Picking out a baby name is no easy feat, and there's always going to be someone who takes issue with your decision. One parent has faced more criticism than most, however, as their unique choice has been blasted as a "clumsy mouthful".

Others felt as though the mother "really just threw down some Scrabble tiles and called it a day" when selecting her little one's unusual moniker, which some felt sounded more like a "pharmaceutical drug" than a sweet newborn name.

In an ecstatic post shared to social media, the anonymous parent shared a snap of their baby, delightedly announcing, "A BABY IS BORN! Welcome to the world Revnalyn Gyda".

Some felt the name sounded like a 'hairdryer' (Stock Photo) (
Getty Images)

In a comment below the photo, the parent explained how both the first and middle name were pronounced - "Rev-na-lyn Gee-duh" - and many imagined the child would have to give this exact same explanation repeatedly throughout their life.

The post was then shared to Reddit by a dismayed "name nerd", who shared the pic with the caption, "whyyyyyy".

Although the name Gyda is a Scandinavian girl's name that means "Gods", the origin of Revnalyn is not quite so clear. One fellow Reddit user said it put them in mind of a "hairdryer", while the original poster joked it was like "when you order a Revlon from Wish".

The name put others in mind of a 'pharmaceutical drug' (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A second alarmed individual wrote: "The best I can tell, both Revna (meaning 'raven') and Gyda (meaning 'Gods') are obscure feminine old Norse names. Why they had to slap a 'lynn' on the end is beyond me."

A third commented: "Gyda is a Norsk name. I never heard it until I watched the Viking series, where it's the name of the main character's daughter.

"I have no idea if it is a name modern people still use, but I think if you do have Scandinavian roots it's an okay second name. That other... thing there, though..."

A fourth gasped: "I tried to make this cute in my head and just couldn't.....?"

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