How will the #SpaceSector evolve in the next 5 years? 🛰️ 🌍 Which are the challenges to attract talent, the technology and the interconnection of markets? Yesterday, Albert Garcia-Mondéjar, R&D Engineer and Manager at isardSAT, joined the Talent Arena in the #Barcelona #MWC25 discussion pannel: 'Tech for #Space: A reality or science fiction? 🪐 With Roser Roca Toha (Airbus GeoTech) and Laura Moreno Patricio (EarthPulse); moderated by Daniel Sors Raurell (Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC). 🔗
Barcelona, Catalonia 1,999 followers
We aim at improving the quality of our Earth
About us
isardSAT is an R&D enterprise that provides services and solutions in the Earth Observation field. At isardSAT we develop projects that require the knowledge of the measuring instrument, which are led by engineers, and projects that require a deeper knowledge of the final product, led by scientists. We specialise in altimetry, Passive Microwaves and SAR imaging. Our mission is to achieve outstanding scientific results for the better understanding of the planet Earth. Our motto is to progress science through knowledge sharing. Our strength is our team. Highly qualified and with long term experience: some working in the field long before the company establishment. isardSAT has demonstrated expertise in all satellite mission phases: • Phase A to launch: On-board Tracking Algorithms Definition, Ground Processor Prototype (L1B prototype, Re-tracking algorithm definition) and Scientific Feasibility studies. • Commissioning: Launch and Early Operational Phase, Calibration/Validation. • Phase E, operational: Long Term Monitoring (Cal/Val), Expert Support Lab (including algorithm improvements), Scientific studies and Downstream services. • Phase F, after operations: Algorithm improvement and Data Re-processing. isardSAT has also proven experience in Project Management: Technical and Management R&D Project coordination, Proposal coordination and User Federation.
- Website
External link for isardSAT
- Industry
- Research
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Barcelona, Catalonia
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2006
- Specialties
- Earth Observation, Altimetry, Passive Microwaves, SAR Imaging, Cryosphere, Ocean & Coast, Atmosphere, Hydrology, Land Surface, Climate Change, Water Resource Management, Hazards, Agriculture, Transport, Health, and Remote sensing
Carrer del Doctor Trueta, 113
Barcelona, Catalonia 08005, ES
40 Occam Road
Surrey Technology Centre
Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YG, GB
Employees at isardSAT
💡 Is it possible to estimate Lake #Water Level, one of the essential #climate variables, from satellite #altimetry data? 🛰️ 🔎 A new methodology leveraging Fully-Focused SAR (FF-SAR) data from #Sentinel6 has been tested over a collection of reservoirs in the #Ebre River basin in Spain, reporting overall measurements of roughly 5 cm in both precision and accuracy. This methodology is world-wide scalable 🌍 and can be a solid alternative to monitor the water level of lakes with a lack of in-situ data, supporting more effective water management ♻️ European Space Agency - ESA EUMETSAT
A new methodology leveraging Fully-Focused SAR (FF-SAR) #altimetry data from Sentinel-6 🛰️ enables highly accurate estimation of Lake Water Level, one of the essential #climate variables 💧 This approach has been tested over a collection of reservoirs in the Ebre River basin in Spain, reporting overall measurements of roughly 5 cm in both precision and accuracy. 💡 This methodology can be a solid alternative to classic Delay-Doppler algorithms to monitor the water level of lakes with a lack of in-situ data, supporting more effective water management 🌍 Learn more 👉 European Space Agency - ESA EUMETSAT 📸 carles rabadà
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European Commission's #CORDIS Results Pack recognises Water-ForCE contribution to the evolution of #Copernicus water-related services 🛰️ The project presents a #Roadmap to improve the Copernicus #water services in the future, to: 📑 Ensure a better information for #policy development. 💧 Manage water resources. 🌍 Respond to the impacts of #climatechange. 💡 Water-ForCE is one of the 10 EU-funded projects presented in the report, aimed at enabling each of the six services to better respond to emerging user requirements and policy needs, while leveraging the latest scientific and technological advances 📈 Learn more about our #Roadmap 🔗 Read the full #CORDIS results pack 🔗 Water-ForCE is a #H2020 project funded by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Project partners: University of Tartu | Tartu Ülikool (University of Tartu) | 3EDATA INGENIERIA AMBIENTAL SL | Groundstation.Space | isardSAT | Antea Group Belgium | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | VITO Remote Sensing | Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) | Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) | GeoEcoMar | University of Stirling | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education | Estonian University of Life Sciences | National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) | CREAF | Sinergise | Water Insight #EUSpaceResearch #HorizonEU
Images from #Menut nanosatellite 🛰️ enable us to generate #SoilMoisture maps at a pioneer spatial resolution of 5 meters 🔎 This level of detail reveals water content heterogeneities 💧 within a single crop field, paving the way to an improved agricultural monitoring through #EarthObservation 📈 🌾 📌 Yesterday we presented the first results and potential applications of this pilot methodology to the Generalitat de Catalunya (Polítiques Digitals - TIC Catalunya) with our project partners Aigües del Segarra Garrigues during the presentation of the #Menut Viewer. This work is part of the #MARE project, dedicated to improving drought monitoring at a high resolution in #Catalonia. Discover MARE 👉 Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya - IEEC , Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya SPASCAT Technologies
Ahir, a la jornada 'Innovació digital per a una gestió intel·ligent de l'aigua' organitzada per l'IRTA amb la participació del Catalan Water Partnership CWP, vam presentar les eines que hem desenvolupat per monitorar la #sequera a alta resolució en el marc dels projectes #MARE i #SMART. Combinant les de dades de satèl·lit 🛰️ amb algorismes i models de #Intel·ligènciaArtificial, obtenim dades de la humitat del sòl a una resolució de 100 metres, amb valors que s'actualitzen amb una freqüència de 3 dies 🌍 A més, les sèries de dades històriques ens permeten fer models per estimar la humitat sota la superfície, a la zona de les arrels 📈 Més informació: Projecte MARE 👉 Projecte SMART 👉
This week we visited the MetaSensing installations in #Milan to follow-up on the #CRISTALair instrument: an airborne demonstrator for European Space Agency - ESA's next polar altimetry mission, CRISTAL 🛰️ This demonstrator consists of three instruments: an interferometric altimeter, a laser scanner, and a colour-infrared digital camera. The altimeter, developed by MetaSensing, is being tested and is almost ready for integration. isardSAT has designed, developed, implemented and validated the processors to process the CRISTALair altimeter data. Next step: a test flight before the functional flight campaign on October 🛩️ led by DTU - Technical University of Denmark. The #CRISTALair demonstrator will provide crucial information to bridge the potential gap between #CryoSat-2 and CRISTAL #altimetry missions, ensuring the continuity of #EO data to monitor changes on the Earth's surface ice, helping understand our #climate 🌍 More info 👉
⌛ En menys de dues setmanes, les tripulants d'Hypatia II començaran la seva missió a la Mars Desert Research Station a #Utah 🚀 Com a part de la tripulació, la Mònica Roca i Aparici, directora d'isardSAT, investigarà el calibratge dels altímetres a bord de satèl·lits 🛰️ 👉 Recupereu l'entrevista sobre la missió a 'La Primera Pedra' de RADIOCAT XXI. RAC1 / RAC105, amb Ariadna Farres Basiana, Anna Bach i Mònica Roca i Aparici. Hypatia Mars Association The Mars Society
From isardSAT, we wish you a Happy New Year 2025! 🎉 VIDEO: 24h time-lapse of thunderstorm clusters activity on the 24th of June 2024, captured by EUMETSAT's Meteosat Third Generation – Imager 1 (MTG-I1) satellite. -- Des d'isardSAT, us desitgem un bon any 2025! 🎉 VÍDEO: Filmació a intèrvals durant 24 hores de les tempestes elèctriques que van tenir lloc durant el 24 de juny del 2024, captades pel satèl·lit Imager 1 (MTG-I1) de la tercera generació del programa Meteosat d’EUMETSAT Credits: Andrea Meraner & Sven-Erik Enno.
👨🎓 We have another doctor in the room! Congratulations, Victor Altés Gaspar! 👏 Yesterday, Víctor has presented his PhD defense 'Assessing the sustainability of an irrigation district through the analysis of irrigation water use and drainage flows' at ETSEA - Universitat de Lleida. During three years, he has analysed the dynamics and impacts of irrigation water, providing valuable information on how to improve its management to ensure a sustainable agriculture 🌾 Some of his findings have relied on #RemoteSensing, 🛰️ especially #soilmoisture data. 🔗 Learn more about his research Universitat de Lleida #DoctoratIndustrial Doctorats Industrials Doctorats Industrials