Brits have hit back at new rules that have come into play in Spain this week, with many vowing never to holiday there again.

Beginning December 2, UK holidaymakers now need to cough up more than usual - Brits will be expected to share even more personal data whenever they check into a hotel or rent a vehicle. This move by Spain, part of a security enhancement law, means more paperwork and headaches for tourists as accommodation and car rental firms now have to gather chunks of additional information.

One disgruntled British tourist wasn't shy about voicing their displeasure and said: "Spent many years going to Spain, but never again. If you are not wanted then you are not welcome, and who wants to go to places you are not welcome in."

Another social media user added their two cents, saying: "I remember years ago, hotels overseas used to keep your passport in reception. If it's a security issue and you've nothing to hide, I don't really see the problem."

Anecdotes about stringent checks elsewhere also surfaced, with another user contributing: "My mom lived in Texas for years. Going through Dallas airport was terrifying. You were grilled at the passport window. Where are you staying, why are you here and for how long.....etc.", reports Birmingham Live.

Another person chipped in: "Let them have their cheap houses. They'll be repossessed when there's no income coming in to pay for them. I suppose that'll be the fault of the British, too." While a second fumed: "Let them bite the hand that feeds them. My advice is, do not go where you're not wanted."

One person added that they thought: "This would work well in the U.K. to crack down on illegal migrants. If we genuinely want to stop migrants then we must make our lives more complicated to make their lives impossible." While another commented: "Well said Ann, if we as a country did the same, I'd be thrilled. After all, they're only asking for info that we automatically disclose to airlines without a second thought. In some instances it'll be a fraction more info but so what, I love holidaying in Spain and this won't change that. To those that say they now won't go to Spain. Great. See ya!"