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Fuga de reinas (2023)
A laughed so much
I laughed so much from the beginning to the end, all the actors were awesome I tell you I laugh so much it's a must see. I don't want to spoil the movie but you have to watch it. It is hilarious.. awesome job everybody! I had to put it in pause so I can finish laughing and continue watching.
A very good storytelling that it makes you think it can happen. It can be from a real story. The actresses they're so funny. And the chicken. Oh my gosh you have to watch it. It's hilarious.
It hurt me to see what happened to the convertible car because that's a really nice looking car. The kids actors. They did a great job too. So kudos to everybody.
Hoy se arregla el mundo (2022)
Me encanto !!
Hay como llore al final !! Me encanto !! Que divertida me di al verla . Buenísimos todos los actores bravo 👏🏼 Deberían de hacer más películas como esta donde da un mensaje súper que podemos aprender de los niños hay que verla y veras porque.
I love this movie, I enjoy myself watching it great acting, it had me entertain and it has a really good message especially from a kid to the grown-ups you Must watch it you'll see what I mean.