Tornado Costume

Get swept up in the fun this Halloween with this easy breezy tornado costume that will surely blow everyone away.

tornado costume

Follow our easy tutorial on how to make a tornado costume for Halloween. We used a tomato cage and gray tulle, making it especially comfy for kids, toddlers, and teen trick-or-treaters. This project pairs with our storm chaser costume to make a group of friends or family. Ahead, learn how to make this easy, breezy tornado costume.

What You'll Need


  • Tomato cage
  • Handsaw
  • Gray tulle (about 5 yards) (Pictured: Tulle, 54 inches, in Charcoal)
  • Stapler
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Dried leaves and sticks
  • Assorted farm-animal toys and model fence


  1. Prep Tomato Cage

    Cut off stakes under the third ring with a hand saw. Place the cage over your child's head, noting where his or her face and shoulders hit, and making sure they can easily walk around in it.

  2. Create Tornado

    Remove the cage, twist 2 strips of tulle to create shoulder straps, and staple them across the second ring of the cage. Twist tulle then work your way down, wrapping and stapling as you go. Leave spaces for your child's face and arms.

  3. Add Finishing Touches

    Use a glue gun to attach dried leaves, sticks, mini cows, and model fences to the tornado. Just before you leave for trick-or-treating, help your child into the cage and add tulle around his or her legs, stapling fabric to itself and making sure he or she has plenty of room to walk.

Originally appeared: MARTHA STEWART LIVING, OCTOBER 2017

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