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Palestine Maps Before & After Nakba 1948




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I would palestanian should get their land back.palestanians should get their land back in its entireity in the form which was there before 1948.israel should be punished for oppression against palestanian people.israel should give back the land which was stealed from them.
I'm trying to download the highest quality pre-1948 maps I can find to put on my walls, so far the Moshe Dayan one and the 16MB one are 2 I found here, if anyone knows where I can get some others, please let me know, the bigger the better
Why the mixed emotions,everyone speaks of their god,is there not but one GOD ,creator of heaven an earth? Should we not all live,an share what we have been given? Nothing will go with us when we die, so why kill over dirt that we were created from?
The israelite lived all thier life in palestine,and most of them stayed in palestine , most of them converted to islam to form the palestinian population with the minority moslem arabs ,christian,and jewih minority ,all hav the same look the same skin color lived in harmony during all the centuriesread more
I found this site quite by accident looking for information because I'm not only curious, but wanted to be better educated! My university degree is in world history, but Zionism was missing! I recognized some names but that was all. I looked at photographs & read some information but have SOread more
It is unfortunate that peace conferences such as that recently convened by John Kerry, US Secretary of State, don't address the heart of the problem--the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist terrorists--the Irgun, the Hagana, the Stern Gang, etc.--beginning in 1947-1949, continuing on to theread more
I see death and ethnic cleansing every day in my correspondence with friends in Palestine. I see the "wall of shame" snaking through the West Bank strangling most efforts to live a normal life and produce a crop from the farmers fields.

Let us pray that the thievery will stop soon.
I was shocked when I learned about real truth about Palestine!I am not muslim but I really feel for people from Palestine.Media lies so much and they show Izrael as victim and infact it is the other way around.I learned how much media lies from my countries example.If it wasnt for that experienceread more
Alexander, interesting to hear you ask that hate speech be kept to a minimum "I know how popular it is on Palestinian run websites . ." Have you read the hate speech spewed forth against Palestinians on Israeli websites? And hate comments on news articles which give any credence to Palestinianread more
I am an American Jew so please keep the hate speech to a minimum, I know how popular it is on Palestinian run websites and on the internet as a whole but in reality it simply makes you sound like jerk. Let me tell you what I believe... I am a firm supporter of the Israeli Labor party I was a firmread more
it's important for the young who don't know much about the Palestinian cause to see such a map.if there's a chance to print this map on the covers of school books & notebooks in Arab countries to show the Palestinian rights.thanks for ur efforts.
This is a great web, its very good for getting news and information about what is happening. Im not muslim but i support palestinian people and i Believe in their human rights, i live in a so far away country, but i would like to help palestinian people in Anyway, i really wish i can see a happyread more
To all of you , who said Arabs come from whats today Saudi Arabia ? Turkey was this close from being another Arabic-speaking country ,but that wouldnt mean that Turks are Arabs!Yes we have lots in common with other Arabs because we speak the same language , live in the same region and come fromread more
van snow, dear brother, if you believe in the quran and the prophet (pbuh) then you are already a muslim. You dont need to learn arabic or be "good enough" before you can start being a muslim. I would love to help you out if you need any help. Salam.
as a white american my heart bleeds for palestine.i am not muslim but i have read the quran and beleive in it and the prophet(pbuh)it was not muslims that took america was good old greed by greedy americans.i say the sahada but dont consider myself muslim as well iam not good enough yet.asread more
Palestinians were merely culturally & linguistically Arabized.
John marina. The arabs did not expel 70 percent of us, nor did they massacre us or lie about us. So to compare what zionism has done and is doing to what the arabs did (talking about those who came to palestine 1400 years ago) is just plain stupidity. It cant even be compared. Other than that,read more
Dear Dasource,

The Sumer did not speak Arabic, they spoke Sumerian. Anyways, Identity at the end is constructed, if you truly believe you are an Arab and solely an arab, and that the Greek, Roman, Jewish, Canaanite, Persian, Assyrian's, Babylonians, Achmedians, Copts, Mongolian, Kurdish, Turkish,read more
To Mr. John and the rest of the people that think know history very well. religion is young so you cant go by what god promised you (meaning god promised the Palestinian land for the Jews.) Secondly the first universal language spoken by all organized people meaning in the time of not living in theread more
Dear Mohammad and John,

I am Palestinian from Ramallah, First, Mohammad, John is a widely used name among Palestinian Christians, therefore, his name is part and parcel of Palestinian landscape. Second, It is true Palestine is the mixture and fusion of all these different people, I think many inread more
To Mr. John Marina,

With all due respect, neither your first name nor your last name shows any Palestinianism, so spare us the BS and leave us the hell alone. If you think we, the Arab Palestinians are occupiers of our own country, then be it. If you think that the 100% of Palestinians whoread more
This website is a treasure, please make sure it stays forever...backup all the information so that if anything happens we can get the info back.
I own a map of Palestine dated dated 1904 included in my book "History of Crusader Acre" for whoever is interested.

Talking history, eventhough I am a Palestinian born and raised in Acre till 1948. Historically speaking and this is not a secret, greater Syria was occupied by the Arabs, theyread more
Of course I am a Palestinian from Akka, the person who wrote the book on Crusader Acre. Please note eventhough we speak Arabic, fundamentally speaking we are speaking the language of those who occupied our country. The people, especially in Palestine, spoke Aramaic. The ethnicity of theread more
Zionist claims to Biblical promises concerning the land of Israel are completely misplaced. Anyone reading the Bible can plainly see that Jewish occupation of the land of Israel was always conditional. In Leviticus 25:23, the Bible says that God owns the land and the Jews were His tenants andread more
The Jewish Claim To The Land Of Israel


A common misperception is that the Jews were forced into the diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. and then, 1,800read more
The Zionist enemy will remain the Zionist enemy, because the existence of this entity in the heart of the treacherous
The Arab-Muslim world is a big mistake, because this entity is not involved with the Arab world
Islamic basic characteristics of the Arab-Muslim world (religion, language, customsread more
حق العودة
The right of return

العهد و الوعد
The Covenant and the promise of

To those who insist on negotiations to submit to the usurper waiver of Palestine ، or even grain of soil from my small village
I have to tell them you will get the frustration and despair ،
Then you are going toread more
The Palestinian Conflict - A Metaphor For understand the problem
Dear Readerread more
Reading the history of Palestine it seems the zionist have lied and cheated from the begining.To think that they beleve that god will come back for them when their vey nation is based on a lie is incredible. You can not just kill those who disagree with you and think that only you can bring godread more
I am a gang member. In my neighborhood it seems everyone is. I can’t remember when I wasn’t in a gang. I’m not bragging or anything; that’s just the way it is in my neighborhood.

My gang controls a certain territory. I don’t know how it came to be our territory; I think we sort of conquered more
I think we suffer a lot since the jews ocupied palestine, but we can not blaim them for all our problems.
history shows us that along with the israeli ocupation our leaders choose everytime to walk on a violence path taking our people to where we are now.
We can't continue to cry like if this willread more
Hi to all palestinian people and everyone who support palestine
our names are nasr ali and zaher ali
we are from safed jubb yosef(palestine 1948)
we speak arabic if you want to talk to us
I have two documentaries that are really good showing Israeli occupation and USA involement, if anyone would care to check them out.

-Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land
-Occupation 101

They're great documentaries, please see them.
ISRAEL memang kejam kepada PALESTINA dan GAZA.warga ISRAEL memang tidak mempunyai hati nurani sama sekali.m'reka telah menghancurkan dan membunuh warga muslim di PALESTINA dengan cara yang sangat kejam sekali.
warga ISRAEL memang kejam dan tidak mempunyai hati nurani sama sekali.
I am Palestinian born in Palestine and deprived of my country after it was taken by the israeli thieves coming from all over the world .Every Palestinian on this earth wants to have his country back and I want to give a good avice to the Israelis to leave it as we are coming to claim it back noread more
I am an Armenian born in Jaffa Palestine . I was very young when we left Palestine "for a few weeks until things calm down" as my parents put it.I was told we had to leave because there was shortage of food, people were killing each other in the streets,and because there was no Government.....Ofread more
u have no idea how horribal this place is do you people? the kids my age cant even go out side!!! manar (my besty buddy) just moved back to gausa, palistine we are both12 she has 2 younger siblings & her 1 older bro i worey about them every day espesialy manar she is afraid of the people in helicopters
Does anyone know where I could get a map of Qalqilya town centre, or a map which shows detail, such as secondary roads and houses ? Thank you !
Can anybody tell me where I can find information about how much land Palestinians currently own versus how much Israel is occupying today? Thanks!
i am very angry to know it that israil has attacked on palstine it is very disgusting that america and israil are the enemies of muslims but they are not doing anything rather than this they are welcoming the enemies so it is the time to be very clever and have to defend the non muslims and allread more
Referencing my work on Crusader Acre (My hometown), let you know that I have finished kworking on recreating the Crusaders walls, names and notable sites within Crusader Acre as they may have looked before it4s fall in 1291.

Lots of research and study, also I finished writing the book entitled "read more
Wish to add to my previous comment a further informaiton about the key in our moter's hand. The same was manually manfufactured in Alkhalil city.
Wish to inform you some details about the dress of our Palestinian mother you are illustrating in your web site.It is the folkloric dress of all ladies of south Palestine . begining from Majdal Asqlan till the last village before Jaffa... The material of the same was weaved ,dyed and stitched inread more
This is israel and these are israelis : If an insect falls in your cup of coffee, What will your reaction be? The Englishman throws the cup away and walks out of the café. The American takes the insect out and drinks the coffee. The Chinese eats the insect and throws the coffee. The besiegedread more
There is not a lot an average person can do about this, but I for one have subscribed to the Boycott Israel Campaign (just Google it). All my life I have been aware of this conflict and Israel's oppression of Palestinians, but after the 2006 Lebanon war I wanted to know what I could do about it asread more
Salam Waleikon,
Com todo respeito e admiraأ§ao pelo povo palestino, seus costumes,pela maravilhosa acolhida que tive pelo seus e meu coraأ§ao, meus sentimentos,fico triste em saber que se passa em seu povo mas tenho absoluta certeza que Allah esta em cada coraأ§ao de seu povo e que o bom censoread more
I am disgusted with what is going on in Palestine,why is Israel and America being hypocirates when they ARE the biggest threat to the world and are the terrorists/the bullies as it seems even the UN can't stand up to them.The land belongs to the palestinians,they are being evicted from thier ownread more
this is my modest request to all those Palestinians who are insisting to have a seperate nation OR who want to make it a Muslim/Arab nation :Please,don't do that.You have such a nice mixed culture..don't destroy that.Because,a year will may be inough to abolish the Culture but several generationsread more
I am a Christian and an American. I am enraged by what Zionism has done and is doing to the people of Palestine and Gaza. I thank God that there is at least one American (Jimmie Carter) who stands for what is true. The Zionists use the promise to Abraham as a justification for what they do,read more
the Palestinian people must never ever give up hope of liberation.
The world would definatly be a better place without zionism and without the illegal occupation of Palestine.
A God who would divide people, or have favorites, can not be a true God. If religious people took the lessons on how to get along with others, and dropped there self centered ego and worldly concerns, the world be a better place.
This is all so very sad after all we are humans and we all have a place on this beautiful earth. Land has always been an issue for mankind - what belongs to whom. The days of sitting across a table and talking seem to have evaporated. I am American and Jewish and my heart goes out to all whoread more
Just recently have I begun to learn about the tragedy which has happened to the indigenous peoples of Palestine. As a citizen of the United States and someone with half-Jewish heritage I want to say... This is a horrendous and prolonged crime with intention of genocide to silence the victims ofread more
العودة لقرية ديرابان
palestine is now a goo country cpmpared to ealier 1960s despites continious rivals with lsarael and other states. at least peasce and security has been rectiffied slowly even with the help of united nation. but l need to know how palestinian youth people have helped in fostering peace and securityread more
The Palestinian people is amixture of all the ancient world Civilizations,from Saipen(Ansecter of the modern Man kind 92,000 years ago) to the last British mandate 1917 End of the war.The Fiction that God granted palestine to Sons of Israel is not real at all , the Zionism Politicalread more
It is just the start of our repatriation. If it takes 100 or 1000 years, we wil be back.
We, the Paestinians (Jews, Christians and Moslems, are the true ancestors of Abraham on our promissed land, not those who are coming from the four corners of the world designated to serve the imperialisticread more

؟for not mentioning the Talmud in any of the Nakba events. There are some things you are better off not knowing about.
We need a map, 81/2 and 11 inches, which would show in black only the destroyed or depopulated towns and villages. We want to reproduce several hundred copies and can't afford color. We do NOT need the names of the towns and villages on the map - just dots at their apporximate locations.
Salam, Palestine is Arabic since Adam.
Now it is raped by Israeli people.
No doubt it will come back to Palestinians.
Victory is near.
hello every body

am shafik al fakeer form lebanon bas ana falasteni wo bamot be kol shi min re7et 3aka
Where do I find a map showing all of the land promised to Abraham in Gen. 15:18-21?
there will be an upcoming event in london An adaptation of Ghassan Kanafani's "Returning to Haifa" fusing music, theatre, contemporary and traditional Palestinian dance, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Nakba (1948 Palestinian Catastrophe)

Performed by the acclaimed Al Zaytouna Dabkaread more
Years ago, the National Archives in Britain, released files revealing the activities of Zionist terrorist groups in pre-1948 Palestine. These included plans to assassinate the British Foreign Secretary. The Stern Gang trained some of its members to assassinate prominent British politicians. Theread more
For Terence Wright: BE'ER YA'QOV is on the Israeli 1/500 000 map half way between RAMLA & RISHON LE ZION. If you write and ask the Royal Geographic society at Kensington Gore for a photostat of the area on the British 100 000 cm/km grid you should find your area and buildings without more
Post facto analysis seldom corresponds to the pre facto perceptions and state of mind which govern the action in real time.
In 1948 the Jews were were furious, humiliated and desperate after the Shoah how the "international community" had thrown them to the wolves in the 30's - Evian Conferenceread more
Go forward dear frinds , God bless you and many thanks. I like to ask kindly if I can get your Newsletter in english or in german language "Deutsch" (since I am living in Germany) if possible via my eMail, this will be much appreciated. Kind greetings to you all. I hope to hear from you.
Assalamo alikom
I am Bilal Mohemmed Mosallam , I would like to thank every one from zakariyya and wish them all the best life.
Ilike to know more a
thats good
the crimes against the people of palestine by israel is a crave sin that the united states of america has been complicate in, thank god for jimmie carter, if i could i would help, as for now i do what little i can and pray for the victims of this crime.
Israel wil cease to exist. All the land belongs to Palestenian Arabs.
I served in Palestine 1947-48 RAMC until we convoyed out early one morning completely by surprise. The place we served was the BMH (British Military Hospital) and the mailing address was Bir Ya'aacov (spelling). I've never been able to pinpoint it on a map, or get any reference to this place. Iread more
Wonderful site. If I return to university teaching will contact you again for permissions. Bob Taylor
Very interesting and useful Maps of Palestine. Should br used by any researccher and writer on Palestine or the Middle East Conflict. These Maps and the numbers attached to some of them are more convincing of our just case than ever before--but it has to be shown and told to Israeli's protogenests.
These are interesting. I like knowing the names of places before '48. I hope you're not suggesting all the Jews move to Khazakstan. No thanks.
hi - please tell me how can i take these maps and what about the price- with best regards
I am an Image Rights Acquisition Account Manager with Thomson Learning, one of the world؟s leading publishers of library reference products headquartered in suburban Detroit, Michigan. We are in the production of volume 1 of Encyclopedia of Race and Racism (ERR-1), scheduled for publication inread more
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