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(11/29/24) Poinsettias have an interesting history. Today, you can find many colors of this traditional holiday plant.
(Video 12/04/24) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg explains how to care for your poinsettias so they last through the holidays.
(Video 11/27/24) LSU AgCenter horticulturist Jason Stagg provides you with some good perennials to plant in your landscape now.
(Video 11/27/24) For those living in or visiting Louisiana, there is a special light show debuting at the Burden Museum and Gardens.
(11/27/24) Winter has arrived at Burden Museum & Gardens, and with it comes a bevy of events for the entire family.
(Video 11/27/24) At the Food Innovation Institute, people with dreams of getting their products displayed on grocery store shelves are getting the chance....