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Zombie Night (2003)
A must see for zombie fans!
Zombie Night proves to be a fun, campy and overall entertaining zombie movie experience. The special effects and makeup are absolutely incredible and well worth a true fans time in checking out. If you are a true zombie fan, you definitely will not be disappointed in the gore. Many of the effects will blow your mind, they really are very well done and as much as I hate to be cliché, there are several scenes that leave you with the feeling of "wow, how'd they do that?". If you get your hands on a copy of the DVD (which BTW looks so cool!), it's also worth checking out the special features which include a "making of" documentary. This movie was a lot of fun to watch and it is very exciting to see this caliber of zombie gore in a Canadian made indie film. I understand that Zombie Night 2 is in production. I am looking forward to this sequel and seeing what else David J. Francis and his crew will give us in the special effects domain.