A care home boss who was made an ambassador for the sector has been struck off the nursing register after neglecting residents for years.

Janet Fryer admitted 25 charges relating to 15 pensioners before the Nursing and Midwifery Council. A nurse for 40 years, she was appointed as an I Care Ambassador in 2016 – part of a national team that visits schools and job centres to promote the health and social care industry.

But she was banned from the profession over a catalogue of mismanagement at two homes in Keighley, West Yorks, between 2018 and 2021. At Beanlands Nursing Home, run by Czajka Care Group and where she was manager, Fryer failed to do a full medical check on a resident who fell and fractured her hip. Confronted by senior bosses, Fryer lied that she faxed details to the Care Quality Commission.

But the watchdog had no record – and said it had not been alerted to any incidents there for 10 months. Checks revealed 23 residents had died in that time. It also emerged Fryer failed to set up monthly care plans for residents and health and safety checks.

Fryer quit in April 2019 and went to Sutton Hall and Lodge Care Home, run by Rosedale Care Services, as clinical lead nurse. She was suspen-ded in December 2020 after claims she failed to give medication, signed to say she gave pills she had not and mixed up medication. She quit in February 2021.

Fryer did not take part in last week’s NMC hearing but previously agreed to admit charges and accept a striking-off. A panel said: “Mrs Fryer’s actions were significant departures from the standards expected of a nurse and incompatible with her remaining on the register.”

Czajka Care Group said: “As soon as this staff member’s failings became apparent, we suspended her as well as self-referring to the CQC. She never worked for us again and we have since sold Beanlands. We also liaised with the NMC, making them fully aware of allegations.”

Sutton Hall and Lodge Care Home was contacted for comment.