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Segon origen (2015)
At last an apocalypse movie with a different scenario. This is in Barcelona based on a book by Manuel de Pedrolo.
I found it by accident and found it enjoyable and worth watching.
My surprise, I am from Barcelona and never heard about this movie. This tells you a bit about the state of cinema produced here. Limited budgets, low promotion possibilities and hard competition with bigger productions
Don't try comparing it with a bigger production, just give it a try.
I kept watching and wanting to know where it would go.
If you will judge it remember it is fiction and it is about apocalypse.
Why ? Because there would be times you would do things differently or expect them to go in a different timing.
Don't expect it to be a masterpiece and you may enjoy it too.
Joker (2019)
Neither can't believe the character, nor can't believe the plot,
Not even within the context of cinema for adults, (which I think is the intention) can it make me believe what happens.
Why do they nudge the viewer so evidently ?
Nothing good happens to the guy during 2 hours.. nobody takes mercy, nobody gives a hand, nobody says a word about his wrong decisions, nobody tries to stop him, nobody seems to be there to prevent anything that happens..
He goes to the social services, but when police investigates them, nobody ties one thing to another.
Nobody reviews the records of her mother. (except him)
Nobody had records of what happens in his job, he doesn't denounce anything..
Nobody ever checks if this guy is carrying a weapon, (ever during all the time that happens)
But "voilà", some friend at work handles him a gun out of nowhere, and there you go..
Honestly, the movie is disrespectful towards anything that could make sense.
I felt annoyed by the gratuitous violence, I felt upset by the glorification of a killer and still I want to know.
Was the intention to make me empathize with this ?