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The Girl Next Door (2007)
I hated this movie! I know this story has to be told because it happens more than we would like to think. My problem with this movie is they glorify the torture that this girl goes through and to be honest this should have never been made into a movie. This should be a documentary of the real failure of CPS, government, and every citizen not saying anything when they see abuse. This story happened 50 years ago but look at Gabriel Hernandez who suffered the same fate, we have to stand up for children because nobody else will. This should also be a wake up call on the justice system, the people that perpetrated these disgusting acts of torture that lead to this girls death were all released from jail serving the minimum sentence.
Sex Education (2019)
Wow! Teenage nostalgia but better!
This is a great show, take time to watch the episodes and enjoy them. They are hilarious and then you feel yourself really rooting for the characters and their happiness, even the bad guys (Adam) it's really a beautiful mix of every John Hughes film but amplified!
Spoiler alert! Fans will not wait much longer for Maeve and Otis to hook up, this story line will get tired or boring if something doesn't happen, you can't continue this back and forth forever
Fleabag (2016)
Wow! funny, genuine and brilliant!
Just give this show a chance, I did! I binged it in one day! Not at all ashamed to admit that, what I am more ashamed of is the fact that there might not be a season 3. You have to be kidding me! This is one of the funniest/snarkiest shows on TV, is it because it's too smart for everyone to grasp? There are terrible dumbed down comedies (Big Bang Theory) that are renewed continuously but when a truly brilliant show comes along we shut it down, this is why TV is awful.