The Outfield is a British pop/rock band based in London. They began recording during the mid-1980s, and released their first album, Play Deep in 1985. The album went triple platinum in America. The Outfield are unusual for a British band in that they enjoyed commercial success in the US, but never reached the album or singles charts in their homeland. They continued to record into the early 1990s, before a hiatus during the middle of that decade. They resumed touring in 1998, and thereafter released two live albums via their web site. The band's latest album, Any … ulteriori informazioni
The Outfield is a British pop/rock band based in London. They began recording during the mid-1980s, and released their first album, Play Deep in 1985. The album went triple pl… ulteriori informazioni
The Outfield is a British pop/rock band based in London. They began recording during the mid-1980s, and released their first album, Play Deep in 1985. The album went triple platinum in America. The Outfield are unusual fo… ulteriori informazioni
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