added bus stops Rüdesdorf Markplatz and Waldstraße
added stop area group for Woltersdorf, Berlin Platz
corrected PlusBus 950 to PTv2, corrected paltforms, added stop locations and stop areas
updated bus route 418 bus stops and stop areas
added parking, bicycle parkign, benches and waste bins to Woltersdorf
fix stop positions and pltformas on PlusBus 420 in Woltersdorf
updated bus route 418 with stop Woltersdorf (LOS), Blumenstr.
fixed plus bus 420 route in woltersdorf and added platforms and stop positions to stop areas
add note to route master of bus 420 Plus Bus
switched old bus 420 to 421. fixed bus 420 > Erkner to arrive at platofrm
corrected bus route 420 plus bus to S Neuenhagen to use correct platforms, added stop areas
corrected bus route 420 plus bus to S Neuenhagen at Rathaus Woltersdorf
added bus routes 420 Plus Bus Neuenhagen - Erkner
added bus stops and bus stop names to Bus Linie 420 Erkner-Schöneiche-Neuenhagen
Weinbergstraße an Schule ist eine Einbahnstraße mit Verkehrsberuhigter Bereiche. 30-Zone entfernt.
update speed limit in Woltersdorf Stolp
update speed limit in Schöneiche Forststraße
Added missing speed limits in Gosen.