
Many Jews were massacred by the Crusaders during the 12th century, but the community rebounded in the next two centuries as large numbers of rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem and the Galilee. Prominent rabbis established communities in Safed, Jerusalem and elsewhere during the next 300 years. By the early 19th century-years before the birth of the modern Zionist movement-more than 10,000 Jews lived throughout what is today Israel.
When Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "the holy land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash).
Prior to partition, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:
We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.
In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."
The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."
Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.
Israel's international "birth certificate" was validated by the promise of the Bible; uninterrupted Jewish settlement from the time of Joshua onward; the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; Israel's admission to the UN in 1949; the recognition of Israel by most other states; and, most of all, the society created by Israel's people in decades of thriving, dynamic national existence. read less
The Arab-Muslim world is a big mistake, because this entity is not involved with the Arab world
Islamic basic characteristics of the Arab-Muslim world (religion, language, customs… read more and traditions)
Thus the existence of this entity in the Arab world will remain constant tension in the Middle East.
The only solution to end the problem of the Middle East and the world's problem is to unite the Arab and Islamic countries
Ministry of Defence and one common to all Arab and Islamic countries and the expulsion of Jews from Palestine, all of
Palestine, because Palestine Arab Islamic state and will remain forever, God willing, read less
The right of return
العهد و الوعد
The Covenant and the promise of
To those who insist on negotiations to submit to the usurper waiver of Palestine ، or even grain of soil from my small village
I have to tell them you will get the frustration and despair ،
Then you are going to… read more have to return to embrace of your people and your nativeland but not before it's too late, or would commit suicide
In this sense
renew my covenant and promise to go back to Palestine no matter how long or be short. and whatever and how built fort or walls .
I will return by God willing. But what is said about the settlement out ، I say, would give me the entire globe with easts & wests, mountains and the two nods , as an alternative to Palestine I will not accept,
if they said in your right the sun and in your left hand , the moon I will not accept even if they said the Dollar and the Yen are yours and the Euro ,Riyal also yours I will not accept.
I recommend my children after me to be on this Covenant and promise
As promised here's soul has came back to you, with my body & with my sons and grandchildren, or with their randchildren,I will be back,O Palestine
ساعود ، ساعود ، ساعود
I'm going back, I'm back, I'm back
باذن الله.
God willing
15/5/2010 read less
Dear Reader… read more . Let's suppose that you, your wife, your five children and your parents are living in a nice two floor house. Your home has a car box and a small handicraft business attached, a garden, a field and a stable with some cows. It is your family’s property since ages and where you make a living with your handicraft business and by growing crops and farming your cows.
One day a man comes up and asks you if he could stay at your place for some days with his family. You let them in the guest room at the ground floor. He pays you a small rent. As time goes by They (your guest and his relatives) grow bolder and start using your laundry, then your garden, then also your car, and then they stop paying you the rent.
One day your patience comes to end. You call them to order but they threaten you with killing. You're scared and search shelter at your cousin's. While you are absent They (the zionists) make themselves comfortable on the first floor. When you are back they don't let you in. You have no other choice but to stay at the guest room on the ground floor. If you go upstairs to the first floor They hit you. As it wouldn't be enough, They also shoot at you and kill one of your sons. You call the police, but you're answered that they have no time.
One day They start using your laboratory. They expand it using also the money of your savings books. With their ability, their international relations and the underpaid labor of two of your sons they make a small factory out of your former business.
One day relatives of Theirs arrive. They suffered difficult times and are in trouble. Needless to say, you are forced to free the guest room and move to the garage. Your sons have to sleep in a tent and your parents camp on the road.
One day you are so fed up that try to get them out by force: you kill one of their sons, but They fire back and kill another one of your sons, und They also damage your garage and destroy your tent. In the mean time in your home and in the neighborhood any trace of yours has been removed and replaced by the emblem of Their family, which sticks on everything. You call the police (the English), but they don't know what to do because they also fear Them und they suggest you to go stay at your cousin's.
One day the issue ends up at court (UN) : unashamed They affirm that the property is theirs because nobody lived there when they arrived, their ancestors already lived there 2000 years ago with the help of God, They transformed the once dry land into a green garden, They created a solid industry and now, thanks to Them, everything is tidy and clean. They do not forget to remind of their brothers who got killed by the gangsters (the Nazists) in a foreign country. You too are a believer, but They, lying, claim that God is on their side, not yours, and yours is but a pure religious dispute.
Considering the current situation and facing the fact that They destroyed the land registers and all kind of documents, the judge “impartially” decides that the house and the laboratory belongs to Them, the garden, the car box, the field and the stable to you.
Them as next they kill the judge's supervisor (Bernadotte) and raise a fence overnight to prevent you from accessing the stable and the field. You helplessly look at them milking your cows and using your equipment.
You become furious and want to conquer back your house with the help of friends and neighbors (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). But They fight back and hit everyone, and on top They occupy all the property and the neighbors' vegetable-gardens (the Sïnai Golan) to also get their vegetables.
Back again at court the judge grants the permission to your sons to stay in the guest room. You are allowed to stay in the car box, but you have to repair it at your own expense.
They employ to your sons in the stable from time to time.
One day, with the help of a powerful friend (the US), and by alternating threats with the promise of giving back a part of the vegetable-garden, They convince your neighbors to no longer help you. In the meantime They work steadily at your definitive expulsion: to convince you to leave They destroy the car box where you live, check your mail and your phone calls, watch any move of yours, seize your car, smash your TV set…. They finance all of these interventions with the taxes they collect from you to pay Their administration. And as if this is not enough, they also receive an indemnity for the death of their brothers abroad. You are reduced in misery, and They prosper. The judge gives you a tent as a gift and grants a miserable indemnity to your parents, who are living in a temporarily but definitive shelter on the land of one of your neighbors Two of your sons live as good as they can at the ground floor, while your third son has emigrated abroad and sends you at intervals some money.
One day They put a gate at the entry of your garden and one at the entrance of the house. You can neither visit your sons nor your parents; you can not even go to work, to the market, to school or to the hospital. Your parents and your emigrant son are denied entrance. In the meantime, other relatives of Theirs arrive and stay in a camper parked in the garden. Saying that he can became dangerous They kill your faithful dog.
One day you give in and admit your defeat. You renounce to your house and accept it is now Theirs in change of the possibility of living in freedom in the garden and of rebuilding the garage. They say they are glad you finally admitted that They are the legitimate owners of the properties, but they demur on the others subjects. Unfortunately, in the meantime some of Them swear at you, destroy your tent again, chop the olive trees from which you got your income and turn off the water supply. They also generously offer you to settle down in a corner of the garden under their control.
One day, because the situation degenerates and becomes unbearable: you take a gun, shoot at the house and wound one of them. They reply by killing another son of yours, hit you, imprison you in the closet, state that you’re a dangerous terrorist and declare that They no longer talk to you until you get reasonable. And on top of this your wife blames you for your ineptitude and threatens to hit here own road and leave you alone.
One day, at the top of desperation your son starts throwing stones at Them. Their reply with rifles, cannons, bombs, helicopters, tanks, prohibitions, controls, destruction and imprisonment with a high separation wall. The public opinion only gets one-sided information (Their side), think that you’re violent and refuse to help you. Many people, including the judge, keep silent because they are afraid of Their powerful friend, or feel sorry for the slaughter of their brothers in another land.
Someone starts saying that you just create disorder, that helping you is too expensive, that you should have accepted their generous offer and that maybe it would be better that you go away.
Others stigmatize the situation but do not dare an intervention, others simply have no interest.
Dear Reader: if you are in this miserable condition you can be nobody else than a Palestinian.
Who are the other “actors”? They are the zionists, the police are the English during the mandate, the judge is the UN, the people (public opinion) are the international community, the neighbors are Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, their powerful friend the US, the wife is Hamas, …
Now how can we convince Them to give back the stolen goods, or at least allow an acceptable cohabitation? read less
My gang controls a certain territory. I don’t know how it came to be our territory; I think we sort of conquered it.… read more Gang wars do happen. Like if another gang challenges us in our territory, or if we need to sell more stuff or need something else in another gang’s territory, or if one of our members is attacked or killed. Usually we have no choice.
Fortunately, we seem to be the best armed gang in the neighborhood. Usually that’s enough, but not always. Sometimes other gangs get so fed up with us that our superiority in weapons turns out to be a hindrance. So it goes. We lose gang wars occasionally, but our overall dominance usually remains. That’s what counts.
The decision to go to war is made by our gang leaders. Even if we disagree with the decision, gang loyalty prevails. That loyalty is crucial to the survival of our gang.
Most of what you’ve heard about gangs is actually true. Like we do have gang colors. They mark our territory but also help create a sense of pride among our members. Also, there seems to be an agreement between the gangs that no one uses the same colors. It works pretty well.
Disloyalty is not tolerated. Sometimes just raising questions can lead to harsh treatment. Sounds tough, but it’s necessary. It’s usually the gangs that are tight that dominate the neighborhood.
And it’s almost impossible to leave the gang. I don’t know anyone who got out who wasn’t forced by circumstances to join another gang. That’s life in the neighborhood.
The only thing most people have wrong about gangs is the terminology. Even though we sometimes use the phrase “presentation of colors,” our gang colors are called “flags.” Gang loyalty we call “patriotism.” Gang membership is “citizenship.” My neighborhood? Planet Earth. My gang? The United States of America. read less
history shows us that along with the israeli ocupation our leaders choose everytime to walk on a violence path taking our people to where we are now.
We can't continue to cry like if this will… read more give us ALL palestine back!.
We need to seat a talk and to save what we have now! read less
our names are nasr ali and zaher ali
we are from safed jubb yosef(palestine 1948)
we speak arabic if you want to talk to us
-Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
-Occupation 101
They're great documentaries, please see them.
warga ISRAEL memang kejam dan tidak mempunyai hati nurani sama sekali.
The whole world started to understand that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and the so called peace process is dead as it died before it was born . The jews have never given anything back and will never do. read less
Lots of research and study, also I finished writing the book entitled "… read moreThe Fall of Creusader Acre in 1291", it contains drawings, location of Crusader churches and other landmarks, pictures, references and other materials.
Anyone interested, please me know read less
Com todo respeito e admiraأ§ao pelo povo palestino, seus costumes,pela maravilhosa acolhida que tive pelo seus e meu coraأ§ao, meus sentimentos,fico triste em saber que se passa em seu povo mas tenho absoluta certeza que Allah esta em cada coraأ§ao de seu povo e que o bom censo… read more trarأ، paz para esse povo, esta paz esta em nossas mأ£os e na nossa voz de todo muأ§ulmano do mundo, paz nos coraأ§أµes de homens de valor e de honra.... read less
Palestinians are not responsible of what happend in East Europ and Germany of claimed Houlocust against Jews,Palestinians can't bear all this to be transferred or replaced by Khazarian,Ukranian,East Europ,Ethiopian,Other Arab Jews .
This is not fair , If God Accepted that then he is not Existed yet to do such that thing, we believe in mercy justice of God to all his creatures .
So if the Jews accepted to be Palestinian citizens in Palestine they will be welcomed as Brothers and cousins , but we can't live in our homland Palestine under the Terrorism Israeli militery Aparthied Laws (3rd.Grade )for ever ....
Palestine wasn't Pure Jewish at any time .No one accept that
the Cananite, Phonics,Phelsts arw Vanished and only pure Jews where their ,it means that Palestinians came from Mars or from another Cosmos , the DNA of the Palestinias is very clear I chalenge the Israeli settlers to show their DNA to which Nations they belong .
Palestinuans must return back to their ancesters homeland , the Jewish settlers must know that this land is not THE NEW LAND FOUND AND THERE ARE NO RED INDIANS HERE AND FUR POSTS , with my respecful to the Red Indians and their bloody strugle to defend their Homland . read less
We, the Paestinians (Jews, Christians and Moslems, are the true ancestors of Abraham on our promissed land, not those who are coming from the four corners of the world designated to serve the imperialistic… read more interests of the mightly Powers, claiming that they are bringing democracy to the area. Their democracy is killing,depriving others from their rights,even to live, saying "A good Palestinian is a dead one." Our democracy is a state that can take all its children to enjoy life and love and prosperity without discrimination. Am I Right? Who has a common sense to say YES?? read less
؟for not mentioning the Talmud in any of the Nakba events. There are some things you are better off not knowing about.
Now it is raped by Israeli people.
No doubt it will come back to Palestinians.
Victory is near.
am shafik al fakeer form lebanon bas ana falasteni wo bamot be kol shi min re7et 3aka
Performed by the acclaimed Al Zaytouna Dabka… read more dance group in association with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)
The performance will run through 3 nights:
Thu May 8th
Fri May 9th
Sat May 10th
Venue: GreenWood Theatre, Weston Street, London, SE1 3RA
Doors open: 7.00pm. Show starts: 7.30pm.
Advance booking:
Adults: £15
Concessions, children and OAPs - £12
On the door:
Adults - £17
Concessions, children and OAPs - £15
For tickets please call: 020 7700 6192 read less
The Revisionist Zionist groups openly stated that the establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine was impossible without violence and the forcible transfer of the indigenous population. The Stern Gang؟s goal was a Jewish state on the ENTIRE land of biblical Palestine. Some Zionist terrorist groups negotiated for help from the Italians and later the Germans in driving the British out of Palestine, Stern promised that the new Jewish state would become a German client state. Members met with the Nazi regime؟s representatives and tried to recruit 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine and defeat the British. read less
For the Doomsday crowd, "peak oil" hits us all in 20 15 to 2020 at latest. Then the rats flee petroleum and stop deferring to petro-sheikhs.... read less
In 1948 the Jews were were furious, humiliated and desperate after the Shoah how the "international community" had thrown them to the wolves in the 30's - Evian Conference… read more and immigration restrictions everywhere. Throughout 1947 the Arab parties proclaimed from the start of UNSCOP that Arabs would fight any partition plan, regardless of the boundaries. When 181 passed the Mufti and the Sec Gen of the Arab League gave speeches with no room to doubt Arab aims to get rid of - ethnically cleanse - the State of Israel and the Yishuv.
Actual numbers of casualties are not weight of moral virtue -anywhere. That things did not turn out as intended does not cancel the opening Arab moral intentions and military objectives. 1948 ended badly for the Arab parties, as 1945 ended badly for the Germans, but neither should have started. read less
I am Bilal Mohemmed Mosallam , I would like to thank every one from zakariyya and wish them all the best life.